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Arthur: Knights of Normandy Book 2

Page 5

by Maryse Dawson

  Fighting the temptation to head off into the woods, she swallowed hard and watched him cut down a thin branch, then whittle away the smaller twigs and leaves until he had a long, flexible switch. He thrashed it through the air and seemed satisfied with his work. Her breathing stilled and her hands clutched at the folds of her damp shift while he stalked towards her.

  Arthur grabbed her arm and pulled her upright. "Now, my lady, I shall show thee what happens when thou art disobedient."

  "My lord, can we not talk about this?" Her heart hammering in her chest, she tried to break away from him. "Thou cannot mean to use that on me!" She eyed the switch with horror.

  "Aye, my lady. As my wife, thee will learn to obey me. In this, I am resolute."

  He quickly turned her around and thrust her, hands down, onto the tree stump, her bottom stuck up in the air and the damp shift clung to her curves. Closing her eyes, she awaited the first strike.


  "Aaaaagh!" She bounced up and clutched her buttocks as a line of fire bit into her flesh. Arthur slapped her hands away and pushed her back into position.

  Quickly, another stroke followed, her throaty response following straight after.


  Elvina couldn't believe the pain. She was grateful to, at least, have the covering of her shift, although the damp, thin material seemed to be doing little to protect her soft posterior. She jolted forward as another stroke hit her bottom, leaving a stinging line of pain in its wake.


  Her startled cries filled the air, and her face scrunched up with pain as each stroke descended. A spanking from Arthur's large hands was painful but this was much worse.

  "Aaaah! Prithee, my lord, I hath learned my lesson." She bounced upright and appealed to her husband. "I willst listen to thee in future!"

  "Oh, I shall make certain thou doth, my lady. Bend!"

  Reluctantly, she did as she was bid and closed her eyes, tensing for the next stroke.


  She cried out as another searing line of pain landed on her already sore bottom. All thoughts of ever disobeying her husband again flew from her mind. She didn't want to experience this again; 'twas too painful.

  Finally, after another three strokes, Arthur threw the switch down onto the ground beside her. "That, my lady, had best be a lesson learned, for if I catch thee again, 'twill be worse!"

  Elvina was on the verge of tears and found it hard to reply, settling for a meek, "Aye, my lord."

  She rubbed her bottom and watched him walk off. Moments later, he returned, his horse in tow.

  "Gather thy clothes and get dressed. When thou art ready, we shall walk back to the castle."

  Gingerly, she walked over to her clothes and pulled her dress down over her shift. It was a little difficult as her shift was still damp but she received no assistance from her husband. He was evidently still cross with her, his arms folded over his broad chest and his face undeniably grim.

  As they walked back to the castle, her bottom smarted with every step she took, a stiff reminder of her husband's punishment.

  * * *

  Back at the castle, Elvina joined Cynwise as she stood in front of the fireplace in the great hall. Her face was sullen and she was inconspicuously rubbing her bottom. She raised her eyebrows at Elvina and whispered, "Didst Arthur spank thee?"

  Elvina nodded. "Aye. He took a switch to me."

  Cynwise pulled a face. "Renaud used the strap. My backside doth ache like the very devil!"

  "Methinks we shall not be seated comfortably for the rest of the day or the morrow," groaned Elvina, rubbing her own backside. The pain in her buttocks had turned from a fiery sting to a dull, throbbing ache.

  Cynwise gave a wry smile. "'Tis unfair that we art married to men who think women should obey them in all things. Wherefore could we not hath married men who possess a little more tolerance?"

  "I confess – Norman or Saxon – I know of no such man!" exclaimed Elvina quietly, adding, "Although mayhap we wouldst not respect them, if we did."

  "Aye, as much as I did not wish to marry Renaud, now that I am his wife, I wouldst not change a thing." Her eyes filled with warmth as she looked at her husband. He was standing, talking with Arthur, at the other end of the great hall. She leaned nearer to Elvina and whispered, "Even though we were caught, methinks our swim was worthwhile."

  "Aye," agreed Elvina, smiling devilishly. "Although, next time we shall hath to be more wily."

  "Next time?" chuckled Cynwise. "Wherefore I doth believe thou art more devious than I, Elvina."

  The two leaned into each other, giggling quietly. Renaud and Arthur looked at them from across the room and simultaneously groaned. Their laughter meant only one thing...more trouble!

  Chapter Four

  Saxon Pardon

  Yuletide 1071

  Elvina de Clairvoy walked out onto the parapets of Ilchester Castle with her two sisters-in-law, Cynwise and Elfreda.

  "'Tis too cold for this," Cynwise complained, looking down at the snow-covered walkway. "We should be inside by the fire."

  "Oh, hush, sister!" snapped Elfreda. "Art thou not wrapped up enough?" She eyed Cynwise's thick velvet cloak pointedly.

  "Aye, but if we stay out too long we shall catch the ague! What about the babe?"

  "Cynwise, thou art only three months gone. No harm will come to thee. I should be the one to worry with my babe due any day!" She placed an arm around her younger sister's shoulders. Cynwise had longed for a baby, and now that she was pregnant, she worried all the time that something terrible would befall her. "'Twill do us both good to get some fresh air. Now come. I wish to show thee the view."

  Elfreda grabbed Cynwise and Elvina's gloved hands and, treading carefully, led them round the walkway until she came to her favourite viewpoint. "See – is it not wondrous?"

  Elvina looked out over the parapets and stared in awe at the snow-covered hills. The fresh snow that had arrived overnight lay glistening softly, like a white blanket against the clear blue of the sky.

  "Aye, Elfreda, 'tis a most handsome sight," Elvina agreed.

  Cynwise grudgingly admitted it looked pretty and then complained, once again, about being cold.

  Elfreda shook her head and smiled. "Methinks whatever I may say will not stop thee griping. Come, we shall go back inside, and thee can help me decorate the hall." She looked at Elvina. "Will thee join us?"

  Elvina smiled. "In a moment. I wouldst stay awhile and enjoy the view."

  When they had gone, Elvina stood, quietly listening to the sounds around her. It was so peaceful. If only her mind felt the same...but it was far from it! She had received a letter from her father, Hereward the Wake, just before they had left for Ilchester Castle to join Arthur's brothers for the Yuletide festivities.

  He had found out about her marriage and dearly wanted to see her – especially now that he had heard news regarding King William. His sources told him that the king would pardon him for his rebellion against the crown if he gave his pledge to cease further uprisings. He also wrote that there were rumours he would be given lands to replace the land stolen from him by the Normans.

  Elvina worried her bottom lip. Could her father trust King William? From what source had he heard such news? What if it was a trap? Her father was a thorn in King William's side, constantly trying to overthrow Norman power in England. Would the king be so lenient as to pardon him for such treason? On the other side of the coin, could her father be trusted to obey Norman rule, once pardoned?

  She had told Arthur that she wished to see her father, but he had forbade her. Until King William had indeed pardoned him, she would be allowed no contact. He had deemed it too dangerous. Her father was a Saxon rebel, and until they could be certain of his loyalty to the Normans, Elvina would stay put. Hereward had caused too much trouble in the past to do otherwise.

  Elvina huffed, and a small cloud of steam appeared as her hot breath hit the cold air. Sighing with frustration, she turned to
go back inside but something caught her attention – it was the hunting party returning, her husband amongst them. Her eyes scoured the line of men until they came to rest on him. He was at the front next to his brothers – three men, all too handsome for their own good. She waved to catch his attention, and he broke off from the others, riding towards her.

  "Didst thee hath a good hunt, husband?" she called down.

  "Aye, two deer and several rabbits. Art thou not cold up there?"

  "Nay, 'tis refreshing." A sudden thought occurred to her as a way of getting rid of pent up emotion. "Wait there a moment, I hath something for thee."

  She bent down and quickly rolled a ball of snow. Mischievously, she stood back up and peered down at him before raising her arm and pelting him with all her might. Arthur ducked as he saw the missile coming, but even so, it still managed to land on his thigh. He flashed his even teeth at her and called up. "Thee will pay for that, wench!"

  Elvina giggled and scooped up some more snow and quickly rolled it into a ball. As he rode off, she managed to get him squarely on the back. She watched him shake his head and kick his horse into a canter. When he disappeared from view, she spent her time making several snowballs and lining them up in front of her. She wanted a fight, and she needed the advantage.

  * * *

  Arthur rode into the bailey and quickly dismounted, handing the reins to his squire, Floren. In a flash, he was climbing the steps up to the parapets in search of his wife. 'Twould seem she wanted to play, and he was more than ready to participate. He rubbed his hands together, a wicked smile appearing on his face as he readied himself for combat.

  As he turned the corner, he was suddenly brought to a halt when a large snowball hit him full in the face. It was followed by a loud guffaw from his wife.

  Before he had time to respond, another two hit him in the chest. As he cleared the snow from his eyes, he growled ominously at her. "That was unfair, my lady. Thee took advantage and for that...thee will pay!"

  Elvina squealed and hastily snatched up another couple of balls, launching them in quick succession, but it did little to hinder her husband. Arthur continued his steady approach, undeterred. Shrieking loudly, she hitched up her skirts and began to run from him, her cloak flapping behind her. Arthur's expression grew predatory, and he quickly gave chase. Within moments, he had her trapped within his huge arms and, despite her fierce struggling, he managed to contain her with ease.

  "So, vixen," he growled into her ear. "Thee thought to pelt me with snow, didst thee? What shallt I do in retaliation?"

  "Arthuuuur!" she squealed. "Be not wicked. I surrender!"

  "'Tis too late, my lady." With her back to him, she couldn't see the evil smile that spread across his face. Leaning backwards, he scooped up a handful of fresh snow and stuffed it straight down the back of her neck.

  She shrieked loudly and tried to arch her back as the snowflakes slipped down against her warm skin. Before she had time to move away from him, Arthur grabbed another handful and raising her skirts, slapped it straight down onto her bare bottom before finally letting her go.

  She hopped around shrieking and moaning as she tried to loosen the ice-cold snow from her clothing. "Arthur, thou knave!"

  "Do not start something thee cannot finish, my lady." He laughed, thoroughly enjoying himself. "Come, I shall aid thee to clear the snow from my nether regions." Without waiting for her answer, he quickly scooped her up in his arms and headed for the door.

  The two guards on lookout duty peered down from their vantage point and watched the pair of them disappear into the keep.

  "I should not be surprised if another de Clairvoy babe will be on the way shortly!" chuckled one.

  "The way those two behave, 'twill be twins!" replied the other, laughter rumbling deep in his belly.

  The morning of Christmas Eve…

  Elvina stood back and admired the decorations in the great hall at Ilchester. "It looks so pretty, Elfreda."

  "Aye, I agree. Thee hath all done a marvellous job," said Arthur, coming up behind his wife. His arms snaked around her as he pulled her against his large frame. "I am particularly fond of the kissing-bough."

  Elvina closed her eyes. "Methinks Cynwise hath been telling tales, my lord."

  "Aye, she may hath told me of this Saxon custom. Come, I wish to see for myself if it doth truly work."

  Elfreda laughed merrily as she watched Arthur lead his wife over to the hanging ball of evergreens and fruit in the middle of the hall.

  "I am told no lady can refuse a kiss under this bough." He raised an eyebrow and waited for his wife to comply.

  Elvina laughed up at him. "As if I could refuse thee a kiss under any circumstances, my lord." She entwined her arms around his neck, and Arthur leaned down to kiss her.

  Elfreda smiled and placed a hand against her back. She had felt particularly achy today, especially in her lower back, but she had not let it deter her in finishing off the last touches in the great hall. Tonight, they would light the traditional Yule Log and bring it into the hall for the next twelve days. This would be the first Christmas in her new home, and she wanted to make it special.

  Suddenly, she felt a strong twinge in her abdomen. She gasped and sat down on the nearest chair. Elvina was immediately by her side. "Elfreda, what ails thee? Doth the babe come?"

  "Aye, methinks it doth."

  "Arthur, prithee fetch Gerard! I shall take Elfreda to her chamber."

  Arthur rushed from the room in search of his brother. Elvina helped Elfreda stand and, with one arm around her waist, she assisted her from the hall.

  Nine hours later, a baby boy was born. He announced his arrival by yelling lustily for all to hear, his tiny hands curling into determined fists.

  Elvina and Cynwise helped the mid wife clean Elfreda up after the birth, changing her sheets and making her comfortable. Satisfied that she was presentable for her husband, the midwife asked Cynwise to go and fetch the father.

  Gerard was restlessly pacing the hall when Cynwise located him. He stopped and stared at her, waiting for her to speak but almost afraid to hear what she had to say. He had known a few women who had died in childbirth, and he did not wish to count his wife amongst them.

  "'Tis a boy, my lord. A healthy baby boy!" She smiled at him.

  "And my Lady Elfreda? She is well?"

  "Tired but content, my lord."

  "Thank the lord!" he breathed, his relief palpable. Renaud and Arthur immediately congratulated him.

  "Well done, brother. Thou hath a son!" Renaud slapped him on the back.

  "Aye, well done!" agreed Arthur.

  Cynwise interrupted them. "Come, my lord, she wishes for thee to see him."

  Gerard followed Cynwise up to his bedchamber, where his wife lay, looking exhausted but elated. She showed him the new addition to his family, fast asleep in her arms.

  "He hath my nose," exclaimed Gerard, looking at him in wonderment.

  Gerard and Elfreda were immediately smitten with their newly born son and chose to call him Christopher, as he was born so close to Christmas day. Satisfied that all was well, Gerard returned to the great hall to share his good news with the castle inhabitants. He wanted to tell everyone who would listen that he was now a proud father.

  Cynwise took Christopher from Elfreda and laid him in his crib. "He is adorable, sister," she cooed, staring down at the little bundle within.

  "In six months' time, thee will hath thy own." Elfreda smiled back at her.

  "Aye." She worried her bottom lip for a moment before continuing. "The birth did not seem easy, sister. Was it verily painful?"

  "I willst not tell a falsehood, sister. Pushing a babe into the world is not without its demands, but as thee can see, 'tis worthwhile."

  Cynwise pulled a face. "I wonder I should be as brave."

  "Of course, thee shall! When the time comes, thee will hath no choice – one way or another, the babe will make its entrance into the world."

  Elvina patted her
hand. "We shall be there for thee, Cynwise."

  "Aye, Cynwise, cease thy fretting, 'twill only upset the babe within. Now mayhap one of thee can arrange some refreshments for me, I find I am famished," Elfreda stated.

  "I shall go," Cynwise replied. "Stay here, Elvina, and keep Elfreda company."

  When Cynwise had left, Elvina sat on the side of her bed. "Gerard is a proud father, is he not, Elfreda? He walked out of here ten feet taller."

  "Aye, there is nothing akin to a father's love for his son or daughter," Elfreda responded, her eyes softening with love for her husband.

  Elvina, watching her, wondered if her father had felt the same when she was born. She sighed wistfully, wishing she could see him. He had professed a desire to see her, and 'twas not fair that Arthur forbade her from seeing him.

  She thought hard. Mayhap she could go on her own. Wherefore should she do as Arthur bid all the time?

  Her father had stated in his letter that the Saxon Blacksmith in Ely knew of his whereabouts and would direct her if she chose to visit. He was still hiding in the fens surrounding Ely and would bide there until he was pardoned by King William. 'Twas too dangerous to do otherwise.

  Her mind made up, she decided she would sneak out the day after Christmas, when all were asleep from overindulgence the night before.

  "Thou dost plan something, Elvina!"

  Elvina was startled out of her reverie to find Elfreda staring at her. "Nay, I was just thinking how it must feel to be with child, 'twas all."

  Elfreda shook her head. "The look on thy face was akin to Cynwise's when she doth plan something mischievous."

  Elvina waved her hand, dismissing her comments. "Nay, I plan naught."

  Elfreda looked at her sceptically, but before she could say anything else, Cynwise returned. She carried a platter of food for Elfreda, a flagon of mead and several goblets.

  Elvina moved away from the bed, giving her room to place the tray next to Elfreda. "I shall leave thee to eat, Elfreda, and get some rest. It hath been a long day for thee."


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