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Arthur: Knights of Normandy Book 2

Page 6

by Maryse Dawson

  "Willst thou not stay for some mead?" asked Cynwise, holding a goblet aloft.

  "Nay, there is something of import I must do. I will see thee anon."

  She hastily left the chamber before Elfreda could question her further. Her sister-in-law was wise to her ways at the best of times, the least she knew on this occasion, the better!

  * * *

  The day after Christmas, Elvina set her plan into motion. Awakening early, well before sunrise, she slowly eased herself to the side of the bed and, swinging her legs over the edge, slipped out from beneath the coverlet. She held her breath and listened to Arthur's breathing. It was steady and deep.

  Using the amber glow coming from the hearth, she reached for her clothing and dressed as silently as possible, every now and then glancing over at her husband to make sure he still slumbered. As she slipped her feet into her soft leather outdoor shoes, she managed to stumble slightly and nearly upended a chair. It scraped noisily as it righted itself. Elvina winced, looking over at her husband and fully expecting the sound to have awakened him! Luckily, he didn't stir.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she threw her thick velvet cloak around her shoulders and tiptoed towards the bed. Kneeling down, she reached under the wooden frame and pulled out her travel bag, which she had filled with enough food and provisions for a few days' ride.

  With one last look at Arthur to make sure he was still asleep, she cautiously lifted the latch and left the chamber.

  * * *

  Arthur waited a few moments and then threw off the covers. He had watched his wife dress through shuttered eyelids, wondering what she was up to. He had an idea of what it might be but needed to see for himself. Throwing on his hose, thick woollen shirt and leather boots, he quickly left the chamber and made his way to the stables. As he approached, he could see a light flickering inside. Just as he thought, Elvina was saddling her horse. She had her back to him, and stealthily he moved to stand behind her.

  "What dost thou do?" he demanded loudly.

  Elvina nearly jumped out of her skin, her mouth dropping open as she turned to face him.


  "Aye. Wherefore art thou saddling thy horse at this hour?"


  "Thee thought to defy me and travel to see thy father on thy own, did thee not?"

  "Nay, husband. I thought to take a ride, 'tis all!" Her cheeks flushed guiltily.

  "A ride? At this hour? In this weather?" He grabbed the travel bag off the floor and shook it at her. "And what is in this?" Before she could stop him, he opened it and saw the contents. "Food? Clothing?" He muttered an oath before continuing, "Get thee back inside before I lose my temper!"

  "Nay!" she retorted angrily.

  "Do not dare disobey me, wife. Thee will get back inside this minute, else I tan thy hide!"

  "I willst not! I want to see my father, and thee will not stop me!" Elvina went to push past him, her face full of determination, but Arthur grabbed her. She struggled and lashed out, catching him on the side of his face.



  "If thee willst not heed me then mayhap thee will heed this!" Arthur reached out and grabbed a riding crop off the wall, quickly upending Elvina over his raised knee. Gripping her tightly under one arm, he threw aside her cloak and skirts before raising the crop and bringing it crashing down onto her exposed bottom. She shrieked and tried to break free, her legs kicking in all directions, but he held her fast, his strength far superior to her own.

  * * *

  Elvina cried out, as the crop bit into her flesh. How the devil had Arthur heard her? She had been so quiet, and he had seemed so deep in slumber when she'd left. Once again, he had thwarted her plans, could she get nothing past him?

  She bit her lip as the crop landed on her sit spot before wailing, "Aow! Prithee, Arthur, desist!"

  "Nay. Thou art foolhardy and reckless. Thy behaviour is abysmal. Mayhap, a good thrashing will prevent further nonsensical ideas!"

  She tried to wriggle off his thigh, but his tight grip prohibited any movement. Instead, she had to remain where she was and take his punishment. She shrieked as the crop caught her on the top of her thighs – her skin burning fiercely where it had left a mark.

  "Nay, Arthur...'tis...aow...too painful!"

  Her hands balled into fists as she fought to combat the pain he was inflicting. Arthur brought the crop down repeatedly onto her backside, ignoring her pleas to stop until her bottom was a mass of pain. As she fought to gain breath, Arthur finally stopped.

  "If I let thee free, will thee promise not to run?"

  "Aye." Elvina sniffled, wiping tears away from her eyes. Satisfied she would obey, he let her up. She looked back at him dejectedly, her soft lips pouting sulkily.

  "I willst not allow thee to act so foolhardy, Elvina."

  "But I want to see my father." Her voice was quiet, her fiery temper finally tamed.

  "Thee cannot always hath what thee wants, my lady." He sighed and placed a finger under her chin, lifting her face to his. "I shall write to the king and see what he hath to say on the matter. If thy father has been pardoned, then we shall travel together. Will that suffice?"

  She gave a tremulous smile. "Aye, Arthur."

  Suddenly, a commotion to their left caught their attention. It was Eudo. He held his firelight up high so he could see their faces. "Pardon, my lord. I heard screaming. Is aught amiss?"

  "Nay, Eudo. I thank thee, but all is under control. The Lady Elvina was merely startled."

  Eudo looked from one to the other and then at the crop lying on the floor. He'd witnessed enough punishments in his time to know what had happened.

  "Ah, I see, my lord, in which case I shall go back to my post."

  He promptly left the stables, leaving them alone together. Arthur picked up Elvina's travel bag and, placing a firm hand on her waist, led her reluctantly back inside the keep.

  A month later…

  King William looked down at the Saxon man kneeling before him. Hereward the Wake had caused more problems than could be mentioned, but mayhap he had reason. His lands had been stolen from him by a Norman and his brother's life taken by the same. Although he had slain fourteen Normans in retaliation, William could understand why.

  William was a fair king and, in all honesty, wanted the feud betwixt them ended. He stood up and beckoned to his advisor. "Where art the papers?"

  "Here, Sire."

  He handed the king a rolled parchment. William tapped it in his hands as he addressed Hereward. "I willst pardon thee, Hereward, for thy past conduct but only if I hath thy solemn promise that thee shall lead no more uprisings against me or any Norman in England. Thou hast been wronged, but 'tis time thee came to understand that thee can fight with us no longer."

  Hereward stared back at him, his face grim. "Aye, Sire. For so long, I hath been at war that it seems I know little else. I agree 'tis time to cease. I yearn to see my daughter and live a normal life once again." His face grew wistful for a moment before he continued. "I vow to be loyal to the Crown and serve thee well, Sire."

  King William studied him intently before replying. "Then my pardon is granted. As thy lands were taken from thee, I now give them back." He held out the rolled parchment for Hereward to take from him. "Herewith are the deeds, so no man can state otherwise."

  A look of surprise shot across Hereward's face, it was more than he had hoped for. "I thank thee, Sire." He took the proffered documents and bowed low before leaving the room. When he had gone, King William sat back on his throne and ran a hand over his chin.

  "Thee did the right thing, husband," his wife, Matilda said, patting his hand comfortingly. "One doth not rule by sword alone."

  He smiled back, looking at his tiny wife. "Aye, mayhap with Hereward for me rather than against, England can look forward to a time of peace."

  "Mayhap. 'Tis that which we strive for, after all."

  Dunster Castle…

  "He hath been pardoned! My fathe
r is now in the king's favour!" Elvina held the letter aloft and looked excitedly at her husband. "Is that not good news?"

  "Aye, wife, indeed it is." He had just finished breaking his fast and stepped down from the dais to join her.

  Elvina showed him the letter. "He expresses his desire to see me...and thee, of course. He hath been given his lands back, so we could either visit him there or ask him to come to Dunster." She clutched her hands to her breast happily. "Oh, husband, I hath longed for this day."

  Arthur gathered her in his arms, and she laid her head against his broad chest. "Aye, if only all Saxons wouldst accept Norman rule, then England would be at peace."

  She pulled away and looked up into his face, teasing his neat beard with her fingers. "Thou cannot expect to conquer the Saxons so easily, my lord. We are a proud race. 'Tis hard for us to accept a conquering army without putting up some form of resistance. My father merely fought for what he and many others believed in."

  He kissed her soft lips. "And what think thee now thou art married to a Norman?"

  "Oh, methinks thee broke down my resistance a long time ago, my lord."

  He smiled and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "One thing we can be thankful for, my lady, is that if thy father had not raised a rebellion, I wouldst never hath met thee."

  "Aye, husband, for that I am truly grateful." Her eyes shone with love as she pulled his head down and kissed him fully.

  Chapter Five

  Saxon Desire

  Dunster Castle, Somerset, England 1072

  It was late afternoon, and in the great hall at Dunster Castle, the sun sent bright rays of light through the narrow windows, reflecting across the stone floor.

  Elvina de Clairvoy sat before the large fireplace, curled up on a padded chair, a look of concentration on her face as she sewed another stitch on her tapestry. She had found that the more she practised, the better she became. She held it up and admired the neat stitches, proud of her accomplishment.

  Just as she was about to resume her needlework, she heard footsteps approaching. Looking over to the doorway, her eyes lit up with pleasure when she saw who it was.

  "Arthur!" she squealed and, flinging her tapestry down, she leapt up and rushed to him. He opened his arms and she flew into them, pressing her small body against his large frame. It felt wonderful to have his strong arms wrapped around her, and she raised her face to his. She had missed him so! He kissed her soundly.

  "Did the battle go well, husband?" she asked as they broke away breathlessly.

  "Aye, 'twas but a small skirmish. When they saw our numbers, they surrendered. 'Twas the right decision, for Belasius was ready to slay them all."

  "Oh." Elvina looked down at the ground. Hearing of her fellow Saxons and their struggle to keep their land never failed to upset her. Aye, she was married to a Norman but her blood was Saxon.

  Arthur placed a finger under her chin and raised her face to his. "I promise thee, not one head was harmed."

  "I cannot help but sympathise with them, Arthur."

  "Aye, I know. In time, peace will reign this land and there will be no more fighting but, for now, we hath to protect what is ours by conquest."

  "Doth that include me, husband?" she queried, a smile on her face.

  Arthur's eyes darkened. "Aye, my lady. Come, help me bathe and we can celebrate my return, in bed!"

  With a swat to her backside, he sent Elvina hurrying off to the kitchens, where she ordered a bath to be prepared for her husband.

  An hour later, and Elvina lay on her bed, eyeing her husband's strong body as he dried himself before the fire. His hair had grown longer and hung past his shoulders but it suited him. He turned to stare at her, catching her gaze upon him.

  Throwing down his drying cloth, he strode over, his eyes never leaving hers. Within moments, she was in his arms, their lips locked together passionately.

  Arthur broke away and quickly began to disrobe her. Throwing her garments carelessly on the floor in his haste to take her. Elvina reached down and took hold of his manhood, feeling the thick length in her hand. Parting her thighs, she guided him to her womanly centre. She was aroused and ready for him and, after his absence, more than eager to feel him inside her.

  Arthur placed his hands on either side of her and pushed himself inside, slowly and firmly, watching her face to see her reaction. She gasped when he was fully in, and he held himself still until she became accustomed to his size. Soft sighs escaped her lips as he began to move his hips against her, pulling his shaft out and then plunging back into her slick sheath. Her cries increased, her body craving release from the fire he stoked inside her.

  Suddenly, she tensed, crying his name lustily when her orgasm hit. Arthur thrust into her a few more times and then withdrew. Placing his hands on her hips he turned her over and entered her from behind, thrusting into her tight core with steady strokes that soon had her reaching for the heavens once more.

  The tightening of her sheath around his cock was his undoing. He could hold off no longer and, with a guttural cry, he climaxed, gripping her body tightly as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him.

  Satiated, he rolled onto his side, taking Elvina with him. He spooned her body and kissed the back of her neck softly, running his hands over her flawless skin.

  'I hath missed thee, wife."

  "And I thee, Arthur, so much. 'Tis lovely to hath thee home again."

  "'Tis good to be home. I hath sorely missed thy comely warmth in my bed."

  "We shall hath to make up for lost time, husband."

  "In that, we are agreed."

  She felt him harden inside her and soon lost herself in the heady throes of passion once more.

  * * *

  A few days later, Elvina sat with her sister-in-law, Cynwise, in the great hall and looked down at her nephew, Hubert, asleep in his crib. At two months old, he was completely adorable.

  "He is truly a de Clairvoy. Look at his dark hair," Elvina exclaimed, stroking his soft cheek.

  "He is also in possession of a fine temper," noted Cynwise.

  "In this age of unrest, 'tis a goodly quality to possess." Elvina smiled at Cynwise's expression. "'Tis true! Think of thy future. Hubert will make a fine knight and will protect thy castle from intruders, alongside thy husband."

  "Aye, thee doth speak sense." Cynwise's face softened as she looked down at her son, his features so like her husband's. "Mayhap he will hath another brother to join him, next year."

  "Or perchance a sister," Elvina suggested and then tutted aloud. "Although one Cynwise in the land is bad enough, without two!"

  "Elvina!" exclaimed Cynwise with a laugh. "What if thee hath a girl? Two of thee will cause enough mischief alone."

  Elvina giggled and then looked wistfully back at Hubert. "Dost thou think something is wrong with me, Cynwise? Wherefore hath I not conceived? I hath been married for nigh on a year and yet my womb remains empty. Dost thou think I am barren?"

  Cynwise shook her head. "Nay, of course not. 'Tis early in thy marriage; there is plenty of time to conceive a babe. Look at me. It took several months afore I became pregnant, and it was not for want of trying." She smiled. "I did, at one time, think it would never happen. I even thought about visiting Sulis, the witch in yonder forest, but sanity prevailed, and the next month, I found myself with child."

  "A witch? Wherefore wouldst thou visit a witch?"

  "I had a silly notion that mayhap she could help me." She looked sharply at Elvina. "Nay, do not even contemplate such a thing, Elvina. 'Tis too dangerous."

  Elvina shook her head. "Of course I would not," she responded. But the seed had already been planted in her mind. She stood up and yawned loudly. "Methinks I shall hath a lie-down afore repast."

  "Elvina. Do not think me dim-witted. Go near Sulis, and thee could bring trouble upon thyself. I wish I had never mentioned it now."

  "Cynwise, fear not. I hath forgotten about her already."

  As she began to walk away
, Cynwise called after her, "Heed me well, Elvina. Stay away from Sulis!"

  Two days later…

  Elvina jumped with fright as a twig snapped loudly to her left. Catching her breath, she paused and searched for the cause. It was a small wild boar. It stared cautiously back at her, seeming just as startled as she was. Apparently deciding she must be a threat, it quickly ran off into the forest, leaving Elvina to breathe a sigh of relief. She cautiously continued on her route, following the narrow trail that ran between the trees.

  It had been easy to obtain information about Sulis. The witch apparently lived in a cave, at the base of a nearby ravine. Elvina's maid, Jocea, had been very helpful, saying she herself had visited Sulis to obtain potions. Elvina had been cautious and made sure not to raise any suspicion, saying that she would never visit such a woman and had merely been curious.

  Trudging onward, she could see that the path ahead opened out into a small clearing, and she could distinctly hear the sound of water. She hurried forward and came across a small brook. Following the rapidly flowing water with her eyes, she watched it disappear into a cave opening ahead.

  Her breathing quickened. Jocea had said that the witch lived in a cave and, from her description, this had to be the one! Quickly, she picked her way across the uneven ground until she reached the cave entrance. Staring inside, she hesitated. Was she doing the right thing? Was this foolhardy? No one knew where she had gone this day – what if the witch cast a spell on her? She shook herself mentally. Was she man or mouse?

  Her heart thumping in her chest, she stepped into the dark interior. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a tattered rag hanging down, partially covering an opening. Pushing it aside, she peered around the edge.

  A voice greeted her, "Welcome, my lady."

  It was cultured and not at all what Elvina had expected. Hearing stories of witches before, she had pictured a foul, haggard old crone. The witch who stepped forward to greet her was nothing of the sort. She had long dark hair, smooth skin and was not much older than she was.


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