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Magick Men: A Shot of Magick

Page 5

by Rhyannon Byrd

  Her eyes went hazy with love and lust at the heartfelt admission, marveling at what kind of wondrous fate ever decreed that she be the lucky woman to own the heart of so wonderful a man. It mattered not to her whether he was mortal or magic, only that he loved her and always would.

  Knowing the truth of her words was already shining in her eyes, she replaced the press of her hand against his heart with a soft, sweet kiss from her lips. “I love you, Lachlan McKendrick. Always and forever, I’m yours.”

  His arms wrapped around her like steel bands, securing her to him, his body trembling as the words rushed up at him. “Ah, Evan, I was wondering when you were going to get around to telling me that. I hate to admit it, but it’s been giving me some bad minutes wondering if I was ever going to hear those words from you.”

  She smiled against his chest. “And?”

  His arms squeezed tighter, and then his hands moved into her hair on either side of her head, tilting her face up to his. “And I love you too, lass. Och, I always have. Why do you think I’ve been so bloody scared to be near ya? I havenna trusted myself not to toss you over my shoulder and steal you away and have my wicked way with you.”

  She licked her lips, trying to focus through the haze of desire. “Speaking of having your wicked way, do you think we could get some privacy before I have my own with you?”

  Lach’s eyes flared, shocked at the realization that he’d momentarily forgotten about his meddling, obnoxious uncles. He looked over to find them all watching with wide-eyed fascination, the lot of them hanging onto their every word, smiling like a twittering group of old women. Saephus save him. He made sure Evan was still covered and then rose to his full height, standing tall and proud and unashamedly naked beside the bed.

  Evan blushed for him, but then she figured when you looked as gorgeous as Lach did, you really didn’t care if people saw you clothed or naked as a jaybird. Of course, the only woman who was ever going to see him in all his magnificent glory ever again was herself. And it was a view she planned on enjoying and taking complete advantage of for all eternity.

  Lach stalked across the room like an angry wolf preparing to fight for his territory, but the five old men just kept on smiling, as if they didn’t notice the danger burning in his light green eyes. No, they were too busy taking stock of his cock.

  “Och now,” his Uncle Reggie remarked with enthusiasm, “I told ya the boy took after our side o’ the family.”

  Lach rolled his eyes at the outrageous comment, the corner of his mouth lifting when he heard Evan trying to stifle her infectious giggles behind him. They might drive him out of his bloody mind, but at least his family was sure to provide them with their fair share of humor in the years to come.

  “Aye,” his Uncle Iain readily agreed. “They all do. Why do you think they’ve been so blasted hard to settle down? It takes a lusty wench to be able to satisfy a pri—”

  “Enough!” Lach roared, trying not to laugh; his heart smiling for him at Evan’s choked gasp behind him, her laughter muffled by the covers she’d apparently pulled over her head.

  She peeked over the edge of the sheet just in time to see Lach throw his arms up into the air, muscles bulging, rippling down his back in an impressive display of strength, and then there was an immense crash of thunder overhead that she could’ve sworn sounded like the heavens roaring. Across the room from her, his uncles’ eyes bulged as wide as her own.

  “He’s come to it, then,” the one named Seamus called out over the resonating cracks of thunder. “I told you old fools he’d tapped into his power in its entirety. Thank Saephus he found the pretty little lass there or it could’ve been the end of us all.”

  “Out!” Lach roared. His hair whipped around his head as if he were caught in the center of a violent windstorm. “Leave now, or like I warned you before, I canna be responsible for what I do.”

  He lowered his arms, pushing them forward, and the blast of wind rushed against his uncles, sending peals of proud laughter up to the sky.

  “Fine, fine,” Seamus called out as they gathered their long, ancient cloaks around their still powerful bodies. “But we’ll expect to see you for dinner on Sunday. We can perform the binding ceremony then.”

  A streak of lightning cut through the room, blinding her as she watched the strange tableau from the safety of the bed, and then his uncles were gone in a crackling flash of light, and she was alone once more with her Magic Man.

  He turned back to her, his eyes burning hot, and she could feel the hunger coming from his body, crashing against her in warm, erotic waves of promised pleasure. “Are they gone?”

  “Aye,” he growled, climbing onto the end of the bed and slowly crawling over her, his huge cock hard and ready to fuck, the wide, blunt tip already streaming with juices. He gripped the sheet in one strong fist and ripped it away, sending it to the floor as his eyes fastened on the juncture of her closed thighs.

  She watched as he licked his lips and had to bite back a groan. “And are we going to dinner on Sunday then?”

  “Aye,” he drawled again, his nostrils flaring as he smelled her delicious scent on the air, strong and sweet and feminine. “But I’ll be eating you now, if you havenna any objections.”

  Evan took a deep breath as anticipation spiked through her, sharp and sweet, setting her body to a fine tremble. She parted her thighs, lifting her knees out high at her sides, loving the stark, ravenous look that fell over his face as he looked down at her open, glistening cunt. She was primed and ready, hungry for his massive cock, dripping with cream and aching to be fucked.

  With a teasing smile, she reached down and circled the tiny hole with the tip of her finger, slowly dipping inside, and then pulled it out of her clinging depths, rolling her hips with the erotic movement. Her finger glistened, shiny with sweet tasting cream, and she lifted it to his lips for a decadent taste.

  Lach opened his mouth and drew the juice soaked digit between his lips, sucking it clean, his senses clenching and cock crying at the honey sweet taste and smell of her cunt.

  Evan pulled the slender finger free and he grunted, “More,” holding her thighs spread wide as he shoved his face straight into her, his tongue digging deep with the first plunge. One thumb found the ripe, almost bursting bud of her clit and pressed hard, roughly stroking it, while the other found the sweet little hole of her ass and pierced deep, shocking a hoarse cry from her throat.

  He laughed into her; a dark, dangerous sound of arrogant satisfaction, looking forward with savage anticipation to the eternity of fucking they had before them. He’d happily spend it right here, pressed up tight against her pussy while she flooded his face with cream, filling his belly with love and lust and the sweet, faithful taste of their love.

  “Come,” he ordered into her. “Come for me, Evan, right down my fucking throat like you have in my dreams!”

  The harsh, guttural command sent her tumbling straight over the edge, her body writhing, cunt pressed shamelessly to his face, pumping against his wicked mouth and tongue. And then in a blur of movement she was pressed hard to the wall, pinned by his hard-muscled body, her knees held wide over his elbows and his cock buried up to her eyeballs while he fucked her into an endless, screaming climax that pulsed through her blood like a rush of flame, scorching her with its pounding intensity.

  He must have used magic to get them there so quickly, her nailed to the wall and penetrated within the blink of an eye, and she smiled at the lucky fortune of having this beautiful Magic Man who’d stolen her heart all for her own. Yeah, she was a lucky girl indeed; but then, she planned on making him feel pretty lucky too.

  “I love you,” she moaned breathlessly, his beautiful cock still fucking the hell out of her, hammering her with love. “I love you.”

  His lips found hers, his mouth claiming possession of the sweet, moist recess as thoroughly as his cock claimed her cunt for his and no other. “I love you too,” he grunted, his lungs laboring for air. “So much it bloody hurts. Promis
e you’ll never leave me, Evan. We’re bound forever, lass, and I’d die if I lost you.”

  She kissed him sweetly. “I’ll never leave you, Lach. I’ll always be yours.”

  “Always,” he growled, taking the kiss deeper.

  And then her Magic Man sent her crashing over the edge of ecstasy all over again.

  About the author

  Rhyannon Byrd is the wife of a Brit, lucky mother of two amazing children, and maid to a precocious beagle named Misha. In her seven years of marriage, she’s moved from California to England, and then back to California again (they forgot to tell her there’s no central heating in houses built 200 years ago) and finally to Florida, where she doesn’t have to worry about it getting cold. It’s been an exhausting existence, but in the past year she’s somehow managed to find the time to put pen to paper—or fingers to keyboard—and give life to the stories and characters she loves. That is, when she’s not threatening to kill her computer!

  She graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Literature and Writing Studies, and while at school she spent most of her time writing papers on the psychoanalysis of medieval lit. Hmm…hardly a useful tool in modern day America, but hey, at least it taught her how to write. Now her days (and let’s face it, most nights) are filled with creating the erotic love stories she enjoys most; those about strong alpha heroes and the fascinating women who capture their hearts, keeping all that wicked wildness for their own. When not writing, Rhyannon loves watching football and F1 racing, reading, painting, and traveling—but most of all she loves her crazy, supportive, hellion-filled family.

  Please visit Rhyannon’s website at, and contact her at She loves to hear from readers.

  Rhyannon welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.




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