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Do Not Disturb

Page 14

by Lisa Ballenger

  He hesitated and then moved his hand to her chin, lifting her face. “But not good enough for you. And that makes it not good enough for me.” He brushed back her hair. “I may act like I’m a teenager half the time around you, but that’s not how I want to make love to you. It’s about both of us.”

  “Maybe next time.”

  “I don’t want to pressure you. I just want to make love to you. Completely.”


  “Come here.” He stuffed a pillow behind his head and pressed her down on his chest. “Talk to me.”

  “About what.”

  “Let’s see. I know you said you haven’t been with anyone since James, so...are you just nervous with me?”

  She shook her head. “No. I thought I would be. I mean I was a little nervous, but I really, really wanted to make love to you.”

  He finger combed her hair over her shoulder. “Okay. So you were ready and I was ready. Too ready, maybe for me, there something you like that I didn’t do?”

  “Oh no. It was great. It felt great.”

  “It’s all right to tell me if you need something I’m not doing. It takes time to learn to please each other.”


  “Allison, did you have orgasms with James?”

  Oh god, he was blunt.

  “I was very young...and he was my first...we tried, some...”

  “Is that a no?”

  She nodded, her cheek rubbing against the hair on his chest.

  “Well just because you weren’t successful with him, doesn’t mean we won’t be. You’re a very sexy woman.”

  Could she?

  “I think you need to relax. This is not the time to be in control, Allison.” He kneaded the muscles in her back. “I know I’m too laid back for you most of the time, but trust me, this is definitely the time to be laid back and just let it happen.”

  She smiled at his instructions.

  “One more question.”


  “I’m assuming from some of the guidance you were giving me that you do know what will make it happen, so it has happened?”

  She gasped at his implications.

  “I’m not going to ask for details. Relax.” He held her tightly against him. “It just helps to know if we’re starting at ground zero or just at the point where you add a partner to the experience.”

  This was way too embarrassing.

  “I’ll assume we’re at the partner stage. And that makes it easier. With just a little education on my part, given by you of course, we’ll be able to accomplish this together.”

  What was she going to do?

  “So you just think about what you need, anything at all, and we’ll have a great time on this project.” He kissed the top of her head. “You want to start tonight?”

  This conversation must end. She glanced over his chest at the bedside clock.

  “It’s getting late.”

  “It’s not that late.” He rotated her to her back and leaned over her, looking into her eyes. “But I think I’ve embarrassed you enough for one night, so we’ll wait till next time if you want to.” He kissed the top of her nose. “And I’ll be looking forward to it.” He kissed her cheek. “This was wonderful, baby.” He kissed her lips. “I haven’t felt this good in a very, very long time.”

  "I guess it didn't matter what the bed looked like, huh?"

  "What?" Brett lifted his head slightly. "What's wrong with the bed?"

  "Well..." Allison reached up to touch his cheek. He was a very sexy man. It might just happen after all.

  "I had it all neat and the pillows arranged. Just perfect. And then Kelly was in here while I dressed and she messed it up." She ran her fingers back down his arm, watching goosebumps form on his damp skin. "And then the doorbell rang and, well I couldn't stop and straighten it back up. How would I explain that to Kelly?" She ventured back around to his chest. Did she actually feel him moving against her leg? "She’d already asked me what people our age did on a date."

  "Kids sure are nosy, aren't they?" Brett asked, his voice catching as her fingers roamed over his skin. "Caroline asked why we needed to go out tonight if the four of us were already going to celebrate tomorrow night."

  "I wonder how married couples manage to..." Allison stopped. “You know...”

  "Kids just have to learn that their parents need time alone. I guess ours haven't learned that. They’re so used to having us dedicated to their every need."

  Allison paused, trying to figure out how to ask. Finally, she just blurted it out. “Does that mean you haven’t brought a lot of other women home to meet Caroline?”

  Brett seized Allison and pulled her on top of him, her face landing a few inches in front of his. “You’re the first.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “I’m not the first one you’ve...”

  “No.” He shook his head. “There were a few friends over the years, but nothing serious. No one that mattered.” He sunk his fingers in her tangled curls. “Before now.”

  “Oh.” A warmth rushed through her heart.

  He whispered, "Are you ready to finish what you just started?"

  She arched her brows. "What are you talking about?"

  He moved her hand down to his erection. "You know exactly what I mean."

  “Why I wasn’t trying to...”

  “Sure you weren’t.” He rolled on his back and pulled her on top, hugging her close. “Amazing at my age. I thought it would take me a lot longer to be ready again. It seems you have a very special effect on me.”

  She smiled at the sensation of his hardness below her. Yes, maybe it would be possible with him. "Are you complaining?"

  “Never.” He braced her face with his palms. “But if you’re waiting till next time. I’ll wait till next time. I already owe you one.”

  “I don’t mind if you owe me two.”

  He patted her bottom. “Well, well. I like this optimism. So you think I can manage two for you next time, huh?”

  “Maybe if you show me some of your relaxation techniques.”

  “Oh wow.” His head fell back on the pillow. “Pressure.”

  “You promised, Brett.”

  “So I did.” He picked up her hand and kissed her palm. ”Well, I’m ready to pay my debt anytime."

  Allison plumped her pillow and hugged it to her chest. It was no substitute for Brett’s hard body. His scent was faint on the pillowcase, but the memories of making love were vivid.

  And she had been so close.

  Was he right? If she was able to relax, would it happen?

  Allison smiled. He did seem determined to make it wonderful for her too. She had never felt so wanted.

  Turning off the light, she snuggled under the covers.

  She could learn to be laid back, let it happen.

  Her body still ached with desire.

  She’d better learn soon.


  “Ladies.” Brett stood in his front hall, one hand on the doorknob, waving Allison and Kelly inside. “Hope you slept well, Allison. You’ll need your energy to keep up at the mall.”

  Allison blushed at the wicked look in his eyes. “I slept very well, Brett. How about you?”

  “Fantastic. I was very relaxed.” He closed the door. “Must have been the nice dinner. What do you think?”

  She ignored his question and avoided his eyes, but determined to have his way, he escorted her down the hall.

  “Kelly, why don’t you check on Caroline? I want to show your mother something in my study.”

  “Sure Mr. Tyler.”

  “What?” Allison followed him into a small room at the back of the house. A computer, a printer and a tangled assortment of papers overwhelmed a long desk set up under the window. Off to the left, a padded bench waited in front of a rack of free weights. So that’s where those muscles come from.

  Brett twirled her around and into his chest.

  “Good morning, darling.” He claimed her mout
h in a fervent kiss.

  She mumbled against his mouth. “Brett, the girls -”

  “The door’s shut.” He tugged her to his leather office chair, drew her into his lap, and lowered her back against his arm. “We have a few minutes of privacy and I know how to spend it.”

  He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and then captured her mouth again. “I want you again, baby. More than ever now that I know how wonderful it is to make love to you.”

  Her still taut body responded. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she settled into his lap, with a maximum of movement. He inhaled suddenly.

  “Anything wrong?” She ran her fingers down his shoulder, tickling his bare arm below his elbow with her fingernails.

  “Nothing you can’t fix.” He closed his hand over her breast. “Want to help me out?”

  She laughed. “I’d love to...” She jumped up and moved back out his reach. “But I don’t think we have time.”

  He bound out of the chair and shoved his body against hers. “Come on. We’ll tell the girls you’ll be leaving in an hour. That will give us plenty of time to get you relaxed and then...”

  “Brett.” She slapped his chest, her face turning a bright red.

  He kissed her lips gently. “I think I owe you something.”

  A voice followed a knock. “Dad, you in there?”

  “Damn,” Brett said, releasing Allison. “I’m going to buy that do not disturb sign yet.”

  Allison laughed, opening the door. “You girls ready to shop?” She looked back over her shoulder at Brett, now slumped in his chair. “You get to work and don’t leave this room until those financial plans for your new client are complete.”

  “Yes, mom.” He waved as the women headed down the hall.

  Christmas had arrived at Tampa Bay Mall and Thanksgiving was still a few weeks away. But at least most of the crowds remained at the beach.

  As they strolled through Burdines department store, Caroline slowed to touch party dresses set out for the holidays.

  Allison reached for Kelly. “Let’s go over here.”

  “Do you want to look at a dress, Caroline?” Allison asked, stopping next to the display of velvet and taffeta outfits.

  Caroline’s wide eyes moved to Allison’s face.

  “These are very pretty, aren’t they?” Allison selected a dress and held it up. “What do you think, Kelly?”

  “Wow...” Kelly stared at the fancy outfit. “Do you want one of these Caroline?”

  Caroline’s mouth opened and then shut, looking uncomfortable.

  Allison lay a hand on her shoulder. “That’s what we’re here for. To shop. If you need a dress, let’s do it.”

  “Well...” Caroline’s voice was so soft, Allison leaned down to eye level with the hesitant girl.

  “What is it?” Allison asked.

  “My mother’s having this party for Thanksgiving.” Caroline looked at her shoes.” And I know she wants me to be dressed up.” She lifted her face to Allison. “I didn’t want to bother Dad with it, but my mother will be very upset if I show up with what I wore last year, even though it’s a very nice dress and I haven’t even worn it since, it’s just that she - ”

  “I love shopping for new dresses. Especially fancy ones.” Allison interrupted Caroline and squeezed her shoulder. “This will be fun, won’t it Kelly?”

  “Yeah.” Kelly ran to another rack of clothes. “You’re so lucky.”

  “Girls, I think we have done the mall.” Allison slammed the trunk of her car. “If we stay any longer they’ll have to re-stock before Christmas.”

  “It was great, mom.” Kelly jumped in the back seat. “Thanks for the sweatshirt.” She held up a pink garment emblazoned with her favorite rock star’s image. “I know I don’t need it, but this is so perfect.” She hugged it to her chest.

  Caroline leaned over the front seat. “Thanks, Ms. Hill, for helping me with the dress. And the shoes.” She smiled, her face full of gratitude. “Dad wouldn’t have known what to get.”

  “You’re welcome, Caroline.” Allison faced the front of the car, afraid Caroline would see the mist at the edge of her eyes. What a sweet child. How can her mother not appreciate how lucky she is? “Shall we go see if your dad finished his work and made dinner or if we’re going to have to get fast food?”

  “I’m sure he made lasagna,” Caroline said firmly. “He promised.”

  Yes, Caroline, I’m sure you’re right. If your father promised, then he made lasagna. He was a man who kept his promises.

  "Sit here." Brett patted the spot on the couch next to him.

  Allison looked over her shoulder then sank down in the middle of the sofa.

  He draped his arm around her neck as she settled in next to him. "Closer."

  Shrugging, she tried to move away. "They'll be right back."

  "They'll be at least ten minutes." He held her firm against his side. "And besides, it's past time to let them see us."

  She dropped her head back on his arm. "I don't know, Brett." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I told you I'm just not sure how to do this."

  "Do what?"

  "You know," she whispered. "This." She waved her arms.

  "You mean the fact that we're..." He showered her with kisses between words, "...close...involved...lovers..."

  "Shhhh." She clapped her hand over his mouth, but felt him smile under her palm, then nibble on her skin. When she jerked her hand away, he laughed.

  "It's true, you know. And I don't know why you're afraid to let the girls see us." He tipped her face toward his. "I'm not ashamed of our relationship, are you?"

  His face was serious.

  "No. I'm not ashamed. I just truly don't know how to act around them." She dropped her head to the top of his shirt. The hair on his chest sprouting around the collar brought back memories of how wonderful it felt to have Brett hold her, naked. "I told you. This is new to me."

  He leaned into her ear. "Well, if you remember what I told you about my previous life, this is a new experience for me, too." He picked up her hand, rubbing the top of her knuckles. "But, I want Caroline to know, and even see, that it's possible for a man and woman to care about each other. To have a good relationship."

  Her heart leapt to her throat. A relationship.

  "Dad, you ready?" Caroline called out from the hall.

  "We'll talk later." He squeezed her fingers and let them go, but kept his arm around her shoulder. "We're ready."

  Caroline waltzed into the family room with Kelly close behind her.

  "Oh my..." Brett raised his right hand and circled it in the air. "Turn around."

  Caroline twirled slowly, then stopped, her eyes twinkling. "Isn't it gorgeous?"

  "Yes, Caro, it is definitely gorgeous." His voice was filled with emotion. "You're lucky Ms. Hill was with you. I'm not sure I would've let you buy something that grown-up."

  "Oh Dad, it's not too grown-up.” Caroline slapped her hands to her side, trying to act indignant. “You think I'm still a little girl."

  "That's true. You'll always be my little girl."


  "Okay, Miss Tyler." Brett laughed. "You do look great, honey. It'll be perfect for Thanksgiving."

  "Let's go, Kelly. I'll put on some shorts and then we watch television." Caroline converted from grown-up in a fancy new dress back to pre-teen in an instant.

  "Thanks." Brett leaned around Allison and kissed her briefly on the mouth and then moved back an inch or two. "I feel awful I didn't know about the dress. I asked her if she needed anything for the trip, and she didn't mention it."

  "Don't feel bad.” She placed her hand on his face. “I'm not sure how many girls would take their father shopping for a dress, no matter what the circumstances."

  "You're sweet to say that. And, knowing her mother, she's probably behind this whole new dress idea." His face brightened. "But, seeing how proud Caroline is, I'm glad she got it, whatever the reason. And I'm glad she felt comfortable asking you to

  That's what friends are for." Allison smiled. "Isn't that what you tell me every time you've helped me?"

  "Yeah." He kissed each side of her mouth. "And you are certainly my idea of a friend." He touched her lips with his tongue and then moved in for a deep, passionate kiss.

  She responded for a second and then pushed him away. "I'm sure our few minutes of privacy are about up."

  "I'll be working on finding more private time soon, darling." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Be ready."

  She was ready.

  "Pause the movie, Caroline." Brett reached for the ringing phone. "Hello."

  Allison shifted away as he leaned forward, resting his left elbow on his knee.

  "Hello, Mother." The muscles in Brett's back bunched under his cotton shirt.

  "No." He stood up and walked to the window looking out over the dark back yard. "I can't."

  He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, but no." Resting his hand on his hip, he arched his back. "Tell everyone I said hello and I'll call you soon." He dropped his hand to his side.

  Allison waited, but he continued to stand still. After several seconds, his shoulders lifted and he turned around, nodding to Caroline. "Start the movie."

  Settling back on the couch next to Allison, he slung his arm along the back of the seat and glared at the television. He sat for ten minutes, not moving a muscle, his right elbow resting on the couch arm, his hand covering his mouth, then he stood.

  "I need some fresh air." He glanced at Allison. "You want to take a walk or stay here?"

  She followed him through the front hall. He locked the door and walked silently down the walk to the edge of the drive. Scattered street lights provided patches of light alternating with darkness.

  They walked past five houses before Allison spoke. "Is anything wrong with your parents?"

  Brett laughed. "No, they’re perfect." He grabbed Allison's hand and swung it between them. "As always."

  She waited and walked. She’d seen him happy, furious, worried and now...well, it was hard to tell what was happening now.

  "I try not to let them bother me, but they have this way." He shook his head as they passed through a lighted area.


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