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The Watchmaker's Gift

Page 34

by Charles Zitta

  “So it looks like the four of you didn’t come here to talk?” Senkrad asked.

  “That’s right,” Feathwink replied, transforming into a giant winged frog—well equipped with armored battle gear.

  “Nice try. Really,” Elontra calmly said, “but we have your precious boy and his Object of Magic, not to mention, the second Kingdom Crystal. Which, as you can see, works quite nicely as a necklace.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ve forgotten one thing,” Provo shouted back.

  “Oh really, and what is that you fury little, nuisance?”

  “We’ve got a snow fairy.”

  “Elontra, turned to Flamario and grinned. “Melt her heart.”

  The giant fire breather let out a thunderous laugh, then turned towards the snow fairy. Inhaling fire from the torch, he unleashed a steady stream of flames upon her.

  Featherwink, Sassyfran and Provo dove sideways to avoid the oncoming flames.

  The snow fairy raised her crystal wand and spun it in a circular motion, creating an impenetrable ice shield, deflecting the fire breather’s flames right back at him.

  The giant man dove and rolled to his left, avoiding the flames.

  Neve giggled. “One shouldn’t play with fire.”

  “One should choose their words wisely, fairy,” Bella Bark said. She cast a bolt of lighting, shattering the ice shield into tiny little pieces.

  Provo leaped onto Sassyfran’s shoulder, then said to the witch, “You might be good at destroying things that can’t fight back, like watches and ice shields, but lets see how you deal with us.”

  “Aghhhh, little cheese eater, you dare challenge my powers?”

  “Little cheese eater?” Provo replied.

  “Don’t let her name calling get to you,” Sassyfran whispered to the mouse. “Instead, use it as motivation.”

  “Huh?” Provo replied.

  “Just follow my lead,” the wooden girl said.

  “What?” Provo answered back, still confused.

  “Well, crusty old tree witch, cheese isn’t the only thing my friend is capable of chewing through,” Sassyfran said. Then she whispered to the mouse, “The vines, Provo. Chew through the vines.”

  “What do you mean, little wooden girl?” the witch asked.

  “She means, I’m a chewer,” the mouse replied. He leaped off Sassyfran’s shoulder and into her right hand. The wood maiden reared back and threw Provo towards the vine-wrapped outsider, his mouth ready to chew. The angry mouse chewed through the vines like a beaver on steroids. Dust flew everywhere, and within seconds, Charlie broke free from the grasp of the dreadful vines.

  Simultaneously, Featherwink flew over and released a cloud of magic dust upon Michael, freeing him from Senkrad’s spell.

  You’re free to do whatever you can imagine, Charlie,” Neve called out.

  Inspired by the snow fairy’s words, Charlie leaped out of the chewed up vine debris and aimed the watch towards his two unconscious friends, then shouted, “Awaken!” A beam of golden light shot out of the watch face, split into two separate streams, circling around the jaguar and owl, faster and faster, until they collided, producing a burst of energy which shot through the lifeless bodies below—restoring them to their lively selves.

  Midnight jumped to his feet and let out a mighty roar at the shadow villains, with Ben restrained by the coachman’s golden whip.

  Inspired by the cat’s roar, Alexios soared into the dark grey sky, then took off like a shooting star, making him invisible to the naked eye. Only a trail of sparkling dust was left to be seen in his wake. The majestic owl, Defender of the Kingdom Crystals, was determined to repay the Dark Thorns for what they had done to him and his faithful friends.

  “Aghhhh!” Senkrad screamed in anger. “You pesky little child, now I will deal with you once and for all.” The Dark Thorn shaped a ball of lightning, then reared back to cast it upon Charlie.

  As Senkrad’s arm came forward, Michael, having changed into a billygoat, rammed the Dark Thorn’s legs—making him overshoot his intended target. The sizzling ball flew high and far into the woods, behind where Charlie stood.

  Senkrad screamed out in frustration.

  SWOOOOSH! Alexios swept down, virtually out of nowhere, and struck the coachman firmly in his right arm, causing the shadow villain to spin rapidly in place and involuntarily free Ben from the whip’s grasp.

  Ben’s eyes instantly lit up. The jolly little man stomped on the coachman’s foot, pulled his hat down over his eyes, then darted off in a fit of happiness, crying out, “It’s time to set things right!”

  “Hey, get back here. Why, just wait ’til I get my hands on you, you little trouble maker,” the coachman shouted, as he struggled to pull the tall, gold top hat off his head.

  Charlie jumped onto the back of the large, black jaguar, teaming up with the snow fairy against Flamario and the silver fox.

  The giant fire breather spat out multiple fireballs towards Charlie and the cat, which immediately were deflected by counter attacks of ice by Neve—who suddenly was stripped of her wand by the silver fox.

  The fox ran off with the wand in his mouth towards the woods, where he was redirected back into the fray by the growling jaguar.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” Fibs called out to Duke and Grim “Get that wooden girl and her little mouse.”

  The two enormous trolls sprang into action, flanking the wood maiden and her faithful little friend from both sides.

  Sassyfran called to the mouse, who jumped into her hands, as she did a reverse summersault, back into a standing position, avoiding Duke and Grim’s attack.

  The large trolls collided and fell to the ground.

  “Get up you fools! They’re behind you,” Fibs shouted.

  The ugly trolls jumped to their feet, spun around, and snarled at the wooden girl and the mouse.

  “I think it’s best, we get a move on,” Provo said.

  “Right,” Sassyfran replied.

  The wood maiden whirled around with Provo on her shoulder.


  Sassyfran felt a sudden jolt of energy rush through her, now splintered, body.

  The mouse lay still in her hand. His whiskers, frazzled, his eyes, hypnotically glazed over—he looked like a toasted fur ball.

  The wood maiden gingerly turned around—a tear was dangling from the corner of her right eye, as she looked upon her attacker. “The witch,” she mumbled.

  “That’s right dear,” Bella Bark let out an evil cackle, then struck them with another bolt. SHAPOW!

  Sassyfran and Provo were instantly turned into a pile of ash.

  “NO!” Michael shouted from behind a tree where he was hiding. Giving away his position, the young boy was now a vulnerable target.

  Bella spun around, set her evil gaze upon Michael, then shot another bolt, splitting the tree in two and leaving the boy with nowhere to run. She prepared for another strike.

  Michael raised his arms in defense. He fully expected to be turned to ash, just like the wood maiden and mouse.

  “Don’t you dare touch my brother!” Charlie shouted. He and the mighty black cat charged the witch from the left side. Charlie raised his left arm to ninety degrees, as a metallic silver shield grew out of the magical watch. Then he cupped his right hand, a magic lance appeared, as he and Midnight continued to charge.

  Caught off guard, the wood witch turned toward the charging duo.

  BLAM! Charlie was knocked off Midnight’s back and thrown hard into the thick trunk of an old, scraggly tree, rendering him unconscious.

  Midnight effortlessly changed directions and leaped into the air, his giant claws fully exposed, as he prepared to pounce upon the assailant.

  CRACKLEY-CRACK-POW! A series of blue bolts sizzled from the fingertips of Dark Thorn Senkrad, forming a forcefield around the body of the airborne jaguar—pinning him against the base of the mountain. “Good, kitty,” Senkrad said with a sneer.

  Neve rose into the sky and opened up h
er right hand. The crystal wand was pulled loose from the running fox’s mouth, and into the snow fairy’s hand. She raised her arms high into the air and called out, “Wind and snow blow with fury, show this fox that he should scurry.” She cast down a flurry of ice and snow towards the silver fox.

  A sudden blaze of fire intercepted the snow fairy’s wintery mix, instantly changing it to water—thoroughly soaking the fox.

  The fire breather turned his fiery gaze upon Neve. He crouched down, then leaped high into the air, grabbing the snow fairy before she could move, with his enormous, and very powerful, right hand.

  Neve struggled to free herself, but it was too late.

  As Flamario’s feet hit the ground, he inhaled flames from his torch, then unleashed a powerful stream of fire, while letting go of Neve at the same time. Nothing but a crystal wand sitting in a puddle of water remained upon the ground.

  Ben, closely pursued by several island goons, zipped around Mr. Jollysnaps at an amazing speed, causing him to temporarily lose his footing.

  In an effort to help his red headed friend, Michael imagined himself in a pair of super sneakers, giving him the ability to run at an amazing speed. He took off like a shot, barreling into the coachman’s goons, which allowed Ben to help the others.

  “Thanks—” SLAM!

  Ben was blind sided in mid-stride by Grim, who picked up the jolly little man and tossed him to Duke.

  “Tie ‘em to that tree,” Captain Fibs ordered, as he spat onto the ground. “We don’t need him running about and causing anymore distractions.”

  “Yes sir, Captain,” Duke replied. “Come on little fella, it’s time we get you tied up nice and tight,” the troll said, sharing a laugh with his unsightly partner, Grim.

  Michael froze in his tracks. A sudden sense of helplessness took over his thoughts. Sassyfran, Provo, Charlie, Midnight, Neve, and now Ben, had all been bested by the evil Thorn army. What are we going to do, he thought to himself. Without the others we are outnumbered and overpowered.


  The young boy felt something wrap around his torso. It was the golden whip of Mr. Jollysnaps. “Well-well, looks like we caught ourselves a good one this time,” the coachman said, as the others joined in with a laugh.

  “Hardly,” Michael snipped back.

  “Oh, we’ll see about that, mate. Yes, we will see about that,” Jollysnaps replied with a sinister grin, staring into the boys frightened eyes.

  “We’re coming lad, no need to fret,” Alexios called out from the sky. The owl and Featherwink bared down on the coachman and his goons.

  “NOT this time,” Elontra proclaimed, suddenly appearing before Mr. Jollysnaps. Removing the crystal necklace from her neck, she spun it round, faster and faster. The crystal lit up, creating a piercing, green light. “Winds of peril, blow and swirl!” Her voice echoed through the air as she continued to spin the necklace around—creating a giant whirlwind of evil. Elontra released the whirlwind, hurling the chaotic mass directly towards the approaching owl and frog.

  “Nooooooooo!” Michael screamed out.

  The evil winds quickly consumed mighty Alexios and Featherwink, until all that remained was a whiff of green cloud.

  “What have you done,” Michael screamed at Elontra. “You…you…you don’t scare me, Elontra. You don’t scare me one bit.”

  “Oh really,” Senkrad said, joining Elontra by her side. Then you must be a very foolish child.”

  “Coachman,” Elontra said. “I think we’ve heard enough from this child. Maybe you should…add him to your collection?”

  The coachman looked at Elontra, then turned towards the boy—his eyes wide open like saucers. His smile, wicked and intimidating. “Yeeeeesss, what a wonderful addition he will make.

  “And what a perfect way to lure in Frankie and the rest of those pathetic Patrons,” the silver fox added.

  “Yeah, the old coot and his friends wont be able to resist,” Duke said.

  Everyone from the Thorn army was now gathered around the helpless boy, laughing uncontrollably, which frightened and angered Michael, all at the same time.

  “Well c’mon boy,” Mr. Jollysnaps said, tugging on his whip, which tightened ever so slightly around Michael’s body—forcing him to cooperate. Slowly they made their way towards the mountain entrance.

  Captain Fibs and the others laughed even louder, as they watched the coachman lead the reluctant boy towards his perilous fate.

  Just as they reached the mountain entrance, a voice called out from above. “Why wait. I have always been told there’s no time like the present.” A silvery burst of light broke through the grey skies above. A sudden gust of wind barreled down upon the evil Dark Thorns and their villainous friends. From the center of the light burst a white haired man, donning colorful clothing, white sneakers, and a confident smirk, appeared.

  Frank Wellington had arrived, and following closely by his side were Ticky and Tocky, Raphael’s magical cats.

  “I agree, foolish old man,” Elontra snarled. “There is no time like the PRESENT!” Lighting shot out from her fingertips towards Frank and the cats, attempting to knock them out of the sky.

  The mighty Patron raised his arms above his head, exposing the light charm, which hung around his neck. The bolts cast by the wicked Dark Thorn were absorbed by the charm, then immediately shot back towards the gathering of villainous fiends and rabble rousers below.


  Instantly they scattered like rats.

  The sudden noise woke Charlie. Quietly he rose to his feet and gathered himself near the tree Bella Bark had blasted him into. As he looked up, his eyes were overwhelmingly surprised to see his good friends, Frank, Ticky and Tocky doing battle with the evil forces surrounding them.

  Frank turned to the boy, winked, then turned towards the woods. With a mighty clap of his hands, he said, “Bring forth the wooden army.” He raised his arms high—the light charm floated upwards, away from his body, shining brightly. The bushes and trees shook, and the leaves rustled, as the click-clack sound of a thousand wooden parts rose up from the forest. Then he turned towards his enemies and said, “Behold, Raphael’s mighty wooden army.”

  Hundreds of carved, toy soldier figures—no larger than a small child, came rushing out of the woods, straight towards Flamario, the silver fox, and a group of island goons. Some of the soldiers were rough starts with bark-covered skin and hardly any recognizable features at all, while others were finely carved and intricately painted, right down to the smallest of details. All carried with them shields and small wooden swords or spears to help in the battle. And those leading the charge were riding atop a variety of wooden animals such as horses, elephants, giraffes and rhinos.

  “Oh no you don’t.” CRACK-CRACK-SIZZLE-POW! Bella cast a strike towards Frank, who again, cast it back via the light charm—only this time, it was directed at the forcefield holding Midnight against the base of the mountain.

  Instantly, the mighty black jaguar was freed, exploding into a full-out dash to join the battle.

  Angered by the wise Patron’s tactics, Senkrad shot up into the sky and cast the next bolt towards Frank, who yet again, redirected it towards the tree where Ben had been tied up. SIZZLE—CRACK—SHAPOW! The vines were broken and Ben was free.

  “Mind if I help, old pal,” Ben said with a smile. He jumped into a rolling juggernaut-like ball, and began bowling over dozens of Jollysnap’s goons, one after another.

  “This is not possible!” Senkrad shouted out in frustration—a rare thing for a Dark Thorn to do.

  “Now it’s my turn,” Elontra calmly said. She disappeared into the ground. A moment later she reappeared, standing behind Frank and the cats. “Let’s see how you deal with my pets.” She raised her arms towards the sky, palms up. More than two dozen swirling balls of dirt rose up from the ground, which morphed into a pack of wolves.

  “Wolves! Behind you! It’s a pack of dirt wolves!” Charlie shouted to warn his friends.

nbsp; Frank spun around and smirked, “You’re up, kitties.” He sprung into the air, did a triple summersault, then stuck the landing atop a large, nearby bolder from the mountain.

  Ticky, the grey, short hair cat, took off in a full sprint away from the wolves.

  Elontra laughed at the cat’s cowardly actions. “Sic ‘em, my pets,” she called out, before turning her attention towards the other cat.

  Half of the wolves looked at their creator, then turned and snarled with bright red eyes. They took off after their prey.

  The pack quickly gained on the small, grey cat. Just as they were about to claim their prize, Ticky sprung straight up into the air, twisting, flipping and morphing into something much larger. As he landed on all fours, the wolves came to a startling halt, taken aback by the large snow leopard with crystal blue eyes which now stood before them.

  Ticky let out a fierce growl.

  The wolves growled back, surrounded the leopard and began their attack. One by one, they charged the fierce cat, who, with each strike of his mighty paws, turned the attackers back into what they really were. Nothing but dirt.

  Sensing defeat, the few remaining wolves quickly retreated towards the woods, only to be hunted by the giant snow leopard, who was determined to return his foes back to where they came from.

  Simultaneously, the other half of the wolf pack had turned their evil intentions upon Tocky, the white, long haired female, and were also eager to please their Dark Thorn master. Slowly they closed in on the small cat, their heads lowered, baring sharp, jagged teeth between their snarled snouts. The moment had come to attack.

  Tocky frantically looked around for an escape. She darted towards a large cluster of nearby shrubs.

  The hunt was on as the wolves pursued their prey, leaping into the shrubs after her.

  “Charlie, my boy!” Frank shouted. “Use the icicle!”

  The young boy was confused by all that was going on. He gave his Patron friend a look of bafflement.

  “The icicle. Use it to bring her back,” Frank said, pointing to his right pocket.

  “Watch out, Frank!” Charlie shouted back.


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