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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

Page 12

by The Sentinels- The First

  Quickly they made their way to the internment camp that Ryosuke was pulled toward; unbeknownst to either Ryosuke or Jo, both Harry and Grayson also felt the pull and even felt the individual cry for help from each one. When they arrived, they crouched outside, hidden behind some trees that surrounded the area.

  "Ryosuke I need you to close your eyes for me and plug your ears," Grayson said; Ryosuke looked at him as if he was crazy and shook his head.

  "Do you want our help or not; I need to retrieve my weapon and I can't let anyone know my methods, or I won't be able to use them again. So once again, please close your eyes and plug your ears," Grayson requested.

  Ryosuke sighed and squeezed his eyes shut and plugged his ears. Grayson pulled Harry by the arm, crawling along the ground until they were well into the forest and removed his shirt. Concentrating on the image of pulling the sword tattoo into the physical world he reached behind him and touched the hilt of the sword between his shoulder blades, it had been five millennia since he'd last drawn his sword and he was a bit rusty.

  He felt the hot metal as he touched the tattoo and slid his fingers around the hot ringing metal as it vibrated in excitement, welcoming him back. He drew it as if it were encased in a sheath down his back and saw the long unbreakable and living blade glowing in acceptance and anticipation. Grayson saw Harry copy his movements and a second later Harry's own sword emerged from the tattoo on his back.

  Both boys crawled back out, shirts on and swords in hand; Jo beamed at them and nodded her approval.

  "Let's get to it then, shall we?" Jo asked as she taped Ryosuke so that he could open his eyes and unplug his ears. He stared at the living swords in each of the boy's hands and shivered from the energy they emitted.

  The swords were a combination of Zeus's lightning bolt, Grayson and Harry's essence, and KiGa, the Mother of the universe. The blades themselves were alive and could not be destroyed or used by anyone other than its true wielder. The swords could both, take life and give it, if Grayson or Harry so wished.

  "What are those?" Ryosuke asked Grayson as his eyes bugged out and remained glued to the singing blades.

  Grayson frowned at him in disbelief, even if the tattoos showed a lightning bolt as the sword blade, in reality they did not look like that, they looked like a pair of normal, if very large and long, blades. Though both blades were formed from part of Zeus's lightning bolt, it was only a small part of the blade. Apart from Grayson's and Harry's essence in them and the small piece of Zeus's lightning bolt, the rest had come from the stars and the very essence of the universe itself.

  "They are swords Mr. Takemura; I was under the impression that you had trained with Jo, using one of these; was I mistaken?" Grayson said dryly as if talking to an obtuse child.

  Even having seen Jo's memories when they had first come through the portal, they had been murky and unclear. Once his partial memories had come into focus, hers had too; he could recollect not only his memories but her as well. Some things and memories still remained unclear, but he would regain them in time, as would Harry.

  Ryosuke blanched and bristled at Grayson's tone. "Listen here you punk, you have no right to talk to me like that. Have some respect for your elders!" Ryosuke said.

  Well that answered Grayson's question about Ryosuke going to the future. Grayson inched closer and glared at Ryosuke, his eyes shone with the liquid silver and molten gold color, brighter than they had before.

  "You should have more respect as well Mr. Takemura, you do not know who I am; you should tread lightly or one day you will be sorry you crossed the wrong person. You are lucky I am a fair and just man, or you would be alone in your endeavor," Grayson said.

  His voice had lowered and sounded deadly which made Ryosuke's eyes widen in shock and slight fear; Grayson was passed angry, and he was letting Ryosuke see a little of that anger. Jo placed a hand on Grayson's shoulder.

  "Calm yourself Gray, save it for the fight." Jo spoke soothingly; Grayson turned to her and nodded.

  "I plan on it," Grayson said; both Jo and Harry smiled at him.

  "Go now, time is running out; if you follow the line of trees you will be completely obscured by them, they will not see you coming. Harry, don't forget to tell Jo what I told you, we will give you the distraction you need, just wait for the boom," Grayson wiggled his eyebrows at both Jo and Harry; Jo snorted and laughed.

  "Silly Gray; be careful, I love you honey," Jo said and kissed his forehead as she did all the time; her love had not changed for him and that made him happy.

  "Let's go," Grayson said and stood up pulling a nervous Ryosuke with him.

  "Do not falter Ryosuke Takemura, fight with all your will for I will not let harm come to you, got it shorty?" Grayson said smiling down at the nervous man, Ryosuke nodded and gulped.

  "Where is your weapon Mr. Takemura?" Grayson asked him; Ryosuke held up both of his hands.

  "Josephine taught me as well, I am perfectly fine without a sword, I'll leave the swordplay to you big guy," Ryosuke said; Grayson smiled at him.

  "Ok then Mr. Takemura, I'll go first though, age before beauty; though I still think I'm prettier than you," Grayson said quietly, joking with Ryosuke.

  Ryosuke stepped in front of Grayson to go first and Grayson's arm shot out. He gripped Ryosuke's arm in a hold the other man would not be able to break; he was just no match for Grayson's might.

  "Did you hear me wrong Mr. Takemura? I said I'd go first, I will tell you this only once. I do not care who is in there, if you want to succeed in rescuing the Sentinels in there, then you listen to me and do as I say. You may have trained with Jo, but I have known her since before I was born. I know how she works better than anyone does, and I do not plan on only rescuing your bonded Sentinel; I plan of taking everyone to safety, understood?" Grayson asked commandingly, leaving no room for argument. Ryosuke sighed and nodded.

  "Go first then; you are confusing kid; you say age before beauty, and then you tell me you are going first; make up your mind," Ryosuke grumbled.

  Grayson shook his head in disappointment; the man was just not too bright and completely oblivious to the hints Grayson was dropping.

  Honestly, do I have to spell it out for you man?

  Grayson took a deep breath and stood at his full 6'7" height, sucked in another deep breath, and boldly walked up to the invisible internment camp. Grayson could see it for what it was, even with the cloaking of magic to disturb its natural appearance. He heard Ryosuke follow behind him.

  Sword in hand he walked resolutely up to the wall facing them, pulled his hand back, and slammed a fist into the wall as hard as he could. The wall crumbled and his fist went through the wall as if it were nothing more than paper. Tearing chunks out of the wall he made enough room for him and Ryosuke to walk through and stepped through.

  As soon as he stepped through, he saw a fascist Sentinel charge at him. He swung his fist as if swatting a fly in a backhand motion and slammed the back of his fist into the other smaller man, sending him flying into the part of the wall they'd come through, the part that had not crumbled at Grayson's onslaught attack. More Fascist Sentinel's came running in and Ryosuke spoke out loud, as the offending Sentinels surrounded them. Some were quite large, one was larger than Grayson, but neither he nor any of the others there would ever be a match for the First.

  "I've come for my wife, give her to us or you shall all fall!" Ryosuke demanded; so it had been his wife, now he understood. Grayson chuckled at Ryosuke's bravery; a moment ago, he was shaking with nerves and fear, now he was bravery and courage personified; what an interesting person he was.

  "We shall be taking all of your prisoners, not just his wife. I'd recommend handing them over without a fight, or I shall show you what justice really means," Grayson said calmly; the surrounding Sentinels laughed at his words, they did not believe him.

  "Very well, let's show them what we can do Mr. Takemura," Grayson said quietly, knowing full well that his words would reach Ryosuke because they we
re intended for him. Ryosuke nodded his head without looking at Grayson and got into position; no one moved and Grayson sighed.

  "Well? Is anyone going to fight me? I'm wasting away over here; come on, anyone? Don't tell me you're all too scared to fight me; nothing but pussies in this place. You can only prey on the weak, but you don't dare pick on someone that can defend themselves, is that it?" Grayson taunted.

  He was studying every single one of the Sentinels and gauging their expressions, the smallest one up front seemed to be falling for Grayson's jabs at his masculinity.

  "Pussies, just because you are big, you think you are better or stronger than us? You're new to this world yet you think you can beat us? Who gave you such an ego?! I will bring you back down to earth!" he yelled and charged, Grayson sighed.

  Silly Sentinel, the earth herself is the one that has given me such an ego; though it is simple truth I speak, bully!

  Grayson stood still and watched as the smaller man charged him and smiled. In a movement faster than the other man could follow, Grayson lifted his big hand and wrapped his long fingers around the other man's neck as he came into arms reach; Grayson squeezed his hand tightly around the Sentinel.

  "I have found you unfit to be my Sentinel; I dispatch you whence you came, never to return; be gone." Grayson commanded and the man burst into nothingness.

  Jo had been wrong about Sentinels not being able to reincarnate as Sentinels. Only two people could dispel Sentinels and not allow them to reincarnate, Harry and himself. No one else had that ability, not even Gaia herself. They would only not reincarnate if he or Harry commanded them to, otherwise dispelling them only meant temporary death.

  A small amount of energy remained from the dispelled Sentinel as if it were a light dusting of particles fading away slowly. Everyone had stopped fighting and stared at him open-mouthed.

  "This is your last chance, free the prisoners you have abducted without the proper authority and I shall give you a chance to explain your actions to me. I am not in the mood to waste any more time, answer me now," Grayson ordered calmly.

  The large Sentinel finally stepped forward.

  "Let's see how you fair with me boy, I will not be so easy to dispel. I don't know where you come from but I am by far older and much more experienced than you are! Fight me if you dare!" the big man yelled; Grayson sighed and nodded.

  "Come then, if you dare. I can smell the fear on you, that is not something you can mask with false bravado," Grayson said calmly, he even smiled at the large man.

  This man, also not one that would be good at chess, charged full on, aiming his fist directly at Grayson's face. Grayson knew that if he let him make contact the large man's hand would receive the full brunt of his attack and not Grayson, but he felt like fighting a little and moving around some. He hadn't gotten a chance to practice yesterday except for the big guy he'd acquainted with his fist in the gym, and Jo worked him much harder than that every day.

  As the larger man got closer, Grayson saw it as if in slow motion. He stepped to the side of the fist and let it pass where his head had been a second before. Grabbing the larger man by the wrist and using the other man's own momentum he pulled him forward and down toward the stone floor. He placed his hand on the larger mans back and used his strength to slam the man into the floor creating a crater. Then Grayson easily picked him up by the back of his shirt and flung him up into the air above his head. Placing his hand on the large man's chest he pushed him further up into the air and as he was falling back down to Grayson, Grayson brought his fist up and punched him in the underside of his chin as he did so he spoke commandingly.

  "Be gone!" Grayson ordered, and the man followed the first into oblivion, for Harry and him to judge later.

  Silence rang through the room; Jo would be disappointed, one of her rules was no unneeded and pointless movements. He could have easily dispelled him with a touch of a finger, but it felt so anticlimactic that way.

  "Well, I'm sorry Mr. Takemura but I guess you're fighting skills will not be needed today. I might as well just send these men to oblivion as well, I really do want to go home," Grayson said turning to Ryosuke.

  Ryosuke stared at him open-mouthed, as the others did. One of the other men closest to Ryosuke made an effort to attack and charged at Ryosuke when he wasn't paying attention. Grayson really disliked that, there was such dishonor in attacking when the other was not looking.

  Grayson raised his sword, named Nurushi, and flung it point first, at the man charging at Ryosuke; it sang and vibrated ethereally as it flew through the air. The tip of the blade slid into the man as if slicing though water and dispelled the man as if he had not even been there; the blade, happy as can be at completing its task, embedded itself in the wall and waited for Grayson to retrieve it. Ryosuke who'd been watching the blades' trajectory turned and looked at Grayson with even more shock on his face if that was possible. Grayson winked at him and turned to look at the other Sentinels.

  "If you have not brought every single abductee here within the time I take to retrieve my sword I will dispel every single one of you in one fell swoop," Grayson said and gave the Sentinels a second to react.

  If they did not, then it would be as easy as swinging Nurushi at them. One swing from Nurushi would have them all gone even if she did not make contact with their flesh. Although his beautiful living blade had no sex, she had always felt like a female energy.

  One stepped forward and got on one knee, bowing forward in respect.

  "You are the First; we are ashamed to have raised arms against you and fought you. We strive to fulfill your last orders to strive for justice and not lose sight of what is right and wrong. We have tried and apparently failed in the attempt, please forgive us and allow us to atone," the Sentinel said. All the other Sentinels lowered themselves in the same way.

  "Forgive us," they all spoke in unison.

  Grayson sighed; he walked over to Nurushi and caressed her hilt lovingly. Nurushi rang and sang at him happily as Grayson requested she slide out of the wall with his touch. She obliged and popped out of the wall of her own accord, allowing Grayson to take her.

  "You will be judged in due course, for now do not speak of this, except to say that I was able to beat you, but most likely did not live to tell the tale. I will announce my presence when the time is right. If I hear word of my return from anyone that I have not told, I will find each one of you and make you wish that the punishment I am doling out was to dispel you for all eternity," Grayson commanded, his warning and threat was not an empty one either.

  "Yes Supreme Commander," the Sentinels said in unison as Harry and Jo walked through the wide archway that led into the room. Twenty-two Sentinels that were severely beaten, weakened, and scared were following them.

  Why were the imprisoned Sentinels not healing? Grayson could sense two others which were missing from the group that were somewhere in the building.

  "Where are the other two?" Grayson asked; Jo looked at him questioningly as Harry shook his head.

  "I can't find them," Harry said then turned to the Sentinels kneeled on the ground.

  "Look up," Harry commanded, but the Sentinels did not obey and Harry glared at them.

  "I SAID LOOK UP!" Harry commanded loudly, his voice reverberating through the room and shaking the building itself in his anger as he stomped his foot down and created a small golf cart sized crater in the space between the Sentinels and themselves.

  Harry was normally a shy, peaceful person; he was beautiful, kind, and considerate of those around him, but Harry in a rage was something else completely, he was not to be trifled with when angry. He would sooner be rid of them than give them a chance to explain themselves although later he would feel bad about over reacting as he always did. This was one of those times where the offending Sentinels would be gone before they could utter a word if they did not follow Harry's orders carefully.

  All the Sentinels looked up at Harry and stared in awe at not only Harry's rage but his mag
nificence as well; he was glowing brightly causing him to look more like an angel than ever.

  "Where are the other two missing Sentinels?" Harry asked angrily. The front most Sentinel which apologized first, spoke.

  "We have them in the dark room; they are too powerful to be kept anywhere else even after their energy was drained to low for them to fight back properly. The dark room is impenetrable without our leader. Commander please allow me to show you were we have kept them?" the Sentinel requested.

  Grayson placed a hand on Harry's arm stopping him when he stepped forward to follow the Sentinel and shook his head.

  "Stay here; watch over them and the abductees; keep Etushi drawn," Grayson whispered.

  Etushi was Harry's living sword and Nurushi's counterpart; and apart from having a piece of Nurushi, it was exactly like Nurushi, joining them together would make an unbeatable and very overpoweringly potent sword. It had only been done one and both Grayson and Harry and agreed to only ever use that method when there was no other choice because it was too powerful.

  Grayson looked intently at Harry waiting for Harry's agreement, Harry nodded but his eyes still reflected his anger. His emerald, silver, and gold eyes were shining brightly, as was the rest of him.

  "I would advise that you listen to him or he will not be as kind as I have been; your very souls depend on it, be wise," Grayson said to the kneeling Sentinels. They looked from Grayson to Harry and nodded their acquiescence of Grayson's suggested order.

  "Sentinel, lead me," Grayson ordered.

  The Sentinel nodded and turned leading Grayson toward the dark room. Grayson recognized this Sentinel since all were products of Grayson and Harry in one form or another. Both his and Harry's essence ran through each one of them. This Sentinel's name now was David, and in this lifetime, he was originally from 1983.


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