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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

Page 20

by Vera Quinn

  “Thank you for your help and I enjoyed talking to you, too.” Gertie lets me go and I walk back to Rome’s room. I unlock the door and go in and switch the light on and lock the door from the inside. I drop my sweats off beside the bed and take my bra off and get comfortable on the bed. I take my medicine. There’s television I could watch but I am feeling tired again. I am thinking I am going to get up and switch the light off but my eyes close and I just fade out.

  Chapter 26


  We have made the deal with Douglas and he is giving us information all the way up to Durfee. Devil got Douglas to agree with the surveillance cameras for the streets of our town. He gets the tax write-off. Now time for recon.

  We have our plan and now we just need to execute it and make it’s a surprise even to Douglas. We’ve been at this table for hours and have everything nailed down. It’ll be a sweep of all the players in one day, except Durfee. Devil talked to Sarge about that part of the plan, and just like we thought, he is taking care of that problem for Diamondback but he is doing it on his terms. He has a three-day window but we have no doubt he can handle it. Sarge was a sniper in the Marines and he has a taste for blood. He isn’t a psychopath but he goes about his job in a very professional way and he doesn’t care if the hit is male or female. If he deems them worthy of being put to ground, he has no qualms with it. Durfee is worthy of going to ground for his sins.

  Devil blindsided me when he brought to the table the subject of Tara’s pending dad. At first, I did not see where this had anything to do with the Feral Steel’s but once he laid it out, I understood. Bourbon and Rye have a chapter of the BlackPath MC about a hundred miles from us. Kat, Devil’s mom, has a relationship of sorts with Bourbon which has bonded our two clubs, along with them being Callie’s uncles.

  I can see where this would cement that relationship further if Bourbon is Tara’s dad and they have a relationship, or it could go the wrong way if they decide not to. It helps if everyone is aware. Devil also made sure Bourbon was made aware of the situation with Lena and Sheila. I don’t know if it was club courtesy or family courtesy. Either way, Bourbon already has a test set up for Tara tomorrow. I have also agreed to reach out to Sheila so she is offered a test. Hacksaw and I are going to find her as soon as Oz has a location for us. Oz has already contacted Joey but he is being deployed soon, so he will need to wait for his test.

  We have included Chief from the BlackPath MC in Texas. Who is also Callie’s dad. Chief’s club has been battling Hempcan in Texas and we have backed their club and they have backed ours. We have worked side by side with them in many endeavors. When Chief was made President of the BlackPath MC he went to work to clean it up. They have been on the right side of legal since Callie was a child. We all respect Chief and his club.

  Devil has Rix and Cricket in front of the brothers and is giving both their cuts. They both have smiles wide on their faces, and I must say, when I received my cut it was one of the happiest days of my life. It’s a great honor. One of the best. I get up to make my way up to congratulate the two. I walk up to Rix. He and I have bonded over the last year and I know he is going to be a dedicated brother. I slap him on the back and do that half hug thing. “Congratulations, Rix. I will be honored to have you riding beside me.” I tell him with full honesty.

  “Same, brother.” Rix responds. If there is anyone quieter in this club than me, it is Rix. I move to Cricket. I have had my reservations about Cricket’s dedication but he has put them to rest.

  “Congratulations, Cricket.” I tell him.

  “Damn proud to have this leather on my back.” Cricket tells me. I know he is. We all are. Devil pounds his gavel.

  “We will schedule your ink for this weekend. Bowie, be sure to coordinate safety detail for Callie and the kids, Gertie, and Tara until this is over. Watch your backs and take all precautions. The gates to the club property are to stay closed. At all times. Guard duty will be rotated. If you have any prospects you want to sponsor, have them in my office this afternoon, if not, we will be interviewing some hang arounds.”

  I look at the clock and see it is after midnight. I want to get back to Tara to check on her and make sure she has remembered to take her medicine and she’s eaten. She should be resting. “Let’s all have a beer and then I am going home to my woman.”

  We would normally have a big party but this time we are postponing it until we have this situation settled. Cricket and Rix understand. I get my phone and I am out the door and down the hall to my room. I unlock the door and step inside and what I see makes me happy. Tara is curled up in the middle of my queen size bed. She has one pillow under her head and the other curled up in her arms. I have never been so jealous of a pillow. It is a sight I could get used to.

  I try to move around the room quietly. I get some boxers and turn the bedroom light out and go to the bathroom to take a shower. It is a long, cool shower and then I towel off and brush my teeth and throw my towel in the basket. I walk out of the bathroom, leaving the light on, pulling the door shut. I don’t want Tara waking up and not remembering where she is. The light will help her see. I climb into the bed gently and pull the pillow out of Tara’s arms. I position the pillow so I can get comfortable and then pull Tara to me. She doesn’t put up a fight and she nestles into my chest.

  This is what I am talking about. I am trying to turn my mind off from everything we went over in church and the things to come in the next week or so. Then my mind goes to Tara, and telling her that she can have her DNA test done tomorrow. Bourbon is putting a rush on it, the biggest rush money can buy. I am unwinding and just about to drift off when Tara turns her back to me, grinding her ass down on my cock. The motion has my cock’s full attention and he is wanting more. I try to calm myself but it is hard to do with Tara’s perfect ass so close to my hard cock. I grind my cock into Tara’s ass. She moans.

  “Babe, your ass feels so good on my cock but if you don’t stop grinding on me I am going to fuck you.” I whisper into Tara’s ear.

  “Who says I want you to quit? I’m ready, Rome. Make me yours.” Tara says back to me. I roll her over to me and take her lips in a crushing kiss. I feel her breath on my neck as she moves her lips and runs kisses slowly down it. Our chests are heaving with ragged breaths.

  “Do you know how much I want to sink my cock inside you?” I ask her.

  “Please do. I need you.” Tara tells me. I slide my hands to her breasts. I pull her t-shirt up over her head and move down to capture her nipple with my mouth. I tease it to a hard peak. Sliding my tongue over it and then sucking it into my mouth. Nipping at the pebbled tip.

  I hear Tara moan and it goes straight to my dick. I push Tara’s boxer’s down and slide my hand to her clit. I slide my finger over it. I slide my tongue off her nipple and move to the next puckered crest. Teasing it to a tight tip. Tara is squirming with anticipation and my cock has never been so hard. I feel the precum on my head. I let my finger slide inside her pussy and Tara moans again. She is so wet and tight. I can’t take it anymore I need to taste her. I slide down her body. “What are you doing?”

  “I need to taste you, babe. Trust me.” I don’t give her a chance to argue with me. I spread her legs wider, Tara does what I said. I take my finger and run down the seam of her folds and then spread them wide. I run my tongue over her taut clit. From one end to the other. Slowly and then with quick flicks.

  Tara’s back is coming off the bed. I tug her clit into my mouth and softly suck while flicking my tongue. The moans coming from Tara are driving me crazy. I am sliding my dick across the bed trying to get friction. I start flicking quickly and I insert a finger inside her. Tara’s so wet and gripping my finger. I insert a second finger. Sliding in and out in slow motion. I feel her walls starting to spasm. I slow down.

  Tara is trying to speed up but I keep it slow. The first time I make my woman cum it is going to be on my cock. I work Tara up again and she is desperate for release. I wipe my face on the sheet and kis
s my way back up Tara’s body. In one thrust I plunge into her body. I pull her leg up around my hip and I hear Tara groan at the deeper penetration. I give her a minute to adjust and then I start to move.

  There is nothing slow or tender about the way I take Tara. My patience has worn out. It has been too long since I have had a woman and I am a man that is being driven by the hunt for my pleasure. I fuck Tara with a force that moves her body up the bed. My pelvis slamming down on her hot mound. In and out, faster and faster.

  I feel her body starting to quake with the beginning of her orgasm. I thrust faster, and right before I erupt, I pull out and cum on her mound. I have sweat rolling down my face. Tara is trying to catch her breath. Her eyes are on my cock as I spew my cum all over her. I pump my orgasm out and I can’t move. I open my eyes and Tara is smiling at me.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “That was hotter than hell watching you cum on me.” Tara is still breathing hard.

  “I’m sorry. I forgot the condom. I promise, I am clean. I have not fucked a woman in over a year and I get tested annually at the VA with my other tests.” I don’t know how I forgot. I have never fucked a woman without a glove on. First rule is always wrap it up.

  “No, it is fine. I forgot about a condom. I am not on birth control. I have only had sex once and that was in high school. I went and got tested afterwards. We used a condom but I wanted to be sure.” Tara tells me.

  I get up and go to the bathroom and get a wet rag and clean myself up. I wash it out and Tara has come in behind me. I wet another rag and hand it to her. I walk out of the bathroom and walk to my dresser and open the drawer and take the box of condoms out and put them on my nightstand. Tara walks out of the bathroom and I go to her and pull her to the bed and onto my lap. I kiss her slowly, enjoying the closeness of our bodies.

  “Babe, we’re not finished yet. We have all night. I just need a minute. The medicine the doctor prescribes for my depression messes with me sometimes so it takes a few minutes.” Tara starts to ask me a question but I stop her by kissing her. We are breathless again when we break apart. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Tonight, is for this.” That is the last words we use.

  Chapter 27


  Last night was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. I lost count of the times that Tara and I woke each other during the night. I knew that we would be good together. I hated I had to let Tara to go to the DNA test with Callie and Devil. She is comfortable with Callie so I am not going to worry too much.

  I didn’t like not telling her I was going to find her mom and Sheila. Devil left talking with Sheila to Hacksaw and me in case we encounter Liam. If he Liam needs taken down, then Hacksaw and I are first in line.

  Oz said that Lena’s cell is on at their apartment. We are hoping this will lead us to Sheila. Our club is doing Bourbon a favor by reaching out to Sheila and he will owe us a marker. I would have done it because of Tara but this arrangement is between Devil and Bourbon.

  Hacksaw and I arrive at the apartment complex that Tara has been living. It doesn’t look like much but I have seen worse. I have lived in worse. We park our bikes and we hear Tex and Thrasher pulling into the parking lot. They park beside us but they know we are the lead.

  “I think it may go easier if just Hacksaw goes up first so they don’t feel as threatened.” I say to everyone.

  “I agree.” Hacksaw says getting off his bike. I do the same.

  “Then we’ll hang out with the bikes.” Thrasher says.

  I lead the way to the apartments. I go through the front door and head up the stairs. Hacksaw is close behind. I find the door and knock. Hacksaw stands against the wall so he can’t be seen through the peephole. I don’t get a response so I pound louder. Finally, the door opens and there stands Lena. She’s in a drunken stupor and it looks like she slept in her clothes and her hair hasn’t been brushed today. Lena looks nothing like Tara has described her to me. Tara has gone on about how Lena and Sheila always go out of their way to look put together. This is not the Lena in front of me.

  “Who are you?” Lena asks.

  “We are friends of your daughter, Tara.” I tell Lena. She sneers but she stumbles back into the living room so I step into the apartment with Hacksaw behind me and he closes the door. Lena stumbles her way back to the sofa and falls. There’s several bottles of booze on the coffee table. It seems Lena has been drinking for a while. I was beginning to think that Lena forgot us then she looks at us.

  “There’s a few things wrong with what you said. That sniveling ungrateful little bitch is no longer my daughter and Tara doesn’t have any friends. Sheila and I are all she had and now we are gone. Tara ruined everything. Liam dumped Sheila and he canned me from working for him.” Lena looks up at me. “You damned biker trash helped her. Now we have nothing. We will be evicted come month’s end and just look at this place.” She waves the hand around at the room and I see what she means. It’s trashed. “Tara hasn’t been here to clean up her mess and we have no food. It’s alright, I have plenty to drink.” It’s hard to understand the drunk. I nod to Hacksaw and I try to engage Lena in conversation so Hacksaw can look around.

  “Bourbon wants a DNA test on Tara and Sheila. Do you know where Sheila is?” I’m thinking maybe I can shock some sober into her.

  “Bourbon?” It’s like she is trying to think. “Bourbon Black? That’s a blast from the fucking past. DNA? Hell, you better bring his two brothers, too.” Lena is laughing and then she looks at me. “You see, in my day, I went the biker route. The Black brothers were always up for a good time. I had one and I had all. DNA! Fuck That! These are my brats. I had them in my body and they owe me for that but Tara keeps fucking up my easy ride.

  “Liam just wanted to fuck Tara, not Sheila. I tried to warm his bed. He never would have had it so good but all he wanted was Tara. Why would he want plain Tara when he could have beautiful Sheila? Makes no sense to me. Sheila knows how to treat a man but Tara is an ice queen.”

  If someone doesn’t shut this woman up I am going to choke the life right out of her. Hacksaw comes out of one bedroom and goes to open the other door. “What are you doing? You can’t go in there. Liam left Sheila asleep in there. They had a terrible fight and he just left her. Tara’s fault but she’ll get hers.” That gets my attention.

  “What are you talking about? How is Tara going to get hers?” I ask.

  “Liam will teach Tara. You’ll see, no one says no to Liam.” Lena slurs out.

  “Call 911!” I hear Hacksaw yell. “She’s not breathing! Call 911!” I go towards the bedroom but Lena grabs my arm. I push her hand off. I take out my phone and dial 911. The operator answers the phone and she asks me my emergency. I tell her the situation and give her the address. I reach the bedroom and walk in and see the bedroom is destroyed. I see Hacksaw trying to breathe into Sheila’s bloody mess of a body. Hacksaw is trying to help her. I hear the operator telling me to stay on the line and asking questions but I can’t answer.

  “I don’t know how to do CPR. Can you? She’s not breathing.” I move Hacksaw out of the way and hand him my phone. I tilt Sheila’s head back and breath in and count, then I do the chest compressions. I repeat and I keep repeating until I feel someone pull at my arm. I see it is the paramedic.

  I don’t know how long I was there. I just know it was doing no good. Sheila is gone. Her lifeless body is covered in so much blood it shows she put up a fight. I see her nails on her fingers have blood under them. Her dress is torn. I keep looking at the woman and I know her last minutes of life she fought back.

  The paramedics make us leave the room. Tex and Thrasher are in the living room with Lena. I know I am in an apartment but my mind goes back to the side of the road in a desert. There’s screaming everywhere. I want it to stop.

  I look down at my shirt and there is blood there. I need air. Fuck! I need out of here. I breathe in and then out. I start to walk out but someone stops me. I breathe in and then out. My
back hits something solid and I slide down it. I bring my legs up to my chest and put my head there. I breathe in, I breathe out. I don’t know how long I am there. I don’t hear anything but screams. I breathe in, I breathe out. I slow my breathing. I breathe in, I breathe out.

  I feel a hand on my arm and look up. At first, I don’t see anyone. I breathe in, I breathe out. I see Hacksaw’s face come into focus. Everything is moving slow. I breathe in, I breathe out.

  I hear Hacksaw saying something. I focus on his face and watch his mouth. I breathe in, I breathe out. Hacksaw’s voice breaks through to me. “Brother, the cops want to get your statement. If you don’t say something to them they are going to lock us up.” My hands feel cold. I wipe my hand down my face and try to get up. My hip isn’t cooperating. Hacksaw gives me his hand and pulls me up.

  “Thanks, man. Have they taken Sheila away yet? I need to talk to Tara.” I tell Hacksaw.

  “They haven’t left with Sheila yet. I texted Devil and he is making sure Tara doesn’t hear anything until you get there. Devil is sending the suit to the PD and as soon as he has Tara and Callie back to the clubhouse, he will meet us. They haven’t said it but I know they are taking us in for questioning. Lena is passed out and doesn’t know anything and can’t answer questions. Slick is bringing a trailer for our bikes. We don’t want to leave them in this neighborhood. You alright, man?” Hacksaw is concerned and this is the most serious I have ever seen him.

  “Let’s get this over with. I want to get back to Tara. Someone better text Bourbon. This isn’t going to go down well with the old man.” I see the cop walking in our direction. I just hope I can stay in the present and away from my past.

  Chapter 28


  I went for the DNA test and Callie was there for moral support and, of course, Devil for protection. I thought Rome would be there but he had club business to take care of with Hacksaw. It’s not like it was an invasive procedure but I just got the feeling this morning that Rome was holding something back from me. I know he told me he can’t discuss club business with me but there was something else going on. Probably my overactive imagination but everything has been happening so fast lately.


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