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Incubus Freedom

Page 7

by Emma Jaye

  “Fuck, Finn, your mouth is–” Milo groaned. Finn dropped his hand from the human to concentrate on him. As Milo’s hands went to his hair, Finn tugged on the shifter’s tight, drawn up balls, and sucked hard.

  Three short sharp thrusts later, Milo shot down Finn’s throat, as explosive as his cousins had been.

  Finn barely had time to take a much-needed deep breath before the human had claimed his mouth too. Unlike Milo, as he reached the point of no return, the human slowed his thrusts, letting his climax wash over him, rather than grabbing for it. The effect was the same for Finn, energy and swirling unfulfilled desire. His cock had given up trying to be hard, but it did nothing to reduce his arousal.

  Dizzy from lack of oxygen, hands lifted him, and he prayed they were at last going to release him from the devilish devices. Finn’s body buzzed with the lust he’d absorbed, but it didn’t hurt, not yet, anyway. To be honest, he didn’t want to come yet, if it meant this feeling disappeared.


  “Oh yes, I think so, Razor, don’t you? He’s nearly there already.”

  “Hang on, doesn’t that involve pain?” Milo’s voice broke in.

  Finn couldn’t help smiling at the protectiveness in the shifter’s tone. Whatever they wanted to do to him was fine. Giving subspace a try had been something he’d fantasized about ever since he’d come across the term.

  “Not the way we’re going to do it,” Avery said. “Watch if you like, it’s not something I suppose a shifter’s ever seen. As far as I know, no supernaturals can enter subspace and despite having expert help, only certain humans can do it. But when one describes it, it always makes me wish, just for a second, that I could do it too.”

  Finn found himself in Razor’s arms on the bed. “Settle down, close your eyes and let everything go. Don’t try to come, you can’t with the cage, just accept.”

  “Legs open, nice and wide,” Avery murmured, his breath caressing the inside of Finn’s bare thighs, making him shiver. His touch on the plug caused a groan, but Finn didn’t flinch or twitch, he wanted this.

  “Good, well done, you’re so beautiful like this. Can you feel how proud Ezra is of you?”

  Reaching down inside himself, Finn felt the warmth that could only be Ezra. Satisfaction washed over him.

  His eyes flicked open to find Avery on all fours looming over him.

  “I can, he’s–”

  “Remember this feeling, this relaxation. Your climaxes are for Ezra, no one else. Accept the pleasure we give you, feel the love of your demon wrapped around you.”

  Finn’s eyes closed, surrounded by powerful men, he felt safe, relaxed. A hand reached under his thigh, and with a smooth motion, Razor pulled the plug out and Avery replaced it with his finger.

  Just like Ezra, he unerringly found Finn’s prostate. And swirled the tip of his finger over it.

  “Breathe through it,” Avery whispered.

  “It’s hard,” Finn gasped out, not sure which way was up.

  Avery smiled against his lips. “No, no its not, and it won’t be until Milo frees you. For now, let the sensation take you, wash over you, don’t fight it, let it own you. Be what you are, Finn, a vascellum, a vessel for our pleasure,” Avery whispered against his lips, before taking his mouth, and his breath.

  Razor gently pinched Finn’s nose and a second later, his finger joined Avery’s. Finn’s head spun, his body limp as he obeyed and let the sensations wash over him. He pictured himself riding an endless wave, around the Southern Ocean, never reaching land, never cresting, never diminishing.

  “Milo, come here.” Finn ignored them, concentrating on the glorious buzzing in his body, it wasn’t a climax, wasn’t an orgasm, but it was a high he’d never felt before and he never wanted it to end.

  A finger pulled his eyelid up, but he didn’t react, as he hung on to the feeling of euphoria.

  “See his pupil?”

  “He looks drugged.”

  “He is, on sensation and breath restriction. A skilful Dom can keep a human in subspace for a couple of hours or make them come again and again. Razor runs a BDSM club for me, he’s the best. The subs line up for him.”

  Razor chuckled. “Well I’m not too bad for a human, but compared to you, my Lord, I’m a rank amateur.”

  Finn frowned, the high fading as their attention wandered from him. The lust he’d absorbed buzzed in his veins, it was warm, not painful.

  “Sorry to break up the party, but we’d better get him back to Ezra.”

  “Do I get to play with your vascellum again, he’s fascinating. I can’t quite work out what’s different about him, but I’d like to investigate the issue a little more thoroughly.”

  Finn shook his head a little to clear it as he blinked. Razor’s face swam into focus. Playtime had been fun and cuddling up in his demon’s arms and falling asleep would have been perfect, but Ezra wasn’t here. The thought of the demon who held his soul being alone sobered Finn like a bucket of ice water.

  “How about you start that investigation by taking your finger out of my hole, Mr Razor, sir. You too Avery. Milo, where’s that damn key?”

  The human blinked, but did as ordered as Avery chuckled. “I think you just discovered part of it, my friend.”

  Avery got off the bed and helped Finn to his somewhat wobbly feet. “Finn is the nearest thing to a sex demon that you’ll ever find in human form. Vascelli are sex addicts with a rebound time that’d even make your eyes pop out.”

  Milo handed Finn his clothes and the key to the cock cage. He stood, staring at it.

  “I’m certainly looking forward to testing that ability.” The enthusiasm in Razor’s voice caught Finn’s attention.

  “You’ll have to talk to Ezra about that, but I’m game if you are.” Rather than undoing the cage, Finn grabbed the robe on the back of the bathroom door and slipped it on.

  Milo indicated his groin. “You’re not taking that off?”

  Finn grinned at him. “Nah, I kinda like it to tell the truth. Besides, having the key to my cock will hopefully be a nice wake up present for my demon. You coming?”

  “I think I’m in love,” Razor announced with a sigh.

  “And I think I’m waaay out of my league,” Milo added, causing a wave of laughter to roll around the hut.

  A knock on the door drew their attention, panic gripped Finn and he took a step back.

  “You alright?” Milo asked him as the door opened.

  Silas’s head appeared. “He’s–”

  “Awake,” Finn whispered, a second before his legs went from under him as full-blown devastation hit him.

  As Milo caught him, he heard Avery snap, “Go.”


  Coming around from an unnatural sleep wasn’t a new experience for Ezra. He couldn’t mistake the tell-tale fogginess as anything else.

  Pixie had been bitching up a storm when Jericho frogmarched him back up to the single-storey buildings of Avery’s holiday resort. Why they were both so worried about seeing his blood he didn’t know. However, bleeding when he didn’t know if there were vampires around had him going along with Jericho’s orders.

  “You need those dressed again,” the fae announced.

  “No, I don’t,” he replied, for no other reason than he could. The sooner he discovered the boundaries of his new situation the better. Surprises were something he preferred to avoid.

  Pixie huffed. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Ezra, are you going to argue about every damn thing just for the sake of it?”

  “Do I do that?”

  The way her eyes narrowed gave him his answer.

  “No, you don’t,” Jericho rumbled.

  Ezra grinned as Pixie groaned at the shifter’s lie.

  A stunning, silver-haired, dark-skinned woman sashayed into his current cell.

  “I’m Amtai and it appears you’ve undone my good work.”

  “Good work?” he replied.

  She went over to the row of cabinets a
nd boxes lining the side of the room. “My very tidy dressings on your wounds. I’m a doctor.”

  He hadn’t been able to stop Silas playing doctor. He didn’t know what species of supernatural this woman claimed to be, but she wasn’t a bloodsucker. She had too many curves for that species. His belly reminded him he hadn’t fed in... he didn’t know how long.

  Walking over to her, he whispered against her hair, “So, you want to examine me, do you?”

  The slight flair of lust encouraged him. Not being prey, and his food having the ability to leave, piqued his interest.

  “I will treat you as I treat all my patients,” she said, her back stiff.

  The shiver that went through her body as he drew a finger down her arm made him grin.

  “Oh, I think I’d like you to treat me, Amtai, but I’m not very patient. How about we tell these two to get lost and we can get to the examining part sooner rather than later?”

  “Ezra!” Pixie shouted. He turned to tell the fae to get lost and something sharp stuck in his upper arm.

  “Hey,” he called out as he turned back to the doctor, rubbing at the spot. “What are you, some kind of pain demon?”

  A self-satisfied smile appeared on her face. “I’m a seal shifter, and I’m very capable of dealing with–”

  Ezra lost focus on her words as a wave of dizziness made him put his hand to his head.

  “Catch him,” the doctor said as his feet went from under him.

  “Afternoon. Wasn’t expecting you to be awake for another few hours.”

  Ezra didn’t turn over to see the owner of the gruff greeting. Jericho moved around the bed till Ezra could see him.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Ezra frowned, suspicion tickling. “How many times have you asked me that?”

  The caterpillar eyebrows rose a fraction. “You first.”

  “You’re a troll called Jericho.”

  Ezra wondered if the guy could still see him with the way those hairy eyebrows pulled down. “And I thought sex demons were meant to be charming.”

  Ezra rolled into a sitting position, happy that no one had stuck a shirt on him while he slept. The bandage had been put back on his chest, and he wore a pair of loose, stretchy shorts. They were dark red, instead of the black ones he remembered.

  He indicated his groin. “Anything interesting happen while I was out? Although I can’t imagine you climbed on board for a free ride.”

  Jericho folded his arms. “You don’t seem worried about the possibility or how long you’ve been unconscious.”

  Ezra shrugged. “I could have been out for hours, days or years. It doesn’t matter, especially as I’m more than a century adrift.” He tilted his head, examining the shifter.

  “Are you my official keeper?” It made sense after what had happened with Silas. The bear wasn’t interested in the perks that could come with the job.

  Jericho frowned. “You’re not a prisoner here. You–”

  “Good. I’m off out then. I’m a bit peckish,” he said, threw the blanket back and stood up. Rather than being ‘peckish’ hunger gnawed at him. He could sense a world of lust, dangling just out of his reach, but it wouldn’t be for long if he had anything to do with it.

  “Hold your horses.” Jericho took a step forward.

  Gut clenching in trepidation, Ezra carried on walking towards the door. “Why, are going to stop me? Not a prisoner, remember?”

  “Ezra, it’s busy out there, you can’t just–” but he was out of the door.

  The bright sunlight as he stood at the entrance to the building made him squint. Like the first time he’d stepped out of the door, there were unfamiliar sights, scents and sounds, but they were a hundred times more intense in the daylight.

  A wolf whistle drew his attention to a group of women sitting around a table on the terrace. It wasn’t an unfamiliar noise, but he’d never heard it from a woman before.

  They were focused on an attractive man flipping bottles and creating fancy, colourful drinks behind a bar. Ezra frowned, the dark-skinned man wore only a red waistcoat and black trousers. Given his skin colour, he had unusual, intense blue eyes.

  Granted, the humans he’d met in the cellar weren’t at their best but this guy’s attractiveness rating... It clicked. The man was an incubus. And he already had a whole group of humans ready and willing to feed him. This must have been the lust Ezra sensed from his room.

  Ignorance about his own kind bloomed. Were there protocols for poaching another sex demon’s potential meal? He didn’t think the other incubus could feed from all of them at once, and humans were a renewable energy source.

  An overly curvy brunette wearing nothing but a scarlet brassiere and a length of colourful cloth around her hips almost dropped the metal tray she carried when she saw him.

  “Lord Ezra!” she gasped as she almost flowed across the smooth flagstones towards him. How she managed to walk in those impossibly high heels he didn’t know, but they certainly made her hips sway.

  Ezra hadn’t felt self-conscious about his body for years, but the way she looked at him, made him painfully aware of his near nudity. Maybe Pixie had been right when she suggested that he put on a shirt last night.

  His instinctive step back landed him up against the wall of flesh named Jericho as the impossibly curvy woman dropped into a curtsey before him. She held the position, clearly waiting for him to acknowledge her. From his vantage point, he could see the ripe curves of breasts too big for her petite frame.

  “Freya, would you please give it a rest?” Jericho sighed. “He’s only been awake two minutes and he still hasn’t got–”

  She rose to her feet, completely ignoring the looming bear shifter and captured Ezra’s hand in hers. To his astonishment, she placed a reverent kiss on the back.

  “I’m so honoured to meet you,” her eyes flicked from side to side and those ruby red lips pouted.

  “They’ve been keeping you both under wraps.”

  “Both?” he asked, heart dropping at the thought of another poor bastard in Fabian’s cellar.

  “That’s enough,” Jericho said, and held onto Ezra’s bicep trying to draw him away.

  “Yes, I saw him heading for the cabin behind the resort reception with Avery an hour ago. Although what he’s doing with another incubus I don’t know. It’s not as if–”

  Ezra pulled out of Jericho’s grasp. “Who he?”

  Jericho stretched his arm out, creating a physical barrier between him and Freya. It clicked. Those ripe breasts, hips and lips reminded him of someone. His mother.

  “You’re a succubus.”

  Her hands ran down her body, in blatant sexual advertisement. It did nothing for him.

  “Of course, I am. And I hope, you, me and your cute little vascellum we’ll be getting much better acquainted very soon.”

  “Oh fuck,” Jericho rumbled.

  For a long second, Ezra stared, praying they were playing some kind of sick joke. But the succubus in front of him seemed perfectly serious as she looked over his shoulder at Jericho.

  “Oh my, did I say something out of turn? Didn’t he remember yet?”

  A paw-like hand landed on his shoulder. “Come on Ezra, it appears I have some explaining to do. Not sure if I’m the right person for this but–”

  “Ezra, we’ve been waiting for you to be up and around. A word if you will.”

  A middle-aged blond woman, who looked human, made her way toward him across the patio at the head of the group of wolf-whistling women.

  Without exception, the eclectic group glowed with lust as they ran their eyes over his mostly bare body. He was prey again, just like with the vampires. Even without the cuff on his wrist he felt trapped, numb. The urge to display the brand, to prove he was off limits because of Fabian didn’t help his mood.

  “Council Member Shanae, this is not the time. Ezra and I were about to–”

  “Nonsense,” she interrupted primly. “Now that Freya has unfortunately let the
cat out of the bag we might as well get on with it. Messing with his memory any more would not be productive. My coven and I are more than ready to move forward; we do have other urgent business.”

  Jericho’s solid bulk provided welcome support, but the shifter appeared reluctant to defy the group of witches in the way he had the succubus. Maybe Jericho thought they’d turn him into a rat. Maybe they would. Ezra had no experience with witches, or at least he didn’t remember ever meeting one.

  Shanae smiled. Ezra swallowed, wondered what the next bombshell would be. A vascellum. I have a vascellum?

  “Now, we know that you are concerned about addicting humans, we feel the same way. But being with an incubus will lengthen our lifespans, which is clearly an advantage.”

  Her smug smile made him itch. “We have an arrangement with Avery and Freya’s husband, Malcolm.” The two women exchanged a smiling nod.

  “We have a permanent ‘coven’ cabin here and we rotate who stays every few days. No one is here more than once a month, so we avoid any possibility of addiction. In turn, we offer our services to the council for free.

  “And with you and Finn here now, the population of sex demons on the island will go up and it’ll change regularly. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

  Ezra blinked at her smile, unable to take in what she was saying. Finn, that’s a male name. My vascellum is a man.

  Her face fell and her six companions glanced at each other.

  “We feed you and Finn, with no need for seductions, at least with us anyway. You’ll live here in paradise, helping visiting sex demons conceive, and we live longer with no possibility of addition.”

  Fabian had proposed exactly the same thing, to use him as a stud bull, but now with the addition of an innocent human. A human who was tied to him, to his fucked-up life, till the day he died.


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