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Blessedly Bound

Page 16

by Lucretia Stanhope

  “Can you just stay here tomorrow night with Gwen so I can go?”

  “Now, amid all that is going on? She is closing in on a killer. A killer who is probably aware of her already.”

  “Which is exactly why I need to go before I am summoned away. If you hadn't told her what you are, you could have made your charm, blood voodoo, whatever it is, and Gwen would be able to count on you.”

  “I won't lie to her.”

  “I will. You just be here for her. I shouldn't be gone too long.”

  Sebastian shook his head and stood up to leave.

  “Will you be here tomorrow?” Lewis asked.

  “For her. I would still strongly advise you not to go. I may not be able to help you undo it if you do.”

  “There are no options left. Your charm isn't going to last.”

  Sebastian shook his head, again. “Did you think of what lie you wanted to tell Gwen regarding why she needs to connect with me?”

  “I'll talk to her tomorrow before you get here.”

  “Yes,” he said, and turned leaving.

  Lewis watched him walk out. He was still grateful for his help, but that didn't change how he ultimately felt. If there were a way to do this without him, he would have made sure Gwen never got over what she was feeling. Maybe when it was done and Fannie was no longer an issue, he could rekindle her doubts in Sebastian.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I 'm not sure even picking people who are ill or ready to die makes it okay. There are people who come back from the ledge you know,” Gwen said. She sipped her coffee and watched Lewis preening in the glass room.

  “It may not make it okay, but he has made the best of what he has been dealt. You can't imagine he asked to be a monster.”

  “I didn't ask him how it happened. I don't think he would have chosen it either though. Still.”

  “Still he kills I get that. Gwen, I need you to understand a few things though.”

  “That sounds too serious. Let me pour more coffee.” While she was making her fresh cup, her phone rang and her meeting with Lenny for Monday was confirmed. She was glad but considering the time, she felt like they could have let her visit that day, rather than making her wait.

  “What is it I need to understand?” she asked as Lewis appeared in the room.

  “We need Sebastian. We have lost time on your training, and things, well, they could get hairy. I just don't want to fail you.”

  “Why exactly did 'we' lose so much time, Lewis?”

  “Good reasons, but they don't change facts.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me?”

  “When you need to know. I think you have dealt with enough. Hell, you are still trying to come to terms with his secrets.”

  “No, Lewis, he didn't keep secrets.”

  “Fine, Sebastian is great, so why are you arguing with me about him helping us?”

  She sipped her coffee and made a sandwich. “I'm sorry. I have been short with you. I think it is because of everything on my mind. William, the killer, him, you, it's all so much. I'm trying to smile and stay my chipper self, but it's coming from all sides. You and Sebastian were my stability and it seems like you both shifted to, well, something else.” She paused and took a bite of her sandwich. “You and I were feeling better, and now you want to lay something else on me. I'm just not sure how much more I can take with any grace.”

  Lewis shifted and walked to her, holding her in his arms. “Never, ever, doubt me being here for you. I love you and I will always do what is best for you.”

  “You think he is best? The monster next door?”

  He swallowed hard. It felt like the hardest lie he ever told. “I think right now he is what we need, yes.”

  “Fine, I will work with him. I will do my best to mend the friendship.”

  Her agreement, while it was a relief, still felt to him like a punch in the gut. “I need him to be more.”

  She pulled away from his embrace. “What? What are you asking me to do? I told him I can't love him. I can't.”

  Hearing that made Lewis feel better. “Good. You shouldn't. I mean, well, that is between you two. I need you to make a bond with him.”

  “I gather you mean more than friendship, but less than… What do you mean?”


  “That's not even possible. One witch, one familiar.”

  “Yes, usually. We can work some magic. He can. I think you will need his boost to face what is coming.”

  “Why, what's coming?”

  “Bad things. Strong things. He agrees.”

  “You've talked about this? About me, when I wasn't around?”

  “We talked about it before, before he told you about what he was.”

  “I see,” she said, and ate some more, sipped some coffee and then started out of the room.

  “No, it's not like that. We both worry for your safety and he can help.”

  “What exactly do you want me to do with him?”

  “I have no idea how it is done, that he knows. I know you will not be linked in any permanent way, and yet when and if you need him you can be linked. His magic will give you a huge enhancement. Like what you feel with me, only much stronger.”

  “You've always been enough.”

  Her words made him want to hold her again. He wished they were true, wished he could be enough. “You always practiced very light magic.”

  “You know I am just trying to get to a point I can stand to be in the same space as him, and now you want me to share a link with him?”

  “It will be a charm. You can put it on only if and when you need him.”

  “I don't know, Lewis. Maybe if I knew why it was important. He knows why, correct?”

  Lewis knew this answer was vital to her not knowing. If she pointblank asked Sebastian, he would tell her. “Not exactly. He has guesses, but that is all.”

  “I have to go to town. Can we do this later?”

  “What are you going for? Do you need me?”

  “No, I am getting something from the grocery and leaving some hats with Kathy. I need to grab more yarn and patterns for the baby blankets.”

  “I need to make a re-connection. I can go now and that way I should be back before the night is over. Sebastian can stay with you tonight.”

  She frowned and cut her eyes at him. “You are leaving? I'm close to finding out who killed William and Lizzy and you are leaving? What if they are, I don't know, watching and know when I am alone?”

  “That is why you should tell Curtis what you know, and also why I think Sebastian should stay with you tonight.”

  She shook her head, frustrated. “I don't need a sitter. Plus, if I find things out, why should I trust Curtis to do the rest? He didn't exactly solve the murders right the first time, did he?”

  Lewis knew from her tone to let that go.

  She agreed to at least consider having Sebastian over and to talk with him about the link, before she left for town.

  As soon as she was gone, Lewis put the charm Sebastian made him in a safe place and left to see Fannie. He knew that Sebastian was probably right and she was only using him to make Gwen vulnerable, it made sense, but he still needed to buy a little more time so that Gwen wasn't facing too much when things did finally blow up.

  Gwen made several stops in town. Each place took a little longer than she imagined because she seemed to run into someone she knew at every stop. She had expected to see Kathy at the yarn shop. They talked a little about Mike and Trisha, apparently, Trisha wasn't doing well as Gwen imagined would be the case.

  Kathy seemed to think a visit would make her feel better, so Gwen stopped in on her way to the grocery with a bag full of yarn and some fancy new needles.

  Trisha was happy to see her and invited her in for coffee. Trisha cried at seeing the gifts, and again told her that she knew Mike would not have done it.

  “I know that. I have been following my own leads for whatever it's worth. I intend to find out who kill
ed Lizzy. How is he doing?”

  Trisha squeezed her hand and then sipped her coffee. “He's not well. He's never been anywhere like that jail. He's just not jail material, Gwen. I'm afraid it will change him.”

  “No, he's a good man and will be a good man when he gets out.”

  “I appreciate that. You should see the looks I get in the shops now. People just assume he did it. I'm sorry. I know it is hard for you too.”

  “It's hard for us all. We missed you Wednesday. I don't think the ladies will be judgmental.”

  “No, I didn't want to make it awkward.”

  Gwen smiled at her. “I considered not going too. I will get to the bottom of this. For Lizzy and Mike.”

  They switched to lighter things although both of them didn't stop thinking about Mike, or Lizzy.

  When she left, Gwen realized it was going to be late when she got home, so she decided to stop at the diner after the grocery store to avoid one more task that night.

  At the grocery she had a nice chat in the line with Pat. Gwen hadn't been sure if it was Pat or Pam until she laughed because Pat always made a little snort sound when she laughed. She again asked her about bringing Sebastian to the festival and Gwen said she would ask him. She guessed she would. What harm could there be in some carnival foods and a hoedown if they were going to be linked anyway?

  G wen’s mind was still bouncing between Mike, Lenny, and Sebastian when she walked in the diner.

  “Hello, Mel,” she said, and smiled as she walked over to the bar area.

  “Hey, Sweetie, what can I get you?”

  “I'll have whatever is on special and a coffee,” Gwen said, and watched as Mel handed a slip to the cook, who Gwen had come to know was Mel's nephew.

  “You getting excited for the festival?” Mel asked.

  “I am. I hear you are working on something special to eat.”

  “Linda talking to you about fried things? Don't you mind her, the fried things are just for fun, but I am working on a special meat pie. Something hand held, so you can walk around and play the games while you eat.” She smiled with pride and winked.

  “That sounds awesome. I can't wait to try it, and the fried treats.”

  Mel kept up chatter while Gwen ate and it was dark when they finished visiting.

  Once she was in the car she called Sebastian, and asked if he wanted to come over and talk about what Lewis mentioned. As she assumed would be the case, he knew about it already, and Lewis already asked him to babysit her.

  “I 'm sorry he made you feel like I needed to be tended to,” she said as they walked inside.

  Sebastian walked the groceries into the kitchen. “It's probably best you don't be alone until Curtis gets the right person locked up.”

  “Maybe he is the one who needs his hand held so he can do his job right. What cop screws up twice? I mean it is his job to catch killers.”

  Sebastian watched her putting things away and could see as well as hear her frustration. “There seems to be something else bothering you.”

  “Yes, there is. It bothers me that you and Lewis talk about me and both know things that could affect me, and yet you both conspire to keep that from me. It goes beyond bothering me. It makes me feel like, like I am all alone.”

  Sebastian took in a sharp breath. “What happened with Lewis?”

  “That doesn't matter, what matters is you are both keeping secrets. Now he wants me to make some bond with you, that I didn't even think was possible, and I am supposed to do this because you both decided it was needed. I think I should get to know why. I may not find it to be needed. I shouldn't be asked to do something so out of the ordinary on his word alone.” She paused and he was about to address a few points but she continued. “He's my familiar, shouldn't he have to tell me things? What if we do this, make this bond, does that mean the same rules apply to us?” She stopped, stunned by her own question. “Not that there is an ‘us.’ I just want answers, not more questions.”

  “Are you done?” he asked when she finally paused.

  She nodded and opened one of the candy bars she bought at the store.

  “Let's talk about this one thing at a time. I don't conspire with anyone on anything. I certainly don't conspire against you.”

  She sucked the chocolate slowly, savoring the way it melted in her mouth. It was as smooth as his voice. “But you talked about me, and what is best for me when I wasn't even there.”

  “Yes, you didn't want to see me, and Lewis wanted my advice. It is just that simple. I did not seek him out to keep tabs on you.”

  “Why won't he just tell me? Did he make you promise not to tell me?”

  “He's afraid, Gwen. I made no such promises, but I would prefer for the sake of peace that he told you his secrets.”

  “What exactly is it we need to do?” she asked, and then looked into his eyes. “First, do you think it is needed or did he tell you it was?”

  “I suggested it.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “You did?”

  “Yes, all I wanted was to make sure you stay safe.”

  “Okay, let's go by the fire, and you can explain to me what exactly I am considering,” she said, and started out of the kitchen. “Even if you won't tell me why.”

  She sat on the couch.

  He sat in the chair beside her, still not sure how much space she wanted between them. “Not won't. If you really want me to, I will. I will not ever lie to you.”

  She thought about it a moment, considering what it might do to what she knew was still a fragile friendship between Lewis and Sebastian. “Maybe, if he won't soon. Tell me about the link.”

  “There are two ways we could do this. As you know, I can’t be given a witch like Lewis was given you, and even if I could, you are his witch.” He paused, she nodded, watching him closely as he talked. “Both ways use dark magic. Magic I would have hoped you never needed to mess with.”

  “Wait, I need to work dark magic? Isn't that against those rules Lewis is always harping about?”

  “Yes, and yes. There will be a cost. I am sure Lewis explained to you that a broken rule isn't a game ending thing, but it has a price.”

  “Right, like if he and I were lovers we would lose our mental connection.”

  “Yes, like that.”

  She frowned. “What is the cost?”

  “I don't know. Everything is weighted by the fates and by our intentions. We do this with good intentions. I don't think there will be a severe cost. I wouldn't suggest it if I did.”

  “Okay, go on.”

  “The first way is voodoo and I am not sure about that because I am not as strong with voodoo as your adversary.”

  “This is about Fannie? You think I am not strong enough for her? What changed?”

  Sebastian looked at her, watching her eyes as she looked at him searching his. “Lewis changed. His ability to aid you changed.”

  She licked her lips. This was the secret. Something Lewis was afraid to tell her. Something had changed him. Was it fair to let Sebastian tell her if it were something personal to Lewis? No, she decided. “Okay, what is the other way.”

  “My blood has very unique bonding properties, and additionally I am well versed in blood magic.”

  “Okay stop. First you said I should never touch your blood, and what the hell is blood magic?”

  Sebastian crossed his right leg over his knee.

  Her eyes were drawn to the movement. All his movements were always so graceful.

  “I won't have you handle my blood. I will do that. Blood magic is just that. It is magic that is powered by the supernatural properties in blood. Sometimes human, sometimes not.”

  “Dare I even ask how you learned that?”

  “Only if you want to know.” His eyes were sharp and his expression said that he would tell, but that he would rather not have to.

  “What would we need to do?” she asked and thought she saw a little relief in his eyes.

  “You will need to take part in a
ritual with me where we both agree to the binding of our blood. By the nature of what we are doing it will require blood from us both. With that bound blood we will make a charm of some sort for each other. When you want to be linked to me you wear the charm. We both need the charm on. It wouldn't be a case of me putting on a charm and having access to your thoughts.”

  She chuckled. “You already do, as what you are, don't you?”

  “I could, but not like a link. This will be deeper. My blood will make this link something we both have never experienced.”

  She watched him, feeling like time stopped for her to stare at him. His lashes gracefully danced as he blinked. His jaw tensed as he swallowed.

  He felt the intensity of her stare. He knew she was considering what to do and he knew that considering what happened between them she might object. The bond would be very intimate, vulnerable for them both. As he watched the shadows from the fire dance across her face, he knew he would always be willing to put himself in her hands, but he also knew that his hands were not as gentle and she couldn't be expected to show the same trust.

  “Deeper how?” she finally asked, letting him know she was at least still considering it.

  “Deeper in that you will be able to see my thoughts, and memories as I can yours. Deeper in that you can call me to your dreams, or I can walk into your dreams at will. It will allow the ability to touch with thoughts on your end and enhance it on mine. You will be able to summon me, and while I can’t summon you, I would be able to beckon you, which would be irresistible. Most importantly, you can use my magic as you do with Lewis. That is why we would do this. The rest is a byproduct.”

  “A byproduct? That is a pretty intense side effect. You are in my dreams already,” she said and then looked away blushing.

  “I wouldn't use any of them. I promise you. This would be a bond for you to use when and if you needed.”

  She knew he was telling the truth. He always did and she felt certain if he lied she would be able to read it easily. “I won't need dead animals for the charm, will I?”

  He smiled. “No. I was thinking since you knit magic that might be best. You could knit me something and I could make a charm of some sort.”


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