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Splinters Page 34

by M R Field

  “Hazel! No dirty jokes about my brother.”

  We walk through the room to where Trin is laying the dress out on top of the bed.

  “This, is going to look hot,” she says as she busily strokes the material down.

  “I hope they sort their shit out soon. They are both pretty freaking stubborn,” Trice mumbles quietly. I hope so too. Their push and pull act is beginning to fray at the seams.

  “Right.” Trin points to the chair at the side of her. “Hair and makeup time. Trice, you’re on baby-watch duty.”

  “Aye aye, captain!” Trice gives an exaggerated salute before she scoops Gian out of my arms. She wrinkles her nose and lifts Gian to her face. “Eww,” she groans. “I’m also on torpedo duty as well. C’mon little one.”

  Trin and I laugh as we watch Trice leave to change Gian.

  “Let’s get you looking like a hot mamma! Your fingers and toes look great. Red will make you go faster, or him.” Trin’s throaty laugh echoes throughout the room. I look down at my fire engine toes and smile. I spent the morning using my birthday voucher, and every minute was divine. Especially the massage. I close my eyes as she unties my hair and clicks on the hair-dryer. Let the pampering begin.

  My heels click against the hard asphalt as the remaining car doors of Trice and Trin slam behind me. Despite the shawl I have draped across my shoulders, Trice insisted she carry Gian in so that my outfit wouldn’t suffer any last-minute accidents. The unexpected ones like smashed banana or an occasional slobber. We make our way to the front entrance and before we go in, I use the window to double-check my up-do. Trin has side-parted my hair and swept each lock into a soft and elegant chignon at the back of my head.

  I gaze at my reflection and admire again the light makeup she has used to highlight my green eyes, while using a deep red lipstick that makes my lips look sensual and inviting. I smile at the thought. My ears have an old pair of oval earrings with a pearl in the centre that ties in with the pearl-coloured peep-toed stilettos I am wearing. While my hair and makeup are stunning, it is my dress that is striking. The soft chiffon of my emerald dress flows down to my knees in a flirty skirt with tulle underneath. The crisscross ruching material along my chest, gathers until a thick matching belt is drawn across under my breasts. Trinity has made me feel like a flirty goddess in this outfit, and I love it. I yearn to twirl around, marvelling in the soft fabric as it spins across my legs. To dance like a little girl, or even better, to feel it between Robbie’s body and my own. But I know the girls will kill me for ruining my look.

  “Okay.” I nod. “Let’s go in.”

  I turn to look behind me and find Trice frowning at her phone.

  “Are you alright?”

  She flinches at my voice and lifts Gian higher on to her hip.

  “Yeah, all good. I think I left something in the car; can you wait for me? I want to see Robbie’s reaction to you in that dress.”

  She hands Gian to Trinity and walks slowly back to the car while we stand and watch her. Weird. She reaches into the car for a moment.

  “Wonder what she forgot?” I ponder aloud.

  “Who knows?” Trin clears her throat.

  Trice climbs out of the car while staring at her phone. She walks back over to us, but I notice nothing new in her hands. I run my tongue across the front of my teeth, and squint at her, wondering what she is hiding as she returns with a broad smile across her face.

  “Right, let’s go in.”

  I turn and push through the entrance and walk across the polished floorboards, past the booths. Before I make my way to Robbie’s office, my feet consciously begin to take me over to one place that I have yet to reconcile with. The stage. It now sits slightly illuminated, and each step draws me closer and closer. I gaze at the floor as we approach the stage and don’t notice any charred pieces of wood. Robbie had the floors completely replaced, and even though I have walked across them numerous times, tonight they seem even newer. My heartbeat accelerates with every step I take.

  The stairs to the side lure me closer and my heels begin to lift up and climb the four steps.

  One by one.

  Beat by beat.

  I’m momentarily suspended in time, as I walk across the stage. Moments from that day begin to flash before my eyes, but I push them down. The chuckle of Gian sounds in the distance and the heavy beat of my heart begins to thrum at a slower, softer rhythm. A lone microphone stands in the centre of the stage and I move to it, clutching it as if it is my lifeline. This moment will not break me. This moment will make me.

  I look around at the subtle changes Robbie has made to erase the worst moment of our lives and my heart fills with gratitude. My new and improved family has bound me to this moment and a surge of strength powers through me.

  The microphone is silent, but my voice isn’t. I open my lips and begin to sing the opening notes to “Even When I’m Sleeping” by Leonard’s Bride. I close my eyes and allow the lyrics to power through my lips, each word signifying how much love I have for the one man who has held my heart in his forever. As each note continues to echo throughout the room, I smile as memories of our first kiss, and our first moment together as a couple in this bar come together and cement what this place means to us. No longer will that one day darken my thoughts. It meant nothing compared to the flashcards of hope and love that continue to flick in my mind.

  I sing for us. I sing for our future and I sing for me. I sing so damn loud that I’m sure that they can hear me from a few blocks away. I welcome each and every ear. As the song concludes, I breathe out quickly, opening my eyes to an applause from Trinity who is now standing with Gian in front of me. But there is no sign of Trice or Robbie.

  Before I begin to question it, a light turns on at the back of the room and I see Robbie standing there in a black suit and my mouth … drops onto the floor. Wow. Before I can make a move to him, he points over to the other side of the bar where a light turns on, and I find Trice seated at my old keyboard that I didn’t even notice was missing from our house.

  “Um …” I begin, but am cut off as Trice begins to play a few chords, that sound familiar. Then a deep and sexy voice fills the room. My hand flies to my chest as my gaze travels back over to Robbie and I watch in wonder as he is indeed singing into a microphone while walking towards me, serenading me with the opening lyrics to “Can’t Take My Eyes off you” by Frankie Valli. I gasp in shock as he smiles through the words. My hand moves to cover my shocked mouth. Suddenly, the soft beat of drums and a bass joins alongside the piano and my head snaps over to the side of Trice where another light illuminates on top of Jules and Roni. I look back to Robbie who is near the edge of the stage, seducing me with his words as the band continues to play alongside him. He points again and I see Maxi and Trinity with Gian in her arms, standing by the dance room. They smile at each other, and after a little nod, open the door while Maxi steps back to plug her guitar into the amp.

  I turn back to Robbie in confusion, wondering if we’re supposed to go into that room, when the almighty sound of a brass band comes rumbling through the rehearsal room doors into the club. Oh. My. God.

  My hand moves from my mouth as my eyes follow the band marching through the club in uniformed pride. Gian squeals in delight and claps his hands as Trinity struggles to hold him in her arms. They march in the gaps between the tables, and I can’t help but squeal myself. As the song builds into the chorus, I begin to rock on my heels when Robbie leaps into the air and onto the stage, bending down on one knee as he sings his heart out to me. His free arm outstretches as he belts out every word and I smile down at him, loving every single moment. I am in awe of his confidence and can’t help but move with the rhythm, gliding my feet in time with his words. I want to grab hold of him, but he leaps up and surprises me by hooking his arm around my waist and waltzing with me in exaggerated steps. All the while, I can’t help the laugh that leaves my lips or the mirth that leaves my eyes.

  I mouth, I love you baby over and over as
he continues to sing to me, wowing me with every word that leaves his lips. The brass band appears at our feet to continue the song with a heart-pounding beat.

  As the song concludes, Robbie smiles down at me and I lean up to kiss him, but he holds his finger to my lips and rests his forehead against mine.

  “Hazel,” he pants into the microphone. “I need to give you your birthday present.”

  I freeze for a moment, confused. “But my birthday was ages ago.”

  “Yes, and I never got to give it to you.”

  “Um, okay.” My brow wrinkles in confusion. “If you must.” Then you better bloody kiss me.

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little blue box, and for a moment, my chest clenches. He gently opens the box to reveal a pair of stunning pear-shaped emerald earrings, surrounded by diamonds. I try desperately not to be disappointed, and reach out to touch them.

  “Wow,” I breathe. “They’re stunning.”

  “I had them made.” He lifts out the insert and begins to unfasten an earring. “I wanted them to match your aunt’s ring. So you could have a set again.”

  I shake my head in disbelief, embarrassed by my assumptions. Here is the man that completes me. I am in no need of a ring when all I need is him.

  I strip off the other earrings, eager to put his on. He threads the earrings through and stares at my ears in appreciation.

  “Beautiful.” He looks out into the club and calls out, “Trice, did you bring it?”

  “Yes,” she answers, as she walks over to the stage. Her fingers thread up her sleeve and she draws out my aunt’s necklace that match these earrings. “That’s what I was rushing out to the car for. Don’t worry, they weren’t up my sleeve this whole time. I had them sitting on the bar. Safe and sound.”

  I grin and turn so that Robbie can fasten it around my neck.

  “Did you bring the ring? I’d hate to think where you’ve hidden that,” I joke. I feel his chuckle against my neck as he kisses me there.

  “No need. I have it.”

  I turn towards him as he reaches under the insert from the earrings box and pulls out the ring. I raise my right hand, and he grabs it, only to squeeze it lightly. “I don’t need that one, Farfalla, I found a new place for it. On your other hand.”

  “What?” I whisper, as a flurry of butterflies take flight in my chest. His eyes bore into mine as he shifts his footing and bends down on one knee in front of me.

  On. This. Stage.

  “Hazel, I know how much Thea meant to you, and I could not think of a more perfect ring to wear to signify our love than this one. You have me every day, but I want her to share that as well.”

  My eyes well with tears, as he raises the ring in the air and continues. “Hazel, from the first moment I saw you I knew you were meant for me. My teenage self may not have shown it, but I wanted to be near you. Now, all these years later, nothing can keep me away. We’re raising a son together, and I want nothing more than to have you by my side as we continue our next adventure. We only live once, but my love for you transcends through many lifetimes. I want to spend the rest of my days with you. Will you be my wife?”

  “Yes.” My voice breaks, and tears tumble down my face. “Absolutely, Tesoro.”

  He stands, and picks up my trembling left hand then slides the ring along my ring finger.

  I breathe out in awe and look up into his eyes. “I can’t believe this was going to be my birthday present.”

  “Are you happy that I did it this way?”

  “Yep. I love it when you get ideas from movies. My inner Heath fan girl approves. I can think of a few others we can try together, but they are a private screening. Now, can I kiss you?” I ask, raising my eyebrow.

  He hooks his arm around me and crushes his lips to mine, sending the club into a frenzy of applause. I clutch his collar and draw him closer to me, kissing him with everything that I have.

  “Um, someone needs to tell them that they aren’t alone.” Trice laughs.

  “Nope, let ’em at it.” Maxi cheers. “This is better than a movie.”

  It absolutely is.

  “I’m Yours.”

  Jason Mraz


  Four months later

  I roll my feet back and forth, breathing heavily as my hands lay clasped in front of me. I move my head from side to side, the barrel of nerves threatening to do my head in. Fuck me. What’s taking so long? I sigh again and hear a ‘psst, psst’ nearby. Looking up, my mamma is staring at me. Gone is her normally friendly face, and instead, it’s replaced by a glaring that could tear through flesh with hard daggers from her eyes.

  What? I mouth, shrugging.

  “Stand still,” she whisper-yells in Italian. “There’s no hurry.”

  I glare back at her as my jaw ticks. Don’t yell at your mamma today. Lock that up. Shit will hit the fan.

  “I’m trying to,” I mumble through clenched teeth.

  Nonna, who is seated beside my mother, tilts her chin to me and asks my mother, “Ma lui deve andare in bagno?”

  My shoulders loosen as a tight laugh escapes my lips. “No, Nonna.” I shake my head. “I went to the toilet before.”

  I look down at my hands, and notice the back one is clutching onto my pants, making me look as if I am holding my cock. Talk about the wrong way to relieve tension—publicly.

  “Man, calm down. You look like you’re about to tear the place apart.” Alex nudges me. I smile through my teeth as random flashes begin to flicker before my eyes. I turn from the offending lights to look over at him and for an instant. I gaze over his shoulder at the river behind us. I watch the current for a moment to stop my erratic thoughts.

  “I haven’t seen her for twenty-four hours, Alex. I saw Gian this morning after being separated for twelve hours. It’s clawing at me, man. I need to fucking see her.”

  “You’re getting married, you idiot,” Ty interrupts. “Calm your arse down. Clean your mouth out; this is a sacred occasion,” he chastises.

  My neck almost cricks with the speed it moves to glare back at Ty. “Really, man? You giving me a lesson in etiquette on my wedding day?”

  “Yep.” He narrows his eyes at me. “You can still get married; you’ll just be bent over like a broken tree branch after I shove a boot up your—”

  “Guys.” Alex spreads his arms out to subtly push us back. “People are staring.”

  We both back down and I close my eyes for a moment. Yes, I’m an idiot. We straighten our spines as the photographer moves closer to us. Now, I’m sure he’s hoping to get a comical shot to post online in some joke competition.

  “Just look this way, guys.” The photographer raises his camera for another shot. We smile, and I gradually loosen my shoulders further. He positions us in a few different angles while being mindful of the obvious tension I’m exuding. Our celebrant, a family friend of my father’s, walks over from the side and checks up on us.

  Hazel and I both decided that we didn’t want to get married in a church, but instead where we first met, here on my parents’ property. Even though we met closer to the house, we chose beside the river since it had a killer view. The lake to the side is reminiscent of our teenage years of me goofing around while she shyly hung out with Trice. But this river, this river gives life to this moment. The tranquillity is something we want to treasure today, surrounded by close friends and family.

  We planned an intimate setting, and there was no way that anything was going to tamper with it. None of her family was invited, but the fifty guests we had asked, all loved her like she was their own. I look over towards the house, where the marquee is set up, and I know when I enter there again it will be with Hazel by my side.

  “If you could please take a seat, our ceremony will begin shortly,” our celebrant, Jim, announces, and the tension I feel has now transformed into a ball of nerves that roll up and down my spine, causing me to twitch. Alex’s cream Chevy with navy ribbons has parked by the house, and it takes everythi
ng in me to not bolt down the aisle for her. I want to see her. I need to see her.

  As the last of our guests takes a seat on the white wooden chairs that face us, low murmurs fade into the afternoon air. Maxi, who is seated near the front, begins to play her guitar, distracting me from stalking the car. She smiles over to us and winks, causing Ty to clear his throat. The opening riffs lighten the tension, and she surprises me by starting to sing. Her soft voice caresses the microphone with the opening lyrics of Edwina Hayes’ “Feels Like Home”, and my chest tightens as the words resonate how much Hazel has become my home. Our relationship started out lust-driven, yet the friendship that lay underneath was what cemented us.

  I glance up, and in the distance see Trinity walking slowly from the car down the red-carpeted path, in a knee-length navy blue dress. There’s a panel of lace above her chest, and she holds onto a bouquet of white tulips. As she walks closer, I see her normally bright hair is just plain blonde today, but swept up in loose curls. I’ve got no idea how the hell she can walk in her nude heels, but chicks have superpowers in their ankles. She continues to walk slowly along the carpet and then I see a figure move from the other side of the car.

  My sister becomes clearer in the distance, and I’m only momentarily disappointed that it’s her and not Hazel until I notice she is carrying Gian in a little grey tuxedo with a little navy tie. I know that under his shirt, he will have the necklace that Nonna gave him that was Nonno’s to wear for today. His wayward brown curls shift in the wind, and I see his feet are covered in soft black shoes. He squirms in Trice’s arms as he sees me and I blow a kiss to him. Our little man hasn’t started walking yet, but being ten months old, we know it won’t be long. For now, he’ll just wreak havoc in our house by pulling himself up and throwing whatever is within his reach to crash onto the floor.

  Trinity crosses in front of us and stands to the other side, and I pull a face at Gian as he beams in exuberance, throwing his arms out towards me. Trice quickly tickles him in the side to stop his fussing as they pass us and moves to stand beside Trinity.


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