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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Destiny Patterson

  “What,” Noah states then quickly rushes to Kadence trying to help loosen her grip as Dae’s eyes roll back in her head.

  “Do something before she kills her.” I beg on the verge of hysteria.

  He glances between Daelynn and me, sets his jaw frustrated then closes his eyes. “Rouge.” He calls.

  My heart falters as the guy from my dreams appears and I cover my mouth to keep from screaming. He looks at me and puts his finger to his lips as he smiles. I nearly fall off the bed backwards to get away from him as he leans across Dae to look at Kadence. I want to tell him to get out of my room but he calmed her down last time so I keep my distance and my mouth shut. Pressing his lips to Kadence’s it’s like a switch is flipped. She releases Daelynn, her hands trembling as she glances around horrified then settles on me with a look of confusion. Rouge pulls her into his arms, as he looks at Noah disgusted then they vanish.

  There are so many thoughts running through my head but the most important, is Daelynn okay? She’s breathing but I’m guessing she passed out or is in shock. “What the heck Noah?” I hiss turning to him. He looks at me speechless so I begin my rant, “What am I supposed to tell her when she wakes up? What’s wrong with Kay? Why didn’t you tell me about that guy? You knew exactly who I was talking about and you friggin’ lied to me!” I shove him before I realize it and he just stares at me. “Answer me!” I start to push him again but he grabs my arms and pulls me to him.

  “Make her believe it was a nightmare, that you have no clue what she’s talking about.”

  “Let me go.” I growl.

  “No,” he says calmly staring into my eyes, “listen closely. I don’t tell you some things because it is safer for you not to know. I’m just trying to look out for you. That boy, Rouge, he is not one of us. I think Kadence is under his influence.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He shakes his head, “I’ve said to much already.”

  “This is so frustrating! What am I going to do about Kay?”

  He releases me and shrugs.

  “If she can’t be controlled I’m not going to be able to have anyone over.”

  “I think its just Daelynn she dislikes.”

  “Well she needs to get over it and trying to choke the life out of her is more than dislike. She can’t honestly expect Drew to be with her. Find her a ghost boyfriend so she’ll leave him and Dae alone.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea the other guys stuck here aren’t very nice.”

  “Then you do it, she’s cute.”

  “Not my type, sorry. Perhaps you could talk to Rouge and see if he can do something with her.”

  “Not sure if you noticed but I have a feeling he’s doing plenty with her. Like you said, under the influence. On top of that I don’t want to be anywhere near him. And just so you know I’m not pleased that you kept him being here from me or that you won’t tell me what he is or what he’s up to.”

  He bites down on his lip and looks away, “I want to tell you but I can’t, you have to understand that. I want to tell you everything but the consequences, not only for myself but for you as well, I refuse.” His gaze captivates as he slides his hand into mine, “Please believe me.”

  “Okay.” I nod feeling as though I may be under the influence myself.

  “Get to bed, I’m staying to watch over you both.” He smiles.

  “Journey,” Daelynn whispers, “wake up.”

  “What?” I ask groggily. The light filtering through the window letting me know we made it through the rest of the night safely.

  “What happened last night? Who, what were those people? Where are they?” She asks in a mild panic.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask sitting up and looking around like I’m clueless. I’m such a terrible friend. I hate myself for this right now and Kay even more for putting me in this situation.

  “That girl was trying to kill me, you tried to stop her and couldn’t so you called… some guy, I can’t remember his name.”

  “You must have been dreaming, I think I’d remember that.”

  “It was Kadence, she choked me…”

  I look at her confused and shake my head, “Kadence died last year Dae. It was just a bad dream. All that talk about ghosts last night must have really gotten to you.”

  There is a look of doubt on her face as she touches her neck, “It felt so real.”

  “I’ve had them too.” I say climbing out of bed. I feel horrible for lying to her. When I see Kay again I’m going to yell at her! If she pulls another stupid stunt I will find a way to make her move on or keep her out of the house. Which doesn’t sound like a bad idea, I wonder if it’s possible?

  Daelynn scurries off the bed and follows closely behind me, “Where are you going?”

  “To pee, you’ll be alright for a second. Unless you want to see if Drew is up.”

  She stops at the bathroom door and glances over her shoulder, “Hurry?”

  Noah appears behind her and nods his head. I’m assuming that means we are Kadence free. “I will, but I promise Dae you are safe.” For now at least.

  Before I can finish up in the bathroom I hear the door to my room open then close. “How’d you sleep?” Drew asks. I instantly relax knowing it’s him.

  “Fine.” Daelynn lies.

  I guess she doesn’t want him to think she’s nuts…

  “Do you want some breakfast? I’ll cook.” Drew says.

  “You cook?” She asks surprised.

  I’m just as shocked as she is, since when did he pick up this new skill? I hope he doesn’t plan on making her a bowl of cereal.

  “Sure.” He says.

  This I gotta see. “Are you cooking for everyone?” I ask entering the room.

  Drew smile, “Why not, any requests?”

  “Bacon, eggs, pancakes and don’t forget to make a pot of coffee.” I tell him smiling.

  “Grits with cheese.” Dae orders.

  “Grits?” Drew chuckles, “We don’t have any of those, we have oatmeal.”

  Daelynn crinkles her nose, “So not the same. You can’t live in the south and not have grits.”

  “I’ve never had grits.” I inform her.

  “Me neither.” Drew says.

  “Oh that’s it. We are so going to get some. I’m cooking them so who’s driving?”

  “Not me, I have to get ready, Blake will be over soon.”

  “Even better, I’ll make him bring some.” Dae says taking her phone off the desk to send him a text.

  My phone goes off and Dae rolls her eyes, “If that’s him tell him I appreciate him texting me back.”

  Dae says y’all are making breakfast… tell her I’ll bring the grits. Is it cool if I eat with y’all? Blake

  Of course. Journey

  “He’s bringing them.” I smile at Daelynn.

  I’ll be over in a few. Blake

  Okay, Dae is going to kick your butt for not texting herback. Journey

  LOL. I’d rather talk to you. She’ll get over it. Blake

   See you soon. Journey

  “Well I’m getting dressed and stuff before he gets here.” I say tossing my phone on the bed and walking to the closet.

  “No need to primp you’ll be getting sweaty anyway.” Dae says as I open the closet door. A scream escapes me as I come face to face with whom I can only assume is Emily and I slam the door shut.

  “What’s wrong?” Dae rushes to me.

  “I saw a… spider.”

  She laughs as Drew looks at me doubtfully. He knows better seeing as I’m not afraid of spiders one bit. Which gives me an idea… “So if you guys don’t mind I’m going to get ready now.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to kill the spider first?” Dae grins.

  “No, I probably scared it off or it’s already died of fear.” I smirk at Drew.

  He nods with a smile, “We’ll leave you alone.” He pulls Daelynn by the hand, which she doesn’t mind at all from the expres
sion on her face.

  “Emily?” I ask opening the closet door, prepared this time. I feel horrible for screaming I just wasn’t expecting to see her. Man I’m glad I had just come from the bathroom. Moving the clothes to the side I step in, my heart pounding, I’ve totally gone off the deep end. I hate confined spaces! Even if a guy had been interested in playing seven minutes in heaven with me

  I would have had to decline, I HATE being in a closet. “Emily.” I whisper reaching for the person hunched over in the corner. Yep, I’m completely insane!

  “I don’t want to be in here.” She stares at me with tear stained eyes.

  “You can come out, you don’t have to hide in here.” I tell her stepping back.

  She grabs my hand and I’m flooded with a sense of fear. “He’ll punish me if he finds out I’ve escaped.”

  “No ones going to hurt you, promise.” I assure her as I pull her to her feet.

  “But they said I can’t leave.”

  “Who told you that?”

  She stops at the doorway refusing to let me drag her any farther and glances around nervously, “I shouldn’t be talking to you.”

  “Emily, it’s alright. Noah even said so.”

  She shakes her head quickly, “He’ll be angry.” She vanishes before I can ask who he is.

  So annoying, I’m trying to help her, hello! I’m beginning to wonder if they all want to be stuck here for eternity! Whatever, I’m not stressing it right now, I have to get ready, no way I’m letting Blake see me like this.

  “Well look at you.” Mom grins from behind her coffee cup, “I guess at least one of my children love me enough to help.” She cuts her eyes to Drew but he’s to engrossed making pancakes with Daelynn to answer.

  “We don’t need him anyway.” I inform as I pull out the chair next to her.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because Blake is coming to help.” I smile.

  “I like this Blake already.” She clears her throat and raises her voice just a touch, “Maybe he can hang out with Drew and rub off some of his gentleman qualities.”

  “Mom please, he’s just doing it cause he wants to make a good impression.” Drew rolls his eyes.

  Mom rolls hers back at him.

  Dae looks stunned, “My momma would have just flown out of her chair to smack you in the head.”

  Mom chuckles, “You’ll learn a few things about Drew I’m sure, let this be the first, he’s stubborn as a mule. I pick my battles.”

  Dae smacks Drew in the arm causing pancake batter to splatter across the counter. “Show your momma some respect. I’m sure it wasn’t pleasant for her to carry y’all around for nine months, the least you can do is be polite.”

  “Sorry.” Drew says to Dae after the initial shock wears off.

  “Don’t apologize to me, you owe it to your mom.”

  “I’m sorry.” Drew says politely.

  “All is forgiven,” Mom smiles, “and you young lady, you are a keeper. You are welcome here anytime.”

  Dae beams happily, “Thank you ma’am.”

  The doorbell rings, I spring out of my chair, trip on the foyer rug in my rush to answer the door but recover quickly. Drew snickers at my eagerness. Thank goodness he didn’t see that. Calm down, he’s just a guy. The cutest, coolest guy I’ve ever met. Swoon.

  “Hey.” I say calmly opening the door and staring up at him. He looks me over, a smile playing at his lips as he releases a soft satisfying sigh, “Hey beautiful.” My heart forgets to beat for a brief moment as he strokes my cheek. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to see you yesterday.” He says, his gaze holding me captive, rendering me speechless.

  “Umm…” OMG! I have nothing intelligent to say?!!

  He chuckles lightly, “I should probably give these to Dae.” He holds up a small burlap bag.


  “Yes ma’am, the best in the area.”

  I look at him doubtfully, “Well I’m ready to see what all the fuss is about.”

  He takes my hand and I lead him to the kitchen.

  “Here you go Sunshine, hook um up.” He smiles at Dae then extends his hand to Drew, “I’m Blake.”

  “Drew.” He nods.

  “Mom this is Blake.” I introduce them.

  He extends his hand, “Nice to meet you ma’am.”

  “Call me Susan.” She flashes a smile, “I hope you’re hungry, I think your sister and Drew plan on feeding a small army.”

  “I’m always hungry.” He grins and glances at me.

  The fire hastily spreads from my cheeks and I look away.

  “Honey aren’t you going to get hot in that?”

  Mom asks looking him over in his pants, long sleeve button up shirt and slip on boots.

  “I can always loose the sleeves but it’s been a while since anyone has touched the yard and I don’t want poison oak or ivy.”

  I groan inwardly at the thought of him shirtless. Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s defiantly going to test my self-control.

  “Very wise, it is a bit over grown.”

  “A bit?” Drew scoffs, “last time I checked it looked like a friggin’ jungle. Have fun with that.”

  “Seriously? You aren’t going to help?” I glare at him.

  “Sorry I already have plans.”

  “Dae is going to get a mani-pedi with her mom. Are you going to?” I tease. “You know a little hard work never killed anyone.” Wow I sound like Noah. Awesome.

  “Actually smart butt I’m taking Dae home and hanging out with Carson, if you must know.”

  I would rather not have known actually. “Oh.” I glance at Blake and he shrugs.

  “Don’t make plans for tomorrow darling,” Mom grins at him, “I have your schedule filled.”

  He opens his mouth and promptly shuts it as Dae stares him down. “Yes ma’am.” He finally says.

  I think mom’s speechless or in shock. I start to snap my fingers in front of her face but the front door opens bringing her to and she smiles. Dad appears in the kitchen doorway and she rushes to him, stretches up on her tiptoes then proceeds to a serious lip lock. I look away at a break neck speed. In front of everyone?! Can’t they take it up stairs? I mean it’s bad enough Drew and I have to witness it but to subject our guests! Stab me!

  “Honey this is Blake, Daelynn and Carson’s older brother. He came to help Journey and I with the yard work.” Mom says approvingly.

  Blake takes dad’s hand and shakes it firmly, “Nice to meet you sir.”

  “You to. So how much older are you?” Dad asks clearly deciding if he approves or not.

  “Just a year sir.”

  Dad nods, “You’ll be a senior this year?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Are you going to college?”

  “Of course sir, I’ve already received offers from a few different ones, full ride as long as I play baseball.”

  “So you want to get into the major leagues?”

  “No sir but I’ll play as long as they pay tuition.”

  Dad nods again, “Have you decided on your major?”

  “Dad,” I groan.

  “It’s okay.” Blake smiles. “Psychiatry, sir.”

  Dad looks at me with a grin, “Interesting, last I heard that’s what Journey wanted to study.”

  “Really?” Blake looks at me curiously.

  “Yes and it still is.”

  Dad seems satisfied with the results of his interrogation. He pats Blake on the shoulder, “Be good to my little girl.”

  “Yes sir.” Blake says seriously.

  Dad swipes a piece of bacon off the plate as he passes, “I’m exhausted guys. I’ll see you when I get up.” He pauses in the doorway and turns around to look at mom.

  “I’m going to talk to your father, be back down soon.” Mom says sitting her coffee cup on the island before following him out.

  Daelynn giggles once they are out of earshot, “Talk, right.”

  I shake my head. She’s so much l
ike Kay it’s not funny.

  Blake turns his attention to me and flashes his killer smile, “I think that went well.”

  “Sorry about him giving you the fifth degree.” I say sitting at the table.

  “No worries, it didn’t bother me at all.” He sits beside me and glances around, “I have to admit I was nervous at first.”


  “Because they met Carson first, he’s much more of a people person than I am. He knows just the right thing to say to make people like him. I swear he should be a politician.”

  I can’t help but laugh, “Who knows, he might be president one day.”

  ”I hope not. He can barely manage his own money; the economy would really be screwed. I’d rather have Dae in office.”

  “Government is sooo boring. I’d rather slide down razor blades naked and land in a pool of rubbing alcohol than to have to deal with that on a daily basis.” She frowns before tasting the grits.

  “What do you want to do after high school?” I ask her.

  “Be a trophy wife.” She giggles.

  “Seriously?” Drew asks before I can scold her.

  “Well that would be nice but actually I want to own my own restaurant. I’m thinking about going to culinary school.”

  “You like to cook and I like to eat, we’re very compatible.” Drew jokes.

  “As long as you keep that body I’ll cook you whatever you want.” She smirks and holds out a spoonful of grits for him to taste. He gives her the thumbs up. I hope he isn’t lying considering I’ll be forced to at least try them.

  “Alright, let’s eat.” Dae says as Drew gets out the plates.

  “That was surprisingly good.” I compliment them on their hard work in the kitchen.

  “Did you really like the grits? I know it’s not really a northern thing.”

  “Yep, I’ll eat them again. So am I a southerner now?” I ask.

  Dae laughs, “Sorry hun, you’ll always be a Yankee, you’ll just have a prefix depending on how long you stay.”

  “What do you mean?” Drew asks.

  “I can’t say, they’re bad words.” She shakes her head.

  “Ask Carson, I’m sure he’ll inform you.” Blake says to Drew.


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