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MMF Initiation

Page 4

by Jackie White

  About a month later, she had been working late when she bumped into Roy on her way out. The two of them had gone for a drink, and ended up back at her place. Ever since then, she had been seeing both guys. She should feel bad; this really wasn't like her. She had never two-timed anyone before, but she was having simply too much fun to stop. She enjoyed the company of both men, and she certainly enjoyed the sex. Both men were good in bed – REALLY GOOD!. There was something naughty, but exciting about keeping them both on the go. It would have been bad enough if they hadn't known one another, but they were best friends! And she was fucking them both.

  “Betty? Are you still there?”

  “Sorry. There was something I had to finish.”

  “No problem. Are we still on for tonight?”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “I'll pick you up at your place at about seven o' clock. Is that okay?”

  “That's fine. I'll be ready.”

  “Who was that?” Julie had a grin on her face. Betty hadn't told her about Frank or Roy, but Betty thought she probably suspected something.

  “No one.”

  “You've just arranged to go for a drink with no one? Come on Betty spill the beans. I'm bored – tell me who you are seeing.”

  Betty smiled and touched her finger to her nose.

  Book 3: Part 3

  Roy was something of a car nut, but not in a boring geeky way. He just loved to drive, and every time he had taken Betty out, he'd insisted on driving out into the countryside. It had made a pleasant change from the usual city centre bars.

  “How many cars do you own?” Betty climbed into the red open top MGB.

  “Three. You've seen them all now.”

  “How do you afford it?”

  “They're my hobby. It's my only vice.”

  “Not the only one,” she flashed him a wicked smile.

  “I thought we might try the Lancaster Arms. It's an hour's drive, but the steaks are meant to be out of this world.”

  It was a beautiful, warm July evening – perfect for a drive in an open top. Betty didn't have to worry about ruining her hair. She had chosen the short cropped style to keep maintenance to a minimum. Besides, she thought it made her look cute.

  The rumours turned out to be right. The food was delicious, and well worth the thirty mile drive. The pub was located on a quiet country road which overlooked a reservoir. It was surprisingly busy, and they had to wait for a table. Roy hadn't thought to book in advance because he had wrongly assumed Tuesday would be a quiet night. After they finished their meal they moved outside onto the decking which overlooked the water. The sticky heat of the day had made way for a pleasantly warm evening. Betty could feel the cool air, which blew off the reservoir, on her bare legs. The white and yellow dress was the shortest in her wardrobe, and seemed to be having the desired effect. She had caught Roy trying to catch a glimpse of her panties a few times since they had moved outside. Little did he know; she wasn't wearing any. Betty thought about flashing him, but there were too many people on the decking.

  “Shall we go back to my place?” Roy said. They were en-route back to the city.

  “Seems a pity to be inside on a night like this.”

  “How do you mean?”

  Betty hitched the front of her dress up; her legs were slightly parted. Roy glanced to his side just long enough to catch a glimpse of her shaven pussy. The country road was narrow and winding, so he had to look back ahead. Betty licked her finger, and began to rub her pussy.

  “I'm just saying it's a nice night.” Her fingers moved up to her clit.

  “You mean...?”

  “Why not?”


  “I don't know. I'm sure you will find somewhere.” She put her hand on his crotch, and smiled when she felt his hardness.

  Book 3: Part 4

  Somehow, Roy avoided crashing as he searched for somewhere suitable. Betty rubbing his erection through his trousers was bad enough, but when she undid his fly, and managed to pull his cock out – his no-claims bonus almost went up in smoke. The recent warm spell meant the dirt track was at least dry. Half a mile from the main road, Roy pulled the car off the dirt track into a small clearing bordered on three sides by bushes. They would be okay unless anyone came down the dirt track- unlikely as it appeared to be a dead-end. The car had no sooner come to a halt, than Betty dipped her head underneath the steering wheel. Her hand job had already worked up a head of pre-cum, so she licked that into her mouth. His hands took hold of her head pushing her mouth down onto his cock. She intended only to tease because she didn't want him to come yet – she needed fucking, and a limp cock would be no good to her. Roy wasn't as big as some men she had known, but he was hard. She had never known a cock as hard as his – it was like rock. Her tongue licked the underside of his shaft as her lips glided slowly downwards.

  “Fuck Betty. That's sooo good!”

  Betty liked to think she knew how to give a man a good time – orally speaking.

  She resisted his attempt to make her suck faster. She knew he wanted to come in her mouth – the sooner the better as far as he was concerned. No way. Not yet anyway.

  She pushed the door open and climbed out.

  “Get over here and fuck me!” She leaned forward, her hands resting on the top of the door which was now wide open. Roy struggled out of his door, his cock still poking through his fly. On his way around the back of the car, he managed to discard his trousers and boxers. Roy pushed the dress up her back, revealing her compact little arse. Her legs were spread and her pussy already wet and waiting. No preliminaries were needed as he rammed his cock into her. She held onto the car door as he fucked her hard. She managed to support herself with only one hand which allowed her to rub her clit with her free hand.

  “Fuck me harder!”

  Roy put his hands around her waist, pulling her into his cock each time he thrust forward. The sound of their two bodies slapping together could be heard for some distance. Fortunately for them, the only creatures to hear were a family of field mice.

  After a few minutes of hard, roar fucking, Roy climbed back into the car, and sat with his feet on the car seat, and his backside on the top of the seat.

  “Take your dress off!”

  Betty obliged, throwing her dress and bra onto the car seat. She was about to climb aboard his cock when he spun her around, so she had her back to him. He held her by the waist as she lowered her pussy onto his waiting erection. His hands encircled her, squeezing her breasts. She resumed working her clit, as she began to ride his erection. She was close to coming now, and could sense he was too. She pushed down on the seat as she rode the full length of his rock hard cock. At least once, she got carried away and lifted herself so high that his cock slipped out of her. She quickly grabbed it, and pushed it back inside her. The familiar sensation began to build – she rode him even harder, rubbed her clit even faster – willing herself to come. She needed to come now.

  “Fuckkk!! Fuckkk!! Fuckkk!” The orgasm rushed through her body. For several moments, she didn't move, her pussy squeezing tight on his cock. She was about to resume riding him when he pushed her away.

  She knew he wanted to come on her face, so knelt in front of him. As he wanked himself to a climax, she caressed his ball sack, and put her tongue on the head of his cock.

  “Come on my face Roy. I want your cum now!” She knew he loved her to talk dirty.

  He was getting closer, his hand moving even faster.

  The cum shot into her open mouth. Then more and more still. The spunky warm goo filled her mouth. When he had finished, she tilted her head back, and looked up to show him the mouthful of cum. With one swallow it was gone.

  Book 3: Part 5

  It was Friday, and Betty had arrived at work thirty minutes earlier than usual. Julie had a day's holiday booked, so she had asked Betty to cover some of her work. Betty didn't think much to having to get up so early, and was still half asleep.

  The office was
mostly deserted at this time of the morning. Betty grabbed a black coffee from the vending machine. It was horrible as usual, but she hoped the caffeine might get her going. As she got closer to her desk, she could see a yellow post-it note. Probably something Julie forgot to tell her last night.

  The note was handwritten

  Hotel Campole – Room 121

  Tonight at 8.00pm

  A surprise waiting for you!

  Who was it from? Betty had never seen Roy or Frank's handwriting. She had only ever contacted either of them by phone or email. She couldn't ask either of them if the note was from them. What if she picked the wrong one to ask? How did she get into this mess? She didn't make a habit of going out with two men at the same time. Okay – she had done it once before, but she had been ten years old at the time, so that hardly counted. What made it a thousand times worse was that Roy and Frank worked together and were best friends. If she blew this, she might end up with neither of them. Maybe the time had come to pick one, but which one? She liked them both. She decided she was worrying too much. After all, it wasn't as if she was engaged to either of them. She would just have to see which one of them turned up at the hotel.

  Betty was so busy doing her own job and covering for Julie that the day flew by. By the time she set off for home, all she really wanted to do was to climb into a warm bath, and eat lots of chocolate. Mrs Dale, her next door neighbour, stopped her on the way in. For a horrible moment, Betty thought she was going to be stuck listening to the old lady's tales of her grandson. She needn't have worried; her neighbour had taken in a package for her. Betty thanked her, and wondered what Mrs Dale would make of the 'Come Fuck Me' underwear that was in the anonymous looking parcel. There wasn't time for a long bath, so Betty had to make do with a quick shower and a glass of wine. By 7.00pm she had recovered a little and started to look forward to the evening ahead. The new underwear lived up to its name. She was confident whichever of the two guys turned up would approve of her purchase.

  Book 3: Part 6

  Betty felt a little like a hooker as she bypassed reception, and took the elevator to the first floor. Who would be waiting for her? Her money was on Frank. Roy liked to get out in the car too much to book a city hotel room. She double-checked the room number, and knocked on the door.


  “Who were you expecting?”

  “Errrr. You of course.”

  He stepped to one side.

  “Nice room.” She said as he closed the door behind her.

  “Champagne?” Roy pointed to the bottle which was on ice on the coffee table.

  “Lovely. I could do with a drink after my day.”

  “Poor love.” He popped the cork, and poured her a drink.

  “Aren't you joining me?”

  “In a minute. Let me take your coat.”

  She let her long blue coat fall to the floor.

  “Bloody Hell!!”

  That was pretty much the reaction she had hoped for when she decided to put her coat on over her underwear. She had spent twenty minutes deliberating over which dress to wear before deciding not to bother. Walking through the streets of the city wearing nothing under her coat except a quarter cup bra and crotchless panties had left her feeling more than a little horny.

  Roy tossed her coat onto the couch before reaching out and pinching her nipples which were already hard.

  “People will think I sent for a whore.”


  He teased one of her nipples with his teeth. She put the glass down and put her hand onto his crotch. Something was stirring down there. He switched his attention to her other nipple as she rubbed the bulge in his trousers.

  “We should go through to the bedroom,” he said. “There's a surprise for you in there.”

  She was reluctant to move her hand from his crotch, but made her way to the bedroom. Roy was a few paces behind her.

  Book 3: Part 7


  Lying on the bed, butt naked with an enormous erection was Frank.

  “What the fuck's going on?”

  “Do you like our little surprise?” Roy was in the bedroom now.

  “I don't understand.”

  “Come on Betty. We are allowed to have secrets too. You've had your fun two timing us.”

  “I never.... I didn't mean to.”

  “It's okay. We always knew what you were doing. We didn't mind. We've both fancied you since you joined the company.”

  “Why didn't you tell me. I feel stupid.”

  “There's no reason to - no harm done. It's been fun for us all. You're looking particularly hot today. Now why don't you come and attend to this?” Frank had his cock in his hand.

  What should she do? She had never been with more than one man at the same time. She had two choices: she could get dressed and leave or she could have some fun with the two guys. It took her less than ten seconds to make up her mind. She walked across the bedroom, and climbed onto the bed. Kneeling beside Frank, she took his erection in her hand. It felt good to the touch. His head was resting on the pillow. He looked down at her as she began to run her hand up and down his shaft. She smiled at him briefly before taking his cock into her mouth. He placed an encouraging hand on her head. What was it about sucking cock that made Betty so hot? Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Roy walk alongside the bed. He had undressed and was packing a hard one. She half expected him to climb on next to her, but he walked up to the head of the bed. What happened next took her totally by surprise, so much so her mouth gawped open allowing Frank's cock to slip from her lips. Frank turned his head to face Roy, and then took his friend's cock into his mouth. Roy noticed Betty's expression.

  “You look like you've just seen a ghost.”

  Betty was too shocked to speak. She had assumed the guys’ secret was that they knew she was two-timing them. Never had she imagined this. She had always known they were good friends, but this..... This went way beyond good friends - she had never suspected this – not even for a second.

  She couldn't take her gaze off Frank as he sucked on Roy's cock. Never in her life had she seen a man suck cock before – not even on the porn she had watched. She didn't know what she should feel – surely she should be disgusted. But she wasn't. Watching Frank sucking his friend's cock was taking her to a whole new level of horny. Frank was feeling neglected, so pulled her head back down onto his cock. She found herself matching Frank's rhythm as the two of them sucked cock. Roy reached over and began to squeeze her exposed breasts. The whole situation was surreal.

  “We're neglecting Betty,” Frank had Roy's cock in his hand now. He leaned forward and pulled Betty, so she was lying on her side. She wasn't sure what he had in mind at first, but as Roy joined them on the bed, all became clear. Roy took Frank's cock into his mouth. Frank in turn buried his head between Betty's legs. She let out a sigh as his tongue found her clit, and his fingers pushed inside her. Roy's cock was only inches from her face, so she took it into her mouth. The triangle was now complete. Roy sucked Franks' cock. Frank ate Betty's pussy. Betty sucked Roy's cock. Betty teased the area between Roy's ball sack and arse hole. Every now and then, she would allow his cock to slip out of her mouth, so she could lick it for a while. Frank's fingers curved inside her, finding the spot. His tongue flicked, circled and rubbed her clit in expert fashion.

  Book 3: Part 8

  “I need a cock inside me now,” Betty didn't mind whose cock it was, but she had to have one right now. Frank was the first to react. He manoeuvred her, so she was on her knees, her hands resting on the headboard. His hands spread her legs, before he pushed his erection into her waiting pussy. As it slid inside her, she let out a moan of satisfaction. He was inside her, so why wasn't he fucking her? One glance behind her gave her the answer. Roy was kneeling behind Frank, pressing his cock into Frank's arse. She was transfixed watching Roy's cock slide into his friend's arse hole. His initial efforts met with token resistance, but soon he had the full length of h
is shaft buried inside Frank's arse. Only now, did Frank begin to fuck Betty. The three of them moved as a single entity. Roy fucked Frank, Frank fucked Betty. Betty was pushed forward by the force of the two men. Frank put a hand under Betty, his fingers continued the good work his tongue had begun earlier. As their combined pace increased, Frank pushed deeper into Betty – his balls slapping against her with every thrust. She had made the right decision by staying. Sex with one man would never be the same again. Why have one cock when you could have two? The two men showed no sign of flagging as Frank's cock continued to service her.

  “We have a special request.” Frank announced after a few minutes. She turned around and sat with her back resting against the headboard. “There's something that Roy and I would both like to see.”

  “What's that?” After today's events, nothing would surprise her.

  “We want to see you masturbate. Don't we Roy?”


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