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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

Page 15

by Vera Quinn

  “That biker trash, as you put it, has shown me more consideration than you have my entire life. GET THE HELL OUT!” I have never yelled at my mom. The room door is pushed open and Bud pushes through, with the man Rome left in the hall right behind him. “My mom is trying to make me leave with her.” I see a nurse come in behind the biker.

  “What is going on in here? You have to keep it down or I will be forced to call the security.” The nurse says.

  “We need security,” I tell the nurse. The biker pushes my mom down in the chair. She tries to stand up and he pushes her back down. If things weren’t so serious I would find the look on my mom’s face funny. The nurse walks out of the room. I look at Bud. “She’s trying to make me leave so Liam can talk to me again.” Bud looks at my mom.

  “Are you crazy, Lena? Liam could have killed Tara.” Bud is furious but it doesn’t change my mom’s mind.

  “Tara is being a damn drama queen. Tara and Liam just had a misunderstanding. Liam wants to clear it up and offer Tara a better job than that menial job she has at the diner. One she can support her family with.” Mom is trying to insult Bud but he doesn’t even waver.

  “What? Pushing drugs?” That is the first words the biker has said and it leaves everyone speechless. What is he talking about?

  “That is ridiculous! Liam is a businessman.” The door opens and the nurse and two security men walk in and suddenly, my room seems small. I look at the security officers and back to my mom. The security officers are eyeing Rome’s friend but that is not happening. I know now why Rome was concerned. I never thought I would need to be protected from my own family.

  “I don’t want my mom or sister allowed in here. Can you remove my mom? She was trying to make me leave against my will.” I tell anyone who will listen.

  “I want everyone cleared out of here but my patient.” The nurse says. Bud looks at the nurse.

  “We’ll go but that woman is going first. Tara, we will be right outside until they clear this up.” My mom doesn’t look like she is going anywhere without a fight. I look at the biker.

  “What is your name? Rome never introduced us and your name isn’t on your vest.” When he smiles at me I realize how handsome he is. I don’t know why I didn’t notice before now. He has the looks you would see on the front of a magazine. His body isn’t as big as Rome’s but it is very impressive.

  “My name is Cricket and I already texted Devil. This hospital will be crawling with Feral Steel members in minutes.” His voice is deep.

  “Will you call Rome and let him know my mom is here causing trouble?” That gets my mom’s attention. She is on her feet and rushing for the door. The security officers wait for Bud and Cricket to follow out through the door.

  “We are right outside, Tara.” Bud tries to reassure me. I feel better knowing Rome will be here soon. The nurse closes the door as everyone leaves.

  “Ms. Blount, that was exciting. Now let me ask you this. Who is not allowed in your room?” I just wish I knew what to tell her.

  “My mom, her name is Lena Blount. My sister, Sheila Blount, and Liam Davis for now.” I feel awful having to put my mom and sister’s names on that list.

  “I am going to let one visitor back in here with you but if there is any more excitement, then they will be asked to leave the premises. This is a hospital.” The nurse is preaching to the choir. All I want is my nice, quiet life back. The nurse walks out and just for a few minutes I have my quiet.

  Chapter 20


  As soon as I ride my bike up to the clubhouse, I know something is happening. There is a nice shiny limo sitting in front. Do people even own limos anymore? Even if they do, it doesn’t belong in front of our clubhouse. I notice there is a driver inside the car and a hired gun standing beside it. The parking lot is full of my brothers’ bikes.

  I know Oz can see the parking lot from our security cameras so I’m not too alarmed but I still wonder who the hell is here. I walk through the front door and it is unusually quiet. Rix is behind the bar but all eyes are on the man in the suit that is at the bar sitting beside Devil. He has a man at his side who is also a hired gun but my eyes go back to the man with the suit.

  “Can we begin, gentlemen, now that your associate has arrived? I have appointments to keep.” I already don’t like the asshole. He thinks he is better than we are. Devil glances at me. I walk up and sit in the closet chair facing this stranger.

  “Rome, this is Titus Douglas and he has a business proposition he wants to talk to us about.” I nod my head at Devil. I look Titus in the eyes but he won’t hold my gaze. I don’t trust anyone who won’t look me in the eye. I know I hate this man already. “You’re up, Titus.”

  “It has been brought to my attention that we may have a common opponent. I am confident that I could handle this situation but it may cause a bit of friction with a business associate of mine. So, if you would deal with the nuisance, I will supply you with all the information that you need. Then it may possible in I will send some lucrative deals your way.” Devil laughs. I mean a belly rolling laugh. Titus never moves or reacts.

  “Let me see if I can wade through all that bullshit you just spewed out of your mouth.” Devil is laying it on thick. “Your business partner, Leonard Durfee, has lined himself up with this street gang, Brothers Bonded by Business. You’re afraid that the shit they have pulling around here is going to come back on the new image that you are trying to build, so people will forget that you deal drugs that are killing our children and you sell women and children into slavery. How am I doing so far?” Devil has gone stone cold serious.

  “Mr. Steel, I am here to negotiate an outcome that will benefit both of our organizations, not throw insults back and forth. I am willing to give you forty-eight hours to talk it over with your associates. The bottom line is, I will give you the information to make your headache go away and I thought maybe we could form an alliance for future endeavors.” The man stands up. “In forty-eight hours, this offer is rescinded and I may have to offer my alliance somewhere else. I will be in touch.” The threat isn’t spoken but it is there.

  “Titus, get out of my clubhouse while you still can and don’t ever come back. I will be in touch.” The threat is there loud and clear. Titus walks out the door with his man behind him.

  “Crockett and Bowie make sure they make it off our property and we need to start closing the gate again. That means everyone shares guard duty.” We’ve gotten comfortable over the last year and it is time to tighten security again. I think we are about to go into church when Devil’s phone goes off. He looks at it and starts to put it away and it goes off again and he looks at me.

  “Rome, Hacksaw, and Rix let’s roll. The rest of you, don’t go far. We’ll have church when we get back.” I look at Devil waiting on more. “Lena is at the hospital giving Tara trouble and my woman has decided to show up there. Callie’s ass is going to be red tonight. I told that woman to stay put.” I am out of my chair and out the door before Devil makes it there. Bowie and Crockett are by the outside of the door,

  “Like that has ever stopped Callie before.” Hacksaw tells Devil. “You sure you don’t want to rethink claiming Tara, Rome?” I don’t respond. I mount my bike and wait for Devil to lead us.

  “Crockett and Bowie with us,” Devil tells the club enforcer and SAA. Devil doesn’t bother to say anything to Hacksaw. He guns his bike onto the road.

  Chapter 21

  Callie (Yes, I need my say too.)

  I see Cricket as soon as I step my foot in the waiting room. I know Kylar is going to be pissed at me but I think it is about time for me to meet Tara Blount. I know Cricket is going to snitch on me but I’ll have a few minutes to talk to Tara.

  I slipped off from the prospect at the house with a little help from Hanna. I know Kylar has a lot to worry about right now and he wouldn’t let me come to visit Tara so I just didn’t ask. That way he didn’t technically tell me no. Kylar knows if I want to slip away from the prospec
t guarding our family that there is no keeping me there. I have had too much practice in my life growing up the daughter of an MC President of ditching my tails. Kylar will be mad but he will get over it. I wave at Cricket and he comes over to me.

  “What room is Tara in?” At first, I think he is not going to tell me but I give him my best mom look and he caves. Bikers are so damn easy.

  “Room 306 but her mom just caused some trouble so they may not let you in.” I give him a look that says I am not taking no for an answer.

  “I’ll handle it. Can you give me a few minutes before you rat me out?” I give my best pleading look.

  “Already sent the text. I want my patch sooner rather than later.” I smile at Cricket. He’s a good kid.

  “I’m going in.” He nods his head. He knows better than to try and stop me. I walk down the hall and find the room. I knock on the door and an older man with a balding head opens the door.

  “Who are you?” I smile at the man.

  “I’m Kylar’s wife. I believe Tara knows my brother in-law.” The man looks me up and down.

  “You’re Devil’s wife?” I should have said, Devil. I sometimes forget.

  “Yes, I just wanted to meet Tara and see if there was anything I could bring her.” The man looks at the woman sitting in the bed.

  “Of course, come in. I’m Bud, I own the diner and that is Tara.” He points to the woman in the bed.

  “I heard there has been some excitement in here.” I smile and try to break the tension in the room. I look at Bud and then Tara. “Do you think that I could have a few minutes with Tara? Cricket has already texted my husband and I am sure he will be here in a few minutes and I’ll be taken away to be hidden away in my home again.” I laugh as I say it.

  Bud has a smile on his face but Tara looks shocked. “It’s not that bad, Tara. Kylar loves and worries about me. A little more when I am carrying one of our children but he can go all caveman from time to time.” That does not make Tara feel better by the look on her face.

  “I can understand his thoughts. Women never stay put.” Bud adds.

  “I know, right? Us little old women cannot take care of ourselves so we need the men folks keeping tabs on us. Do you think that when Kylar gets here that you can ask him to give me a few minutes with Tara before he drags me back home?” I tease Bud and he laughs.

  “You said that, not me.” Then he looks at Tara. “I’ll let you two visit. I’ll be right outside and I will try, but by the time he gets here, I am sure it won’t do much good.” Bud tells Tara and me and then leaves us.

  “It’s not that bad, Tara. I was just teasing Bud. They only care for our safety. We just need to keep them on their toes sometimes.” Tara looks tense. “I promise I won’t bite. I am the welcoming committee from the Feral Steel ol’ ladies. There’s only two of us and Gertie isn’t around as much anymore, so I am what you get.” That gets me a little of a smile.

  “You know that sounded bad. Devil is going to drag you back home. How do you deal with that?” I look into Tara’s eyes and I see no judgment but curiosity, so I give it to her straight.

  “It can wear on my last nerve but I understand it to a point. Don’t get me wrong, Devil can be overbearing and pig headed but he is mine and I love him.” I let that soak in. “You were attacked yesterday and claimed by a Feral Steel member so every one of the brothers is going to be protective until the threat is handled. After that, they’ll go back to the normal over protective.”

  “Isn’t that a bit caveman? I have never let a man take care of me.” I see that Tara just doesn’t understand how club life works, so I try to explain.

  “To an outsider, it may seem that way. I guess it is a little but the benefits far outweigh the bad. You just need to find a way to find a balance and give yourself an adjustment period. You and Kane will find a way to make it work for you. That’s all any of us can do and it is how all relationships are.” I know my time is running out.

  “Why do you call him Kane and everyone else calls him Rome?” Tara asks.

  “Kane is Rome’s legal name. He just received his road name that his brothers gave him and I am not used to it yet. In a mc club, their road name is all that matters, just like being claimed as an ol’ lady is like being married in the club.” That got me an eyebrow raise.

  “I didn’t agree to that. Rome said he was my protector but I don’t even know Rome.” Tara is getting upset. I reach over to her and take her hand.

  “That is how it works sometimes. I want you to ask yourself one question before you freak out on me.” Tara waits for me to finish. I wait for her to calm a little.

  “How would you feel if Kane was not in your life?” Tara starts to say something but stops. I see that she is thinking it over. “Would you really want him to walk away? Because if you turn him down, he will.”

  “Shouldn’t this be going slower? I am not used to things changing so fast. Rome and I haven’t even kissed yet. How can he just claim me as his?” I see the wheels turning in Tara’s head. I hear the door open and there stands my man with his hand on his hip and a pissed look on his face. Rome is right behind him. I give Kylar my best don’t mess with me look.

  “We are having some girl talk and if you join us you are going to join us on our girl talk. Your decision.” I give it straight to Kylar.

  “Have your girl talk but woman, you and I are going to have a man to woman talk and it is going to end with your ass being a pretty shade of blistering red.” Yep, my man is pissed. I wink at him.

  “I look forward to it.” That gets a groan from him and then a smile.

  “Have your girl talk but we need to get back to the clubhouse, so hurry.” Kylar turns around to leave and Rome is left standing there looking at us.

  “You alright, Tara? Did your mom touch you?” I watch the interaction between Rome and Tara. It brings a smile to my face.

  “I’m good now but she was trying to get me to leave with her. The nurse is supposed to keep her, Sheila, and Liam out but they let Callie in.” Tara looks at me. “Did they ask who you were?”

  “No one was at the nurse’s desk when I got here. Cricket told me where you were.” I answer Tara.

  “I’ll take care of that,” Rome says. “I’ll be right outside.” Tara nods her head and Rome leaves.

  “You two have it so bad and it is written all over both your faces when you look at each other. Don’t you want to see where that can go?” I see Tara does but it is hard for her to admit it even to herself.

  “Maybe, but I don’t know anything about a motorcycle club.” I’ve never been in her shoes but any new beginnings can be scary.

  “Tara, I could say I know what you are feeling but I would be lying. I was brought up in a mc just like the Feral Steel, well, maybe not exactly like the Feral Steel but close. My dad is a president of a mc in Texas. My brother is a member and all my uncle’s are members. I wouldn’t know another way of life and honestly, I don’t want to.” I look at Tara and she looks overwhelmed so I try to simplify it. “Some people say if you love the man then you need to love the club and I do, but you’re just starting out. Look at it this way. The club is Rome’s family and like any other family, when you start a new relationship love the man and accept the club. Some members you will like more than others but accept them all and you will come to love them as you embrace them and them, you. But never forget to respect the club and if you could, don’t hurt Rome. He isn’t the easiest person to get to know and he lives with his ghosts but he is a darn good man, and he is my family. I will protect my family.” I know the last part sounds harsh but she needs to know, as a family, we look out for each other.

  “I don’t know Rome very well. How can I love him?” I can see her point. I felt the same way about Kylar at one time.

  “Be yourself, trust Rome to take care of you, hold on, and don’t over think everything. No two relationships are the same and no one should judge yours.” I’ve said everything I can. Everything I should. The rest Ta
ra and Rome will learn along the way.

  “I’ll try. It’s hard for me. My mom and sister take from men. It doesn’t matter if the man is single, married, or in a relationship. They use them to get through life. I swore to myself I would never be that way. I would get my education and learn to take care of myself. Now, Rome wants to take care of me, and it is hard letting go and letting him, but I want to.” Tara just said it and I see it shocks even her.

  “You and I are going to be good friends and when you get out of here you can meet my other friends. I better let that scary biker in here before he walks a hole in the hall. I have my punishment to look forward to.” I laugh and so does Tara.

  “I can’t believe you said that. Devil looked upset. Aren’t you worried?” Tara doesn’t get me and Devil yet but she will learn.

  “Tara, Devil promising to redden my backside is not a threat, it’s a promise and one I intend for him to keep.” I wink at her and Tara blushes. I do, too, but I mean every word. “Now are you ready for the big scaries?”

  “You’re not the least bit intimidated by all those big bikers, are you?” Tara asks me.

  “They are my family and I have nothing to be intimidated about and neither do you, because they are your family now, too. You’ll know when to zip it. It’s a learning process.” I walk to the door and open it and there stands my Kylar with Rome right beside him.

  “Your turn. Take care of her, Rome. She needs some TLC.” I turn my attention to my man. “Now, let’s get to the punishment you promised.” The concern has left Kylar’s face and left is nothing but love shining through.

  “Rome, talk to your woman and then get back to the clubhouse. We have a vote. I am leaving Rix here with Cricket so all members can be there for the vote. I’ll be at the clubhouse in a couple of hours.” Kylar gives Rome his attention but then he looks back to me. “Babe, let’s go.” I know I am going to enjoy this punishment.


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