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Do Not Disturb

Page 15

by Lisa Ballenger

  "What did they do?"

  "Asked me to come home for Thanksgiving."

  "Asked you to Thanksgiving?” She stopped walking and moved in front of him. “You’re upset that your parents asked you to visit over Thanksgiving?"

  "Sounds crazy doesn't it?” Placing his hands on either side of her face, he peered into her eyes. “Especially to someone like you who just assumes you’ll spend Thanksgiving with your family."

  She nodded, moving his hands up and down with her head. "I don't..." She paused, seeing the hurt look passing over his face. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

  He dropped his arms and started walking again. "They don't approve."

  "What?" She grasped his arm trying to slow him down, but he quickened his pace, facing straight ahead. "Don't approve of what?"

  "Of me giving up my job. Of me moving to Florida." He waved his hand in the air. "Basically everything I've done recently."

  "But...but..." Allison was exasperated and confused. "Do they know why you did everything?"

  "They know. But it doesn't matter."

  She jerked on his arm, halting his stride. "Brett, what are you talking about? I don't understand this."

  "How can I explain something that defies all logic?" He pounded the side of his forehead with his palms.


  "Tylers don't run businesses out of their home, they’re lawyers or doctors or, barely acceptable, they can work for a financial services firm. If and only if they plan to move up and be in charge one day. And Tylers certainly don't move out of Virginia." Brett's voice fell low and mocking. "Why, the Tylers have lived in Virginia since we came over on the Mayflower, you know."

  "I'm sorry, Brett." She shook her head. "This just doesn't make any sense to me."

  "Oh Allison, you are so sweet." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "My parents are wonderful people and they love me, but they are very controlling and...they just don’t understand what I need."

  "But they asked you to come to Thanksgiving," she mumbled against his shirt.

  His chest shook with a low laugh. "I’m sure they think that if they get me back up there, they can influence me to move back. Get a real job."

  "But, they still want you there." She looked up. "Maybe you should give them a chance."

  "Allison, you don't get it." He dropped his head to within a few inches of hers. "Right now I'm the black sheep of the family. They won't be happy unless I come back into the fold and live the way they want me to. I need to be away from their smothering influence." He placed a finger over her lips as she opened them to protest. "Even if they are family. Not everyone's family is like yours, Allison. You need to accept that."


  He tightened his hold. "Don't push me on this, Allison. You don't know what they're like." He loosened his grip when she grimaced. "Sorry, darling. It's just hard for me when it comes to my parents. They can be so... He shook his head. ”Don’t get me wrong. I do love them and I know they love me. I just need to do this on my own. Without their help, their connections, their influence.”

  How bad could they be? Brett was so wonderful.

  She lay her head on his chest. “But you miss them don’t you?”

  She felt him swallow. “Yes.” He gave her a squeeze and turned back toward his house. "I think it's best if we don't talk about this anymore. I'm not going to change my mind."

  "Why do some parents not like their children, Mom?"

  Allison rubbed cleansing cream on her face, pretending to be busy while she sorted out her thoughts. Kelly sat on the edge of the tub in Allison's bathroom, her pink robe hanging open over her matching pajamas.

  She looks so innocent, Allison thought. And yet she's not. She's growing up too fast and notices too much.

  "I wish I knew, sweetie." Allison splashed water on her face and grappled for a towel, her eyes closed. Hanging the wet towel on the rack, she stepped in front of her daughter. "Did Caroline say something?"

  Kelly nodded. "She said her father and his parents aren’t getting along right now." She looked up, her brows furrowed. "Do you know why that happens?"

  "Sometimes people just think differently. And sometimes they can't accept it when others, especially their children, don't do what they want them to do."

  "Huh?" Kelly wrinkled her nose.

  How could she explain this? It was so foreign to her. To have parents like Brett's. It was hard to accept there wasn't some way to bridge the gap.

  "It seems that Mr. Tyler's parents didn't want him to move to Florida. They wanted him to stay in Virginia and keep his old job."

  Kelly slid off the bathtub and followed her mother into the bedroom. She hopped on the end of the bed as Allison pulled down the covers and plumped pillows against the wall.

  "But Caroline said he was unhappy. Why wouldn't Mr. Tyler's parents want him to do what makes him happy?"

  Allison sank against the pillows, stretching her legs out in front of her. "I don't know, sweetie. I just don't know."

  After tucking in Kelly, Allison turned out the light in her bedroom and slid under the covers, suddenly very chilled.

  What kind of family did Brett come from anyway? She was afraid to ask him because he was so sensitive about money, but it sounded like the Tylers were rich. Very rich.

  Allison tried to relax, but just the thought of how different Brett's life must have been growing up, so different from her simple life. Just the thought made Allison's stomach knot up.

  Were they controlling like James’ parents? Brett certainly seemed to do what he wanted, where James always gave in. And he did say they loved him and he loved them.

  She’d spent most of her life trying to control exactly what happened. Planning the next steps. Especially after her pregnancy changed her whole life.

  It was important to know what you wanted and to go after it. Otherwise things didn’t work out.

  She flipped on her side.

  But Brett was running away from control.


  "No. I can't do that, Brett." Allison slid her chair away from the table and picked up her glass. She tucked the phone between her shoulder and ear and opened the refrigerator. "I took off all day yesterday, so today I have to catch up on some work."

  "But you have to eat, Allison."

  "I'll just grab something here." She leaned against the counter and sipped the iced tea.

  "But I want to see you." Brett lowered his voice, sounding sexy. "And I bet you want to see me, too.”

  "Brett." She smiled at the image of Brett in bed and then glanced at the piles of papers next to her laptop on the table. "Believe me, your idea is more appealing than the bank’s audit plan, but you know I can't take the time."

  "I understand." He paused. "But that doesn't mean I want you any less. I want to make love to you again and I can't see where you're going to able to fit me into your schedule this week."

  She squinted her eyes. Was he resenting her long hours?

  "But I'm willing to wait," Brett said. "You're worth it."

  She let out the breath she was holding. "Thanks. You're very understanding and I appreciate it."

  "I have my moments. But my patience will grow thin as the week wears on, so...try to find some time for us. I promise it’ll be nice and relaxing."

  "You have to stop talking like that. I have to get back to work now."

  "You mean I'm distracting?"

  She eased away from the counter and sank into the hard wooden chair. "Yes. You're very distracting. So, I'm going to hang up now."

  "Don't forget, while you're planning your week down to the last minute to put in at least two hours with me."

  "I'll see what I can do." Allison laughed. "Good-night, Brett. Go do some of your own work."

  She set down the phone and rested her head in her upturned palms, her elbows on the table. Amazing, she thought. This is one of the first times she'd actually rather be doing something else other than working or being with Kelly. So
mething with a man.

  She looked at her calendar for the week. Even more amazing. She was actually planning a...a what would she call it?

  Using her finger she taced over the days and hours, finding a couple of potential breaks in the schedule. She paused for another second and then wrote a single word. Brett.

  Leaning back in her chair, she smiled. An appointment with Brett. No one could look at the schedule and know what that meant.

  "Why didn't they tell us?" Allison searched the accounting files on her computer Tuesday afternoon. "They had to know the new deadline."

  "Stop there. That's what we need." Joan pointed to a number on the computer screen. "I don't know who's really behind the new date, Allison. They just said they needed all this additional information. Now." Joan scrolled through some spreadsheets on her laptop, plugging in the new information they’d located.

  "It just seems a little unusual to me. This is normally so routine.” Allison reached for another folder of notes.

  “Arghhh.” Joan dropped back in her chair and clutched her stomach.

  “What?” Allison shoved her chair back sending it slamming into her credenza as she leapt up and ran around the desk. “Are you all right?”

  Joan squinted her eyes shut and bared her teeth as she squeezed Allison’s outstretched hand. “I...think...” She groaned and threw back her head. “It’s time.”

  “Sit still, I’ll call Brad and then get you to the hospital.”

  Joan jerked Allison’s hand back as she moved toward the phone. “I think we’d better call an ambulance. The pains are pretty severe. And the doctor said it could be any day now.”

  “I can’t believe he told you that and you’re still at work.” Grabbing the phone with one hand and punching 911 with the other, she glared at her friend. “Are you crazy?”

  Joan shrugged and started to smile when another pain hit her. “Ohhhhh.”

  Allison dropped the phone and ran to her office door. “Susy, get a wet cloth in here for Joan.”

  When she turned around, Joan had the audit schedule in her hand. "I'll explain this to the accounting supervisor. He'll have to change the deadline."

  Allison snatched the schedule out of Joan’s hands. "Would you quit worrying. I'll figure out how to finish this."

  "Don't be ridiculous, Allison. You can't do all the work by yourself and I don’t know when they’ll find someone to help you, we’re so short staffed. They'll just have to adjust the dates."

  “I’m not even going to discuss this with you. You’re having babies,” she placed her hands on her hips and leaned over Joan, “maybe right here in this office if you don’t relax and the ambulance doesn’t hurry up. So the audit is the last thing you need to worry about.”

  Suzy rushed in dripping water on Joan’s blouse as she slapped a wet paper towel across her forehead. “How do you feel? Are you in labor? Do you hurt?” She whipped the cloth away and dropped another sopping one in its place. “I can’t believe this.”

  Joan laughed and hugged her stomach. “Calm down, Suzy. I’ll be fine.”

  Allison grabbed Suzy by the arms and escorted her out the door. “Watch for the paramedics at the elevator and show them where we are.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Joan was off to the hospital, still moaning, but at least the babies had waited. Allison mopped up the mess Suzy had made, then dropped in her chair, her hands still shaking from the excitement. She knew Joan had never dreamed she’d have children and as much as she carried on about being too old, she and Brad were thrilled.

  Allison punched a number on her speed dial, then began reviewing each line of their workplan, making notes in the margins of the paper as she waited. "Hurry up and answer."

  "Hello." Brett picked up on the fourth ring.

  "It's Allison. I need a huge favor and I don't want you to get mad. Okay?" She paused only for a breath.

  "Could you possibly pick up Kelly and let her stay with you and Caroline tonight? Joan went into labor and had to leave. The auditors need additional information and have moved up the deadline and I have to work late. I'll be here until at least ten and I don't want Kelly to wait up for me. I know we had plans for tomorrow night, but I'm going to have to cancel them because --"

  "Slow down, Allison," Brett interrupted.

  She slumped in her chair, her pulse racing, her chest heaving.

  "I'll get Kelly. Does she have a key to your house to pick up clothes for tomorrow?"

  "Yes and I can --"

  "You can just stay and finish your project. I'll take her over after school."

  "Thanks, Brett. I hate to ask this, but I didn't know what else to do at the last minute."

  "It's not a problem. I'll bring something for you to eat around six."

  She took a breath, but Brett heard her.

  "No arguments. I'll see you then."

  She heard the click of him hanging up and dropped her hand to her lap. She couldn’t believe she’d called Brett. Not her parents, not her friend who usually kept Kelly. No, she’d automatically dialed Brett. This was not good. Relying on him was becoming a habit.

  She sat up and shoved her phone away from her work space.

  She didn't have time to think about that now.

  The new schedule shot out of the printer just as Brett knocked on her office door. Allison smelled the food before she looked up, her stomach growling in gratitude.

  "I heard that." He smiled as he set down a container and thermos.

  She patted her stomach and attempted a frown, but her lips moved upward, giving her away. "I think my body remembers your cooking." She tore the aluminum foil off, releasing the steam and garlic of enough spaghetti and bread for at least three meals.

  "How long did you think I'd be here?" She shot Brett a grateful look. "I will go home before Friday you know."

  He reached into a paper bag and drew out silverware, paper towels and a plastic cup. After placing them in front of her, he settled in the chair across from her and leaned back, lacing his fingers behind his head.

  "I know how distracted you get and I don't want you to pass out from hunger."

  She stabbed the pasta with her fork and shoved it in her mouth, chewing quickly. "You are too good to me, Brett." She poured iced tea from the thermos into the cup. "I guess I owe you now."

  "Yes you do. And I intend to get payment as soon as this project is finished."

  "I see." She blushed at the fire in his eyes.

  "I'm sure you do." He glanced around the table. "How's it going?"

  She held up a hand as she swallowed. "Pretty good. I created a new schedule and talked to the audit supervisor, explaining the emergency. I’ll assign some other staff tomorrow to fill in the gaps. They won’t know as much as Joan, but we’ll manage."

  Brett nodded. "That's good." He placed his elbows on the table and stared at her.

  She paused, her fork halfway to her mouth. "Do I have sauce on my face?" She dropped the fork and wiped her mouth with her napkin.

  "No. I just like looking at you. Now I can see those conservative suits and know what's underneath them. Before I had to use my imagination. But now..." He pointed to her chest. "I know what sexy underwear you have. And how you look with the sexy underwear off."

  Her mouth dropped open. "Brett," she said, her voice low. "Don’t talk like that here."

  He swerved his head to the closed door and then lifted his eyes to the tops of the walls, scanning the room. "Why? I don't see anybody around. Are there hidden cameras?"

  "No there aren't any hidden cameras." She threw the plastic top of the thermos at his arm. "You just need to behave." She placed the foil over the remaining food and dropped her trash in the wastebasket by her chair. "Maybe you'd better check on the girls. Who knows what they're up to by now?"

  "Sure. Use me as a servant. I bring you food and now I've done my duty." He clutched his heart. "Cast aside. To be replaced by calculators and balance sheets."

  She jumped out of her chair and moved
around the table to stand in front of him. “Forgive the garlic.” She impulsively kissed his lips, shocking him and herself. "Thanks for the food. And the visit." She placed her hand over his on his chest. "And for taking care of Kelly. I can't believe I called you to ask you to help. It seems I've been leaning on you a lot lately and - "

  He placed a finger over her lips. "Say no more." He turned his hand up to capture her fingers. "Remember what we agreed. That's what friends are for. We help each other. Right?"

  She looked into his handsome face. She’d never had a friend like this before. But she liked it and that was scary.



  "Where the heck are those movie listings?" Allison muttered.

  "So what time to you expect to be back?" Her mother stood next to her as she rustled through the newspaper spread on the kitchen table. "Allison?"

  "Huh?" She bent her head up. "Oh sorry, Mom. What did you say?"

  "I asked what time you’ll be back?"

  "Well, let's see." She looked at her watch. "It's six-thirty now. If we make it to a seven-thirty movie, we should be back by ten-thirty I guess."

  Shaking her head, Ruth Hill leaned in to whisper in her daughter’s ear. "That doesn't give you and Brett much time. You sure you don’t want us to just take the girls home with us so you have all night?"

  Allison jerked up straight. "Mother."

  "Don't give me that look, Allison." Ruth smiled. "I think it's about time you paid attention to your personal life and you know..." She glanced over Allison's shoulder to where Brett stood with J.T. talking about cars. "We really like Brett."

  Following her mother's eyes, Allison turned around. A thrill ran through her just watching him.

  "So you let me know when you're ready for an overnight date." Ruth patted her daughter's hand and walked off.

  Allison shook her head. This was indeed getting complicated.

  Two impressionable pre-teen children needing attention. Finding enough time alone for she and Brett to figure out what was happening between them. Kelly’s wacky father and Caroline’s selfish mother. Brett’s problems with his parents. And now, her mother suddenly encouraging her to...well, she didn’t know what to think about that.


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