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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

Page 17

by Vera Quinn

  “Do we turn them over to the cops or give then club justice? If Durfee goes inside, he will be released eventually and the same with Douglas.” Bowie brings up a good point.

  “Durfee and Douglas have wronged not only the Feral Steel club but clubs of our friends, too. They have sold women and children into slavery. Douglas can lay that at Durfee’s feet but he was involved.” I interrupt Devil. “Liam Davis hurt my woman and he also deserves club justice at my hands.” I will rain hell down on him.

  “All three men deserve club justice but all the others will be turned over to the PD. I’ll talk to Trigger about someone we can trust.” Devil is thinking out loud. “We need to make sure we are covered with Durfee and then Douglas. I think I know just the man for the job. Liam, we handle ourselves.”

  “We could let Krill and the Troubled Fathoms know when the dissolution would happen in Colorado.” Hacksaw adds.

  “Does anyone have a problem with any of this? Now is the time to speak your piece.” Devil tells us all and then looks at each one of us.

  “I think it could be good way to go, with caution. I think we need to inform all the clubs that were involved with the THC Hempcan Inc. They all have a stake in what is going to go down and if this goes south, then we made need some friends. It would be better if they know from the get go. We can handle what happens in our town but the corporation is in Colorado, and we can’t forget their connections in Texas and south of the border.” I agree with Crockett.

  “I am going to put this all together and then we vote.” Devil looks at us. “We need to have a talk with Douglas and find out how far up he is willing to give us. We tell him what information we want but we will carry it out without any of his assistance or input. We tell him he needs to sweeten the deal with the donations of street security cameras for the town. We take down the Brothers Bonded by Business, turn them into the authorities, to who Trigger tells us. If Douglas gives us Durfee, then we turn that over to Sarge and then we turn our attention to Douglas. It’ll be a damn good day when this is behind us.” Devil waits for our reaction to what he has laid out. No one was surprised by Sarge’s name.

  “Are you sure you want Sarge around again? You two seem to rile each other up.” Leave it to Slick.

  “Sarge can get the job done from a distance and no one knows that better than I do. The Rebellions 4 Blood club is still outlaw and will have no qualms doing the job for the right price. The Rebellions 4 Blood would be up Douglas and Durfee’s ass now if they weren’t in the middle of a move closer to NE Texas. They’ve been distracted for a few months.” Devil fills us in. “I’m thinking when Sarge hears about the problem then he will take it upon himself to do the job anyway without us asking. He swore to Diamondback on his death bed he would look out for his daughters. He also swore to take this company down. I’ve only known Sarge to go back on one promise and that was before I had met him. Any objections to any of this?” Devil looks around.

  “I get Liam Davis. I will get justice for Tara.” I will make him pay with my bare hands.

  “The club will take care of Liam but you will get your shot at him first.” Devil is firm. I can accept that. “Have you thought about Tara’s sister and mom? How is that going to go down if they go to jail?”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I know neither one of them is getting close to Tara again.” I won’t let them hurt my woman. The thought of having a woman has not sunk in yet but it’s getting there. “What if we band the business people of the town together and start a community watch after all this? The security cameras are a good idea but getting the businesses involved will go a long way to the town accepting the Feral Steel Club as business owners.”

  “One thing at a time. Let’s get this situation done first. I have been going over a few ideas with Tex and Tito. I want a motion.” Devil is tired of talking it to death. He is a man of action.

  “I move we revisit the conversation with Douglas on our terms and find out who all he is willing to give us. We proceed without his help. Turn all the Bonded Brothers over to PD except Liam and Tig. They get club justice and we give Durfee, and then Douglas, to Sarge. We bring anything else that comes up back to the table.” Hacksaw motions.

  “I second it.” I speak up. No one had mentioned Tig in a while but none of us forgot he betrayed us.

  “All for this to move forward say, yay.” I think everyone agrees. “Any nays?” No one speaks. Devil pounds his gavel. “Motion carries. As an added precaution, when we get the information from Douglas, if it goes that way, all family will be under guard. In case we are being watched. I am not calling a lockdown but all family will have guards. No exceptions. Rome, be sure to let Tara know what that means. Are you bringing her to the clubhouse when she is dismissed from the hospital?”

  “Yes, until we get a place.” I want to be back at the hospital now but I know Tara is safe with the prospects, Bud, and Mildred there.

  “Be sure she understands the rules. Callie and Gertie can help with that. Next church Rix and Cricket will be included. Tex, be sure their cuts are picked up. Anything anyone wants to go over? I will set up a conference call with Douglas. Oz, I want a recording set up. I don’t want that asshole back in our clubhouse. I will call church when it goes down and only I talk. I will make sure I don’t say anything that can be used against us. Let’s get out of here.” Devil bangs the gavel again and everyone goes to get their phones and weapons. Devil puts his hand on my shoulder as I walk past him. “I know you want Liam but we need to do this smart. We are clean and I don’t want anything dragging us back down, so when this happens I don’t want blowback. We do it together.”

  “I understand as long as I get my hands on him. I’m going to try to get some rest for the night. When I go in the morning, I’ll send a prospect back.” I laugh. “I guess they aren’t prospects anymore. We better get busy recruiting.”

  “I am one step ahead of you brother. Bo and his cousin are coming to talk to me tomorrow. I think Bowie and Crockett’s cousin is coming in too.” We are growing. “When is Tara getting out? Any word?”

  “Doctor will be by in the morning and I want to be there. Tara doesn’t seem like the type to follow doctor’s orders so I want to hear them myself. I’ll let you know.” I tell Devil.

  “If the clubhouse gets too much for her let me know. You’re going to need patience with her. This is all new but you need to make sure she understands.” Devil is telling me exactly what I have been worried about. But I don’t want to discuss it.

  “I’m going to hit the bed.” I try to change the subject.

  “I’m serious, Rome. Even with Callie being raised in a club most of her life we had an adjustment period. We are here to help but we won’t tell you how to handle your private affairs. That’s not how we operate.” Devil is sincere.

  “Thanks, Devil. I will let you know if there is anything you can help with but I will handle it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Devil goes towards the bar and I go towards my room to take a quick shower and maybe catch a few hours of sleep if I’m lucky.

  Chapter 23


  The nurses have been in every two hours checking my pulse, temperature, and blood pressure. They say rest and then they wake me up. I just want to go home but then again, I don’t have a home. I will be living at the Feral Steel MC clubhouse. Me with a biker. A very sexy biker with muscles on top of his muscles. I must admit I have checked out his ass a time or ten. Only when I knew I wouldn’t get caught.

  I am a girl on a mission. Work and school. School and work. That’s all I have let myself pay attention to since I was sixteen, with one slip up, when I was swayed by teenage hormones and a curiosity that should have been ignored.

  Mildred went out in the hall to take a call from her husband. Her staying here with me is causing problems for her. She denies it but I heard her husband yelling over the phone which is why she is now in the hall taking the call. I need to make sure she goes home and stays today. Bud, too. I know
he must have things to take care with the diner. Clean up or something. His wife, Betty, doesn’t like my mom, so I know she must be annoyed at Bud being here with me. I hate being a burden to anyone.

  When the doctor comes in I am going to insist they let me go home. I will never get Rome paid back with no job left to go back to. So the sooner I get out of here the better.

  Bud was going to contact my professors this morning and get my assignments. I will need to go to the library to use their computers. If I get released today maybe I can get back to my Monday class. This semester is paid for but if I don’t get back to work I won’t be able to attend next semester. Maybe it will be better to take a semester off?

  All of this is making my head hurt worse. I look up when I hear the door open, thinking it will be Mildred or the doctor but I smile when it is Rome. He looks damn good. He’s wearing tight jeans slung low on his hips and the tight black t-shirt does nothing to hide his impressive chest. Rome walks further into the room and his smile widens.

  “You know, if I was to drool over you the way you are me, you would call me a pig.” That wipes the smile right off my face.

  “I am not drooling! Aren’t you just full of yourself today?” I was kinda drooling but only in my mind.

  “You tell yourself whatever you need to. The only thing missing from that drool is the slobbers.” Rome moves closer to the bed and it’s then I notice that he is carrying a bag. “Don’t worry, I think you are making that messy bed head look good.” Damn. I hadn’t even thought to try and brush my hair. What am I talking about? Part of my hair is missing in back. I do the only thing that comes to mind. I pick up an unopened tub of jello and throw at him. Does no good. He catches it midair and laughs.

  “Now, now. Don’t let that temper get your ass spanked.” I know that should not make my panties wet but it does, which makes my face get red. “Naughty little girl, aren’t you?” Where did this Rome come from? This is not the stoic unsmiling Rome I am used to. I don’t know if I like it or not. I go for avoidance.

  “What’s in the bag?” I hope we can change the subject.

  “I told you I was bringing you a phone. It’s a prepaid but until I have the time to get you on my plan, it will do. I programmed it already and it is good for thirty days. By then I should have you fixed up. My number is programmed in and so are all the brothers at the clubhouse, Bud, and Mildred’s. If something happens call me, then whoever you can get in touch with. We will be there as soon as we can. I don’t think that is going to happen but just in case. I am first. Do you understand?” Rome has gone back to normal. I wonder if I can change him back. I like the flirty Rome much better even if I am not used to the flirting.

  “I do understand English. I get it.” I now know what Callie means about over protective. There’s a knock at the door and the doctor walks in with a nurse right behind him,

  “Ms. Blount, how are we feeling today?” Dr. Staggs ask me. I preferred Dr. Cornell but he doesn’t do work on this floor. Why can’t they just give you one doctor when you come in the hospital? I know I have had three or four.

  “Ready to be released. I want to go home today. Is that possible?” Dr. Stagg’s looks at me to see if I am serious. I am, very.

  “Protocol would be another twenty-four hours of observation.” Dr. Staggs tells me. I am not giving up.

  “I would rest better if I was released. My family is causing issues and I am not comfortable here waiting for trouble to show back up.” Dr. Staggs looks at the nurse and then back to me.

  “Can I see your tablet, Roberta?” Dr. Staggs looks through my records on the tablet. He hands the tablet back to the nurse. The doctor steps closer to me on the side of the bed that Rome isn’t on. I expected him to step away but he doesn’t. “Follow my finger with your eyes.” I do as he says as he moves his fingers from one side to the other. “Look at the light.” Dr. Staggs flashes a little flashlight in my eye. “Bend your head down so I can examine the staples.” I bend my head down. They are still sensitive but nothing I can’t handle. He pokes around my head. “Alright. Sit up so I can hear your lungs.” I sit up and he puts his stethoscope on my back. “Breathe in.” I do. “Release it.” I do. He moves the stethoscope around. “Again.” I breath in and then out. He moves the stethoscope to my chest and listens. I see Rome’s face as the doctor moves the stethoscope around and it is comical. “Sounds good.” The doctor moves his hands up and checks my glands and feels my throat. “Open so I can look at your throat.” I open my mouth and he brings a tongue depressor out of his white coat and unwraps it and presses my tongue down and flashes the light again. “Alright, looks good.” He throws the depressor away. “Are you getting up to urinate alright?”

  “Yes. I’m slow but I get there.” I answer him.

  “Are you eating? Any nausea?” Dr. Staggs goes on.

  “Light meal last night and no nausea. No breakfast yet. They haven’t brought it.” I answer.

  “Do you have someone at home to help you? I don’t want you just left alone. Do you have stairs to walk up?” I look at Rome.

  “She will have someone with her at all times and there are no stairs. I’ll make sure she gets all the care she needs, no problem.” Rome assures Dr. Staggs.

  “Rest, balanced meals, stay hydrated, keep your wounds clean, and take your medicine as prescribed. If you do not follow these instructions, you will find yourself right back in this hospital.” Dr. Staggs is instructing me. “I wouldn’t normally release you so early but rest is one of the key points to your recovery and most people rest better at home. Plus, if you are worried about security then I can understand. We do have security here but I understand feeling safer at home.” Dr. Staggs looks at me sternly. “I want you to eat the breakfast they bring in. I am going to write you three prescriptions. One is for nausea, just in case, but it will make you drowsy. The other two are an antibiotic and then a mild pain reliever. Take all the antibiotics and take the other two as needed. The next twenty-four hours I would continue the pain medicine and then alternate with ibuprofen as you taper off. If you get severe nausea, problems with vision, a fever or severe pain, come back to the hospital. I want you to see your family doctor in seven days so he can check those staples. They may be ready to be out by then and he needs to make sure there is no infection. Do you understand?” Dr. Staggs is very thorough. “Normally the nurse would go over these instructions but if I am releasing you early I want to make sure you understand. I am also advising that you not to make any life altering decisions for the next twenty-four hours.” Too late for that. I already agreed to what Rome asked. I agreed to try with a relationship with him and that is about as life altering as it gets to me.

  “I understand these instructions and will follow them.” I tell Dr. Staggs.

  “Roberta, did you get all of that? I’ll write up my orders and write the prescriptions when we are finished on the floor. By the time they bring your breakfast and you finish, my orders should be ready. One of the nurses will be in to take out the IV, right, Roberta?” Dr. Staggs looks at the silent nurse.

  “Yes, Dr. Staggs. I will get to that shortly.” The nurse answers the doctor.

  “Any questions?” Dr. Stagg’s look at me and I look at Rome. He doesn’t say anything at first.

  “Can Tara put me on her medical records here at the hospital so I can get her medical information?” I look at Rome. I didn’t expect that.

  “Ms. Blount can go in the office and they can put her with the right people to get that added to her medical records.” Dr. Staggs looks at Rome and tells him. “Does he have your permission for access to your medical records?” I think about it but only for a minute. Mom and Sheila are on my records and I need to change that.

  “Yes, Rome can have access.” I answer after only a small hesitation.

  “Roberta, add it on your tablet and then Ms. Blount can take care of it in the office.” Dr. Staggs tells the nurse. “I wish you a speedy recovery, Ms. Blount.” The doctor turns to leave with th
e nurse behind him but Rome follows.

  “I just have a few more questions about your care for him.” Rome follows the two out of the door. No more than the door shuts, there is a knock.

  “Come in.” A woman with a tray in her hand comes in the door. My breakfast is here. The lady sets my tray on my stand and pushes it up to me and adjusts its.

  “Can I get you anything else?” The lady asks.

  “No, thank you.” She leaves me by myself again. I am picking up the cover off the main plate and look at it when someone else knocks. “Come in.” I tell the person but it is people. Bud and Mildred both walk in. I thought Mildred had decided to leave she had been gone for so long. “Mildred, go home. I know your husband is upset you have been gone for so long. I thought you had left.”

  “You let me worry about that grouchy bear. I saw when the doctor came in so I was waiting and then Bud came in so we got coffee. I am going to go since Bud and Rome are here. I will be back tonight.” Mildred doesn’t want me to worry but I do.

  “No need. I am getting sprung. I will be with Rome.” That gets me a smile from Mildred.

  “Is that so? Do tell, missy.” I laugh. It makes my head hurt.

  “Are you sure about this Tara? We can figure out another way. You don’t need to stay with Rome.” Bud tells me but Rome comes in the door about that time.

  “Yes, she does. She’s mine. Tara is living with me. End of discussion.” Rome isn’t yelling but his voice is firm so everyone knows there is no room discussion. Bud looks at me and I nod my head to let him know it is alright.

  “I see that it is settled then. Do you need a ride to the clubhouse? Tara can’t ride on the back of your bike.” Bud doesn’t approve but he is not going to argue.

  “I texted Devil to send a cage. It should be here by the time we are ready.” Rome tells Bud.

  “I am going to go take care of some insurance issues then. Mildred, I will walk you out. It looks like our girl needs to eat.” Bud comes over and gives me a half hug. Mildred is careful but gives me a good hug and they are gone. I look at the unappetizing food.


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