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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Destiny Patterson

  “When you have two older brothers who are crazy competitive with each other, like I do, you learn these things.”

  “How?” Drew asks.

  “They got tired of losing to each other and thought it would be easier to win against me. It was to begin with until I got so aggravated I asked Blake for tips on beating Carson and visa versa. They don’t ask me to play often anymore.” She smiles proudly.

  “You know you are supposed to let your boyfriend win, boost his ego.” I inform her.

  She shakes her head, “I don’t do handouts, if you want to win you have to beat me.”

  I guess competitiveness runs in the family… “Well I’m going to my room for a little while.” Dae looks between Drew and me trying to decide what to do. “It’s fine if you want to knock him down a few more pegs.” I grin loving that Drew, Mr. Game expert, got beat by a girl.

  “You sure?” She asks trying to hide her excitement.

  “Yeah not a problem, just leave the door open.” I say walking out.

  “I’m not taking it easy on you this time.” Drew warns.

  “Like you were to begin with.” She scoffs. Their playful banter follows me down the hall.

  Noah is kicked back on my bed. I can’t help but wonder how often he does that when I’m not around, or when I am…

  He watches as I put my things up, “Did you have a banging time?”

  I burst out laughing, “No more slang words for you.”

  “I used it in the correct context.”

  “No one really uses that word anymore, besides it seems weird coming from your mouth.” Pausing at the closet I decide to skip it and shove my flip-flops under the bed instead.

  “Are you wary?” Noah asks as I plop down beside him.


  “The closet, I noticed your hesitation as you were poking fun at me.”

  “Some what, occasionally I get this sense of dread.”

  He nods.

  “What happened to her?”

  “Why not ask her yourself?”

  “What if she doesn’t want to tell me or the memories upset her and bad things start to happen?”

  “I think you should at least try to contact her, who knows perhaps you can give her some sort of comfort.”

  “Do you think that’s what she wants?”


  “What makes you hang around?”

  He sighs and rolls to his side facing me, “Honestly I’ve asked myself the same question throughout the years. To begin with I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I loved this place. My family was here until my siblings grew up, married and moved away which was fine considering they visited my parents from time to time. Then my parents passed away and I was still stuck here.”

  “Did they know you stayed?”

  He has a distant look on his face, “I appeared to them once, nearly gave my mother a heart attack. She screamed, called me a demon, told me to leave,” he stops and looks at me sadly, “it broke my heart, the people I loved most were afraid of me. I wanted to leave then but it was to late.”


  “I’ve lost my way Journey, we’ve all lost our way.”

  “The others want to leave to?”

  “Some but not all.”

  My cell phone interrupts our conversation and I start to ignore it but it’s Blake.

  I’ve been thinking about you today. Are we still on for tomorrow? Blake.

  “Carson?” Noah asks displeased.

  “No what’s your aversion to him anyway?” I ask as I text.

  I know this is going to sound horrible but I thought about you more than I probably should have today. Yes, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Where are we going? Journey

  “Finished?” Noah asks as I glance at him.

  “I can listen and text at the same time, or do you require my undivided attention?” I ask smirking.

  “That would have been considered rude in my time.”

  “I’m sure many things we do now would have been thought of that way in your day, or sociably unacceptable.”

  “Like the way y’all dress,” he begins.

  “Choose your next words wisely.” I interrupt him.

  “So I shouldn’t inform you that women of the night dressed more modest than y’all do these days?” He grins.

  I smack him on the arm and he looks at me surprised. “I warned you, besides I thought you liked the dress. And now that I think about it what do you know about those kinds of women?”

  His face turns bright red.

  “Either you were a very naughty boy or I’ve embarrassed you.” I bite on my lip waiting for his response.

  “I,” he glowers at my phone at it buzzes in my hand.

  It pleases me to know that, though I hope I can keep your mind off of him tomorrow… I’m not telling you what the plans are, you’ll have to wait and see. Blake

  Can you at least tell me when to be ready and if there is anything in particular I should wear? Journey

  “Go on, do tell.” I glance at Noah.

  “I was not ill behaved if that’s what you were suggesting.”

  I heard you wore a killer dress today… Blake.

  I can’t help but groan.

  “What?” Noah asks.

  Carson? Not sure if I want to know if he had anything else to say… Journey.

  “Why don’t you like Carson?” I ask Noah again.

  “I think he’s hiding something from you.”

  I can’t help but chuckle, “Well aren’t we the pot calling the kettle black?”

  “You are referring to why I don’t tell you everything?”

  “Duh, you have your reasons, whatever, but I’ve only known the guy for two days. I don’t expect him to tell me everything right off the bat. I haven’t told him much about myself, not the stuff I feel he doesn’t need to know immediately.”

  Your body feels as amazing as it looks, especially in a tiny bikini… Blake.

  Not cool! There was nothing PG or up going on! Journey.

  You don’t have to explain. Blake.

  I feel like I do. I am NOT one of those girls that’s fine with “seeing” every Tom, Dick and Harry. I’m not exactly sure what first base consists of but I’ve probably never even made it that far considering I’ve never even kissed a guy! So if Carson made it sound like we were all over each other he’s full of it and I have NO problem calling him out on it. As a matter of fact I’ll text him right now. Journey.

  Whoa, chill. I figured he was stretching the truth to piss me off. I just wanted to make sure. I swear I didn’t take you for one of those girls anyway. Though I’m shocked you’ve never kissed a guy. I bet you crushed a lot of egos. Don’t worry about blessing Carson out he’s just trying to make me drop out. Blake.

  Well it vexes me to know he’s putting ideas in your head. Yeah he touched me to pick me up and throw me in the water but I’m sure that’s not what you thought by his statement. Journey

  Noah puts his hand over the phone, “You are upset?”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Your expression was not one of happiness and you were typing away like a mad person. What is the matter?”


  “I told you so.” He says but not in a rude, rubbing it in sort of way.

  “Spending time with two brothers is not the wisest decision I’ve ever made. I guess some feather ruffling statements are to be expected.”

  The phone goes off again but he doesn’t remove his hand. “Did he say something to taint your reputation?”

  “Are you going to defend my honor if so?”

  He smiles wickedly, “It could easily be done.”

  I don’t think he’s kidding and it’s kind of frightening. “No, it’s alright.” I say quickly.

  “Are you certain? I wouldn’t mind keeping him in line.”

  “Positive but I appreciate the offer, now could you move your hand?”

  He sighs and reluctant
ly removes his hand.

  Not at all, I’ll overlook any more comments from him. I was going to pick you up around 4 if that’s alright and you can wear whatever you want. Blake.

  Sounds good. That will give me enough time to help with yard work, I’m sure mom will be happy :/ Journey

  LOL! I’ll come give y’all a hand if you’d like. Blake

  Well that’s a tempting offer… but I’d feel bad, although I’m sure she’d pay you considering no landscapers will come out to even look. Shocking, right? Lol. Journey

  Spending time with you would be better than cash ;) Blake

  Trying to score brownie points? Journey

  … is it working? Lol Blake

  A little ;) Journey

  Then I’ll see you bright and early. Goodnight. Blake

  :* Advance kisses for the help tomorrow! THANK YOU!!! Goodnight. Journey

  I like :* Blake

  “What are you cheesing about?” Noah asks.

  “Better but it still sounds strange. Blake is coming to help me with yard work in the morning.”

  “Interesting.” He says softly.

  “What are you scheming?”

  “Nothing, I was thinking your mom will be pleased. Perhaps you can get Carson to come help as well.”

  “I’ll pass, this is awkward enough.”

  “The more people helping the quicker it will get done.”

  “You just want to watch me squirm.”

  “Not moi, that wouldn’t be very nice and I’m a nice guy Journey.”

  “I’m hoping so.” I smirk.

  “Hey,” Daelynn says tapping on my door.

  “Goodnight.” Noah whispers before disappearing.


  “Sweet, I like your room.” Dae says looking around.

  “Thanks, my mom actually designed it. Did you have fun playing with Drew?”

  She grins and cuts her eyes to me, “I enjoyed hanging out with him. Have you talked to my brother?”

  “Which one?” I can’t stop the guilty smile forming.

  “I take that as it wasn’t Carson,” she sits beside me shaking her head, “I’d hate to be in your shoes.”

  “They’d be to big for you.”

  “I can’t help that I’m petite,” she crosses her arms, “but Drew doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “No, you’re right up his alley, the only thing that could make it better is if you were a cheerleader. I just don’t get guys fascinations with them.”

  “What about a dancer?”

  “Do you dance?”

  She giggles, “Do you think I got this body from sitting around and playing video games all day? Ballet since I could walk.”

  “I took that when I was younger.”

  “Awesome, you didn’t do pageants by any chance did you?”

  “No, I don’t like to be in the spot light if you hadn’t noticed.”

  “You would have done well in them. I’ve been doing them since… forever. My mom wants me to model.”

  “Are you?”

  “I’m short, I’ll never make it big.”

  “You never know. I think you should go for it if that’s what you want. Break their stupid rules. You don’t have to be tall and stick thin to be beautiful.”

  “Okay, look who’s talking.”

  “I’m not a stick, I have curves thank you very much and I work hard to keep them where they should be.”

  “And how might that be?”

  “Yoga-lattes, with my mom, although we haven’t done any since we got here and surprisingly I miss it.”

  “The work out or the time with her?”

  “Both, we’re close, she’s just been so busy since we moved.”

  “Well when you start back I want to join. I’ve heard it’s a great work out and obviously it is, your mom looks amazing. She is seriously going to have some of the women around here jealous.”

  “If she ever leaves the house to meet any of them.”

  “Mom and I are going to get mani-pedi’s at this fab spa tomorrow, y’all should come with.”

  “Can’t, I’m helping with yard work then I’m going on a date with Blake.”

  She smiles hugely, “Oh girl, Carson’s gonna crap a gold brick! Where’s he taking you? What are you wearing?”

  “Carson knows and I think it’s bothering him, he hasn’t text or anything. I don’t know where we are going he won’t say and I’m not sure what to wear.” I frown.

  “Well Carson deserves it.” She says and quickly covers her mouth.


  She shakes her head clamping her lips together.

  “Dae, come on that’s so not fair.”

  “You can’t say anything, swear!” She holds out her pinky.

  “Swear.” I assure locking mine with hers.

  “So, about a year ago Blake was seeing this girl, they had been dating for a couple of months, well one weekend Blake was supposed to be gone but came back early and found her and Carson making out. Their relationship hasn’t been the same since.”

  “Understandable…” So am I payback for Blake? Am I some sort of stupid competition between them?

  “Journey, are you okay?”

  I shake my head feeling a bit sick, “What if neither of them really like me?”

  “I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut.” She groans, “I honestly don’t think you have to worry about that.”

  “I refuse to be just another notch on either of their head boards. I don’t want to get my heart broken.”

  “Seriously Journey, if anything you will be the one breaking a heart. They really like you, I can tell. Besides I over heard them arguing about you last night. They were both telling the other to leave you alone, which they both refused of course. You’re not a game to them, they genuinely like you and want to know you better. I promise, you hold all the cards.”

  “Blake’s coming over in the morning.” I mumble.

  “Y’all going out that early?”

  “No, he’s helping with yard work.”

  “See he really does like you, he hates yard work.”

  That makes me feel somewhat better… not really. Now I’m going to be wondering about everything! I wish I wouldn’t have asked. I swear I have the worst luck when it comes to guys!

  “Chill girl, it’s going to be all good.”

  “Swear to me that if you find out otherwise you’ll tell me.”

  “I swear and if it turns out they are being feminine cleaning products I’ll beat the crap out of both of them!”

  “Okay,” I nod. I don’t know what to do. Stop seeing them? What if my fears are wrong and they do like me? I will have closed that door already. I guess all I can do is hope for the best… That is going to be difficult considering I’m not the most optimistic person and I have very little faith in people. I was just beginning to think I could change my way of thinking.

  “So where am I sleeping?” Daelynn asks after getting out of the shower.

  “We have a guest room.”

  She looks uncomfortable at the thought.

  “Or you could sleep in here, I’ll get some extra blankets and sleep on the floor.”

  “Don’t be silly, I’m not kicking you out of your bed, we’ll share it.”

  And just when I was getting used to having my bed back. At least I don’t have to worry about Kadence. Ugh Kay, I wonder what she’s doing with that… whatever he is. I hate to say it but it couldn’t have come at a more convenient time although I hope she is safe. I’d search for her but I’m afraid of what she might do to Dae and I’m not all that enthused about it now that she seems to have made a new friend that freaks me out a whole lot. I hope she stays away. Maybe having Dae in here will help me sleep better…

  I had an amazing time today. Hope Daelynn isn’t driving you crazy. Carson

  “Which one is it now?” Daelynn asks as we lay down.


  “Are you going to text him back?” She asks as I st
are at the phone.

  “Yes, I’m just trying to think of what to say.”

  “What would you have said before I opened my mouth? That’s what you should go with. He isn’t faking, he’s not a good actor, neither of them are.”

  I did too, thanks. There are a few things I want to talk with you about but it can wait until we see each other again. Dae is cool. She hung out with Drew for a while. Journey

  Should I be worried? Carson

  I guess that all depends on your answers. Journey

  That does little to ease my mind. Carson

  Now I feel bad, he’s going to be stressing until who knows.

  I can come over now. Carson

  It’s not that important. Journey

  Tomorrow morning? Carson

  Wednesday? I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Journey. Like be with your brother all day… Jeesh it shouldn’t be this complicated.

   I guess I’ll just have to wait until then. Carson

  Okay, goodnight. Journey

  Sweet dreams. Carson

  “Is everything okay?” Daelynn asks as I fiddle with my hair nervously.

  “Yeah, lets get some sleep.” I say reaching for the lamp.

  “Can you leave that on? I don’t want to sound like a baby but your house gives me the creeps.”

  “Apparently you’re not the only one.”

  “They say this placed is cursed.”

  “Really, why?”

  “I’m not certain. I’ve heard a lot of stories, theories, some to do with the Native Americans that lived here first, some to do with the first settlers. I haven’t researched it though. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just contact the dead and ask them?”

  “Cool? Not so sure about that, wouldn’t you be scared?”

  “To begin with probably, you know Carson and Blake both swear they’ve seen ghosts, so have plenty of others that live around here.”

  That doesn’t surprise me one bit, this place is crawling with them. “Interesting. I read that it’s the most haunted city in the U.S.”

  “So they say. Okay, enough with the ghost stories, I’m going to sleep before I’m to freaked out to.”

  Daelynn struggling wakes me up; at first I think she’s trying to fight with the covers until I look over. I bolt up and attempt to pull Kadence’s hands from around Daelynn’s neck. “Stop!” I shout as Dae looks at me horrified. Kadence glares in my direction but it’s like she isn’t seeing me. “Noah!” I call out hoping he’s near and can help as I continue prying at Kay’s fingers, “Please stop, this isn’t you.” The corners of her lips slip up into an evil grin.


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