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The Watchmaker's Gift

Page 33

by Charles Zitta

  The Dark Thorn paused. He closed his eyes, then tilted his head back, transcending the realms of Deep WONDER using his mind.

  The coachman, fox and fire breather observed the Dark Thorn’s actions by way of a magic water fall in the coachman’s hidden mine.

  “I sense their presence,” Senkrad said. His eyes still closed. “A short distance off shore, rapidly approaching from the west side of the island. Two by water…and two by air.”

  “I’ll send out a team, to comb the area,” Jollysnaps replied.

  “No,” the Dark Thorn said in a slow, raspy tone. He opened his cold, black eyes and stared through the coachman. “Actually, let them come to shore. I have a better idea.”

  As they approached Mischief Island, it immediately became clear that this was not an ordinary place. The sandy shoreline was populated with enormous, spiraled trees that doubled as water slides, which emptied into the lake with no name, and as flume rides that ran wildly, end to end, along the island’s coastline. The trees were swarming with children, all playing and carrying on without worry, as they swung from vines, swooshed down the water slides, rode the flume rides, and climbed amongst the spiral tree’s branches.

  Alexios flew down from above, hovering close to the water’s surface. He brought everyone to an abrupt stop. “We need to be very careful when we get to the island. The last thing we want to do is give ourselves away to the enemy, so try to blend in and keep your eyes open for anything suspicious.”

  Charlie and his brother were half paying attention to the owl’s words, distracted by the noisy children along the tree-covered shoreline.

  “Pssst, Charlie. Did you hear what I said?” Alexios whispered.

  Charlie snapped to attention. “Oh. Yes. Yes, I heard you, Alexios. Blend in and keep our eyes open. Got it. Right. Heh-heh.”

  The owl gave Charlie a raised brow, then turned to Michael, who was hovering beside him. “And what about you?”

  Michael was still entranced by all the playful children.

  Alexios snipped at the young boy, “MICHAEL.”

  “Wha, what?” The robin replied, spinning around to face the owl.

  “Did you even hear a word I said?”

  “Ye, yes. Yes I did. I, I’ll make sure to be careful when we get to the island.”

  Alexios looked at the little bird and shook his head, then turned to Midnight and Charlie. “I think we’ll need to keep a close eye on this one,” he said while nodding towards Michael.

  “I believe your’e right,” Midnight replied.

  “OK then. I see a nice spot, just a few hundred yards away, for us to go ashore without drawing too much attention. Over near the boat dock. Follow me.” Alexios headed towards the island. Michael, Charlie and Midnight quietly followed close behind.

  Midnight and the boys had successfully snuck onto the island, all transforming back to their normal, animated selves. Immediately, they began searching for Ben, with Alexios surveying the area from above—carefully guiding them through the forested shoreline, deeper towards the island core. As far as they knew, nobody suspected they were there.

  The twisted woods gave way to even more unusual things. Things that could never be found in the real world. There was a root beer river, which foamed up at the base of a waterfall. Charlie and the others crossed over the river on a bridge made of a colorful assortment of hard candy. Some of which, the boys could not resist trying a piece or two. The foliage was made of cotton candy bushes, licorice sticks with bubble gum flowers, and leaves made of taffy. The rocks were made of chocolate, and the dirt, brown sugar. Everything was sugar-filled and yummy, exactly the kinds of things kids loved to enjoy. Exactly the kinds of things Charlie and Michael enjoyed.

  “I know it all looks tasty boys,” Midnight said, “but something doesn’t seem right about all this.”

  “What could be wrong with candy?” Michael said to the cat.

  “Yeah, acres and acres of it,” Charlie added, as he snapped off a bubble gum flower.

  “Midnight is right,” Alexios said. He flew down and landed on a giant jawbreaker. “The only thing the two of you are going to get out of eating all this candy is a giant belly ache. So please, let’s not get carried away.”

  “Yes, focus on what we’re here for,” the cat added.

  Charlie stopped chewing the wad of gum in his mouth, then spit it out. “You’re right. Michael, put it down.”

  Michael looked at his brother with a dejected expression.

  “You heard me, put, it, down.”

  Michael sighed, then dropped the licorice candy shrubs he held in his arms. “Geez, you guys really know how to spoil all the fun.”

  “You’ll thank us for it later,” the owl replied.

  As they continued on, the forest changed yet again. This time from candy to currency. The leaves in the trees and bushes were now made of money, ranging from one to one hundred dollar bills. And clusters of bright, shiny coins were scattered throughout. But again, the boys were warned not to give in to temptation.

  A short distance later, the owl called out from above, “There’s a clearing ahead. You really need to see this.”

  As the cat and boys emerged from the woods, they could not believe their eyes.

  “How did we not see this from the lake?” Midnight asked.

  “The tree-covered shoreline,” Alexios replied. “The trees keep the mountain hidden from plain sight.

  A short distance away stood a giant, low lying, mountain with multiple peaks. Centered at its base, above the enormous entryway, were incredibly large letters carved into the rocky surface which read: JOLLY MOUNTAIN.

  “So what exactly do you think is in there?” Charlie asked.

  “Nobody really knows,” the owl replied, while circling from above. “Some say it contains all the fun a child could ever imagine.”

  “While others say it holds the end to all childhoods,” Midnight added.

  “Yeah, right. Neither of you have ever even seen it before, so how would you know?” Michael said.

  “That may be true, young squire, but whatever is in that mountain, I assure you, cannot be good,” the owl replied with a serious tone.

  “Well I say we go find out, don’t you?” Charlie began walking towards the mountain. “C’mon everyone, let’s go see for ourselves what’s in there. Something tells me we’ll find Ben inside.”

  On Charlie’s word, they started off towards the mountain entryway.

  But as they were walking, there was a sudden change in the surroundings. The sky darkened, as a large mass of unwelcoming clouds rapidly formed and expanded over the mountaintop, completely blocking out the sun and beautiful blue sky.

  Charlie and the others, unsure what to make of the situation, stopped in their tracks. Alexios swooped down and landed on a shrub branch next to Charlie.

  “I don’t like the looks of this,” Midnight said.

  Bolts of blue lightning shot out in every direction, as the mass of dark clouds rolled over the mountain and down across the landscape.

  The Patrons stood frozen, not knowing whether to turn and run, or stand and face whatever unpleasantness was headed their way.

  A large flash of light burst out from the core of the clouds, as smoky figures grew out of the fog-like formations. Slowly, they descended towards the ground, developing one by one, into definable figures.

  The first to be recognized by Charlie and the others was the short and portly Captain Fibs. Flanking him were the two large toady trolls, Duke and Grim. Next to appear was an unfamiliar figure. It was an older woman with white, frazzled hair and grey, tree bark-like skin. All cloaked in a gown of weathered leaves. Her eyes were dim, yellow and almost lifeless in appearance. In her right hand she held a tall crooked stick-like staff, which she slammed to the ground, summoning a force even greater than her own. A jagged bolt of light shot out from the top of her wooden staff and into the sky, forming a large ball of lightning. From it emerged Dark Thorns Senkrad and Elontra. Slowly, the
y descended to the ground as a gust of wind stirred up behind them.

  “Looks like we have our work cut out for us,” Alexios calmly stated.

  “Oh, there will be no heroic victories here today,” Elontra responded. “I assume this is one of the things you came for?” she said, holding up the brilliant green Kingdom Crystal in her bony right hand, as she let out a wicked bit of laughter.

  “THAT is where you are mistaken,” Midnight snipped back. “Patrons never give up. And we’re not going anywhere until we get what we came for. Which includes that pretty green crystal you are holding in your hand, PLUS, our good friend, Ben.”

  “Well, one thing is for certain, you ARE going to get what you…came for.” Senkrad looked towards the mountain, signaling with his bony finger for someone to join them.

  Emerging from the darkness of the mountain entryway was a small army of shady, no-good characters. They were mean, ugly, covered in filth, and definitely up to something terrible. The ground shook as a large central figure led the way. Quickly, the evil band surrounded the Patrons. And worse yet, included in the group were the silver fox, Mr. Jollysnaps, and Flamario.

  “It looks like we will crush you for good this time,” Flamario shouted, as fire and smoke shot out from his nostrils.

  “We need to protect Charlie and the watch as best we can,” Alexios whispered to the others. “No matter what happens.”

  “My colleague here, Mr. Jollysnaps, would be more than happy to hand over your little friend,” Senkrad said. “But of course, we’d expect something in return.”

  “Such as?” Alexios asked.

  “Give us the boy,” Elontra demanded, pointing towards Charlie.

  Jollysnap’s band of island goons tightened their parameter, slowly moving closer towards the Patrons.

  Midnight let out a sarcastic laugh. “You must be kidding.”

  “If you will not hand over the chosen outsider, we will TAKE him by force!” Elontra shouted, as she magically created a necklace to safely hold the Kingdom Crystal during the battle that was about to begin.

  “Allllright here we go mates,” Midnight said. He took a deep breath then said the magic words, “Izza bazoo!” Sparks flew out of the black cat’s giant, fluffy tail—swirling around him, as he morphed into a fierce black jaguar. “Prepare yourselves,” he said, followed by a growl.

  “Right,” Alexios replied. Shooting straight up off the ground, high into the sky, the majestic white owl clapped his wings together. There was a burst of silvery light. Instantly, the owl’s feathers transformed into titanium armor, his eyes turned to blazing yellow, and his razor-like talons grew long and sharp.

  “Get the boy!” Fibs shouted to his two giant, toady trolls, Duke and Grim.

  They took off in a full sprint towards Charlie.

  Quick to respond, Charlie shouted out, “small and furry,” instantly changing himself into a tiny mouse—just as Duke and Grim were leaping to grab him.

  The toady trolls over pursued their target—now much smaller, grabbing only air with their giant, clawed hands, as they tumbled end over end across the ground.

  Charlie scampered away towards a cluster of nearby bushes. But before he could reach them, Flamario burnt the shrubs to a crisp, leaving nothing but a pile of ash.

  “Get him, you fools,” Elontra shouted.

  The coachman snapped his fingers. Ten of his island goons took off towards the mouse, who scampered into the nearby woods.

  “What about you, young lad?” the fox asked Michael. “Wouldn’t you like to get paid like a hero? My friend here, Mr. Jollysnaps could pay you handsomely with more gold than you could ever imagine.” The fox locked eyes with the boy, luring him into a hypnotic trap.

  “Look away, Michael,” Midnight yelled. The jaguar leaped towards the silver fox—forcing him to break eye contact and flee.

  “Now-now kitty, play nice,” Senkrad said as he rose into the air and cast a bolt of lightning, striking the mighty jaguar, and taking his life.

  “Midnight!” Charlie squeaked. He came running out of the woods towards the jaguar, changing from a mouse back into a cartoon version of himself. But this time, the Watch of WONDER was back on his wrist.

  “Use the watch, lad,” Alexios yelled from the sky, as he began his descent upon the giant fire breather and two toady trolls.

  “Got it!” Charlie shouted back.

  SWOOOOOSH, the mighty owl swooped down, and around, Flamario, the toady trolls and Captain Fibs—causing them all to get twisted up in knots and fall to the ground.

  CRACK! “What the devil!” Alexios shouted, suddenly halted in his ascent. He began to tumble uncontrollably towards the ground.

  The coachman had managed to strike the flying Patron, reaching Alexios all the way from the ground, with his magically extended, golden whip—temporarily rendering the mighty owl’s wings useless.

  “Hang on Alexios!” Charlie hollered. He activated the watch, then said, “Freedom to fly.” The watch hands spun out of control, faster and faster, as the face began to shine brightly. The hands snapped into place. A burst of golden light shot out of the watch and struck the owl squarely in the chest. His wings broke free from the coachman’s spell and spread into gliding positions.

  WHOOOSH, mighty Alexios skirted the ground and exploded into supersonic mode, heading straight for a cluster of goons led by the three shadow villains. BOOM! The owl struck the large group perfectly, knocking them all off their feet like a set of bowling pins. He rose back up into the sky at a blistering speed.

  “Why you little ball of feathers!” Flamario shouted in anger. The giant man jumped back onto his feet. “Now, I will turn you into roasted chicken. The fire breather inhaled flames from his torch as he calculated the owl’s flight path. In one big burst, he exhaled—shooting a hundred foot stream of fire towards Alexios.

  The owl was too fast, and too wise, for the overgrown hothead’s attack. He easily avoided the flames.

  “Mr. Jollysnaps, go inside and bring out the little red headed man,” Elontra commanded.

  The coachman nodded and dashed into the mountain.

  “I think it’s time we tug on the young man’s heart strings a little harder, wouldn’t you agree, Sendkrad?”

  “Yes, it’s time we put an end to all this nonsense.”

  “Precisely,” Elontra said. She shot into the air, transforming into a trail of blue smoke, disappearing from plane sight.

  Senkrad turned his attention towards Charlie, then stomped on the ground with his right foot—sending a wave of earth towards the unsuspecting boy, whose back was facing the approaching doom.

  “Charlie, behind you!” Michael shouted.

  “Quiet boy,” Senkrad said. He threw a spell towards Michael, sealing his mouth shut and freezing the boy in place.

  “Aghhhh! What the—” Charlie hollered. A dozen vine-like appendages made of roots and soil rose up from the ground below and wrapped themselves around his body. The vines started at the legs and worked their way up around his head. Lifting Charlie up and suspending him above the ground. The boy was helpless and afraid—only his face and left arm were exposed.

  With both boys detained and Midnight laying lifeless on the ground, it was up to the mighty owl to reset the balance of things. From high up in the sky, the owl adjusted his glasses and set his sights on Dark Thorn Senkrad. “This is for you my friend,” Alexios said, picturing Ben in his mind. The mighty owl dove hard towards his target.

  There was a sudden flash of light. ZAPOW! Alexios was stunned, speechless, and temporally blinded. He felt an electrical force wrap around him.

  “You’re mine now, owl,” a gravelly voice said from behind.

  The owl was spun around against his will to face upward, as he helplessly fell towards the ground. Slowly, his vision returned. You, Alexios thought to himself. But how did you…

  “Yes, little owl, even your speed and cunningness is no match for my powers, “Elontra said. She returned to the ground and restrained t
he owl with her forcefield. “Now, I will end you.” Elontra thrust her open palms towards the owl. Jagged streams of lighting shot into the owl from every direction. Alexios screamed in agony. His body went limp, as he fell hard to the ground.

  Not more than five feet away from the owl laid his friend, Midnight.

  Charlie and Michael, still restrained by Senkrad, watched in fear as their two courageous friends lay defeated before them.

  Mr. Jollysnaps emerged from within the shadows of the mountain. Walking feebly beside him, with the coachman’s whip wrapped tightly around his body, was Ben.

  “Bring him here,” Elontra commanded, as she stood with Senkrad and Bella Bark next to the watch-bearing outsider—still restrained from unfriendly vines.

  “Gladly,” the coachman replied.

  Held tight by the coachman’s whip, Ben stood helplessly next to Dark Thorn Elontra. She placed her left hand on his head, then touched the watch on Charlie’s wrist with her other hand. Her body glowed blue, as she raised her head towards the dark sky and called out in an amplified voice, “Patron leaders come forth now…huh? What, what is that?”

  A swirling mass of radiant snow flakes quickly grew from a tiny spec into a large blizzard-like mass near the edge of the clearing. A burst of light shot out in all directions from its core. Emerging before Elontra and the others were Featherwink, Sassyfran, Provo and Neve. Even though Charlie was wrapped in vines, somehow, some way, underneath it all, he had managed to find the magic icicle in his right pocket and quietly call on the snow fairy for help.

  Caught off guard, Senkrad and the shadow villains assumed attack positions, breaking Elontra’s concentration. Her hand pulled away from Ben and the Watch of WONDER around Charlie’s wrist. “How dare you interrupt my calling,” she said in anger.

  “How dare us? How dare you try and harm our friends,” Sassyfran replied, staring down the evil Dark Thorn.

  “You have a lot of fight in you, little wooden girl,” the silver fox said.

  “I’m not falling for it, fox,” Sassyfran replied. She continued to stare down Elontra. “I know your story, and you’ll get no eye contact from me, nor do I care to listen to the hypnotic words which come from that deceiving tongue of yours.”


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