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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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by The Sentinels- The First

  He also had a calmer personality and took after Harry more than Grayson. Though Harry was the more peaceful out of the two, Grayson was more levelheaded and kept his logical mind about him, even in a fight, most times. Harry was more emotional, and had a tendency to lash out when angered, but his choices, though quick, were never wrong, even if he felt bad about them later. Grayson looked at David's back and wondered about his presence in this organization. He would not have expected to find him in a place like this.

  "Sentinel, why have you joined this fascist Sentinel group?" Grayson asked.

  David looked over his shoulder at Grayson as he led him to the other two imprisoned Sentinels. His face looked sad and angry at the same time.

  "I was forced to Supreme Commander. They took my wife and threatened to drain her of all her life energy if I did not join their group and offer my services as all the other Sentinels did willingly. They said they wanted me because I have previous experience in the fighting style of the Sentinels of old. That fighting style is now extinct and my knowledge is minimal at best, but apparently, it is enough to keep my wife and I alive. Some have had the same thing happen to them though I do not know if their reason for keeping them alive is the same, but they eventually gave up. I will do anything to keep my wife alive though, suffer any pain they may inflict on me, if it will give her even one more day. I will continue to do it until I can find a way to get her out of this hell. She is my life and I would be lost without her; she saved me when we first met, and since them my heart and soul belong to her. I am glad you have come to free these imprisoned Sentinels today. I only wish my wife were one of the ones you've freed today. The leader is not stupid though, he keeps my wife at another location or I would have already tried freeing her myself. I know you must punish me for my actions thus far, but please search for her. Her name is Gemma Fritzlied, if you ever encounter her, please let her know I did my best to keep her alive," David said.

  Grayson studied him intently and nodded.

  "Are there any among the Sentinels now that are also being forced, as you are, to follow the fascist group's orders?" Grayson asked; David shook his head.

  "No supreme commander," David answered quietly.

  "Very well, if I encounter your wife, I shall be sure to give her your message," Grayson said quietly.

  He said nothing else, nor asked any more questions of David, but he continued to contemplate what David had said. Was he speaking the truth about being forced into this organization? Grayson was unsure; he'd have to speak to Jo and Harry about it, but his senses told him the David spoke the truth.

  Chapter Ten

  Grayson and David made quick of the walk to the dark room and arrived in a matter of a minute after Grayson's question to David. Neither had spoken again after that.

  "This is the room supreme commander. Our leader is not here, he is the only one that knows how to open the door. If you crash through it will kill them inside because the magic on the room multiplies the impact of whatever force is placed on the outside of the room and transfers it to the inside," David said.

  "Thank you for telling me David, please stand back," Grayson requested of him; he had felt the powerful magic on the room and knew just what to do.

  David's eyes widened at his name but he remained silent. Using Nurushi, he slid her into the crevice between door and frame and ran her along the line of the door. There was no force or impact to the outside of the door. Nurushi was so hot that she could cut through steel itself as if it were butter, and magic did not affect her nor did it affect Etushi.

  Grayson chanted a phrase of old protection magic he'd learned when magic was more powerful and was not even considered magic, so that the ones inside may be safe and protected. Nothing would harm them even if the room itself crushed in around them in a tight metal ball.

  Once done Grayson placed his hand on the metal door and dug his fingers into the door creating a large hand shaped door handle and pulled the door off its frame. The door came off with a slight pop as the magic that was on the room broke and dispelled. Grayson heard heavy footsteps running at him and braced for an impact as he recognized the essence of the men inside.

  Grayson stood in shock as his Father and Harry's slammed into him thinking to attack the fascist leader of the Sentinels. They were so weak that they did not recognize that he was not the fascist leader. The two emaciated but large men pushed into him but Grayson did not budge. It was like standing against a mountain and pushing; nothing happen.

  "Dad, Mr. McDonnell?" Grayson whispered and wrapped his arms around both men and clung to them as if her were a child.

  "DAD!!! MR. MCDONNELL!!!" Grayson exclaimed and hugged them tighter, making sure not to hurt them, after a second Grayson turned to David.

  "David, please go tell your men to ready themselves, I will be delivering you to your prison until your judgment time, if they still remain. I would not recommend telling the second of who is imprisoned here or you will all perish before I return to the room," Grayson warned. David nodded and walked back quickly.

  Grayson looked into the eyes of his Father and Harry's Father with disbelief, relief, and confusion in his own.

  "How?" Grayson asked them, they looked confused and weak.

  "Grayson; what are you doing here? You must get out; that man is a beast, we must get out; I won't let him get you. Come Frank, let's defend my son," Kenneth Phillips said, barely able to straighten out.

  Grayson felt rage course through him at the sight of both weakened, energy drained men. Why and for how long had they been prisoners here? Since their deaths, or their supposed deaths, and for what reason were they kept imprisoned? His mind was reeling with the knowledge that they were both alive. They were alive!!!! His Father was alive!! Harry's Father was alive!!!! YES!!!

  "Come on Dad, let me help you guys back. I'll transport us all back home and we can talk about it there," Grayson said and picked both of the men up as if they were children and practically ran back to the room with Harry, Jo and everyone else in it.

  Grayson stopped in front of Harry and set both his Father and Harry's down gently. Harry looked at Grayson with confusion at first. He had only glanced at his Father and Grayson's, not really looking at them, but then he felt them, more than saw them. Etushi dropped to the ground and Grayson smiled at him as Harry gasped.

  "Dad??!!! Dad...." Harry whispered, tears welled up in his eyes and he flung himself at his Father, hugging him tightly.

  "DAD!!!!!Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad!!!!" Harry sang; sadness and happiness all mixed into one. Kenneth and Frank had tears streaming down their faces and worry etched across their foreheads.

  "Did you do this son?" Kenneth asked him, Grayson nodded.

  "Jo, Harry, Mr. Takemura, and I did, and thank Gaia we did. I don't think any among us could have broken that spell other than Harry, Jo, or I," Grayson said. His Father studied him for a moment and hugged him tightly.

  Jo cleared her throat.

  "Gray, we aren't exactly at home, this is still enemy territory; we need to move."

  Jo's words brought Grayson back to the present; he nodded and turned to look at David.

  "David please come here," Grayson said to David.

  David complied and walked over to Grayson bowing his head and waiting for his orders or punishment. Grayson turned to the group of victims.

  "All of you please gather as tightly as possible. I am going to send you all to my home in one go; each of you link hands. Harry please go with them so that you can guide them-" Harry cut Grayson off before he could finish his instructions.

  "No," Harry said simply. Grayson studied Harry for a second then acquiesced.

  "Jo please go with them and keep them safe until we return. Dad, Mr. McDonnell, please join them and help Jo keep them safe, we should only be a minute. Make sure you do not let go of each other," Grayson said.

  Jo, Kenneth, and Frank all nodded and grabbed each other's hand, and Jo slipped her free hand into one of the victim's hands li
nking them all together. They all clustered together as Grayson uttered some ancient magic words. Kneeling on one knee he slammed his open hand flat onto the surface of the stone floor and ripped open a large enough portal directly into his house.

  The bubble they'd arrive in would keep them protected until they were sure it was safe to let go of each other's hands. For a second nothing appeared to happen then the group just popped out of the room leaving only Harry, Grayson, David, and the Sentinel men, who remained bowed.

  Grayson looked down at the Sentinels who had obeyed him and still showed both Harry and him respect. It was a bit late to show them respect simply because they knew who they were; well that was what judgment was for, even as Sentinels they had to follow rules.

  "Please gather your hands as the others did. Do not let go or you will be unprotected from the other souls in that prison. You will hear my voice commanding you, follow my orders and you will remain safe. The wait for judgment will be long, if you make it, then I and the second will be your judges; think of your actions and what led you to be Tartarus. On the off chance that you truly repent and the prison deems you worthy to release you before either of us judge you, it will send you to either of us immediately. If that happens then you should be very lucky, because Gaia herself has forgiven you, and we will honor the free pass she had given you. Please join hands now," Grayson said.

  Once the men linked hands Grayson performed the same magic as before and ripped open a portal with ease sending them to their prison. Once he'd closed the portal, Grayson turned to David and looked him in the eyes.

  "Please tell the second what you told me about being forced into this organization," Grayson said.

  David nodded and explained about him being forced into serving to save his wife's life and why the fascist Sentinels wanted him. He explained how they had her at another location and that he hadn't seen her in five years because of this. He knew she was alive simply because of the bond they shared. He explained how other Sentinels had been forced into servitude as he had.

  Once he finished Harry took a deep breath and sighed heavily, he turned to Grayson with sadness in his eyes. Grayson took Harry aside and spoke quietly, creating a magical barrier at the wave of his hand so that David would be unable to hear them.

  "Harry what do you think?" Grayson asked him, feeling a sense of urgency.

  They needed to hurry, they didn't have much time. Harry studied first David then Grayson's face, and looked Grayson in the eyes, nodding.

  "He speaks the truth. What did you want to do with him?" Harry asked him. Grayson frowned, thinking hard.

  "I agree, but I don't know what we should do. I know I want to help him get his wife back, and I also want to help the others being forced into servitude as he was, but first things first; we need to get out of here. Let's take him home with us; I'll use a little magic so that he will be unable to lie to us. Should have already done it but bits and pieces of memory are still missing," Grayson said rubbing his forehead. Harry nodded and squeezed Grayson's forearm in comfort.

  They walked back to David and Grayson let Harry do the talking this time.

  "I feel you speak the truth of your forced servitude David Fritzlied. You shall come with us now and we will help you find and free your wife. Now we must go, we are not safe here," Harry said.

  David nodded and grabbed Harry's extended hand as Grayson hugged Harry to him and holding onto Nurushi and Etushi sent all three of them home.


  Grayson and Harry arrived amidst organized chaos. Seeing there was no threat, they slid the swords back into their tattoos, heard the very quiet sigh as the swords relaxed, and joined with them once again. No one seemed to take notice of them, which was a good thing because David would probably be feared if they noticed him.

  Jo was nowhere to be found and there were Sentinels everywhere, sitting and standing, some were asleep while others were eating. Most had already healed or were on their way to full recovery. Grayson showed David to one of the guest rooms, told him that he would be back for him in a bit and suggested he shower and put on a robe, and he would bring him a change of clothes later. Then he left David in the room and went back to Harry who waited at the foot of the stairs for him. Grabbing Harry's hand Grayson ran up the stairs two at time puling Harry behind him.

  "Dad, Mr. McDonnell, where are you?" Grayson yelled.

  He heard an answering reply in his parent's room and pulled Harry behind him; as they went, he called to Jo.

  "Jo?" Grayson called out; she poked her head out of his room, smiled at him widely and winked.

  "I'm going to see my Dad, I have to call my Mom; oh Harry, you have to call your Mom too," Grayson said excitedly coming to a stop in front of his door.

  Harry smiled at him lovingly and cupped his face; leaning up he kissed Grayson on the lips and made him forget for a second where they were and that they had many witnesses.

  "Grayson where does your moth--oh; um come see us when you're done," Kenneth said startled as he walked out of his room followed by Frank to ask his son something.

  Both fathers turned around and walked back into the room again looking like they were both embarrassed and amused at the same time. Both Grayson and Harry blushed and Jo, and Matt who was behind her burst out laughing.

  "Come on, I have to call Mom, you can use my cell phone if you want. Don't know where yours is," Grayson said.

  He ran into his room followed by Harry and grabbed his cell phone and the house phone; throwing the cell phone to Harry, he dialed his Mother's number on the house phone. It took only one ring for his Mother to answer; he never called her unless it was an emergency.

  "Gray, what's wrong?" Isabel Phillips asked; worry coloring her tone.

  "Mom! You have to come home now; open a portal and come home right now," Grayson demanded, forgetting for the moment that she could not open one.

  He never demanded anything from his Mother, never, and he'd never spoken of portals either. Isabel was silent for a long second and then finally spoke quietly. Only then did he remember what his Father had said in his memory, his Mother couldn't open portals.

  "Portal; so you finally changed. I can't open a portal honey I don't have that ability, I need a device to do it, which I don't have," Isabel said sadly.

  "Ok, I'll be right there, think of me Mom, and I can find you anywhere. Just give me a minute to put some sweats on; nothing else will fit. Hold on, don't hang up," Grayson said and put his Mom on mute.

  "Jo can you please go tell Dad I'll be a few minutes and that I need to do something really quick," Grayson asked; Jo nodded and kissed him.

  "You are a sweet boy honey, that's why I love you so much," Jo said and kissed Harry too.

  "Thank you precious; for everything," Jo whispered to Harry as she kissed him; Harry smiled at her and hugged her tightly.

  "Anytime Jo; Thank you too," Harry said as Grayson ran around flinging clothes around looking for some sweatpants that would fit him; never noticing that all of Jo's children plus Matt were staring at him stunned. Both his size and the fact that he had a huge tattoo of the First Sentinel splayed across his back had them speechless. Finally finding a pair of sweatpants that stopped at his shin instead of passed his ankle, and a shirt that covered most of him save a bit of bare lower abdomen, he turned to the group of teenagers behind him and smiled.

  "Harry, I'll be right back," he said and kissed him quickly, then grabbed the phone and unmuted it.

  "Ok, I'm back; now think of me Mom," Grayson said.

  "Gray, I don't think it's wise to do that here. I am in Japan honey, and I was in the middle of a meeting no less. It would be highly inappropriate for me to leave now," Isabel said.

  "Mom, I have never asked you for this, this time it's important. Excuse yourself for the day and request that you finish the meeting tomorrow, tell them it's a family emergency, and it is unavoidable. Now think of me, I need you to concentrate on me so that I can zero in on you," Grayson said.
/>   Isabel sighed and Grayson expanded his mind the way he remembered doing so many millennia ago and found his Mother. He saw through her eyes and remembered things she knew. Letting his body take over, he transported there, directly into the men's bathroom. Luckily, no one was there, not that they would remember, humans rarely remembered when they saw a Sentinel open a portal or transport in, some did though but those were rare.

  Grayson walked out and saw his Mother standing in the same spot he saw her in still holding the phone to her ear.

  "Ok Harry, thank you," she said as he walked up to her, picked her up, and hugged her tightly, spinning her tiny body around in a circle as heard her gasp then laugh quietly.

  "Mom, I am so happy to see you, now go and apologize and change the meeting to tomorrow. It really is important Mom, trust me," Grayson said.

  Isabel's face paled as she looked at a point behind Grayson, Grayson turned and saw a group of four Japanese men walking toward her with a less than pleased look on their faces. As they approached them, the man in front glanced up at Grayson and glared.

  "Kumasegawa-sama, I'd like to introduce my son Grayson Phillips. Grayson this is Kumasegawa Toshihiro, the CEO, Yuma Ryuu, Igarashi Yuki, and Nagata Kenzou," Isabel introduced everyone.

  Grayson looked down at Mr. Kumasegawa and studied him intently then, facing him, he bowed deeply and spoke in perfect Japanese. Good thing he'd remembered all the different languages. Living for so long had its advantages.

  "I am deeply sorry for interrupting your important meeting. I have come to retrieve my Mother, as there is a family emergency, which cannot wait. Please forgive my attire, I had a problem with my clothes, and they are no longer presentable in public, and it is not easy to find clothes in my size in Japan on short notice. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you; if it will please you I am more than willing to make up for any time lost in my Mother's place. Please forgive my audacity in this request," Grayson said his head bowed passed his knees.


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