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The Retreat

Page 3

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

He blushed again, “Um, their choice of music, the venue and like I said, the time of year…”

  I raised my eyebrows, “Go on then.” I said, “What’s the most successful time of year?” Summer, obviously but I just wanted to keep watching him talk.

  He smiled, “Well, out of all the marriages I’ve had the pleasure of arranging, I have to say the best time of year seems to be the summer.”

  I nodded. That made sense. I’d wanted to get married in the summer but everyone sided with Sophie. Not that I thought our marriage would have had any more success if we’d gotten married in the summer, since she was already seeing Richard behind my back and I was secretly as gay as a maypole, anyway. The more I thought about the way I’d fooled myself into thinking I could live my life like that, the more stupid I felt about the whole thing. “Okay.” I said, “What music works best?”

  He shrugged, “Well, cheesy stuff tends to make me think they’re not really fully committed to what they’re doing.” He’d gone a charming shade of pink again, “It’s like they’re just throwing a very expensive party.” He glanced at me apologetically.

  I nodded. Fuck. My wedding had been all wrong. It had basically been a party. Sophie had picked the dance that was supposed to mean something to us – it had meant nothing to me whatsoever… Fuck. Looking back, we’d done it all for the wrong reasons…

  “Am I offending you?” he asked, making me jump. I’d been lost in thought, wondering just why Sophie and I had decided to get married. All I could come up with was because her best friend Jolie and her boyfriend had got married. I hadn’t really been all that bothered. I’d gone along with it because she’d seemed to expect it.

  Hell, I proposed because she’d expected it. God, I was such a moron… “No.” I said, “I’m not offended.” And as I said it, I realised that I really wasn’t. He was making a whole lot of sense. I’d certainly not be in a hurry to get married again. “It’s quite eye-opening, really.”

  He smiled and I was once again, mesmerised by him. Those fabulous eyes, his brilliant white, even teeth, his gorgeous complexion. “It is.” He agreed. “I’m certainly in no hurry to run down the aisle into the waiting arms of the man from hell. I want Prince Charming.”

  Man from hell or Prince Charming? Oh, God. Was I the man from hell? I cringed slightly. I’d been the man from hell when I’d first met Bailey’s boyfriend, Simon. Hell, I’d suggested they go on a gay cruise. How fucking rude was that?

  Still, Simon wasn’t taking any of my bitching lying down. He’d fixed me with his eyes and even though he’d smiled, he’d totally put me in my place.

  “We can go anywhere Bailey likes.” He said, “We’re not forced to go on holidays that are tailored just for gay people you know – we are allowed to mix with the masses these days.”

  I cringed even more as I recalled what I’d said about keeping their PDA to a minimum. Seriously? I was a terrible person. If these guys knew how I’d treated Simon, they’d never want to work with me. I was a stereotypical homophobe. Why had I been like that?

  I looked back at Dylan to find him looking at me with his head on one side. “What?” I asked.

  He shrugged and smiled, “I’m just trying to work you out – it’s not easy. You’re a closed book, Mr Matthews.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, maybe.” I said. I could stay a closed book for a bit longer, then. Give myself a chance to make a good impression for a change…

  Chapter 4 – Lennox…


  I got home and kicked off my shoes.

  I wriggled my toes and then wandered into the kitchen in search of something nice to eat.

  What I found in there was, therefore, nothing short of horrifying, since it was neither something nice to eat or someone I wanted to have in my home without my prior knowledge.

  Lennox was sat at my breakfast bar and to my utter disgust, Slinky, my beautiful, black cat, was being a total slut. He was sat on the bastard’s knee and I could hear the traitorous beast purring from where I was stood glowering in the doorway.

  “What do you want?” I asked flatly.

  He smiled, “Aw, stop your pouting, babes.” He said, “I wanted to see you.”

  “Why?” I demanded, “You don’t need me. You have a beautiful, pregnant wife waiting for you at home. What do you keep doing this for?” It wasn’t fair. I was supposed to be cast as the leading man in my own fucking love life for chrissakes. As it was, I was barely holding myself in high enough esteem to even be considered for a supporting role at the moment…

  He pursed his lips and gave me one of his stares. They used to work on me a treat and I’d do just about anything to please him – but that was before he ruined my life by walking into my place of work (which I grant you, he had no idea about) and asked to use our services to marry his girlfriend.

  It was just wrong on every level. What was even worse was that he didn’t even seem to think it was wrong to continue seeing me after the event and he’d turned up here more times than I was willing to acknowledge since I’d discovered his guilty secret.

  Well, not this time, buddy. I’d got principles and I didn’t sleep with married men. Or at least with men I knew were married. The lying, cheating scumbags who hid it from hapless guys were fair game until they were found out…

  “I wondered if you wanted to come with me to the Boardmasters Festival in August.”

  I looked at him blankly. Was he actually serious? I’d get dirty slumming it on a beach. “No.” I said firmly, “I would not like to come with you to Boardmasters. Go with your wife.”

  His face fell, “Why are you being so mean to me?” he asked in a wheedling tone.

  I blinked, “I’m not being mean.” I said indignantly, “I just don’t want you coming around here anymore. I’ll have my key back, too, thanks – and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop bothering me for sex. You’ll have to find someone else who doesn’t mind cheating on your wife with you – but don’t call me again because I do mind. It’s wrong.”

  He narrowed his eyes, “You didn’t mind last time I came around.” He said. And this was precisely why I didn’t want him around here again – he always managed to talk me into stuff I really shouldn’t do.

  I shrugged. I’d weakened in the heat of the moment, “You were still only engaged then. It’s different now.” There had still been the smallest chance he’d choose me over her, which wasn’t really the basis for a good relationship, but still. I’d been in love with him. Once a cheater, always a cheater, rang in my ears, courtesy of my mother’s all-time favourite TV show, ‘Friends’.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him my best stare, “I’d like you to leave.” I ground out.

  He smiled, still stroking Slinky who was looking close to orgasmic. The total slut…

  “Slinky.” I demanded, “Come here.”

  He looked at me, blinking his big golden eyes at me slowly and then head-butted Lennox’s hand again for more attention, ignoring me completely.

  I sighed, “Come on, Lennox.” I said, trying to sound as if I was totally in control of my emotions, “Go home to your wife.”

  He got up. Slinky jumped onto the kitchen worktop with a bit of a hiss. I smirked at him. He hated being cast aside – we had that in common – that and Lennox. Both of us, it seemed, were smitten with the slimy git.

  I looked at him, expecting to feel the familiar fluttering in my belly as he smiled at me, and yet all I felt was disappointment. Could it be that I was finally getting over my obsession with him? Maybe I was.

  “Your loss.” Lennox muttered as he handed me my key and headed for the door, “You’ll want me back before long.” He said, “And you’ll be begging me to take you to Boardmasters – your favourite singer’s playing.”

  Fuck. George Ezra was playing? Well, it didn’t matter. I’d see him somewhere else – somewhere civilized without surfer dudes and smelly hipster types…

  The door slammed. I looked at Slinky, who blinked back at me. “You’re
nothing but a tart.” I said.

  He meowed at me, looking incredibly indignant.

  “Oh, okay.” I said tickling him under the chin, “You’re forgiven,” I sighed, “and even I have to admit – he’s good with his hands.”

  Chapter 5 – Flawless


  For the next few weeks, I just got on with the job. I didn’t really expect to see a lot of Dylan but on the odd day that he was around, I couldn’t deny I looked out for him. He was good company and I quite liked talking to him.

  “Hey, Dylan.” I said as I descended my ladder, “Good to see you, mate.”

  He looked absolutely flawless as usual. “Oh,” he fluttered his eyelashes at me, which I thought was kind of cute, “Nathan.”

  I smiled, “Time for a coffee?” I asked, “I was just going to take a quick break – it’s hot work today.” Well, it was July now – and a record-breaking hot one at that.

  His eyes roved over me, making me wonder if I was a bit too sweaty for his liking. Not that I really cared… “That would be great.” He said in that breathy voice that made my stomach tighten for some reason I wasn’t quite sure of.

  I nodded, “Cool.”

  We walked over to the coffee bar together and went inside. “So, how’s it going?” I asked.

  Dylan smiled, “Business wise or personally?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “Either,” I said, “Or both – whatever you want to tell me.”

  He rolled his eyes, “I had to throw my ex out of my house the other day.” He said, “He thought he could just come waltzing back in after he got married and to carry on like nothing had happened. Just like we’d been before – well, I told him – no way José.”

  I smiled at him, “Good for you – the cheeky bastard.” What was it with these people who happily got married and then carried on with someone else? “His poor wife…” I broke off, “Oh, God – husband? I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to assume the gender of his partner.”

  Dylan blinked those massive blue-green eyes at me, “Oh,” he said, waving his hand in the air, “Don’t apologise. You assumed correctly. He married a woman. Seems he just wanted a male lover on the side. I’m not that sort of guy.”

  “Me either.” I muttered, “I just wanted to stay married and to be happy.” Not that either of us had been particularly happy now that I’d had time to analyse everything. We’d been comfortable around each other but there was really nothing else.

  He nodded sagely, “You’ll find the woman of your dreams.” He said softly, “You’re far too nice not to.”

  I smiled, “Thanks.” I said, “But I’m not even looking.” Not for a woman in any case.

  “Me either,” he said stoutly, “So as a pair of friends who are most definitely not looking for romance in any way at all, would you fancy coming out for a drink with me tonight?” He looked at me over the top of his coffee cup.

  I grinned, “Yeah.” I nodded, “That would actually be really great.” I’d agreed easily and I realised as I said it, that I really meant it. I was beginning to find that Dylan was one of the best people I’d ever met and just being around him made me feel extraordinarily happy.

  “Oh, thank God.” He said breathily, “I thought you’d say no.”

  I blinked. He thought I’d say no? What sort of impression did I give off? “Why?” I asked.

  He looked me up and down, like he really liked what he was seeing and I’m not gonna lie, that made me feel really good about myself. I couldn’t remember Sophie ever really looking at me that way. “Because you’re so masculine.” He said with feeling, “Not many really masculine guys want to be seen with wimpy little men like me.”

  I couldn’t help it. The words were out before I could even think about the way they might have sounded to him. I really didn’t want to lead him on, “You’re not wimpy. You’re beautiful.”

  He beamed at me. “Thank you.” He said as if he was really flattered that I’d called him beautiful. But it was true. He really was – and I realised with a bit of a jolt that I would actually be really rather proud to be seen with him tonight. People would assume we were a couple – and I’d have bagged myself the most beautiful guy in the room.


  I headed for the counter while Dylan busied himself finding the best seat in the house. Having spent a little time with him up at the Retreat, I was kind of used to the way he fussed and the way he tsked and tutted when things weren’t quite as perfect as he would like. I watched him in amusement as I waited for our coffees to be made. I’d chosen a couple of cupcakes for us to eat with our coffees. On the way back to the table, it occurred to me that I’d chosen a pink and silver one – which was my favourite kind. Would he think that one was his? I’d actually chosen him a double chocolate. Everyone liked chocolate, didn’t they? Well, I’d be happy to swap if he really wasn’t into it. I headed over.

  “Just look at this table,” he said, his breathy voice sounding annoyed, “They clearly have absolutely no pride in their place of work.”

  I shrugged, “They’re probably on the basic wage, over-worked and under-appreciated.”

  He pursed his lips and glowered at me. “Probably.” He finally agreed, “I should offer one of them a job at the wedding shop. We could do with one of those coffee machines and I’d never be able to use it.”

  I grinned, “That’s actually not a bad idea – so long as people don’t start coming for a free coffee and not to actually use your services for what they’re intended.”

  He nodded thoughtfully, “Yeah.” He said, “Tricky.”

  I watched his mouth as he spoke. Those lips were really something. Tearing my eyes away from them and trying my best to think of something to talk about, I found that my mind had gone a complete blank.

  “What’s the matter?” Dylan asked, a little frown on his rather beautiful face, “Are you uncomfortable to be seen with me after all?” He looked slightly hurt, but more annoyed again than anything.

  I shook my head, feeling completely mystified that he would come to such a conclusion. Why the hell wouldn’t I want to be seen with him? “Why would I be uncomfortable to be seen with you?”

  He shrugged, “You tell me.” He muttered, “You’ve clearly nothing to talk to me about.”

  It was my turn to frown at him, “Okay.” I agreed, “I can see how you could come to that conclusion but believe me when I say that I’m naturally quiet and reserved. I can’t much help that – just keep your hair on, though, will you? I’m not the most articulate of conversationalists – shoot me for being shy around a gorgeous guy!”

  His eyes widened, “You’re shy?” he asked incredulously, “But why?” he asked. “Look at you – you’re sex-on-a-stick!”

  I pulled a face, “Yeah, right.” I muttered, “So sexy that my wife left me for another man.”

  He snorted, “Well, she was clearly stupid.” He said hotly, “She didn’t deserve you. If you were my husband…” he trailed off going a little pink.

  I smiled, “Thank you for your support.” I said softly, “But she must have fallen in love with him. I can’t blame her – I know I spent more quality time with my best friend.” I shrugged, “I didn’t realise that I didn’t have strong enough feelings for her until she left. I wasn’t exactly devastated. It was the right thing to do.”

  He stirred his coffee, “Are you uh, in love with your best friend, then?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I’d asked myself this a few times since Sophie had accused me of it and I knew that I really didn’t have any feelings towards him that were stronger than friendship, “No.” I said firmly, “I’m not.”

  He sighed, “Well, that’s good.” He said, “Since he seems to be really happy with Simon.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Do you know him?”

  He nodded, “I’ve met him briefly.” He said, giving me nothing else to go on. I’d have to call Bailey and ask him what he thought of Dylan…

  Chapter 6 – Trying to figure him out�


  I seriously couldn’t work him out. Was he straight? Was he bisexual? What the hell was he? Asexual? Surely not. He was too sexual to be asexual. I sighed. I was wishing my life away again and I had things to do. I had weddings to plan and new people to meet and an app to run…

  My phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Dylan.” It was Zoe and she sounded pissed off.


  “You’re avoiding me!”

  I blinked, my jaw dropping, “I am not!” I denied her accusation hotly, “I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

  She let out a snort that any pig would be proud of, “And having coffees and sparkly muffins with handsome men – spill!”

  I chuckled. Ahh, so that was what it was about. She’d seen me with Nathan, “That was Nathan.” I said, “What can I say? We kind of work together at the moment.”

  “I’ll say.” She quipped, “You look perfect together. You two totally work!”

  I sighed, “I wish.” I muttered, “We’re good mates.” I acknowledged, “But that’s all it is. He’s straight and going through a divorce at the moment.”

  She chuckled, “Well, strike while the iron’s hot, I say.” She said, sounding totally evil. “He was into you. We could totally tell.”

  I rolled my eyes, “It’s your hormones girl.” I said dismissively. Zoe was very pregnant with her first baby and she’d done some pretty outlandish things. Not that she didn’t anyway…

  “Nuh-uh.” She argued, “Rick spotted you both first – and it was he who said you looked hot together.”

  I blinked. “Really?” I asked, my heart beginning to thump with excitement. Rick was one of my best friends and he was rarely wrong about romance. He was possibly the most romantic guy who ever lived, planning his and Zoe’s wedding secretly with me a little over six months ago…

  “Yes, really.” She said, “Go for it babe. He’s the one.”

  Hell, yeah, he was…


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