Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims.
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What this is story teach is something Amazing; 1. David was a fool he stoned the woman without questing the legitimacy of the accusers.
2. Solomon the kid is more wise than the Father.
3. Women in the time of Solomon used to be accused of having sex with dogs?
4. Where Muhammad get his stories from,if none of this ever reported in the bible-scripture.?
Never has there lived a man privileged, like Solomon, to make the Jinns amenable to his will (Qur’an 34:12 And of the jinns they were working for him by the leave of his Lord. And such of them as try to brake Our command, We would make them taste the chastisement of the Blaze).
Part 3
God endowed him with the ability to turn the vicious power of demons into a power working to the advantage of men. He invented formulas of incantation by which diseases were alleviated, and others by which demons were exorcised so that they were banished forever. As his personal attendants he had spirits and demons whom he could send hither and thither on the instant. He could grow tropical plants in Palestine, because his ministering spirits secured water for him from India. As the spirits were subservient to him, so also the animals. He had an eagle upon whose back he was transported to the desert and back again in one day, to build there the city called Tadmor in the Bible This city must not be confounded with the later Syrian city of Palmyra, also called Tadmor. It was situated near the "mountains of darkness," the trysting-place of the spirits and demons. Thither the eagle would carry Solomon in the twinkling of an eye, (as you see from here Muhammad got the flying carpet) and Solomon would drop a paper inscribed with a verse among the spirits, to ward off evil from himself. Then the eagle would reconnoitre the mountains of darkness, until he had spied out the spot in which the fallen angels 'Azza and 'Azzael lie chained with iron fetters a spot which no one, not even a bird, may visit. When the eagle found the place, he would take Solomon under his left wing, and fly to the two angels. Through the power of the ring having the Holy Name graven upon it, which Solomon put into the eagle's mouth, 'Azza and 'Azzael were forced to reveal the heavenly mysteries to the king.
After reading all of this, we know where Muhammad got the flying carpet story from. The coming claim will lead us to more information about the flying carpet.
---------------------------------------------------Muslims’ claim
http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/predictions_07.html And horses, mules, and donkeys both to ride and for adornment. And He creates other things you do not know. (Qur’an, 16:8)
End of the claim
My answer The first verse is about donkeys and horses and it says he (Allah) created other things you do not know. What does this have to do with airplanes? Is Allah the one who made airplanes?!
The verse after (Qur’an 36:41-42) is about Noah and how he was saved from the flood. What does this have to do with airplanes? It’s mind blowing how they fabricate stories.
More details are to come with regards to these false claims by answering the next claim.
Muslims’ claim
http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/predictions_08.html And to Sulayman We gave the fiercely blowing wind, speeding at his command toward the land that We had blessed. And We had full knowledge of everything. (Qur’an, 21:81)
My answer
So, is this about airplanes or a flying carpet? The fact is that this is one of those fairytale stories of the Qur’an about a flying carpet being given to Solomon. I will explain this in detail and show how Islam only fits for cartoon movies.
My word to Muslims: you are really doing a great job exposing this fairytale book and its stories because it makes us search and read!
76 The Flying Carpet
Qur’an 21:81
And to Solomon We subjected the wind, blowing strongly, under his command toward the land which We blessed, And We are of all things Knowing.
“We gave him a mat, a carpet made of wood, the wind blows for him strongly and under his command to the land which we blessed meaning great Syria, and he would place all the equipment of his kingdom on top of it like horses, camels, tents and troops, then he commands the wind to carry it, and the wind goes underneath the carpet and it carries him and goes high with him and the brides will fly on the top of him to keep him in the shades and protect him from the heat, until he arrives to wherever he wants to go, and Ibn Jaber said, that the carpet Solomon had 600,000 chairs on it. And to the first line of chairs, human believers sit on, then jinn believers,”
And Abdulah said, Solomon used to order the wind and it used to gather itself as huge as a mountain and he orders his bed and it will be placed and on the upper top of it, then he calls horses that have wings and they raise him with his bed until he reaches the high sky with all honors and he doesn’t turn his face left or right for showing respect to Allah!
To see the reference of Ibn Kathir in Arabic , click here
77 Solomon speaks the language of birds only but yet he understand Ants too?
Qur’an 27:16
And Solomon inherited David’s. He said, (Solomon), "O you people! We have been taught the language of birds, and on us Allah has bestowed some of all things: this is the gift of Allah.
Qur’an 27:17
And before Solomon, were mobilized his hosts, of jinn and men and birds, and they were organized in ranks.
Solomon spoke the language of birds! Why? What for? Did he want to convert them to Islam? Is this just one more fairytale story? When Solomon speaks to a chicken, does he make a voice of one? For sure he does! They don’t speak his language so he speaks theirs! How many languages do birds have?!
The fact is that Muhammad took all of this from the Legends of the Jews.
“Solomon, it must be remembered, borerule not only over men,but alsoover thebeastsofthefield,thebirdsoftheair, demons, spirits, and the specters of the night. He knew the languageofall ofthemandtheyunderstoodhislanguage.
When Solomon was of good cheer by reason of wine, he summoned the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the creepingreptiles,theshades,thespectres,andtheghosts,to performtheirdancesbeforethekings,hisneighbors,whomhe invitedtowitnesshispower andgreatness.Theking'sscribes calledtheanimalsandthespiritsbyname,onebyone,andthey all assembledoftheir ownaccord,without fettersorbonds,with no humanhandto guidethem.”
(Source: Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews, [The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1909], Vol. IV, Chapter V: Solomon)
Qur’an 27:20-21
20And he did search for the hoopoe, how come I cannot find him!
21I will punish him and torture or butcher him, if he did not give a good reason for his non attendance.
On one occasion the hoopoe was missed from among the birds. He could not be found anywhere. The king, full of wrath, ordered him to be produced and chastised for his tardiness. The hoopoe appeared and said:
"O lord, king of the world, incline thine ear and hearken to my words. Three months have gone by since I began to take counsel with myself and resolve upon a course of action. I have eaten no food and drunk no water, in order to fly about in the whole world and see whether there is a domain anywhere which is not subject to my lord the king. and I found a city, the city of Kitor, in the East. Dust is more valuable than gold there, and silver is like the mud of the streets. Its trees are from the beginning of all time, and they suck up water that flows from the Garden of Eden. The city is crowded with men. On their heads they wear garlands wreathed in Paradise. They know not how to fight, nor how to shoot with bow and arr
ow. Their ruler is a woman, she is called the Queen of Sheba. If, now, it please thee, O lord and king, I shall gird my loins like a hero, and journey to the city of Kitor in the land of Sheba. Its kings I shall fetter with chains and its rulers with iron bands, and bring them all before my lord the king, The hoopoe's speech pleased the king. (Source: Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews, [The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1909], Vol. IV, Chapter V: Solomon)
Look at how Muhammad copied the story into Qur’an 27:22: Qur’an 27:22-29
22 But he did not stay far long, and he said,: I have found out about things from Sheba with sure tidings.
23 I found a woman ruling over them, and she hath been given from all things, and she has a mighty throne.
24I found her and her people worshiping the sun instead of Allah; and Satan maketh their works as good to themselves, and depart them from the truth;
25 So that they don't worship Allah, who brings the hiding from the sky and the earth, who knows what you hide and you knowledgeable of, 26Allah; there is no god but Him, the Lord of the great Throne.
27 He said, (Solomon), We will see whether you (hoopoe) speakest truth or you are one of the liars.
28Go with this my letter and throw it down unto them; then stay away and see what they will do as return,
29She said, (The Queen of Sheba): to one of her noble helpers there hath been thrown unto me a noble letter.
Let us continue reading and you will see how the Qur’an is identical with the legend of the Jews. The clerks of his land were summoned, and they wrote a letter and bound it to the hoopoe's wing. The bird rose skyward, uttered his cry, and flew away, followed by all the other birds. And they came to Kitor in the land of Sheba. It was morning, and the queen had gone forth to pay worship to the sun. Suddenly the birds darkened his light. The queen raised her hand, and rent her garment, and was sore astonished. Then the hoopoe alighted near her. Seeing that a letter was tied to his wing, she loosed it and read it. And what was written in the letter? "From me, King Solomon! Peace be with thee, peace with the nobles of thy realm! Know that God has appointed me king over the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the demons, the spirits, and the spectres. All the kings of the East and the West come to bring me greetings. If thou wilt come and salute me, I shall show thee great honor, more than to any of the kings that attend me. But if thou wilt not pay homage to me, I shall send out kings, legions, and riders against thee. Thou askest, who are these kings, legions, and riders of King Solomon? The beasts of the field are my kings, the birds my riders, the demons, spirit, and shades of the night my legions. The demons will throttle you in your beds at night, while the beasts will slay you in the field, and the birds will consume your flesh."
(Source: Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews, [The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1909], Vol. IV, Chapter V: Solomon)
We find that the story told in the Bible says the total opposite. It’s the Queen of Sheba who heard of Solomon and she came to visit him. No birds had any involvement in the story.
2 Chronicles 9:1 - KJV
And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
1. Every kind of bird has their own language. Can you imagine how many languages of birds Solomon had learned from Allah!
2. The Legends of the Jews is a false source. The maker of the Qur'an took other nations’ fairytale stories and then make it as his god's words.
3. There is an army of birds and jinns and they have ranks!
4. After all of this, how can someone in the year 2012 believe in any of these stories? What is even the point of it?
5. Why is Allah giving Solomon all of this amazing power over humans and jinns, a flying carpet, birds, and money, when Solomon doesn’t fit as a servant of Muhammad? As Islam claims, Muhammad is the greatest!
6. Add to all of this, the Muslim Solomon did not even leave a book of what he did! What was he able to accomplish?
7. No book.
8. No teaching.
9. Not even one sentence in the Qur’an tells us about something Solomon was like. What’s the purpose of all these fairytale stories? Why didn’t Allah tell us about the wisdom of this man?
10. Why can’t the Qur’an focus in a topic and put the story of Solomon in one chapter? We can see it in many chapters, like 21:81, 34:12 and 38:36. All of them are just repeating over and over the same story.
11. Does this god love to say words for nothing? As the Lord said, in Matthew 6:7 - KJV
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard
for their much speaking. As long as the Qur’an is a prayer to Muslims which is Allah words, therefor what's the point of saying the same words over and over again?
Muslims’ claim
THE ARMY-ANT IN TECHNOLOGY http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/predictions_13.html
My answer
The Talking Ant! So according to the claim the Qur'an speaks about “Latest Developments in Miniature Technology: Army-Ant Robots”
Let me quote the words of Mr. Harun, but please do not laugh!
“...the fact that Prophet Sulayman (as) could hear the ants talking among themselves...” Now we have no problem explaining to anyone that it’s about hearing the ant talk! Please remember this for later, because this is very important; especially when we find out that ants are deaf, and of course, cannot speak.
Before I present you the story, I have one question. What does all of this have to do with an "Army-Ant Robot?” It’s every Muslim’s fantasy that everything should be written in their Qur’an. I hope that soon we will get a claim about finding a Disney Mickey Mouse cartoon inside their book.
Even more funny, why are Muslims using an army of ants when Allah (or Muhammad) did not use it? Qur’an 27:18-19
18 Till he (Solomon) arrived to the ant's valley, and an ant said to the other ants, “Hide in your houses before Solomon's army smashes you with their feet without knowing,”
19 So he smiled, amused at its speech.
1. The first funny thing in this verse is that this valley can only be found in Syria! Where is it?
2. Does it mean that Solomon only found ants in his way in that place? Aren't there ants all over the earth? 3. Does it mean that this was the state of the ants and Solomon was crossing their borders?!
4. Solomon can listen to all insects talk? This would make any man go crazy due to the remarkable number of insects.
5. A simpler question to ask first is, do ants talk? 6. Question: How do ants communicate in an organized, complex colony? Answer: Ants use pheromones (chemical signals), physical touch, and sometimes the vibration of their bodies to send messages about food, enemies, and the nest.
You can visit this link and read what the professionals say about the communication of ants: we did provide before a video above for how ants communicates but you can read more click here
“By releasing chemical signals, called pheromones, ants guide each others in their colony to directions of food sources, or warn them of any danger.
“Using a variety of methods, such as clicking their mandibles or knocking their heads against solid objects, ants can produce squeaks and grating noises that are sometimes even audible to humans. Nearby ants will get the message, which is often one of alarm, by detecting the sound vibrations.”
We see big mistakes in the verse. 1. Ants are 100% deaf.
2.They communicate by chemical signals and sometimes by vibration but not by talking.
3.Did Solomon have to vibrate with them? Does he have their chem
ical signals?
4.The Qur’an 27:19 reads: So he smiled, amused at its speech. Speech…even when ants are deaf?
5.Were Solomon and the ants clicking their mandibles or knocking their heads against each other? It’s clearly a mistake and a fairytale story made to impress these Arabs. The fact is, we might find out how Muhammad got these funny stories from Jewish legends, which are filled with fairytale stories. Many are about Solomon, as follows:
On one occasion he strayed into the valley of the ants in the course of his wanderings. He heard one ant order all the others to withdraw, to avoid being crushed by the armies of Solomon. The king halted and summoned the ant that had spoken. She told him that she was the queen of the ants, and she gave her reasons for the order of withdrawal. Solomon wanted to put a question to the ant queen, but she refused to answer unless the king took her up and placed her on his hand. He acquiesced, and then he put his question:
"Is there any one greater than I am in all the world?" "Yes," said the ant.
Solomon: "Who?" Ant: "I am."
Solomon: "How is that possible?"
Ant: "Were I not greater than thou, God would not have led thee hither to put me on thy hand." Exasperated, Solomon threw her to the ground, and said,: "Thou knowest who I am? I am Solomon, the son of David."
Not at all intimidated, the ant reminded the king of his earthly origin, and admonished him to humility, and the king went off abashed.