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Incubus Freedom

Page 6

by Emma Jaye

  “You don’t trust me.”

  Milo stood up. “It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he’s just a little–”

  “You’re both right,” Finn interrupted. “I trust you to be what you are, a demon who looks at the big picture. That doesn’t mean you’ll always act in my, or Ezra’s, best interests. Milo will always be on my side, and you can’t compel him like you can me.”

  To Finn’s surprise, rather than being angry, Avery snorted, and gave a wry smile. “You remind me of my Frederick. Everyone thought I was the one in charge, but in truth, he had me wrapped around his little finger. Come here.”

  With butterflies doing cartwheels in his belly, Finn stood up and walked over to the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. A man whose eyes glowed and whose touch set him on fire.


  “This is Finn, the boy I told you about. Finn, this is your temporary master. You will obey him as you would me,” Avery said.

  Finn’s request for a ‘light’ compulsion, felt almost non-existent, but at least he wasn’t laughing, which, given the odd situation, could be a definite possibility.

  The man whom Avery hadn’t introduced looked like a wannabe soldier. In his early forties, his puffed-up chest matched his cropped salt and pepper hair. The guy probably drove a desk all day and got his jollies playing a Dom on the weekends and pumping iron.

  Before meeting Ezra, Finn would have found his age, his experience, attractive. But after having tasted what supernaturals had to offer, this human paled into insignificance. A tickle of concern that he’d thought of this man, this human, as a lesser being, didn’t last long. He was food for Ezra, nothing more, and if Finn wanted it, he needed to get in the game.

  Finn gave the man his attention, hoping that keeping his eyes downcast and his hands behind his back was suitably ‘submissive’ all the while cursing the smug incubus in the corner.

  “Your master tells me you haven’t been a good boy, that you are resistant and insolent. I’m here to teach you the error of your ways. It will be beaten out of you if necessary. Do you understand?”

  Finn glanced at Milo who sat beside Avery on the sofa near the door of the hut. The shifter gave him a wink. Avery raised his eyebrows. Yet again, Finn wished Avery had granted his request for a stronger compulsion.

  The explanation that the human would be able to tell if Finn wasn’t fully with it didn’t seem as plausible now. Having an audience both helped and hindered his mindset. Finn’s belly fluttered with butterflies, as he wondered if he could impress a centuries old incubus, but it also turned him on. Was Avery enjoying Milo’s lust? The pair looked very ‘close’ on that sofa.

  What the hell am I doing with this guy when I could be sandwiched between them? An image of Avery popped into his mind. The incubus directed both him and Milo like a master conductor. Firm, hard bodies, slicked with sweat, moving, pumping, reaching for completion. Finn yearned for what the incubus could offer.

  “Don’t look at him. I’m your master for as long as I’m in here, understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Finn said in the most respectful tone he could manage.

  “Go shower. I want you clean.”

  “I am clean.” He wasn’t, he hadn’t showered since the pack house; but he wanted to get this over with, so he could get back to Ezra. Is he awake yet? Does he feel me? Does he recognise me?

  Seconds ticked past and he risked a glance up. The frown on the man’s face didn’t bode well. “Did I ask, or did I tell you to do something?”

  “You told me. Sorry, sir.” Playing a sub, wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Although he didn’t look over at Milo, he bet the little shifter wore a grin a mile wide. Bastard.

  He took a step towards the bathroom but found the man on his heels.

  “I know how to–” a hard swat on his backside made him jump. He glared over his shoulder at both the man who’d just left a handprint on his butt and Avery.

  “He’s just making sure you don’t touch yourself in there,” Avery called out. “I told him what a sneaky, disobedient boy you are.”

  “Of course, you did,” Finn muttered.

  “Did you say something, boy?”

  “No sir, sorry sir,” Finn ground out and wondered why he had to endure a ‘How to be a vascellum’ lesson now, rather than merely filling up with the shifter brothers. Because Ezra needs you horny for as long as possible.

  With gritted teeth, Finn stalked into the bathroom. When he glanced behind him, the Dom was leaning up against the doorframe, and Milo had moved so Finn remained in his line of sight.


  Yeah, like I need to be told not to shower with my clothes on.

  He pulled off his shirt, shoved down his running shorts, and wondered how long getting naked in front of a stranger would cause his current spike of embarrassment. Will I miss it?

  Knowing eyes were on him, particularly Milo’s, as he soaped himself made his dick twitch. Everyone in here, the human, the shifter and the incubus, wanted him. Closing his eyes, he imagined their hands on his body, rather than his own.

  A blast of freezing water had him gasping and throwing himself out of the cubicle, every muscle tense.

  “Fuck, what did you do that for?” he spluttered.

  The man pointed at his groin. “Getting hard is against the rules. Say it.”

  Finn met his eyes and said in a deadpan voice, “Getting hard is against the rules. Sir.”

  The man gave him an evil smile. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy you.”

  A towel hit him in the chest. “Dry yourself.”

  When he came out, with the towel around his waist the man lounged on the bed. Milo had returned to Avery on the sofa.

  “Your master wants you to wear this to stop you touching yourself, you rude boy.” He held up the cock cage. “Lose the towel.”

  Taking a shaky breath, and doubting that Avery had compelled him at all, Finn dropped the towel and stepped forward. Despite the warm temperature, his flesh sported an impressive collection of goosebumps.

  “Nervous?” the man asked as he studied Finn. What will turn him on more?

  “Truth Finn, always the truth.”

  “Yes sir, I’m nervous. I guess I’ve been a little... overindulged by my master.”

  A slight snort came from Milo. Finn had to work hard to stop laughing at Avery’s expense.

  “Is humiliating your master in front of guests good sub behaviour, boy?”

  Finn hung his head. “No sir. He’s too good to me.”

  “Indeed. But I’m here to help both of you. Hands behind your back and keep them there.”

  The instant Finn complied, the man reached for his cock. The electric touch made Finn jerk, it was so, proprietary, as if Finn’s cock belonged to him, not Finn. He creased at the waist, trying to move his junk out of the man’s grasp.

  The man clicked his tongue. “Stay still.”

  Standing there, cold, with three sets of eyes on him, being the centre of attention, caused desire to curl in his belly.

  “Seems we need to get this on you sooner rather than later.” The man manipulated the various pieces of cage like a Rubik cube master. The sheath slid over his growing cock, and the ring snapped around his balls. An almost inaudible click sounded before the man held up a tiny black key, then threw it over Finn’s head. He hoped to God that either Avery or Milo caught it. And that the flooring didn’t have cracks in it.

  The man grabbed Finn’s hips and turned him to face the two supernaturals.

  Milo held the key, but like Avery, his gaze focused on Finn’s groin. Avery lounged back, his hand gently rubbing his obvious erection through the front of his linen shorts.

  Pressure on his dick increased. It didn’t hurt, not yet anyway, but getting fully hard with this thing on him would be impossible, even though he was more of a shower than a grower.

  “Nothing like a cage to adjust a sub’s attitude,” Avery drawled. Finn gave him a hard stare.

  Milo raised h
is eyebrows in an unspoken question. Finn gave him a slight nod. He could feel the tingle of the man’s lust through the grip on his hips. A palm slid over his butt, then the man stood up, and wrapped an arm around Finn’s chest.

  “You like being the centre of attention, don’t you?” The hot breath against his ear made him shiver.

  “Yeah, yeah I do.”

  “On. Your. Knees.”

  He only hesitated a moment, but it seemed even that was too long for his new ‘master’.

  The man pulled his shoulders till Finn swivelled around so they were sideways on to their audience. A hand caressed his hair almost lovingly.

  “You need guidance, discipline, to be happy. Your needs and emotions control you, confuse you. I and your master can provide everything you need, but first I need to show you both how beautiful pure submission can be. But there is something else we need first.”

  He fished in his pocket and pulled out a butt plug. It was nowhere near the size of the one he’d found in Ezra’s ‘bargain bin’ the first time they’d met, but it couldn’t be described as small either. Still, compared to Ezra and Avery’s dicks, it shouldn’t be difficult to take.

  “Ever used one of these?”

  “, sir.”

  The man tutted again. “Your education is sadly lacking.”

  Even though this guy thought Avery was his partner, rather than Ezra, the urge to defend his demon rose.

  “I’m new at this, really new. It’s only been about two weeks since I–”

  “Became a sub?”

  “Stopped being a virgin,” Milo said from behind them.

  “Ah. That explains a lot. Get on the bed, butt high.”

  Face burning and trembling with both embarrassment and excitement, Finn obeyed, resting his forehead on his laced hands.

  “That’s it, legs apart.”

  Being on display, and not being touched caused his dick to make a valiant effort at doing a Hulk impression and burst out of the cage.

  Finn twitched as a big hand rested on his lower back and then started to rub. Wishing it was Ezra doing this didn’t help. He pushed the fact that his demon wanted him to do this, to the front of his mind.

  A hand landed on each butt cheek and gently pulled them apart. Finn’s asshole clenched, and relaxed, ready for whatever they wanted to do to him.

  “That’s got to be the prettiest hole I’ve seen in a long time, thank you for the opportunity, my Lord.”

  Finn didn’t pay attention to the man’s last words as lube hit his hole, followed by a finger rubbing over it. The cold gel soon warmed as his partner worked it around his rim. The touch clicked something in his mind and he tilted his backside up, arching his back.

  “Just relax and open up,” the voice soothed, but Finn didn’t want gentle. The urge to be filled, to be pounded into oblivion, to have this man erupt inside him, took over. He pushed back wanting that too gentle finger to peg his gland.

  “I see what you mean, eager little thing isn’t he?”

  “Too eager for his own good, hence the need to teach him a little self-discipline,” Avery said. “He’s got himself in a few dangerous situations recently.”

  Finn groaned as the finger withdrew. “Don’t, don’t go,” he blurted.

  A hand came down on his ass hard and he jumped at the sound and the sting.

  “Who is in charge here?”

  “You, you are sir, I’m sorry, I just need–” For the first time since the man had entered the room, Finn was no longer acting.

  “Don’t panic, Finn, we’re here,” Milo’s voice came from beside him. “But you need to learn a little control, so you don’t get hurt, that’s why we’re doing this.”

  Finn lifted bleary eyes and focused on Milo’s face. When did he move? Something hard pressed against his hole. He pushed back onto it, the painful stretch together with the pain in his cock making him gasp.

  “Are you sure he isn’t a masochist?” the human asked.

  “Not sure of anything to be honest, apart from he’s managed to get himself overfilled twice in a matter of days since he was bonded,” Avery said.

  “For one of those he’d been compelled to the extent he didn’t know his own name; the other involved my three dim and very over-enthusiastic cousins.”

  The plug popped in. Finn clenched on it, it was deep, but tantalisingly not deep enough. Arching his back, he clenched, and the tip of the plug brushed his prostate, sending a shot of pleasure through him. He groaned. Even though his dick felt like it was in a vice, he repeated the movement, rocking his hips, trying to get another hit on his gland.

  “Finn, listen to me, stop it. You need control to be able to protect yourself when one of us isn’t around,” Milo stern voice didn’t help.

  It was all he could do to not scrabble at the cage or reach back and ram the plug into himself.

  “Avery, where’s Avery? I can’t do this, I need compulsion,” Finn gasped.

  “I’m right here, but you’re stronger than you think you are. Keep still, just breathe, and bring yourself back. You can do this, I know you can.”

  The touch, the compulsion, he wanted didn’t materialise. Breath by shuddering breath, Finn fought to bring his heart rate and his movements under control. His body slumped, then someone pressed on the butt plug.

  Every nerve in his ass and groin lit up, the pleasure of the hit on his prostate and the compression on his dick nearly blew his mind. It was like the sensations that should be concentrated in his cock were turning inwards, were taking up his entire lower abdomen. When it faded, leaving him shaking and sweating, he growled, “Bastard.”

  Three voices chuckled. “My Lord, I don’t think this one will ever carry off ‘submissive’ unless you wave a hell of a big carrot in front of him, and even then, I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  “What’s this Lord business?” Finn said, trying to distract them from touching the plug. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to feel that again or not.

  A stinging slap came down on his ass. “Now, now, remember your manners. How do you address me?”

  “Sir, sorry sir.”

  He pressed on the plug, and just like that, Finn was on fire again. How long had it been since he’d come? It felt like he’d been on the edge forever.

  Finn rocked his hips, and this time they let him. His movements became more extreme, each pump causing both pain and pleasure. It builds up in his body, screaming for release in the same way as when he’d been overfilled, but his hole wasn’t raw this time, it just wanted more.

  Not being able to stand it anymore, he pulled his torso upright, hands scrabbling at the cage. “I give up, I’m crap at this.”

  “You’ll learn. Let’s see what else you know.” Finn looked up into the grey eyes of the man who certainly wasn’t the tourist Avery claimed.

  “Hang on, he’s not enjoying this. I think we should stop and take him back to Ezra.”

  The man grabbed Finn’s wrists, pulling them away from the cage.

  “Finn, do you want to get some more energy for Ezra, or do you want to come? Because when you come, this stops, and he bleeds again.”

  “That’s, that’s a fucking low blow,” he managed to gasp.

  “Demon, remember?” Avery’s smirk was so like Ezra’s Finn groaned.

  He looked from one face to the next. None of the three were dishevelled; he was an utter naked mess. Milo wore a slight frown, but Avery and his friend watched him with interest.

  He swallowed, his mouth dry. “You’re going to fuck me, right, all three of you?”

  “I guess that answers my question,” Milo said.

  Avery pulled Finn to his feet, held him against his chest and gripped his ass. The strength and passion of the demon took all the strength from his limbs.

  Finn only had time to draw in a sharp breath before the incubus’s lips came down on his. Avery took his mouth, holding him still while he plundered and devoured him.

  The size of the erection pressing up against h
is belly made him wonder how Avery compared to Ezra. The thought of having both of them concentrating just on him, as they had the other night, caused a surge of desire which nearly blew Finn’s mind. When Avery reached down and pressed on the plug he nearly went into orbit. If his cock hadn’t been caged, he would have decorated the demon’s shorts with his cum. Instead, the pleasure reverberated inside him, as if seeking a non-existent exit.

  It took a few seconds before Finn realised Avery wasn’t kissing him anymore.

  “Was... was that for Ezra?”

  The devilish smile returned. “No little vascellum, that was all for me. The lust of other sex demons doesn’t work for us. Now, you are going to use your mouth to drive these two wild. The shifters say you’re quite talented; I’d like to get a more refined opinion.”

  He turned to see the human and Milo standing at right angles to each other. Falling to his knees, Finn licked his lips. He’d done this with Milo’s twin cousins, but although the human would have attracted him at any other time, the only guy he really wanted to wrap his lips around was Milo.

  With shaking hands, Finn reached for Milo’s shorts as the human pushed his green combat trousers down. The human’s cock was thick, short and dark with desire. Milo’s resembled the rest of him, perfectly formed, pale and not overly big. Finn had no doubt which he preferred.

  Unfortunately, with Ezra hungry for the energy Finn could absorb, his own preferences didn’t matter, no matter what Milo said.

  Looking up at the human, he licked his hand, from palm to fingers, then wrapped it around his shaft before turning to Milo. As he watched, Milo’s dick twitched and a bead of precum appeared at the slit. Finn didn’t wait any longer.

  Milo’s breath hitched as Finn engulfed the shifter’s dick in his hot mouth. He tasted like the sea, wild and free. Because of his size, Finn could fit the entire length in his mouth. It barely caused a gag reflex and his jaw didn’t ache as it did with Ezra.

  A tug on his hair reminded him about the human. With this one, Finn started with the tip, licking and kissing as he got used to the width. He thought it would be a stretch when he took it in his mouth and it didn’t disappoint. The human’s flavour was a little less intense, a little more sour but by no means unpleasant. He could literally feel the intoxicating energy flowing into him, as he moved back to Milo, or maybe it was a side effect of the cock cage and the butt plug. Whatever it was, he felt drunk on it.


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