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MMF Initiation

Page 3

by Jackie White

  “I haven't seen an order from them.”

  “Their store guy called me direct because it's a breakdown. If you hurry, you should catch the courier.” With that he ended the call.

  “Shit!” she said, under her breath.

  Book 2: Part 6

  The door to the stores wasn't locked this time, but the serving hatch was closed. Kate figured the guys must be ready to leave. She pushed the door open, and stuck her head inside. She hoped she would be able to grab the parcel, and get straight back to her office.

  “Hi? Alfie? Simon?”

  There was no one in sight, and no answer to her call. That wasn't so unusual - the guys could be anywhere in the stores. She stepped inside, and looked down the first aisle of shelving. Nothing – no sign of either of them. She pushed the door closed behind her, and started to make her way towards the other end of the stores, desperately trying to get last night's image out of her head.

  “Christ Simon. You scared me to death.”

  Simon had stepped out from behind one of the shelving racks.

  “Sorry Kate.”

  Before she could say anything, there was another voice from behind her.

  “Hi Kate.”

  She spun around to see Alfie. Where the hell had he appeared from?

  “Have you got the parts for Rabon?”

  “Sure. I'll get them for you in a minute,” Alfie said.

  “I have to get off home soon,” she hoped they would take the hint. She needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  “Of course,” Simon said. “There's just one thing we need to check first.”

  “What?” She was growing impatient.

  Simon lifted his hand, he was holding a sheet of paper. Kate recognised it immediately. She thought her legs would give way.

  “We know.” Alfie said, a broad smile on his face.

  “Know what?” Perhaps she could bluff her way out of this.

  “Come on Kate. We know you saw us.” Simon smiled.

  “I really don't know what you are talking....”

  “Did you enjoy watching?” Alfie stepped closer to her.

  “No I...” She realised immediately she had said too much.

  “So you did see us then?”

  “Yes, but... I don't understand. You both have girlfriends.”


  “How can you?”

  “Come on Kate. Use your imagination. Who says we are only allowed to like men OR women? Why not both?”

  “No one I guess.”

  “You didn't answer my question,” Alfie said.

  “What question?”

  “Did you enjoy watching us?”


  “You know we both have the hots for you don't you?” Simon touched her arm.

  She genuinely had no idea. She'd always fancied the two of them, but had never for one minute considered they might have found her attractive. She was flattered, but still as confused as hell.

  The three of them stood in silence for what seemed to Kate like a lifetime, and then she did something which surprised her as much as it did the two guys. She put her hands on their crotches. Alfie leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. Simon began to squeeze her breasts through her blouse and bra. Alfie's tongue teased her. Her hands moved over their crotches – she could feel their erections. What about Michael? Was she really going to go through with this? She pressed harder on their cocks.

  Book 2 Part 7

  Simon undid her blouse, removed her bra, and then buried his face between her breasts. Alfie knelt down in front of her, just as he had done with Simon the previous day. His fingers released the button on her skirt which fell to the floor. She was naked except for her panties. Alfie pushed his mouth against the front of her panties, pressing his tongue against her pussy through the fabric. He looped his fingers into the waistband, and pulled them slowly down her legs. His tongue pressed into her dampness; his fingers traced a slow downward path from her navel. When his fingers reached her clit, she let out a quiet moan. Simon flicked, pinched and sucked her nipples.

  After a few minutes, Alfie surprised her by scooping her off her feet. His strong arms carried her effortlessly further down the stores. He set her down on a makeshift bed made from tarpaulins. Kate knelt, watching the two guys strip out of their overalls. Within moments, they were both naked, their erect cocks no more than inches from her face. She took one in each hand, and started to stroke them - how she wanted those cocks inside her. She bent forward, and teased the head of Simon's cock – flicking it with her tongue. Next, she turned to Alfie. The slit of his cock glistened with pre-cum. She licked it off, and then ran her tongue down the length of his shaft. Simon knelt behind her, lifting her by the hips, so she was on all fours. She gave her full attention to Alfie now. Her hand stroked his cock while she took his balls into her mouth. She felt him squirm as her tongue licked his ball sack. Simon had his face pressed against her pussy, tongue fucking her. She took Alfie's cock into her mouth, and moved her lips slowly down his shaft. Alfie put his hands on the back of her head, encouraging her to suck faster – she was only too happy to oblige. Simon now pressed his cock slowly into her pussy. She shuffled her legs apart to give him better access. He pressed, once, then again, and on the third attempt she felt him slide inside her. It felt so good to have his cock in her pussy. She allowed Alfie's cock to slip from her lips, took it in her hand, and slapped it against her lips before taking it back into her mouth. This time, she took him much deeper. His hand applied more pressure to the back of her head as he pressed her down even further. She gagged, but only for a second. Simon was being far too gentle – she needed to be fucked hard. She reached behind her, placed a hand on his arse, and pulled him into her. At the same time, she pushed back into him. He picked up the pace, and began to thrust much deeper, and harder into her pussy. Sex with Michael was so predictable (not that it happened very often), she needed far more. She was being fucked hard from behind while giving head – and she felt so fucking good!

  After a few minutes, Simon pulled his cock out of her pussy, stood up, and walked over to Alfie. Kate watched as Alfie bent forward to take Simon's cock in his mouth. He sucked it from the head to the base, and then let it slip out of his mouth into his hand.

  “I can taste your juices,” Alfie said to Kate before taking the cock back into his mouth.

  She hadn't realised it was possible to feel so fucking horny – watching Alfie suck Simon's cock while she sucked Alfie's – she didn't think it could get any better than that. But then it did. She felt a finger touch her arse hole. Simon rimmed her for a few seconds before pressing the tip of his finger inside. It was hard to focus on Alfie's cock while Simon fingered her arse.

  “Want to share?” Alfie held Simon's cock in his hand.

  Kate let Alfie's cock slip from her lips, and then shuffled over to Simon. She caressed Simon's balls while Alfie stroked Simon's cock, and then the two of them ran their tongues along either side of Simon's erection. Their faces were only inches apart; they shared a naughty smile.

  Fuck yes!” Was all Simon could manage to say.

  Alfie offered the head of Simon's cock to Kate who took it into her mouth; she was determined to take it as deep as Alfie had. The two of them took turns, licking and sucking Simon's cock. Kate stroked Alfie's cock with her other hand while Alfie squeezed her breasts and nipples.

  Book 2: Part 8

  Kate continued to suck Simon's cock as Alfie moved away. The next thing she knew, Simon lifted her head, so his cock slipped out of her mouth. She watched as he walked over to Alfie who was sitting on the tarpaulin, his erection in his hand. Her heart began to race as she realised what was about to happen. Simon had his back to Alfie who guided his cock into Simon's arse hole. Simon's expression reflected the initial discomfort as he lowered himself slowly. Kate couldn't help herself – she rubbed her clit furiously as she watched every inch of Alfie's cock disappear into Simon's arse. Any discomfort was forgot
ten as Simon began to ride Alfie – slowly at first, but then gradually faster. Kate continued to rub her clit while pressing her fingers in and out of her pussy. Kate was so turned on that it took her next to no time to come. Even her orgasm couldn't distract her from watching the two guys fucking.

  “Come over here Kate,” Simon said, his hard cock in his hand.

  Did he mean what she thought he did? He did. She walked over, turned her back to him, and then lowered herself down onto his erection. Alfie lay perfectly still until she had taken Simon's cock inside her pussy. She put her feet on the tarpaulin, and began to push herself up and down. Simon was the filling in the sandwich, as Alfie fucked his arse, and Kate rode his cock.

  The two guys somehow synchronised their orgasms. Alfie shot his load deep into Simon's arse just a few seconds before Simon came. Kate was a little disappointed to feel his hot spunk shoot inside her; she had wanted it to last for much longer.

  Book 2: Part 9

  “I hope you aren't going to make a habit of working late,” Michael said. It was the second night running he'd had to prepare dinner.

  “Sorry darling. It was an emergency breakdown.”

  “You shouldn't let them take advantage of you.”

  Kate knew she owed him, so gave him an after dinner blow job. Little did he know what she was thinking about all the time she was giving him head.

  Book 3: MMF Secrets

  Book 3: Part 1

  “We can't!”

  “Of course we can.” Betty put her hand on Frank's crotch. Just as she suspected - his mouth was saying no, but his cock was screaming 'let's fucking do it!”

  “We'll get sacked if we get caught.”

  “That's all part of the excitement.” She stroked his cock through his trousers. “I want this in my mouth now!”

  Frank looked out of the office window onto the open plan floor. It was lunch time, and most of the desks were deserted. Even so, he could still see a few heads bobbing around in amongst the cubicles. He’d never understood why anyone would choose to spend their lunch break at their desk. He had been on his way out when Betty intercepted him. She had pushed him back into his office, slammed the door behind her, and told him she was going to give him a blow job.

  “What brought this on?” He asked looking down at Betty who was now on her knees in front of him.

  “Can't a girl feel horny?” She undid the buttons on her white top, and pushed the bra cups down, revealing her breasts. She sucked a finger provocatively before pinching her hard nipples.

  “But what if someone comes to my office?”

  “Lock the door.”

  “There isn't a lock.”

  “Well you will just have to keep a look out.” She snapped the button on his trouser waistband open.

  “Oh shit!” Frank leaned forward, his hands resting on the partition which separated his office from the main floor. Betty was below the level of the windows, so couldn’t be seen by those in the main office. He heard the sound of his zip being undone. At that very moment, Peter James stood up in his cubicle, and walked over to the water cooler. Frank's trousers fell to his ankles as he felt a hand push inside his boxers.

  “Hmmm! Nice and hard.” Betty pulled his cock free from his boxers. “Yummy.” She licked the head of his cock which was damp with pre cum. Peter James poured a cup of water, and turned to face Frank's office. The water cooler was some distance away, but Peter had been known to call in for a chat when he noticed Frank was in his office at lunch time. That was another reason Frank rarely stuck around – Peter could bore for England. Betty pulled his boxers down, and took his erection in both hands. Frank had a cock worthy of two hands. One hand cupped the head of his cock while her other stroked the shaft – really slowly – she wanted this to last as long as possible.

  Peter raised a hand to acknowledge Frank.

  “Please don't come over here,” Frank said under his breath. Peter was single, and to the best of Frank's knowledge had never had a girlfriend. What would he think if he knew Frank was getting a hand job? And, any moment now - a blow job.

  “What?” Betty looked up; her hands still busy on his cock.

  Peter James walked back to his cubicle.

  “Nothing. I thought Peter James was going to come over.”

  “There's only one person going to come, and it isn't Peter James.” With that, she took his cock into her mouth.

  Frank held his breath for a few seconds, worried he might call out. Betty gave head better than any girl he had ever been with. She did something with her tongue (he had no idea what) while she sucked him in and out of her mouth. It was fantastic, but always made him want to shoot his load. It took him all his will power not to come within the first few seconds. It didn't help that she had one hand on his balls, and the other on his arse hole.

  Betty loved to play with his balls while giving head. She could tell the impact she had on him by the way his shaft throbbed in her mouth. She liked to mix it up a bit, so she sucked his cock for a while, and then allowed it to slip from her mouth, so she could lick the full length of the shaft. Her finger teased his arse hole causing his pelvis to push forward.

  After several minutes of her best oral attention, she sensed he was approaching his climax. The office had recently been refurbished, and the new black carpet was not the place to drip cum – not unless she wanted to give the cleaners something to talk about. She didn't really want it all over her blouse or skirt either, so that left only one option – not that she was complaining. Betty had never been a spitter – she had always thought it seemed rather rude. If a man was good enough to deposit his cum in her mouth, the very least she could do was to swallow it.

  People were starting to filter back into the office. There was still fifteen minutes until the end of the lunch hour. Frank had a meeting scheduled in his office at two o' clock. He said a silent prayer that the others didn't decide to turn up early. The staff in the cubicles closest to his office were no more than ten metres away. He’d been given a few strange looks in the last few minutes. They must have wondered why on earth he was spending so much time just staring out into the office. They had probably noticed the strange expression on his face.

  As soon as the familiar pressure began to build up in his balls, he grabbed Betty's head, and pressed her mouth deep onto his cock. As he came, he saw Alan Rogers walk into the main office.

  “Oh shit!” Alan Rogers was one of the people attending the two o' clock meeting.

  Betty still had Frank’s cock deep in her mouth. Alan Rogers was walking across the room as Frank shot the last of his load.

  “Quick. Alan Rogers is coming.”

  “I'm not swallowing his,” Betty laughed.

  Frank wasn't amused. He bent down to pull up his boxers and trousers. Betty was still on her knees, her tits on parade.

  Alan Rogers turned to his left. Peter James had collared him. Frank gave a sigh of relief, and made a silent promise never to moan about Peter again. Betty pulled her bra back over her breasts, fastened her blouse, and scrambled to her feet.

  “See you later,” she said as she walked out of his office - nonchalant as you like.

  Book 3: Part 2

  “Where were you at lunch?” Julie asked. Betty and her were working on the same campaign.

  “I stayed in the office.”

  “You should have come to The Candle. Roy was in there. He had been expecting Frank, but he didn't show up. Why on earth would you stay in at lunch? You'll go stir crazy stuck in here all day.”

  “There was something I needed to get my head around. I figured lunch time would probably be the best time to do it.”

  “Did you get it sorted?”

  “Only just.”

  “Did you get anything to eat?”

  Before she could answer, the telephone on her desk rang.

  “Betty?” It was Roy.


  “Where were you at lunch? Julie thought you were coming to The Candle.”

  How on Earth had she got herself into this mess? Betty had screwed up before, but this one took the biscuit.

  It was almost nine months since she had first met Roy and Frank. She remembered because it had been her first day in her new job – Marketing Assistant at MailDay. Julie, her co-worker, had invited her for a drink after work. In truth, Betty would have preferred to have gone straight home to a warm bath and a glass of wine, but she hadn't liked to say no. Their offices were in the centre of the city surrounded by bars and restaurants. Julie had taken her to The Candle, a small bar no more than a hundred metres from their offices. Roy and Frank had been sitting at the bar when the two women arrived. It turned out the two guys worked at MailDay too – in the Projects department. It had been a great evening; the two men were good company – charming, interesting and funny – a rare combination in Betty's experience. Not only did the two men work together, but they were also the best of friends outside of work. They had apparently been at university together and still played in the same rugby team.

  Afterwards, Julie had asked Betty what she thought of the two guys. At the time, Betty hadn't known if either man was in a relationship, so she had been cautious over what she said. The truth was that Betty had found both men attractive – hell they were down right hot. Good looking with great bodies – add to that a great personality – what wasn't there to like about them? Over the following weeks, she got to know the two guys better. Their paths frequently crossed at work, and they would often meet up for drinks after hours.

  At the time, Betty had been very much single. Her last relationship had ended some two months before she started at MailDay. It had been a messy affair – Mr Right had turned into Mr Possessive Drunk – she had been pleased to see the back of him. One night after work, Betty had been in The Candle with Frank. She had been surprised to find him alone – the two men had seemed to be joined at the hip. Roy had been out of town for the day. Any how to cut a long story short – somehow Betty and Frank had ended up back at her place. Since then, they had been seeing each other regularly.


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