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His Bunny Kicks Sass_Sassy Ever After

Page 4

by Dawn Sullivan

  Only the thought of what it did to his sister to be put on display like that made Knox finally relent and fall into the chair next to her, but his gaze never left the place where his beautiful mate had disappeared to. “What’s down that hall?” he demanded roughly, his voice garbled through the large, thick fangs he was having trouble hiding.

  “Just the bathrooms,” Brayden told him, and Knox could hear the shock in his voice.

  “Nothing else? No exit?”

  “No,” Brayden said hesitantly, “I don’t think so.”

  Knox turned to look at him, baring his teeth once again, “No, or you don’t think so? What’s the answer?” Because if there was a way for his gorgeous, curvy-as-hell mate to get away from him down that hall, he sure as shit wasn’t going to sit there patiently waiting for her to come back.

  “No,” Nolan cut in, saving his little brother from Knox’s anger. “There are only two ways out of the Sassy Wolfe. The front door, and the exit into the back alley down that hall over there.”

  Knox nodded, glancing over to where Nolan indicated. “Good. That’s good.”

  “Who is she to you?” a voice asked softly from beside them, and Knox had to reign in his temper before looking over at the woman.

  “That’s none of your business,” he growled lowly, his gaze connecting with the female wolf’s.

  “Actually, it is my mate’s business, and I suggest you start talking, bear.”

  Knox stiffened when Nathan Wolfe’s scent hit him, and he realized that he’d just royally screwed up. Consumed with thoughts of his own mate, he had inadvertently offended the son of Blue Creek’s alpha.

  “I apologize,” he said stiffly, tilting his head slightly to the side. His gaze going back to the hallway where his mate had disappeared, he said, “I meant no disrespect.”

  “I will ask you one more time, bear,” Nathan growled. “Who is she to you?”

  “Mine,” Knox told him, willing his fangs to recede so that he could talk normally. “She’s mine.”

  “Oh, no,” Karla whispered, her hand going up to cover her mouth. “This is bad, Nathan. This is really bad.”

  A slow smile crossed Nathan’s face as he met Knox’s confused gaze. “Or, it could be very good.”


  “Karla, have you ever seen a grizzly bear in action? Those things are huge, and they protect what’s theirs.”

  “She’s not a piece of freaking meat, Nathan Wolfe. She’s a human being.”

  “Well, technically she’s not.”

  “Oh, shut up, Spot!” Karla snapped, slapping her husband in the arm.

  “Well, she’s not.”

  “And she’s not deaf, either!”

  Knox’s gaze swung from the couple to the woman who now stood just a couple of feet from him. She was so close that he could reach out and touch her, and she was simply amazing. All of the blood in his body immediately headed south, his cock stiffening at the fire in her eyes. Thick, caramel colored hair, with what looked to be white highlights, flowed over her shoulders, covering the swell of her full breasts, and landing at her waist. Her eyes were a deep, dark blue, but were sparkling brightly with emotion now. Her lips so full, and pouty, and her skin, holy hell…he wanted to touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked.

  “Emery, I’m sorry,” Nathan said quietly, reaching out for her.

  Knox growled when Emery flinched, jumping quickly away from the man, raising an arm as if to block a hit coming her way, but then seemed to catch herself. Crossing her arms under her full breasts, pushing them up even more than they already were, she said, “What I am, or am not, is no one else’s business unless I choose to tell them. I would appreciate it if you would please not discuss me when I’m not in the room.”

  “You’re right,” Miracle interjected, slowly lowering herself down in the seat next to him. “It was rude of us. I apologize.”

  Emery’s gaze settled on his sister, and she seemed to be fighting a battle inside herself, before she finally said, “You have nothing to apologize for. What can I get all of you to drink?”

  At the swift change of subject, it took Knox a minute to catch up, as his sisters quickly placed their orders, and then his brothers. When it came time for him, Emery bit her lip, and then asked, “And, for you?”

  Fuck…those full, pouty lips. That’s what he wanted. What would she say if he ordered them?

  There was soft laughter, and then Miracle said, “My brother always drinks Budweiser. Or sometimes whiskey if he’s had a bad day, but it’s normally beer.”


  Knox watched Emery’s small nose twitch, and knew she was inhaling their scents. He also knew she would find that he and his sister smelled absolutely nothing alike. He was a bear, Miracle was something altogether different. “Yes,” he said gruffly, “Miracle is my sister. They are all my brothers and sisters.”

  When his mate’s cheeks flooded a dark red, and she turned away quickly to head toward the bar, he almost followed her. Only Noah’s quiet voice stopped him. “She obviously thought you and Miracle were together, Knox. No wonder she ran. If I met my mate, and she had some other man draped all over her, all bets would be off.”

  “But, I wasn’t draped all over Knox,” Miracle protested.

  “No, sis, you weren’t,” Briar cut in, “but you have to see it from her point of view. She has no idea who any of us are. And, well, you were touching Knox, and he had his hands on you.”

  “Fuck,” Knox growled, sliding his chair back to go find his mate.

  “It’s too late,” Karla said, looping her arm through her husband’s. “I think we all overwhelmed her. She just slipped out the back door after ordering your drinks.”

  “Dammit!” Knox snarled, slamming his fist into the table. Ignoring the glances other people in the bar were sending his way, he rose and quickly crossed the room to where his brother had said the back exit was. He was not going to let her run from him. Not until he had a taste first, at least. Then, and only then, would he give her some time to think. But, not much time. She was his, and he wasn’t giving her up for anything.


  Emery shoved a hand through her long, thick hair, swearing softly as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly. Leaning back against the brick wall in the alley behind the Sassy Wolfe, she took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind and body of the man’s tantalizing scent. She needed to think clearly if she was going to get through the rest of the night. As much as she wanted to say screw it, jump into the old pickup truck Aurora was letting her borrow and run back to the farmhouse she currently lived in with the witch, she knew it wasn’t an option. The bottom line was, she needed money, and she needed it now. Her brother and Alpha Ramsey would be looking for her, and she needed to leave town as soon as she had enough saved up to last until she could find another place to hide. That’s what her life was going to be like from now on. Always running.

  She stiffened when the door next to her was flung open, slamming hard against the wall on the opposite side of where she stood, but didn’t bother to open her eyes when his scent filled the area around her. Dammit, she should have just kept going when she walked out of the bar a few minutes ago.

  “You’re still here,” he said gruffly.

  Emery heard the door shut, and sensed that he was moving, but refused to open her eyes to look at him. “Where else would I be?”

  “Running from me,” he growled, and Emery stiffened when she realized he was standing right in front of her. “From this. From us.”

  His low, gravely voice sent a tremor of arousal through her, and Emery squeezed her thighs together tightly as she fought against the desire rising in her. Her skin felt hot, her breasts heavy, and there was a throbbing in her clit that just wouldn’t stop. Swallowing hard, she snuck a peek at him from below slightly raised eyelids. “There is no us.” There couldn’t be. She wouldn’t be around long enough for anything to happen.

  “Fate doesn’t seem to agr
ee with you.” When she didn’t respond, he stepped closer to her, leaning in and whispering, “You’re mine, little…” he paused, breathing in deeply, and then frowned as he finished, “bunny?”

  She almost laughed at the incredulous look on his face. She’d known from the start that he wasn’t like her. He was definitely the predator, while she was the prey. Why did she always have to be the prey? Why couldn’t she be something cooler than a damn rabbit, like a tiger, or a freaking dragon. She could seriously kick ass if she was a dragon. “I think fate might have really messed up this time,” she whispered, tilting her head back to meet a gaze that was beginning to darken with pure lust. “Bears eat bunnies…and not in a good way.”

  A deep growl rumbled in his chest, and his eyes lit with fire as he promised, “Trust me, sweet bunny, I’m going to eat you in a very good way.”

  Emery’s hands went to his chest, his very hard, thick chest, as a low moan left her throat at the thought of him kneeling before her and following through on that promise. The sane, reasonable part of her wanted to push him away, but there was a bigger part of her that wanted to give in and pull him closer, and she was afraid that horny bitch was going to win. “I don’t even know your name.”

  Lowering his head, he slowly rubbed his face up the side of her neck, letting out a low groan. “Knox,” he rasped, moving his face to the other side of her neck and marking her there. Because, that’s what he was doing. Marking her as his, spreading his scent all over her, so that all other shifters would know she was taken. She let him, because even though she had no intention of staying in Blue Creek, fate had chosen, which meant she would always be his, no matter what. “Knox Channing.”

  A small moan slipped free when he followed the curve of her neck with his tongue, stopping at the hollow of her throat and sucking gently. “This won’t work.”

  Knox chuffed lightly, sending shivers down her spine when his warm breath hit her skin, wet from his tongue. “We will figure out a way to make it work.”

  Tears filled Emery’s eyes, and she shoved lightly at his chest. “It’s hopeless, Knox.”

  “Nothing is hopeless, sweet bunny,” he rasped, right before his hot mouth covered hers.

  Emery gasped in shock, and his tongue slipped past her lips, tangling with her own. She couldn’t stop herself from responding. The sensations running through her were just too much. His taste was wild, intoxicating, and she wanted more.

  Sliding her hands up and over his shoulders, she tugged him closer. Her body trembled as he grasped her hips tightly, pulling her flush against him, and she shuddered when she felt the thick length of his cock pressing into her. Tearing her mouth from his, she dug her nails into his back as she moaned, “Knox, wait. You have to wait.”

  Knox groaned, raising his heated gaze to meet her own. She saw the struggle in him, the same one she fought herself, before he asked gruffly, “Why are you running from this, Emery?” When she didn’t respond right away, he stepped back, removing his Stetson and raking a hand through his short hair. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push you.”

  “It’s not that,” she whispered, reaching a hand out to touch him, before slowly letting it fall to her side instead.

  His dark eyes narrowing, Knox replaced his Stetson, and then braced his legs slightly apart, his hands on his hips. Her eyes were immediately drawn down to the thick bulge between his legs, and she clenched her hands tightly into fists, resisting the urge to close the distance between them and finish what they started just moments before. “Then what is it?”

  “It’s not you,” she whispered.

  “Are you seriously going to give me the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ speech?” Knox growled in anger. “We haven’t even gone out on a date, yet, Emery. You know nothing about me. How can you reject me already?”

  “Because, I have no other choice,” Emery whispered, shaking her head as a tear slipped free, slowly sliding down her cheek. “Goodbye, Knox.”

  Not waiting for a response, she walked away from him without a backward glance.


  Emery sat curled up on the small twin bed in front of the fire, wrapped in a warm comforter, as she tried to make sense of everything that was happening to her. Was this fate’s idea of some kind of cruel joke? Send her the other half of her soul, just to rip him away again? Why? What had she ever done to deserve the life she’d been born into?

  “Maybe she isn’t punishing you, Emery,” Aurora said quietly from the doorway. “Maybe this is her way of paying you back for what you’ve had to endure so far.”

  Emery glanced over at her, grasping the comforter tightly. “So, you read minds, too?”

  Aurora shrugged, walking into the room to stoke the fire. “You are broadcasting loudly. It’s hard not to hear your thoughts.”

  “Do you ever think of your mind reading trick, and whatever else you can do, as more of a curse than a gift?” Emery asked, slipping her arms around her legs, and pulling them up to rest her chin on her knees.

  “Sometimes,” Aurora admitted softly, turning to look at her. “But, then I just remind myself of how many people I’ve been able to help, how many lives I’ve been able to save, using my gifts. The good definitely outweighs the bad.”

  Emery nodded, staring across the room into the flames. “I’m sure you already know this,” she said softly, “but, I met my mate tonight.”

  Aurora came over to sit next to her, murmuring, “A mate is a blessing.”

  “Normally, I would agree,” Emery whispered, laying her cheek on her knees to look over at Aurora. “This time, I’m not so sure.”

  The witch smiled, reaching over to slip a piece of wayward hair behind Emery’s ear. “A mate is always a blessing, Emery. I know life is hard for you right now. You have no idea what the future holds. But, don’t be afraid to find out.”

  “I can’t put Knox and his family in that position, Aurora. What if one of them gets hurt? It would be my fault.”

  “No,” Aurora replied, shaking her head. “You can’t think of it that way, Emery. You have no control over what is going to happen. None of us do. It is what it is.”

  “I can’t put my happiness first,” Emery whispered.

  “Maybe it’s about time you did.”

  Raising her head, Emery glanced back into the flames. “No, survival must come first. Then, hopefully, happiness once I know I’m safe.”

  “Why can’t you have both?”

  Emery frowned, glancing back over at her new friend. “I don’t understand.”

  “Emery, do you even know what true happiness is?”

  “I…” Emery paused, thinking back on her life. “Yes,” she finally whispered, swallowing hard. “I was happy when my father was still alive.”

  “Why? What made that part of your life so much different than the rest of it?” When Emery looked at her, one eyebrow raised, Aurora laughed softly. “I mean besides the obvious reasons. What did you have then, that you haven’t had since?”

  Emery hesitated, taking a moment to consider the question, before she realized what the answer was. “Love. My dad loved me, unconditionally. I haven’t felt that since. I didn’t realize until after his death, that my mother and brothers never really cared about me like he did.”

  “So, wouldn’t you like to have that again?” Aurora asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Emery admitted, “I would. But, just because we are mates, doesn’t mean that Knox loves me. We just met.”

  “Maybe not now, but he will. Someday. He’s the other half of your soul, Emery. Fate gave him to you for a reason. If I were ever to be blessed with that kind of gift, I would like to think that I would stop at nothing to keep it.”

  “If my brother or Alpha Ramsey finds me, they will kill him.”

  “They would try,” Aurora agreed.

  “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to Knox or his family because of me.”

  “You only have one mate in the world, Emery. Don’t give him up because of
your fears. Fight for what you want.”

  “What if I’m not strong enough?” Emery whispered.

  “You are.”

  “What if he isn’t?”

  Aurora laughed, rising from the bed. “Have you ever met a bear shifter, Emery?”


  The witch’s eyes lit with mischief as she leaned in and said, “Let me just tell you this, girl. Knox isn’t the one you need to be worried about right now. Shifters in general are a possessive bunch, which you know. But, bears? They are altogether something different. Once that grizzly stakes his claim on you, all bets are off. And if anyone makes the mistake of getting in the way, trust me, they will regret it.” Right before she left the room, Aurora looked back and smiled, “By the way, Knox Channing and his family bought the ranch just a mile south of here. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind some company tomorrow, if you decide to stick around a little longer.”

  Emery watched her go, before sliding down on the bed and closing her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she let what was left of Knox’s scent on her body envelop her. Maybe Aurora was right. Maybe she could stay, at least for a few more weeks. And maybe she would slip over to the Channing ranch tomorrow, just to catch a glimpse of her big bear. Maybe…what could it hurt?


  Knox cursed loudly when he slammed the hammer down on his thumb on accident. It wouldn’t have happened if he’d been paying attention to what he was doing, instead of thinking about wide, dark blue eyes, and sexy, pouty lips he wanted wrapped around his dick. He couldn’t get his curvy bunny off his mind, and it was driving him fucking crazy.

  “I’m sorry if I messed everything up for you last night, Knox.”

  Taking a deep breath, Knox turned to look at his youngest sister. Miracle stood at the entrance of the barn, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she stared dejectedly at the floor in front of her. When the smell of her tears hit him, he sat down the hammer and closed the distance between them. Pulling her close, he kissed her softly on the top of her head. “It isn’t your fault, sprite.”


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