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The Walking Whales

Page 38

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  54–58, 55 f,  115, 186 f;  of teeth, 21, 23,

  138 f,  143–44; of baleen whales, 140; of

  112 f,  148 f,  210 f

  basilosaurids, 25, 138 f,  140–42; of

  exaptation, 211

  Indohyus,  204; of land mammals vs.

  external auditory meatus, 137, 138 f,  139,

  whales, 137–44, 138 f;  of pakicetids,

  141–42 f,  142–43, 224 n 8.  Synonym

  137, 138 f,  142–43, 142 f;  of protocetids,

  external acoustic meatus

  168; of remingtonocetids, 114–15, 115 f,

  eye: of ambulocetids, 61–62, 149, 152 f;  of

  138 f,  142, 142 f,  143

  basilosaurids, 25, 149; of  Indohyus,

  ear bone, 4–8, 5 f,  7 f. See also tympanic,

  204; of mysticetes, 152 f;  of odontocetes,

  cochlea, petrosal

  152 f;  of pakicetids, 149, 152 f;  of

  ear canal, 137, 138 f,  139

  protocetids, 168; of remingtonocetids,

  eardrum, 6, 8, 137, 138 f,  139, 140, 142f.

  114, 149, 152 f. See also orbit

  Synonym tympanic membrane

  ear ossicles, 5 f,  6; of basilosaurids, 25;

  facial nerve, 167 b. Synonym cranial

  evolution of, 7 f,  141 f;  of land mammals

  nerve VII

  Index    |    237

  family, in systematic biology, 13–14, 14 t,

  Georgiacetus,  163, 165 f

  215 n 18

  giant freshwater otter, swimming by, 54,

  feeding: of ambulocetids, 59, 60–61 b,  60 f,

  55 f,  56, 115, 169. Synonym  Pteronura

  160; of basilosaurids, 21–23, 21 b,  22 f;


  of Indohyus,  203–4; of pakicetids,

  Gingerich, Philip, 4, 33, 41, 48, 129, 135,

  146–49, 147–50 f;  of protocetids,


  163–66; of remingtonocetids, 109–13

  giraffe, 25, 128, 202 f

  femur, 29 f,  30, 32 f,  42, 43, 46 f,  102, 105,

  Gish, Duane, 5, 65

  128, 181, 182 f,  184–85, 186 f,  198,

  glauconite, 39

  228 n 25.  Synonym thigh bone

  glossopharyngeal nerve, 167.  Synonym

  fetus,10 f,  152 f,  170–71, 182 f,  184 f

  cranial nerve IX

  FGF8 (fibroblast growth factor 8), 178,

  glue, 4, 6, 41, 43, 85

  178f, 183–84, 209, 210, 210f

  Godhatad, India, 94, 96–98, 97 f,  100, 101,

  fibroblast growth factor 8,  see FGF8


  fingers: of  Ambulocetus,  63–64, 64 f;  of

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 48, 51

  basilosaurids, 28–29, 28 f;  development

  Grand Trunk Road, 1, 2 f

  of, 177–78

  Grey whale,  202f. Synonym Eschrichtiidae

  fish, catching and eating of, 23, 76, 95, 107,

  growth plate, of bone, 63

  109, 111, 113, 124, 147–48, 154,

  Gujarat, 79, 83, 85

  162–63, 166, 176; embryology, 177,

  Guldberg, Gustav, 179–81

  208; fossils, 3, 41, 118–19, 124, 162,

  gypsum, 86–87, 98, 160

  166; historical understanding of whales

  as, 9–17; swimming, 28, 53

  habitat: of  Ambulocetus,  64–65; of

  Fish, Frank, 51–58, 55 f,  115, 174

  basilosaurids, 30–33, 32 f;  of  Indohyus,

  flehmen, 167 b

  206; of pakicetids, 153–54; of

  flipper, 19, 28, 28 f,  33, 53, 176, 176 f,  179,

  protocetids, 170–71; of reming-

  179–80 f,  184 f,  186, 208

  tonocetids, 115–16.  See also ecology

  fluke, 26–27, 27 f,  208; of basilosaurids, 19,

  hair, 9–11, 10 f,  19, 59, 211–12

  26–27; of  Maiacetus,  169; of pro-

  hammer, an ear ossicle,  see malleus

  tocetids, 169; in swimming, 53

  hand: 27–28, 169; of  Ambulocetus,  46 f,  48,

  foot: of  Ambulocetus,  64, 64 f;  of basilosau-

  51, 63–64, 64 f;  of basilosaurids, 28–29,

  rids, 30; development of, 177–78

  28 f;  development of, 177–78, 182f,

  forelimb: of  Ambulocetus,  51, 63–64, 64 f;

  184f, 185; remingtonocetids, 99, 108,

  of basilosaurids, 28–29, 28 f;  develop-

  111 f,  153.  Synonym forefoot

  ment of, 179, 180 f,  183 f

  hard palate, 60, 60 f,  60 b,  113

  forensic paleontology, 117–20

  harem, 30–32

  fractionation, in isotope geochemistry, 118

  Harlan, Richard, 12, 14, 17, 19

  franciscana, 202 f. Synonym La Plata

  Harudi Formation, 87, 88, 88 f,  90 f,  96,


  101, 152 f,  160

  freshwater, 41, 54, 64–65, 70, 93, 113, 115,

  Haruka, 173–76, 176 f,  177, 179, 185–87,

  117–24, 122–23f, 146, 148 ,154, 169,

  188–89, 228n4

  170, 205

  Haywood, Alan, 33

  Fulra Formation, 88, 88 f,  100, 160

  head, of astragalus, 133, 133f, 134b

  hearing, 137–44; in air vs. water, 142–43,

  Ganda Kas, 2 f

  224n8; of ambulocetids, 62–63, 62 f,

  Gandakasia,  58

  138 f,  143–44; in baleen whales, 140; of

  Gaviacetus,  163, 165 f

  basilosaurids, 25, 138 f,  140–42;

  Geisler, Jonathan, 134

  evolution of features related to, 137–44,

  genitals; 9, 30, 173, 176, 179–81, 180f

  138 f,  141 f;  of  Indohyus,  204; in land

  genome, 158–59, 186

  mammals vs. whales, 137–44, 138 f;  of

  genus, in systematic biology, 13, 14 t,

  pakicetids, 137, 138 f,  142–43, 142 f;  of


  protocetids, 168; of remingtonocetids,

  Geological Survey of India, 82–83

  114–15, 115 f,  138 f,  142, 142 f,  143

  Geological Survey of Pakistan, 3

  Hennig, Willi, 191

  238    |    Index

  heterodonty, 21, 210f

  199f; reconstruction of, 152 f,  199–200,

  Heyning, John, 182, 209

  200–201f; location of, 200; osmoregula-

  hill station, 67

  tion, 123 f;  premolars of, 202; relation-

  Himalayacetus,  58, 63, 83, 144

  ship of whales to, 199–203, 202 f;

  Himalayas, 2 f,  32 f,  67–75, 83–85, 220 n 1

  skeleton of, 186f, 200 f;  skull of, 198–99,

  hind limb: of  Ambulocetus,  51, 64, 64 f;  of

  199 f,  203–204; teeth of,�
��112 f,  148 f,

  basilosaurids, 19, 29–30, 29 f,  184–85;

  201–2, 203–4; tooth wear in, 148 f,

  of bowhead whales, 29 f,  30, 31 f;

  150 f,  202, 204; vision, 152 f,  204;

  development of, 177–87, 178 f,  180 f,

  hearing of, 199–200, 204; walking and

  182–84 f,  186 f;  dolphin with, 173–76,

  swimming by, 204–205

  176 f,  185–87

  Indus Plain, 67, 74

  Hindu Kush mountains, 2 f,  71, 73

  Indus River, 2 f,  71, 73

  hippos, 5, 8, 25, 55 f,  65, 113, 123 f,  128,

  Indus Valley, 73–74

  130, 134 b,  135, 149, 151, 152 f,  157,

  infraorbital canal, 90 f

  159, 171, 200–202, 202 f. Synonym

  inner ear, 115f, 138f, 140f,


  innominate,  see pelvis

  Historia Animalium (Aristotle), 9

  Institute of Cetacean Research, 188, 189

  homodonty, 21, 209, 210 f

  International Commission on Zoological

  hoof: of  Ambulocetus,  64, 64 f,  65; of

  Nomenclature, 12–14

  Pakicetus,  153

  International Whaling Commission (IWC),

  hoofed mammal, 65, 128, 129, 153

  174, 189, 212

  horse, 15, 25 b,  113, 116, 128

  Intracoastal Waterway, 93

  humerus, a bone of the forelimb, 104–05,

  intelligence, 24 b,  189

  127, 177, 182 f,  186, 228 n 25

  involucrum, 5 f,  6, 33, 47, 114, 137, 138 f,

  human, 12–14, 16, 21, 21 b,  25 b,  26, 28,

  139, 142, 142 f,  199–204, 199 f

  28 f,  29 f,  32 f,  53, 60–61 b,  60 f,  85, 89,

  Islamabad, 2 f,  3–4, 68, 79

  94, 99, 121, 94, 134 b,  142, 150, 158,

  isotope: carbon, 111, 132, 149, 165, 203,

  167, 177, 181, 212, 218 n 8, 219 n 24

  205; oxygen, 117–124, 117 f,  123 f;

  Hussain, Taseer, 68, 77

  stable, 111, 117–24, 117 f,  123 f,  131,

  Hydrarchos harlandi,  17

  133, 146, 154, 205; stable vs. radio-

  Hydrargos sillimanii,  16–17, 16 f

  genic, 117

  hydrofoil, 53

  isotope geochemistry, 117–24, 122 f,  132,

  Hyemoschus,  a mouse deer, 200


  hyoid bone, 60 f,  61 b,  219 n 24

  IWC (International Whaling Commission),

  hypoglossal foramen, 90 f

  174, 189, 212

  Ichthyolestes,  76, 144

  Jacobson’s organ,  see vomeronasal organ

  Incisive foramen, 167 b. Synonym anterior

  Japan, whaling in, 173–75, 187–89, 228n1

  palatine foramen of fossil whales

  jaws: of ambulocetids, 45, 47, 58, 62, 62 f;

  incisor, 21, 21 b,  22 f,  59, 111, 147 f,  167 b,

  of basilosaurids, 62 f;  of  Ichthyolestes,

  201, 204, 209, 210

  76; of  Indohyus,  203–4; of  Pakicetus,

  incus, an ear ossicle, 7 f,  8, 12, 33, 38, 137–39,

  62 f;  of protocetids, 87, 163–66; of

  138f, 141 f,  142, 142 f. Synonym anvil

  remingtonocetids, 86–87, 106, 111–13

  India; 1992 expedition to, 79; 1996

  jaw muscles, 23, 114.  Synonym masticatory

  expedition to, 85; 2000 expedition to,

  muscles,  see also masseter, temporalis,

  99; 2005 expedition to, 191; map, 2 f,  22 f

  and pterygoid muscle

  India-Asia collision, 71–72

  jugal arch, 113.  Synonym zygomatic arch

  Indian antelope, 99

  jugal bone, 90 f. Synonym zygomatic bone

  Indian Plate, 71, 72

  jugular foramen, 90 f

  Indocetus,  168

  Jurassic period, 32 f,  36, 77, 144

  Indohyus,  199–205; astragalus, 133 f;  bone

  structure, 184 f,  205; feeding and diet of,

  K2 (mountain), 73

  203–4; habitat and ecology of, 198, 205;

  Kala Chitta Hills:  Ambulocetus from,

  incisors of, 201; involucrum of, 199,

  35–41, 58, 74; anthracobunid from,

  Index    |    239

  132; Eocene layers of, 40 f;  kidnapping

  lignite, 98

  in, 74–77; map, 2 f,  57 f; Pakicetus from,

  lignite mine at Panandhro, 98, 99

  2–3, 4, 144

  limb: of ambulocetids, 58, 63; development

  Kalakot, 2 f,  57f, 191, 194, 200, 204, 205

  of, 177–87, 178 f,  180 f,  182–84 f,  186 f,

  Karakorum Highway, 2 f

  208, 209, 211; of basilosaurids, 19,

  Karakorum Range, 2 f,  73

  25–26, 29; of pakicetids, 131, 133, 144,

  Kellogg, Remington, 83

  151, 153; of protocetids, 169–70; of

  Kharodacetus,  163, 166, 167b

  remingtonocetids, 104–05; in swimming,

  Khirtharia,  128, 132, 133 f,  154, 198, 200,

  53–56. S ee also forelimb, hind limb


  limb bud, 177–81, 178 f,  180 f,  183–84,

  Kiawah Island, 93–98

  183 f,  186, 211

  kidnapping, 71, 75–78

  limestone, 39

  kidney, 121

  Line of Control, 2 f,  73, 79, 191

  killer whale, 9, 21 ,51–52, 57, 61 b,  121–22,

  LINE, a genomic element, 158

  122 f,  147–48, 175

  Linnaeus, 11

  Koch, Albert, 16–17, 16 f

  Lipotidae, 202f.  Synonym yellow river

  Kohistan, 2 f,  71–73


  Kükenthal, Willy, 179–81

  lissencephaly, 168

  Kuldana Formation, 39, 40 f,  109, 147 f

  lithosphere, 69, 69 f

  Kumar, Kishor, 109

  locomotion: by  Ambulocetus,  63–64, 64 f;

  Kunmunella,  200, 203

  by basilosaurids, 25–30, 27 f–29 f,  31 f;  by

  Kutch: expedition to, 85, 99, 189;

  Indohyus,  204–5; by pakicetids, 151–53;

  geological section, 88; map, 57 f,  97 f

  by protocetids, 169–70; by reming-

  Kutchicetus minimus: discovery, 106–8; eyes

  tonocetids, 115.  See also swimming

  of, 11 4; fossils of,   102– 6; habitat of,

  Louisiana, 12

  116; jaws of,   111– 13; life reconstruction

  lumbar vertebra, 13 f,  26, 27 f,  63, 161, 170.

  of,  107 f,  110f; locomotion by, 56, 115;

  Synonym lower back vertebra

  skeleton of, 111 f,  153; teeth of, 109–11,

  Luo, Zhe-Xi, 134

  112 f,  222 n 10; vertebral colu
mn, 170

  Lycostène, Conrad, 16 f

  Lyell, Charles, 15–16

  Lacrimal, a skull bone, 90 f

  lacrimal fossa, 90 f

  macaque, 85

  lama, 202f

  Madagascar, plate tectonics and, 71

  Lamont, James, 11

  Maiacetus: 163, 165f; fetus of, 170–71; life

  land mammals: brain of, 168; ear of, 8, 137,

  reconstruction of, 164 f;  locomotion by,

  142, 142 f,  143; eyes of, 204; forelimb

  153, 169, 228 n 25

  of, 28, 63; hind limbs of, 29, 29 f,  30;

  Makaracetus,  163, 166

  migration of, 3; nipples of, 180–81; nose

  malleus, an ear ossicle, 5 f,  7 f,  8, 137–39,

  of, 113; salt excretion by, 120–21;

  138 f,  142 f. Synonym hammer

  swallowing by, 60–61 b;  teeth of, 33;

  mammary gland; 9, 214 n 4; embryology of,

  tooth wear in, 146, 148; vertebrae of,

  179–81, 180 f. See also breast, nipple.

  26, 63

  manatee, 25, 27 f,  38, 53, 121, 123, 132,

  larynx, 60 f,  60–61 b

  169, 209,  see also sirenians

  lateral caudal undulation, 55 f

  mandibular condyle, 62, 144, 203

  lateral pelvic undulation, 55 f

  mandibular fat pad: of  Ambulocetus,  63; of

  life history: of  Ambulocetus,  64–65; of

  basilosaurids, 138 f;  in echolocation,

  basilosaurids, 30–33, 32 f;  of protocetids,

  140 f;  in hearing, 139, 143; of odon-

  170–71; of remingtonocetids, 115–16

  tocetes, 139; of remingtonocetids, 143

  life reconstruction, 116;  of Ambulocetus

  mandibular foramen: of ambulocetids,

  natans,  49 f;  of  Dorudon,  18 f;  of

  62–63, 62 f,  143; of basilosaurids, 140;

  Kutchicetus,  107 f,  110 f; of Indohyus,

  in echolocation, 140 f;  evolution of,

  199–200, 201 f;  of pakicetids, 144, 145 f;

  141 f;  of land mammals vs. whales, 137,

  protocetids, 164 f

  138 f,  139; of pakicetids, 142; of

  lift, a force, 47, 53, 56, 218 n 8

  remingtonocetids, 114, 143

  240    |    Index

  mandibular fossa, 90 f

  Monodontidae, 202 f. Includes belugas and

  mandibular symphysis: of  Dorudon,  62 f;


  fused vs. unfused, 113; of reming-

  mountain formation, 69–70, 204


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