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The Walking Whales

Page 37

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  9. T. A. Deméré, M. R. McGowen, A. Berta, and J. Gatesy, “Morphological

  and Molecular Evidence for a Stepwise Evolutionary Transition from Teeth to

  Baleen in Mysticete Whales,”  Systematic Biology 57 (2008): 15–37.


  Note: Page numbers followed by f, t, b, n indicate figures, tables, boxes, and notes respectively.

  abrasion, tooth wear due to, 146–48, 148 f

  41–48, 46 f; and evolution, 65; feeding

  acid preparation of fossils, 6

  and diet of, 59, 60–61 b, 60 f; forelimbs

  Aegyptocetus, 163

  of, 51; fossils of, 57 f, 58, 59 f; habitat

  AER (apical ectodermal ridge), in limb

  and life history of, 64–65; hind feet of,

  development, 177–78, 178 f, 183–86,

  51; life reconstruction of, 49 f; as missing

  183 f

  link, 65; naming of, 48; reassembling of,

  Africa, 9, 32 f, 70–71, 163, 165 f, 171, 200,

  48; return visit to, 74–75; versus seals,

  215 n 19

  51; skeleton of, 41–48, 46 f, 56 f, 58;

  African Plate, 71

  swallowing by, 60–61 b, 60 f; tooth

  Alabama, 15–16

  shape, 59–60, 112 f ; vertebrae of, 46 f,

  Ambassador, a car brand, 86

  63, 170; vision and hearing of, 61–63,

  alternating pectoral paddling, 54, 55 f

  62 f, 138 f, 143–44; walking and

  alternating pectoral rowing, 55 f

  swimming by, 55 f, 56, 63–64, 64 f; water

  alternating pelvic rowing, 55 f

  ingestion by, 124

  alveolus, plural alveoli, 111, 222n10

  Anderssen, Marga, 181

  alligator, 16 , 58–59, 61, 94, 124, 210 f

  Andrews, C.W., 109

  ambulocetid, 58–65; classification of, 48,

  Andrewsiphius sloani: breathing and

  58; dating of, 58; and evolution, 65;

  swallowing by, 113; eyes of, 114; fossils

  feeding and diet of, 59, 60–61 b, 60 f;

  of, 109; habitat of, 116; jaws of,

  fossils of, 57 f, 58, 59 f; habitat and life

  111–13; skull of, 90 f; teeth of, 111, 112 f

  history of, 64–65, 170; hearing of,

  ankle bone: of basilosaurids, 30; of

  62–63, 62 f, 138 f, 143–44; phylogeny of,

  pakicetids, 128, 130–32, 133, 133 f,

  165 f; vision of, 61–62, 152 f, 168;

  135 b, 136 f. See also astragalus

  walking and swimming by, 56 f, 63–64,

  Antarctica, 20 f, 32, 215 n 19

  64 f. Synonym Ambulocetidae

  antelope, 202 f

  Ambulocetidae. See ambulocetid

  anthracobunid, 42, 43, 132, 154. Synonym

  Ambulocetus natans: appearance of, 58–59;


  cladistic analysis of, 134 b; classification

  anvil, an ear ossicle, see incus

  of, 58; discovery and excavation of,

  apatite, 118–19


  234    |    Index

  apical ectodermal ridge (AER), in limb

  20f 57f; naming of, 12, 14; skeletons of,

  development, 177, 178, 178 f,  183–86

  17–19, 18 f,  20 f;  tooth shape, 13 f,

  archaeocetes, 202 f. Synonym Archaeoceti

  21–23, 21 b,  22 f,  112 f;  vertebrae of, 12,

  Arif, M.:  Ambulocetus natans fossils found

  13 f,  14, 16, 25–26, 27, 57, 170; vision,

  by, 43, 58, 63; Pakistani expedition, 2–3,

  smell, and hearing of, 25, 138 f,  140–42;

  35–39, 48, 68, 73, 76–78; excavation of

  walking and swimming by, 25–30,

  Ambulocetus natans with, 41–45

  27–29 f,  31 f. Synonym Basilosauridae

  Aristotle, 9

  Basilosauridae.  See basilosaurid(s)

  Artiocetus,  163, 165 f

  Basilosaurus: body shape and swimming

  Artiodactyl, 5, 5 f,  8, 57, 65, 112 f,  123, 123 f,

  methods of, 19, 28, 55 f,  57; diet of, 23;

  128–36, 134–35 b,  136 f,  138–39 f,  142 f,

  ear ossicles, 8; fluke of, 27; fossils of, 12,

  148, 148 f,  149, 150 f,  152 f,  153–54,

  13 f,  14, 17–19, 19 f;  habitat of, 32; and

  167–68 b,  170–71, 186f, 189, 192,

  Harlan’s sea serpent, 17–19; hind limbs

  198–99, 200–204, 201–02 f,  205, 208.

  of, 19, 29–30, 29 f,  184–85; nomencla-

  Synonym Artiodactyla, even-toed

  ture for, 14; skeletons of, 19, 20 f;  teeth

  ungulates. See also  Indohyus,  raoellids

  of, 13 f,  21–22, 21 b;  vertebrae of, 13 f,

  Aslan, Andres, 1, 2, 3

  26, 27, 170

  Atlantic ocean, 32 f,  70

  Basilosaurus cetoides,  14

  asthenosphere, 69 f,  70

  Basilosaurinae, 19, 215n19; fluke of, 27.

  astragalus, 128, 130–32, 133, 133 f,  135 b,

  Synonym basilosaurines

  136 f,  198

  batmobile, 207

  Attock, Pakistan, 2, 76–77

  beaked whales,  see Ziphiidae

  Attockicetus,  109, 114

  bears, 11, 12, 16, 54, 55 f

  attrition, tooth wear due to, 146–48, 148 f

  beavers, swimming by, 54

  Aziz, Tariq, 3, 4

  beluga whale, 7 f,  148, 149 f,  152–53 f,  202 f.

  Synonym  Delphinapterus leucas

  Babiacetus,  150, 163, 165 f,  166

  Berardius,  a beaked whale ,  174

  Babia Hill, India, 86, 97 f,  98, 106,111

  bicuspids, 21 b,  22 f

  baby teeth, 23

  bird wing, 53

  backbays, 93–94, 170

  birth, 163, 170, 179, 184

  badgers, 54

  blowhole, 5, 6, 16 f,  25, 95, 182f, 184 f

  baji, 202 f. Synonym yellow river dolphin.

  BMP  (bone morphogenetic protein 4),


  Bajpai, Sunil, 82, 83, 85–86, 89–91, 101–6

  209–10, 210 f

  Baker, James, 3, 4

  body size, 24 f,  119, 142

  Balaena mysticetus,  11 f,  23–30, 31 f,  152 f,

  bone conduction, 141 f,  142 f,  143

  168, 181, 182 f ,184, 212 ,216 n.

  bony pelvis.  See pelvis

  Synonym bowhead whale.

  Boston Society of Natural History, 15

  Balaenidae,  see right whales

  bowhead whale, 10 f;  brain size of, 24 b;

  Balaenopteridae,  see rorquals

  embryonic development of, 182 f,  184,

  balance, 28, 52, 105, 115 f

  212; hind limbs of, 29 f,  30, 31 f,  181;

  baleen, 10 f,  182, 208, 211–12

  pelvis of, 29 f,  30, 31 f;  retia of, 168. See

  baleen whales,  see mysticetes

  also  Balaena mysticetus

  ballast, 25, 151, 169, 205

  brain: of basilosaurids, 23; of embryo, 183f;

  ball vertebra, 27, 53,�

  of protocetids, 168–69; of reming-

  barrier islands, 93–95

  tonocetids, 114, 115 f;  size of, 23, 24 b

  Barrow, Alaska, 212

  braincase: of basilosaurids, 23; of

  Basal, Pakistan, 77

  Dhedacetus,  163; of  Pakicetus,  4, 41,

  Basilosaurid, 13 f,  19 f,  17–33; brain of, 23,

  116, 127, 128–29, 151 f;  of protocetids,

  24 b;  classification of, 19; ear ossicles, 7;

  168; of  Remingtonocetus,  114

  evolution, 33; eyes of, 168; feeding and

  branching diagram,  see cladogram

  diet of, 21–23, 21 b,  22 f;  forelimbs of,

  breast,  see mammary gland

  28–29, 28 f;  habitat and life history of,

  breaststroke, 53

  30–33, 32 f;  hind limbs of, 19, 29–30,

  breathing, 15, 25, 54, 89, 95, 113, 175–76

  29 f,  182–85; locations of, 19, 20 f;  map,

  brontotheres, 154

  Index    |    235

  Buckley, S.B., 14

  position evolution, 152 f;  165 f,  of

  Buell, Carl, 108, 109, 116

  protocetid whale relations, 165 f;  of

  buffalo, 99, 101, 151

  bone and locomotor evolution, 186 f;  of

  bulla, 4–6, 5 f,  47.  See also tympanic bone

  tooth shape and jaw embryology

  evolution, 210 f;  of relationships of

  Caenotherium,  an artiodactyl, 186 f

  cetaceans to artiodactyls, 202 f

  calcium carbonate, 40–41

  clasper, 19

  camel, 202f

  classification, 12–14, 14 t,  215 n 18

  canine, tooth, 21, 21 b,  22 f,  37, 59, 111,

  clear-and-stain, 182 f,  184 f

  147f, 209

  Clementz, Mark, 123–24

  Cape Cod, King Lizard of, 9–17, 23

  cochlea, 139, 143

  carbon isotopes, 132, 203, 205

  conglomerate, 39–41

  Carnegie stages, 177, 180 f,  181

  continental crust, 69, 69 f

  Carolinacetus,   163

  continental drift, 70–71

  carpals, 28 f

  continental shelf, 72

  cartilage in limb development, 177

  convergency, 131

  cats, 24 b,  113

  core of Earth, 69, 69 f

  catfish, 162, 166

  cortical layer, of bone, 151–53, 186 f,  205.

  cattle,  see cow

  Synonym cortex

  caudal oscillation, 53–54, 55 f,  169, 186

  cow, 5, 42,82, 113, 128, 154, 159, 160,

  caudal vertebra, 26, 27 f,  161, 169.  Synonym

  202 f,  Synonym cattle

  tail vertebra

  cranial cavity, 25 b,  115 f,  139f

  caudal undulation, 56; dorsoventral, 55 f;

  cranial nerve I,  see olfactory nerve

  lateral, 55 f

  cranial nerve II,  see optic nerve

  centrum, of vertebra, 13 f,  26, 27, 27 f.

  cranial nerve VII,  see facial nerve

  Synonym body of vertebra

  cranial nerve IX,  see glossopharyngeal nerve

  Cenozoic era, 32 f

  creationist, 4–5, 33, 47, 65, 116, 212

  cerebellum: of protocetids, 168; of

  Crenatocetus,  163

  remingtonocetids, 114, 115 f

  Cretaceous period, 32 f

  cerebrum: of protocetids, 168; of reming-

  cribriform plate, 115 f

  tonocetids, 114, 115 f

  crocodiles, 3, 25, 59, 94, 108–09, 113, 120,

  cervical vertebrae,  see neck vertebrae

  142, 149, 154, 160, 214 n 4

  Cetacea.  See cetacean

  crus breve, of incus, 7 f,  8, 41, 137–39, 138 f

  cetacean: artiodactyls as relatives of, 65,

  crus longum, of incus, 7 f,  8, 137–39, 138 f

  132–36, 200–203, 201 f;  classification

  crust of Earth, 69–71, 69 f

  of, 215n17; defined, 5 f,  6, 213n6;

  CT scan, 24 b,  114, 115 f,  168, 174

  hippos as relatives of, 65, 130, 157, 159,

  200–201; suborders of, 9; transition

  Dalanistes,  109, 111, 114

  from land to water by, 207–9

  Darwin, Charles, 11–12, 19 f,  33, 179

  Cetacean Research Institute, 188, 189

  Davies, T.G.B., 38, 75, 76, 128

  Chamberlin, Rollin T., 70

  deciduous tooth, 23, 124.  Synonym milk

  Chandigarh, India, 79–80, 82, 85


  character matrix, 133–34, 134 b

  deer,7f, 8, 62 f,  128, 134 n,  167 n,  200, 202 f,

  chewing, 61 b,  64, 109, 113, 146–48


  chimpanzee, 24 b

  Dehm, Richard, 38, 75–76, 128, 191–93,

  Chocolate Limestone, 87, 88, 88 f,  89, 96,



  Delhi, India, 79–82

  Chorgali Formation, 200

  Delphinus,  13, 14, 27 f,  62

  cladistic analysis, 133–35, 134–35 b

  delta value, in isotope geochemistry, 122,

  cladograms: of ear ossicle evolution, 7 f;

  122 f

  123 f;  of habitat and drinking behavior

  dental formula, 21 b,  22 f,  111, 146, 166,

  evolution, 123 f;  explained using

  203, 208, 215 n 21

  astragalus evolution, 134–35 b,  136 f;  of

  desert pavement, 103

  hearing evolution, 141 f;  of skull and eye

  Dhedacetus,  165

  236    |    Index

  Dhedidi North, 97 f,  98, 116, 160–63

  vs. whales, 137–39, 138 f;  of reming-

  diet: of ambulocetids, 59, 60–61 b,  60 f;  of

  tonocetids, 114–15.

  basilosaurids, 23;  of Indohyus,  203–4;

  Earth, cross-section of, 69, 69 f

  of pakicetids, 146–49, 147–50 f;  of

  echolocation, 139–40, 140 f,  208

  protocetids, 163–66; of reming-

  ecology, 153–154, 206.  See also habitat

  tonocetids, 109–13

  Egypt 19, 23, 30, 109, 168, 171, 215 n 19

  digitigrady, 153

  elbow joint, 28, 43, 63, 177–78

  dinosaur, 25, 32 f,  39, 71, historical

  embryo, 29, 173, 177–86, 178 f,  180 f,  183 f,

  understanding of whales as, 9–17

  189, 209–12, 219 n 24.  See also fetus

  Dissacus,  133 f

  embryonic development of limbs, 177–87,

  DNA, 5, 65, 130, 135, 157–59, 186–87

  178 f,  180 f,  182–84 f,  186 f

  Dog, 29 f,  36–37, 52, 60 f,  70, 82, 84–85,

  encephalization quotient (EQ), 24 b,
 216 n 31

  100, 102, 108, 113, 133 f,  153, 167 b,

  endocast, 23, 24 b,  114, 168

  205, 219 n 24

  Eocene period; climate, 32; timing, 32–33,

  dolphin: around barrier islands, 94–96; with

  32 f

  hind limbs, 173–76, 176 f,  185–87;

  Eocetus,  163, 165f

  hearing, 62; hunting of, 173, 187–89,

  epiglottis, 60–61 b,  60 f

  228 n 1; limb buds in, 180 f,  182–84,

  epiphyseal plate, of bones, 63

  183–84 f;  nipples in, 179–81, 180 f;

  epithelial cells, in limb development, 177

  swallowing, 61 b;  swimming by, 52–53;

  Eschrichtiidae,  see grey whale

  tooth development in, 209–11, 210 f;

  estrus, 167 b

  relationship to whales, 213 n 6; vertebral

  EQ (encephalization quotient), 24 b,  168

  shape of, 27 f

  even-toed ungulate,  see artiodactyl

  dorsal fin, 26

  evolution: adaptation to water in, 11;

  dorsoventral caudal undulation, 55 f

  Ambulocetus and, 65; astragalus in,

  dorsoventral pelvic undulation, 55 f,  56

  131; of baleen whales, 211–12;

  dorsoventral undulation, 54–57

  basilosaurids and, 19, 23, 33; BBC series

  Dorudon: 18 f,  19, 215 n 20; forelimbs of, 28,

  on, 124–25; of blowhole, 25; of brain

  28 f;  skeleton of, 20 f;  swimming by, 55 f,

  size, 24 b,  169; changes during, 207; and

  57; tail of, 169; teeth of, 13 f,  22 f;

  cladistic analysis, 134, 134–35 b,  136 f;

  vertebrae of, 13 f,  26, 170

  creationists and, 4–5; from drinking of

  Dorudontinae.  See dorudontines

  freshwater to seawater, 120; of ear

  dorudontines, 19, 215 n 19; fluke of, 27;

  ossicles, 7 f,  141 f;  from embryos to,

  habitat of, 32

  173–89; of eyes, 152 f;  of features

  downstroke, 53

  related to hearing, 62, 62 f,  138 f,  141 f;

  drinking of seawater vs. freshwater, 117–24

  of forelimbs, 29; of hind limbs, 173,

  dugongs: pachyosteosclerotic ribs of, 38;

  181, 184–85; of larynx, 61 b;  pakicetids

  swimming by, 53; vertebral shape of, 27 f

  and, 144; of presacral vertebrae, 170; of

  swimming modes in early whales,

  ear, 137–44; of ambulocetids, 62–63, 62 f,


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