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Magick Men: A Shot of Magick

Page 4

by Rhyannon Byrd

  “So far there’s been a cat, monkey, goat, sheep, and a fucking Rottweiler, though I’ve been lucky not to have been inside any o’ them at the time. But after the bloody dog, I don’t think you’ll find it too surprising that I havenna wanted to try again.”

  Her entire body shuddered as her vivid imagination conjured up image after bizarre image. “Jesus. I guess you can only be thankful no one turned into something hungry—with teeth.”

  He gave a short bark of laughter. “Oh, that last one had teeth all right. I’ve got the scar on my leg to prove it.”

  “Ouch. That must have sucked.”

  For a moment he just stared at her, unable to understand how she could believe him so easily. But she did. He could see it in her eyes, and he knew he’d underestimated her. Maybe she really did know him. “Among other things, yes,” he drawled, “it did indeed suck.”

  She shifted from foot to foot in a restless gesture. “And it’s because of this curse that you’ve stayed away from me?”

  “Aye,” he muttered, not looking the least bit happy about the admission.

  Evan smiled. “Well then,” she murmured, her look turning sly.

  “Well then what, damn it?”

  One shoulder lifted. “If the problem’s just with you, you could always make me come.”

  He blinked down at her, his gaze so intense she felt it like a rough scrape of sensation against her skin. It was so hot she actually flushed at the raw carnality of it, a beautiful shade of pink painting her high cheekbones with color.

  His hands fisted at his sides to keep from grabbing her to him, ripping her jeans off and ramming his cock so far up her cunt she could feel it threatening to break through the other side, as if he’d shove himself straight through her. Saephus. She was too fucking tempting to resist; this intoxicating combination of brazen and demure proving too much for him.

  “No,” he grunted, unable to say more without grabbing her and shoving his tongue straight down her throat.

  Evan nibbled on her lower lip, the sight of her straight white teeth sinking into the tender flesh making him ache with hunger for a slow, deep taste. “Don’t get all surly,” she laughed with a wink. “I was only teasing.”

  He stood unmoving, deep gaze fixed on her, direct to the point of obsessive.

  She shifted anxiously beneath such a blatantly ravenous stare, and her sly smile suddenly bordered on uneasy, conscience demanding she be completely honest. “Hell, it’d probably be a waste of time anyway. I’ve never really been that easy to—well, I mean I’ve never been easy. I just mean that I’ve never really had an earth shattering kind of, um—”

  Jesus, she was rambling like a great blithering idiot here. And the intensely absorbed way he just kept staring at her wasn’t helping her suddenly blabbering tongue. It was as though his light green eyes glowed with an inner flame, illuminated by the power within him. They burned on her, devoured her, as if he were anticipating her taste, bite by sumptuous bite; silent and hot and full of need. She took a deep breath, blowing it up through her bangs as she often did when she got flustered. “What I mean is that I’ve never been that easy to bring to an—um, to an orgasm.”

  Before the final consonant had fully passed her lips, his tall, muscle-packed body was pressing into her much smaller one, big hands gripping her shoulders, long fingers digging into the soft fabric of her jacket and the even softer flesh beneath it. The low, rough words growling from his throat were more beast than human. “I could make you come till it hurt, Evan! Make you cream till you begged me for mercy! Begged me! But I canna fucking touch you and not come all over you—and I won’t risk you like that!”

  The curse was dangerous enough to another Magick; who knew what it would do to a mortal? He’d rather die than cause her a moment’s pain—and yet, even without the bloody curse on his cock, it would be difficult for a man of his size to fuck her and not hurt her.

  But to never sink inside of her sweet little cunt would be his own personal hell.

  In some insane way, this powerless little mortal had become the foundation of his reason for living, and he began to wonder if Kieran had been right. Was she the one? His power told him that she had to be, because she was the heart of his existence, his very soul. How could she not be the one? But how could he risk her if she was? What if she changed anyway?

  He wanted to rage and fight against it as strongly as he wanted—no, needed—to cram himself inside of her, embedding himself so deep, penetrating her until he pierced her heart and claimed her forever! He wanted her bound to him in a way that would make it impossible for her to ever know another man again. Wanted her possessed, his and his alone, with a dominance of will that came as much from being a man in love as it did from being an arrogant Warlock.

  She stared up at him with her ice gray eyes, her feelings open and honest on her face, everything exposed there for him to see. “Lach?”

  It was as much a plea as it was a question.

  Everything within him twisted with need, painful knots of hunger burning inside, and he clumsily shoved her away from him as his head spun and he fell to his knees. The ache was overcoming him, and he feared that he’d soon be too far gone to control the power’s hunger for her. Not to mention that of his heart.

  Evan stumbled back, catching herself on the foot of the monstrous bed. He looked up at her from beneath his brows, his glowing green eyes feral and dark. A strange movement shifted through his gleaming irises, as if a beast was prowling there, preparing to strike.

  “Run.” One word—dark, dangerous, hungry.

  Run? Like hell. She’d come too far to chicken out now. Yeah, she was a little frightened in that God, I really hope he isn’t about to eat me kind of way, but there was no fucking way she was backing out now. And even though she was just that little bit unnerved by his mind-blowing admission, she wasn’t afraid of the man himself. He could be a Warlock or a Witch or whatever the hell he wanted, so long as he was hers.

  She stood at the end of the bed and ran one hand through her hair, acting as if she had all the time in the world. Then she bit her lower lip in a slow, deliberate action and flashed him a challenging smile. “No, I don’t think I will.”

  He growled in the back of his throat and a fine tremor moved through her, but she held her ground. Her fingers fluttered at her sides, and then she flicked the top buttons of her jeans.




  A dark, feral sound filled the room and then he was on her in an instant, his speed greater than that of any mortal man, and she was trapped before she ever reached the fourth. One second she was standing at the foot of the bed, and in the next she lay flat on her back, their clothes gone, her body bare and vulnerable while Lach’s powerful thighs forced hers wide and his muscle-roped arms pinned her hands at the sides of her face.

  “Evan.” It was a gasp, a grunt, a growl. “What in the fuck are you doing?”

  She welcomed his weight, the delicious press of his heavy body against her own, and spread her legs wider, inviting him to take whatever he wanted from her. “Maybe I think you’re worth a risk or two.”

  Lach screwed his eyes shut, hanging his head between his powerful shoulders, his hands clenched into huge fists around her own. “Damn it, Evan, you don’t know what you’re saying and I’m not going to be able to help you if this goes bad.”

  “But I do. Why don’t you just try trusting me, Magic Man?”

  He shuddered against her, the last of his control slipping through his fingers, and then his head was at her breast, his mouth hot and hungry against the lush mound, sucking her deep. She cried out at the shock of sensation while he worked the puffy nipple against the roof of his mouth, suckling at her as if he drew life from the fiercely erotic taste of her flesh. It was too good, the feel of her breast against his tongue, his teeth gently scraping around the firm mound, and he pulled away only to latch onto the other, drawing her in with deep, rhythmic pulls she could feel shooting
all the way to the core of her pussy.

  She went unbearably wet, dripping down the insides of her thighs, and he pressed the head of his massive cock against the swollen, pussy-pink lips of her cunt, nudging the tiny hole with a teasing stroke, giving it barely a taste of the delicious stretch that was soon to come.

  Evan arched beneath him, a low, beastlike sound purring in the back of her throat, demanding to be filled and fucked. “Jesus, now, damn it! Don’t hold back, Lach. I want it all. Every inch of it, right now!”

  His muscles flexed, held tight with intent, and then he slammed into her, forcing the fist tight clench of her cunt to open and swallow him whole, rippling around him like a fucking little vise of pleasure. The feel of her was incredible, and he clenched his teeth against the need to spill his seed then and there, filling her up till she was coated with him, sticky and wet with his come.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  She shifted beneath him, her breath coming in rapid pants as she tried to assimilate the fact that she was stretched so wide and he was buried so deep. It hurt like hell because he was so massive, the granite hard shaft so long and thick, digging itself so far inside of her. But the dull pain was slowly beginning to recede and a throbbing ache for more was quickly beginning to take its place, demanding and insistent. “No,” she moaned, needing him to move. “No pill.”

  “Fuck,” he grumbled by her ear, his voice little more than a low rasp of sound, guttural and deep. “I’m sorry, lass.”

  His hips flexed, pressing even deeper, the huge head of his cock surging past her cervix, hitting a place that had never been penetrated before, and she moaned at the resulting jolt of pleasure/pain. “God, why are you sorry?”

  He struggled to hold himself still within her, trying to allow her deliciously tight flesh the time to get used to him, but it wasn’t easy. The need to hammer her rough and fast and deep was riding him hard, and any second now he was going to give in to it and fuck her raw.

  It was almost unthinkable that he’d do it without protection, but he wanted to fuck Evan without anything between them. He wanted to fill her womb full of come and make a miracle with her so badly he could almost taste it. “I’m sorry because I don’t fucking care if you’re on birth control or not,” he growled savagely. “And I’m not giving you a choice about it now.”

  She angled her hips, trying to take him deeper, and then flexed her inner muscles, smiling when he shuddered and growled above her. “Good, because I don’t want one. All I want is for you to get on with it already!”

  He gave a short bark of groaning laughter, loving her sass, knowing she’d always be strong enough to keep him in line and hold her own against him when his Warlock’s arrogance got the better of him. He pressed a smiling kiss to her soft lips, teased gently inside the sweet heat of her mouth, and then he was gone.

  His hips pulled back, his hunger for her taking over, and suddenly he had her hands pinned high above her head, holding her captive as he began a violent rhythm that had him shoving his thick cock in to the root, pounding through her gorgeous cunt till he thought the ecstasy of it would surely kill him. He was much too big for her, but she somehow took him, the carnal sounds spilling from her throat telling him how much she loved the feel of his cock hammering her so hard.

  Evan arched beneath him, demanding everything he had to give. It was an addictive, raging bliss, because her Magic Man was fucking her brains out. His strong hips jack-hammered, shoving his cock into her cunt with brutal strength, filling the tight little hole to bursting. A thick, immense penetration. A delicious stretch beyond anything she could endure—and yet, she craved that feeling of being full of him, of that enormous cock breaking her open and fucking her, holding nothing back.

  Christ, she couldn’t get enough of it. Every time his body crammed itself in, forcing its way through her tight, drenched tissues, it was like a surge of power, as if he thrust her full of life. It glowed from her skin, a liquid illumination, and she could almost swear she felt it pumping from her pores with each meaty thrust.

  “Oh God!” she cried, the hoarse words being ripped from her throat as a delicious pulse began to throb within her womb, spreading outward, soaking her in sensation. “Oh Jesus, Lach, I’m going to come!”

  He cried out and his massive cock hit her high and deep, a thick ramming of flesh against flesh, the impossibly hard plowing into an unbearably soft, wet haven, and she screamed, her cunt gripping him so tightly it felt bruising. She came in a warm, sweet, clenching gush around him, and he couldn’t bear it. His balls drew up hard and tight, painfully full, and he ground his jaw as the first wave ripped through him, scalding and hot and strong, pumping into her in a powerful surge as he slammed her with his cock again and again.

  The bed rumbled beneath them, shaking upon its legs, banging against the wall as his magic poured from his body into her own. His heart stopped with fear and terrified sensation, all his formidable power focused on keeping her there with him, beneath him, and it was a profound rush of wondrous relief when she held tight to him, taking his come, claiming his future.

  They shouted and ground against one another, the gut-wrenching sensations grinding down their nerve endings until they were drained and spent, clutching at one another in ecstasy, their skin soaked and smelling sweetly of sex.

  A wide, satisfied smile broke across her face, while he grinned wickedly against the sensitive skin beneath her ear, teasing it with slow strokes of his tongue. The curse had been broken, the hungers of the flesh momentarily fed, and a love more powerful than all the magic in the world discovered at last.

  Lachlan McKendrick had found his bith-bhuan gra.

  Chapter Five

  “Um—Lach?” Evan whispered just a moment later, her voice sounding strangely tentative after the mind-shattering intimacy they’d just shared.

  “Yeah?” he groaned, his own voice harsh, ragged and out of breath.

  “Who are they?”


  “Who are they?”

  “Who’s who, sweetheart?”

  “These—um, five old guys with long beards who are staring at us. Not that I’m a prude or anything, babe, but I am a one man kinda woman.”

  His entire body went tense above her, every muscle going hard in shock and disbelief. He turned his head to the side and cracked one eye, unable to believe what he was seeing. His uncles were there all right, grinning like loons, obviously as pleased as punch with themselves. “I don’t fucking believe this,” he growled, reluctantly pulling his still hard cock from her sweet, clinging depths. His body curled around her, shielding Evan’s naked flesh from the five sets of curious eyes looking on. “Get out,” he snarled. “Get the fuck out!”

  Seamus tsked from his post at the foot of the bed. “Och now, Lach. Don’t be gettin’ all testy on us, lad. It’s no something we’ve ne’er seen before.” Evan peeked a wide-eyed look at him over Lach’s broad shoulder, and the old man’s grin widened, his bushy gray brows wagging mischievously. “Mind you, I canna say I’ve ever seen one as fine as this.”

  “Seamus, take your goddamn eyes off my woman or I canna be held responsible for what I do to you.” Lach struggled for the edge of the sheet, doing his best to keep Evan covered beneath him. “And that goes for the rest of you too. Get the fuck out o’ our house!”

  They laughed and clapped each other on the back, saying “Our house! Did you hear the boy say our house?” followed by “Told you he’d come around, I did. Just had to find the right lass to make him settle, he did,” and then a “He’ll be thanking us for this when he’s no longer worrying about giving us a wee peek at paradise, now won’t he?” which was rejoined by several enthusiastic shouts of “Aye, he will.” Lach clenched his teeth together so tightly his jaw began to ache.

  Knowing the only way he was going to get rid of the nosy old biddies was to blast them from the room—so he could get back to more important things that involved lips and tongues and sweet, slippery juices—Lach careful
ly pulled the sheet up over his back, then rolled to his side, keeping the soft fabric tucked tightly around Evan.

  She smiled at him, her face flushed from coming, looking so beautiful it made his heart ache, as well as his cock. Saephus, he loved her, and he was going to spend the rest of his life proving it to her in sinful, explicit detail.

  He leaned down and placed a warm, wet kiss against her soft lips, smiling because he couldn’t seem to help himself. Shit, he’d probably spend the rest of his life grinning like a jackass, and rightfully so. The gods knew he didn’t deserve her, but that sure as hell didn’t mean he wasn’t keeping her.

  “I have to get rid of the pests, but I’m nowhere near done with you yet,” he warned.

  She laughed huskily, running her fingers through the silky locks of his hair. “I should hope not, because I’m not done with you either.”

  He kissed her again, unable to resist the sweet temptation, the fever in his blood that only she could ignite beginning to boil all over again. Evan moaned and the kiss deepened, consuming them, pulling them under like a violent force of nature until they heard the gleeful snickering coming from the other side of the room. His uncles were huddled together by the large stone hearth, rejoicing over their success, heads bent in private council, planning Saephus only knew what. Lach pulled reluctantly back from the intoxicating taste of her mouth, relishing the fact that hers was the only flavor that would ever pass his lips again.

  “I better get them out o’ our house before they zap the whole friggin’ family here.”

  Her lids lowered over questioning eyes. “Our house?”

  Lach tipped up her chin with the edge of his fist. “Aye, our house. Tell me you havenna been thinking I’d ever let you get away from me, Evan. I’d kill any man who ever dared to touch you. You’re mine.”

  Her arched brow lifted in an arrogant imitation of his own. “And are you mine?”

  He lifted her hand and pressed it to his heart, letting her feel the rapid beat that came just from having her near. “In this life and the next, sweet. I’d never touch another woman, be she mortal or Magick, for anything in all the dimensions, ever again. And I canna think of anyone more special to belong to than you.”


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