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Mending Scars

Page 8

by Nikki Narvaez

  He lowered his head back down and pressed his lips on my belly again, then trailed his mouth up to my breasts, searing my skin with heat and kindling a blazing fire in my core.

  Ryker inched my shirt up as his lips continued their journey along my skin. They brushed over my collarbone and up my neck as he tugged my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor.

  His mouth barely grazed mine as his hands caressed my bare skin, fueling the inferno overtaking me. A shaky breath shuddered through my body as Ryker sparked every nerve alive with his touch.

  He unhooked my bra and tossed it aside before pulling off his shirt. The rest of our clothes came off in a blur, and then his warm, inked skin finally met mine.

  The way he felt on top of me, fitted between my legs, was absolutely perfect. Ryker had gradually been able to erase my insecurities and trepidations about sex, helping me heal from the abuse I’d sustained. And now, because of him, I truly understood how beautiful sex was; how it was one of the best ways to express your love for someone, giving every part of yourself to them in the most intimate way possible.

  I could feel Ryker’s love for me in every caress of his skin, every press of his lips, and it was the most incredible feeling I’d ever experienced.

  Ryker laced his tongue with mine, flooding my mouth with his intoxicating taste. Passion was evident in every brush of our lips as we slowly savored one another.

  His cock nudged my entrance as he rocked against me. I couldn’t help but moan as he repeatedly stroked my clit with his thick, hardened shaft.

  As he slowly inched inside me, a gasp escaped my lips. I loved how he completely filled me, molding our bodies together flawlessly as we made love.

  Clasping my face in his hands, Ryker leisurely pumped his hips against me, prolonging every sensation with each deliberate thrust as he brought me closer to ecstasy. He whispered huskily against my lips, “I love you.”

  “I love you,” I responded in a throaty moan as I threaded my hands in his hair.

  He nipped my jaw as he drove deeper into me. His rough hands left my face to caress my skin as he trailed them down my body, sending a shiver through me. I arched against him, so close to unraveling from his divine touch.

  “So perfect, baby. So fucking perfect,” Ryker growled against my neck.

  Our lips met again, and after a few more deep thrusts, I cried out in bliss as Ryker brought me to heaven; the only heaven I had ever known.

  My body quivered as Ryker continued his strokes, intensifying my orgasm as it spread through my limbs. He stilled and groaned in my mouth as he followed me into euphoria.

  He rested his sweaty forehead against mine as we regained our breath. Pressing another sweet kiss to my lips, he rolled off me and pulled me into him. He traced circles on my stomach as he propped himself up on his elbow. “So, we’re having a baby, huh?”

  I giggled and stared up at him. “Yeah, we are.”

  Our eyes met, and he smiled. He brought his lips to mine, and soon, we were lost in the beautiful haze our bodies created once again.

  I called my gynecologist’s office as soon as they opened the next morning to make an appointment. They were able to fit me in that afternoon, so I sent a text to Ryker to let him know.

  Me: The dr can see us today at 430 :)

  Ryker: Great baby I’ll pick you up

  Me: Ok :) I love you

  Ryker: Love you too Warrior

  Ryker had the day off, so he had dropped me off at work. I had meetings all day, along with a couple of presentations that were interspersed in between. I was so eager to find out more about the baby that I knew work was going to drag on and on until the appointment. My head kept snapping back and forth to the clock on the wall throughout the day as I waited and waited until four o’clock finally came around.

  When Ryker picked me up, I could see the excitement all over his face, especially in his huge smile and shining eyes. Once I got in the truck, he asked. “How was your day, babe?”

  “Long,” I groaned in displeasure. “I’ve been so anxious all day for the appointment.”

  “Me too,” he replied as he put the truck in drive and merged onto the street. “Where’s this place at?”

  I gave Ryker directions to my doctor’s office, which was only a few blocks away from my work. We parked in the parking garage across the street before heading to the elevator. Ryker threaded our fingers together. “You nervous?”

  I looked up at him. “A little. I have no clue what I’m doing. I know nothing about being a mom.”

  He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb and gave me a reassuring smile. “We’ll figure it out together, Warrior.”

  Some of the tension and unease filling me were alleviated with Ryker’s words. He always knew exactly what to say when I needed it most.

  Once we checked in and I filled out the extensive paperwork, Ryker and I waited in the waiting room to be called back. Thankfully, it only took a few minutes for the nurse to come for me. “Kaiya Marlow?”

  Ryker and I both stood, but the nurse stopped him. “We only need Kaiya for this part.” She smiled politely. “I promise I’ll bring her right back.”

  Ryker glanced at me reluctantly. “Okay.”

  I gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand before following the nurse to the nurse’s station. She handed me a plastic cup and lid that had a label with my name on it. “We need a urine sample. When you’re done, please place it on the shelf above the toilet.”

  She directed me to the bathroom, and I went in and did my business. I left the sample where indicated on the shelf and washed my hands before exiting.

  The nurse, who was wearing a name tag that read ‘Sophie’, took my blood pressure, height, and weight before walking me back to the waiting room. “We’ll call you back for the rest of the exam shortly.”

  I sat back down next to Ryker, who was flipping through a fitness magazine. He glanced up at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, they just did some routine stuff—height, weight, blood pressure.”

  We waited another fifteen minutes when Sophie came back out to get us. She led us to a room, and handed me one of those exam gowns that barely covered anything. “I’ll give you a few minutes to change, then I’ll be back to take your blood sample.”

  I quickly changed into the unattractive paper gown and hopped on the exam table. Ryker sat in a chair next to me right as a knock sounded on the door.

  “Ready?” Sophie asked.

  That was fast.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  Sophie opened the door and came in with some small vials and a huge needle. I gulped.


  Sophie laid out all the equipment on the counter before sterilizing my arm with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. I began to feel hot, and my heart pounded as she tightly secured a band around my bicep and prepped the needle.

  Ryker linked our fingers together and tugged on my hand. I looked toward him and squeezed tightly. He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “Did I ever tell you about the time I got my first tattoo?”

  I tried to remember if he had mentioned it. “No… I don’t think so.”

  “Well, I had just turned eighteen. Tribal tattoos were popular, and almost everyone had one, so naturally, I wanted to get one, too.” He paused and looked at his right arm, which had a huge tribal that wrapped from his shoulder down to below his elbow. My eyes followed his gaze to the ink on his arm as he continued talking. “My boys and I went together to this tattoo shop in downtown Boston to each get a different tribal piece.”

  My eyes went back to his as he continued speaking. “When I sat on the table, my heart was pounding and adrenaline surged through my veins. Once that needle pierced my skin, I was hooked.”

  “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  What a dumb question. Of course it hurts, genius.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, it hurts, but the rush you get from it is awesome. Everything about it is addicting, even the p

  “I’ve always been too scared to get one. I hate needles,” I replied.

  “All done.”

  I looked away from Ryker to Sophie, who was cleaning up the counter. I glanced down and saw a Band-Aid already applied to my inner elbow. “I didn’t even feel it.”

  “You had a good distraction.” She chuckled as she motioned to Ryker before opening the door. “Dr. Wallace will be with you shortly.”

  My eyes went to Ryker, who had an adorable, lopsided grin on his face. He shrugged. “I didn’t want you to panic.”

  My insides somersaulted and a smile spread over my lips.

  He is so sweet sometimes.

  “Thank you, babe.”

  After a few minutes, my doctor knocked and entered. “Hi, Kaiya. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good. Busy, but good.”

  “Great,” she replied as she looked at the iPad in her hands. After several seconds, she looked up and smiled. “I have your results.”

  Ryker stood next to me and squeezed my hand. My heart thudded wildly and my stomach twisted in anticipation as we waited for the answer that would change our lives.

  Dr. Wallace’s smile stretched wider. “Congratulations! You’re having a baby!”

  Tears welled in my eyes as I looked up at Ryker. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly to him as he kissed the top of my head.

  Hearing the confirmation from Dr. Wallace was so much more fulfilling than seeing it on a plastic stick. I couldn’t remember a time when I felt so happy. “We’re having a baby, Ryker.” I softly murmured into his neck.

  Pulling back, Ryker cradled my face in his hands and softly kissed me. He stroked my cheeks with his thumbs and looked deep into my eyes.

  He didn’t need any words to express how he felt. I wasn’t sure there were even words to describe the emotions we were experiencing at that moment. Pure love and joy reflected in those beautiful brown eyes that always captured me. I would never get tired of seeing him look at me like that.

  Dr. Wallace cleared her throat, gaining both of our attentions. She gave us an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a lot to discuss.”

  She came and sat down in an office chair across from the exam table and wheeled it closer to us. “Let’s go over your medical history, then we’ll get to your exam and hear your baby’s heartbeat.”

  Your baby.

  The grin I had on my face widened.

  She used a stylus to tap the screen of her iPad several times, quickly scanning over it with her eyes. “It says here that you’re a twin, which means that you have a higher chance of having twins yourself.”

  And just like that, my stomach sank.


  “We can check that during your first sonogram.”

  Ryker rubbed my back and gave me a sympathetic look. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t be happy with two babies, but just the thought of having twins after what I went through with Kaleb gave me anxiety.

  They wouldn’t be like Kaleb and me—don’t worry over nothing.

  Easier said than done. My mind was preoccupied as we went through the rest of my medical history. After answering several questions, Dr. Wallace asked one that I didn’t have the answer to. “When was the date of your last period?”

  I swallowed nervously. “Well, my periods have never been regular. I was on the shot, but I can’t even remember when I came in for it the last time, or my last period.”

  Dr. Wallace peered back down at the tablet in her hands. “According to our records, the last time you received your contraceptive was in June.”

  Shit, that’s over six months ago. I can’t believe it slipped my mind for that long.

  Dr. Wallace continued. “We’ll need to do an ultrasound to determine how far along you are. Let me see if there’s an ultrasound tech still here.”

  She swiveled in her chair and placed the iPad on the counter before reaching for the phone. “Rachel, can you please check if there’s an ultrasound tech available.”

  A few moments later, she spoke into the phone again. “Thank you. Please send them to room nine.”

  Turning back to face us, she stated, “Let’s get you all checked out. Lay back, please.”

  Ugh, I hate this part.

  A few seconds after she finished with my exam, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Just in time,” Dr. Wallace said as she took off her gloves and washed her hands. “Come in.”

  A woman opened the door and entered with a large cart. “Hi, I’m Jen. I’ll be your ultrasound tech today.” She smiled at us. “Ready to see your baby?”

  “Yes,” Ryker and I said simultaneously.

  “Great! Lay back down and lift the top part of your gown up.”

  Jen wheeled the cart next to me and grabbed a tube. “This is going to be cold, okay?”

  I nodded. Jen squirted the gel on my stomach before placing the ultrasound wand on it. Immediately, the computer screen on the cart came to life, but it took a few seconds before she found the right spot. “There’s your baby,” she practically cooed.

  Both Ryker and I stared in awe at the screen with our tiny baby on it.

  Our baby.

  Looking up at him, I briefly wondered if he had done all this with Molly, and if he felt the same way with her as he did with me. I quickly pushed the thoughts aside, not wanting to ruin the moment of seeing my future child for the first time.

  Dr. Wallace studied the screen. Jen glanced at her before stating, “I’d say she’s about twelve or thirteen weeks along.”

  Dr. Wallace nodded. “I think so, too.” She directed her attention to me. “Only one fetus—no twins.”

  Thank God.

  “Would you like a picture?” Jen asked.

  I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, please.”

  After she pressed a few buttons on the computer, a small sonogram picture printed out. She took the wand off my stomach and cleaned me up before handing me the photo. “Here you go—the first picture of your baby.”

  I glanced down at the sonogram in my hands, then up at Ryker. He was staring at the image with so much love all over his face that it made my heart skip a beat.

  He darted his eyes to mine and gave me a sweet smile. I couldn’t stop my own from forming over my lips because of his. I handed the picture to him as Jen said, “It was nice meeting you. Good luck with your pregnancy.”

  My head turned to see her wheeling the cart out the door. “It was nice to meet you, too. Thank you so much!”

  Dr. Wallace sat back down in her chair. “Do you have any questions for me?”

  I looked up at Ryker, then back at my doctor. “This is all so new and overwhelming, but my mind is blank right now.”

  Dr. Wallace laughed warmly. “That’s understandable. This is your first child, and not everyone knows what to ask. That’s why we have a packet with everything you need to know to take home. We can go over it before you leave.”

  Some tension left me, and I sighed in relief. “Thank you. I feel so much better.”

  Dr. Wallace’s eyes lit up as her eyebrows rose. “Oh, I almost forgot! Let’s listen to your baby’s heartbeat.” She stood and grabbed a handheld machine and another tube of gel from one of the cabinets. It had a wand similar to the ultrasound machine at the end, only smaller. “This is a fetal doppler.”

  Dr. Wallace squeezed more gel on my belly and placed the wand on my stomach. Static and swooshing filled the room as she moved the sensor around my stomach. “Where are you, little one?”

  She traced my lower abdomen before a noise that sounded like a horse galloping mixed with the other sounds. “There you are.”

  I looked from my stomach to Dr. Wallace. “That’s the heartbeat? It’s so fast.”

  “That’s perfectly normal. The heartbeat of a fetus ranges anywhere between one hundred twenty and one hundred eighty beats per minute.”

  I continued listening to the beautiful sound. Ryker squeezed my hand and gave me a
huge grin. It was amazing hearing something that he and I created together, something so pure and perfect.

  Dr. Wallace left the wand there a little longer before pulling it off, and I immediately missed the sound once it stopped. I could’ve listened to it all day if she let me.

  Before we left, Dr. Wallace went over some of the packet of with us, answered what questions we had, and scheduled my next appointment for four weeks later.

  As we walked out, Ryker held the door for me and asked, “Crazy, huh? We’re having a baby.”

  I laughed. “Yeah. Who would’ve thought?”

  He linked our hands as we walked to the elevator. “Not me. You turned my life upside-down.” He pressed the down button with one of his free fingers then poked my stomach.

  I feigned offense. “Hey, you’re the one who wouldn’t leave me alone.” I playfully yanked my hand from him, but he pulled me into him and closed his huge arms around me, trapping my body against his.

  “I’m glad I didn’t.” Our eyes met as he looked down at me. He reached his hand up and brushed his knuckles down my cheek, making my knees weak and causing my face to instantly heat.

  Ryker’s proximity always made my heart race. My voice was unsteady as I spoke. “Oh, yeah? Why?”

  The right corner of his mouth curved up in a sexy grin as he leaned, barely brushing those heavenly lips against mine. “Because I wouldn’t have found my family if I hadn’t.”

  My heart fluttered from his words. Family. The only family I’d ever truly had was Kamden, and to hear Ryker say that I was his family made me feel… amazing.

  His hand pressed against my stomach as he closed the sliver of a gap between our mouths and kissed me. The elevator sounded, and Ryker pushed me through the doors and against the wall.

  I didn’t know if anyone was in there, and frankly, I didn’t care. When Ryker’s lips were on mine, all I was concerned about was consuming as much of him as I possibly could. The building could catch on fire and I’d be oblivious to it.

  My hands framed his face as his tongue slipped past my lips. His fingers threaded through my hair until he reached the back of my head and gripped tightly, devouring me right there in the elevator. And I loved every second of it.


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