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His Bunny Kicks Sass_Sassy Ever After

Page 3

by Dawn Sullivan

  Swallowing hard, Emery brought her gaze back to Aurora. “So, what’s next?”

  “For you?”

  “Yes. Where do we go from here?”

  Aurora smiled, reaching out to place a hand over one of Emery’s. “For now, we focus on you regaining your strength. Then, I have a job lined up for you in town.”

  “I can’t do anything to bring attention to myself,” Emery protested, hating the way her body began to tremble in fear. She was stronger than this, dammit!

  “You won’t,” Aurora promised. “You will be working as a waitress at the Sassy Wolfe serving drinks, and will be paid under the table.”

  “A bar?”


  “And they are paying me cash? Under the table?”


  “But, that’s illegal.”

  Chuckling, Aurora squeezed her hand, and then sat back in her chair. “Yes, it is, but these are dire circumstances, and the owner understands.”

  “You told someone about me?”

  “Not specifics. Nathan Wolfe knows what I do,” Aurora said softly. “He and his family have helped me in the past. Trust me, he will protect you while you are there, and he will never ask you questions about who you are, or where you are from. You will be safe.”

  Nodding slowly, Emery sighed, “I’m sorry. I want to trust you, Aurora, but it’s so hard right now.”

  “I understand,” Aurora replied gently, before rising to stand in front of her. “You’ve been through a lot. I don’t expect you to trust anyone right away, not even me. Trust is earned.”

  “You’ve earned mine by coming for me when you didn’t have to,” Emery whispered. “It’s just hard right now to fully put my trust in anyone.”

  “Especially, when you couldn’t trust your own family.”

  Emery raised her eyes to meet Aurora’s understanding gaze. “Yes.”

  “I get that, Emery. I’ve been there.”

  “Thank you.” Moving the covers from her legs, Emery turned so they were dangling over the side of the twin bed she’d spent the last several hours in. “I’m ready to shift.”

  “Wonderful! Do you need some help?”

  Taking a deep breath, Emery shook her head. “No, I’ve got this.”

  Aurora leaned in and gave her a quick hug, then stepped back. “Okay, I am going to go get some sleep now. I’m just down the hall, second door on the left, if you need me.”

  When she started to leave the room, Emery spoke up, “Aurora, thank you again for all that you are doing for me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  Aurora glanced back, her eyes sparkling with warmth. “You would have survived, Emery, because that’s who you are.”

  She left before Emery could respond, which was fine, because she had no idea what she would have said. Yes, she probably would have survived, but to what extent? As a hollow version of the person she was before, knowing that her family hadn’t loved her enough to keep her with them. That, instead, they sold her to the highest bidder, uncaring that he was a beast from hell? That was no way to live. She wasn’t sure she would have wanted to survive to experience that life.

  Sighing, Emery slipped the nightgown that someone must have dressed her in after they reached the house, up and over her head. Next, she removed the white panties she wore. Once she was free and clear of all clothing, she curled up on the bed and called to her animal. It took longer than normal to initiate the shift, and it was a struggle to get through it, but finally, a small, caramel colored bunny with white through its fur lay where she had just been. With another long sigh, she snuggled into the covers and closed her eyes, letting sleep overtake her. There would be enough time to worry about everything else later. Right now, she just needed to rest and get better. Then, she would consider her future. A waitress, huh? This ought to be interesting.


  “Come on, Knox,” Brayden urged, a boyish grin on his face. “It will be fun.”


  “Just think about it. It’s been a long time since you’ve been out.”

  He didn’t have to think about it. Just the thought of going to a bar made him cringe. Loud music, dancing, not to mention the women who were always looking for someone to hook up with. He wanted no part of it. Hell, he could sit at home and have a beer in front of the television, which was exactly what he was doing. And, if he wanted to dip his dick into some willing female, he sure as hell wasn’t going to do it in the town he lived in. Then they would expect some kind of commitment, and he had way too much on his plate right now. He didn’t have time to play games.

  “You’re going, brother,” Nolan said as he walked into the living room and tossed a beer in Brayden’s direction.

  “No, I’m not,” Knox growled, taking a swig of the Budweiser he clutched almost too tightly in his hand.

  “Please,” Miracle said softly, as she entered the room.

  Knox stiffened, slowly turning to look at his youngest sister, his eyebrows rising at the outfit she was wearing. A black dress hugged her slender body, stopping just above her knees. The neckline dipped down, showing more cleavage than Miracle had shown in months. Her makeup was darker than normal, and she stood at least three inches higher than normal in burgundy heels. “You’re going to the bar?”

  Miracle grinned nervously, “Yes, if you go.”

  Knox’s scowl returned, and he motioned to his brothers, “Did they put you up to this?”

  “No,” Briar said as she breezed into the room and hooked her arm through Miracle’s. “I did. I’m going, and I don’t want to be the only girl in the group.”

  “You won’t be for long,” Knox groused, knowing he had just lost the battle. There was no way in hell he was letting both of his sisters go to the bar without his protection. Tipping his head back, he finished the beer, and then rose from his chair. “The minute Nolan walks through the door, he will be surrounded by women.”

  “Yes, but not by anyone I know.”

  She was right. They may have moved to Blue Creek over a month ago, but Briar spent the majority of her time at home, like he did. They were definitely not the sociable ones of the family. The only people he’d actually met so far was the Wolfe family when they first arrived. As a common courtesy, he went to their home to introduce himself and ask for permission to live in their territory. Other than that, he stayed at the ranch, even going so far as to send Brayden or Nolan into town to get feed for his horses. Looked like that was going to change now.

  “Where’s Noah?” If Briar and Miracle were going to the bar, then all of his brothers would be there, too.

  “Noah had to work late, so he’s meeting us there.”

  Nodding, Knox glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was just after 8 p.m., which meant the Sassy Wolfe would probably be packed by now. Although he may have never been there, all of his brothers had, and they liked to talk. Nathan Wolfe’s bar was one of the busiest places in town, besides his brother’s strip club, and it was Friday night. A lot of people would be there wanting to let off some steam. A lot of men, who wanted to get in his sisters’ pants. With a low growl at the thought, Knox strode from the room

  “Hey, where are you going?” Brayden hollered.

  “To get some damn jeans on,” Knox snapped, knowing he didn’t have a choice. He was about to change his soft, comfortable jogging pants, for a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt. It was time to fucking mingle, something he had never been good at.

  Ten minutes later, Knox was ready to go. Looking in the mirror, he shrugged. He would pass. Placing his black Stetson on his head, Knox slid his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans and left his room. Time to paste a smile on his face and play nice for the evening. Who was he kidding? He hardly ever smiled, and there was only one way he liked to play. Nice wasn’t it.


  Emery stood by the bar, waiting for the bartender to fill her order. It was her second week at work, and she found that she actually enjoyed it
. The owner and his wife were kind and respectful. They never asked questions about where she came from, how long she planned on sticking around, or what trouble she was in. And, for the most part, the people who came to the bar treated her with that same respect. There were a couple of men who tried to hit on her, but they backed off quickly when she shied away from them. All except one. He was persistent, and even though he frightened her because she knew he was a wolf shifter and could eat her for dinner, he was really starting to piss her off, too. He’d shown up at the bar every night since she first started the job, and it was no secret that he was there for her.

  “Everything okay, Emery?” the bartender asked, setting a margarita and two glasses of tap beer on the tray in front of her.

  Emery looked up into his kind eyes, biting her lip as she let her gaze wander over to the corner where the wolf, Cyrus, was sitting. He’d deliberately sat in her section, which he did every night, and he was watching her closely. Clenching her teeth, Emery turned back to the bar, picking up the tray. “Yes, thank you, Cale. I’m fine.”

  Leaning closer, Cale said in a low voice, “If he is bothering you, all you have to do is say something, Emery. Nathan will kick his ass out, and make sure he knows to stay away from you.”

  A part of her knew that was true, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask for help. If she was going to live on her own, she was going to have to learn how to fend for herself. Straightening her shoulders, Emery let her lips curl up into a small, fake smile. “I’m fine,” she lied smoothly, gripping the tray tightly. “But, thank you, Cale.”

  Ignoring the fact that the stench of her lie filled the air, Emery winked at Cale and left to take the drinks to a table on the other side of the room. It was as far away from Cyrus as she could get, but still be in her section. She wondered how much longer it would be before the wolf made his move. She could feel him stalking her, and was getting really fucking tired of being his prey.

  Suddenly, the most tantalizing scent hit her, and Emery froze, her nose twitching slightly. She was glad the tray she held was now empty, or she might have embarrassed herself by dropping all of the drinks on the floor. Clutching the tray to her chest, she thanked the group of people in front of her, and slowly backed away, slipping into a small alcove toward the back of the bar. What was that smell?

  Breathing in deeply, Emery gasped when the scent flooded her nostrils, easing inside her, and sinking deep into her bones. Oh…my…God. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She bit her lip as her nipples tightened into hard beads, and a bolt of lust shot like lightening straight through her body and down into her core, almost making her come right there. “No,” she whispered softly in shock. “No, this is not fucking happening. Not now!”

  Trying to get control of her hormones, Emery sucked in another deep breath, and then wanted to scream at her own stupidity when that mouth-watering scent filled her once again. She knew what it meant. She knew people in her old herd who had gone through something similar, and they would all sit around talking about it afterward. Emery had prayed it would happen to her someday, wanting nothing more than to feel what it was like, but not now. Not when she was on the run, and didn’t have a chance in hell of doing anything about it.

  Her eyes misting with unshed tears at the unfairness of it all, Emery slowly took a step forward and looked around the room, trying to track where the smell was coming from. She had to see him. Her mate. The other half of her soul. Even if she couldn’t claim him as her own right now, she needed to see him.

  Emery’s gaze landed on a table not far from her. One of her tables. There were three males and two females pulling out chairs, and as she watched, a fourth male joined them. Her eyes roamed over the men, stopping on one who was holding a chair out for the blonde. He was tall, so tall that he dwarfed the woman beside him. There was a seriousness about him, and also a protectiveness. He had thick, dark hair that she wanted to slide her fingers into, and dark brown eyes you could drown in. Her fingers itched to caress the hardness of his jawline, and his lips…she wondered what it would be like to trace them with her tongue.

  Emery let her gaze travel over his wide shoulders, and down to his thick chest, a low growl slipping past her lips when they stopped on where his hands rested on the woman’s shoulders. Who was she? And, why the hell was her mate touching her? Suddenly, the reason why she should turn around and run wasn’t important anymore. All that mattered was those large hands on the delicate woman sitting before him.

  Emery took a step toward them, and then another, intent on the man in front of her, when suddenly, he raised his head and inhaled, his nostrils flaring. His hands must have tightened on the woman, because she raised her head to look at him, looking as if she were asking him a question. Satisfaction filled Emery when he didn’t bother to answer her, and slowly removed his hands, placing them on his hips as he gazed around the room. When those deep, brown eyes settled on her, Emery’s heart began to pound, and the tip of her tongue snuck out to wet her dry lips. His eyes seemed to center on her mouth, and he took a step in her direction.

  Emery was unaware of what was going on around her. She could not tear her gaze away from the man…her mate.

  “Emery.” She heard the voice, but couldn’t focus on it. She needed to be closer to him. “Emery, is everything all right?” Emery jumped when she felt the hand on her arm, the light touch snapping her out of the trance she’d been in. Swallowing hard, she turned to look at Karla Wolfe, Nathan’s wife. Her light brown eyes were filled with concern, and the hold on her arm tightened. “Emery?”

  Before she could ask again, Emery forced herself to smile, gently pulling from her grasp. “Everything is fine,” she lied, glancing back over to where the man still stood, his eyes never leaving her. “I’m just getting a little tired.”

  Karla took the tray from her, and slipped an arm around her waist, guiding her over to a table even closer to the object of her obsession. “Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I can take the order for the new table while you rest.”

  “No!” Emery shook her head, refusing to sit at the table. “They are in my section. I will handle it.” For some reason, it was very important that she be the one to take care of her mate. No one else. Especially, not another female, even if she did already have a mate of her own.

  Karla’s brow furrowed in confusion, and she pointed to the chair. “Emery, sit your ass down, now.”

  Emery’s eyes widened at the tone in her voice, but she still refused to sit. “No, it’s my table, I will handle it.”

  Pulling out a chair, Karla plopped in the seat, once again motioning to the other one. “I didn’t say you couldn’t handle it, Emery, but they can wait a few minutes. You need to take a break, and I am going to sit here with you while you do.”

  Emery sighed, knowing arguing with the woman was useless. She’d seen Karla Wolfe in action before, and she just wasn’t up to sparring with her right now. Collapsing in the chair opposite her, Emery said hoarsely, “I’m sorry, Karla. I don’t know what came over me.” Liar. She knew exactly what had come over her, but she wanted to keep her secret a while longer. It wasn’t like she was going to act on it, anyway. Was she?

  Karla was saying something, but Emery wasn’t aware of what it was. Her eyes slid back over to the table where her mate was again, and she couldn’t seem to look away. He was staring at her, his hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides, the tips of his fangs barely peeking out from his top lip. His fangs. Damn. What would it feel like to have him sink them deep into her skin? A soft moan left her lips as desire began to pool in her belly.

  “Emery, do you need to go home?”

  Emery shook her head, licking her lips, her gaze never leaving her mate’s mouth.


  Blinking, Emery shook her head, aware that she was making an utter fool of herself, but unable to stop. “I’m sorry. No, I don’t need to leave.” Yes, she did. She needed to run as far and as fast as she could away from B
lue Creek, and the man who just took another step in her direction.

  As she watched, the woman with the long, light blonde hair stood and placed a hand on his arm. When she looked up at him with her big blue eyes, leaning into him to speak softly, it was all Emery could do to not to jump across the distance that separated them and tear her throat out. Who was she? And why did it look so natural for her to touch him like that. Maybe he hadn’t waited for his fated mate like she had. Maybe he settled for love instead? Maybe…maybe the woman who was now looking over toward them was his wife.

  Dark pain stabbed at her at the thought, and Emery rose quickly, dropping her tray on the table. Had he forsaken her, his true mate, for love? Was that it? “Actually, I think I do need that break,” Emery ground out, looking down into Karla’s startled expression. “I’ll be back in ten minutes, if that’s okay?”

  “Of course,” Karla said, before reaching out to grab her by the wrist. “Emery, I’m here if you need me. I can help you. My family, my husband’s family, we can all help you.”

  Emery’s bottom lip began to tremble, and she nodded, pulling away from Karla and slowly stepping back. “Thank you, but everything is fine.” That must be her new motto. Everything is fine. Hell, she’d sure said it enough tonight. Without another word, she turned and almost ran to the other side of the bar, ignoring the surprised gazes of some of the Sassy Wolfe’s patrons. Finding sanctuary in the bathroom, she crossed to the sink and splashed water on her pale face, and then stared at herself in the mirror. Wide eyes full of both desire and fear stared back. What was she going to do now? What the hell was she going to do?


  “Knox, I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to sit your ass down, man.”

  Turning to his brother, Knox bared his teeth and snarled, “Don’t tell me what the fuck to do.”

  “Knox, please,” Miracle whispered, tugging on his arm, “sit down. People are beginning to stare.”


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