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Slaves of the Circle T

Page 2

by Charles Graham

  Tom strolled over and looked down at Cassie's pulsating sex and nodded in agreement. "I reckon you're right, Earl. Looks like it's going to be a real busy couple of days, 'til we take her back," and his hand stroked the growing bulge in his shorts that indicated his re-awakening lust.

  Shuddering to the spasms that racked her belly, Cassie moaned as she saw the action, knowing only too well what it presaged. However, even though she was appalled at the thought of being taken again, she could not deny the furious heat that swirled and surged through her body as she waited, helpless in her bonds, for her captors' next move.

  She had had lovers before, three of them at various times, but nothing in her previous experience had even come close to rivalling what was happening now. She could not believe the shattering effect of being bound and gagged, ruthlessly violated and then forced to submit and climax against her wishes by men who had not the slightest compunction about taking full advantage of their superior strength to satisfy their most basic urges. Cassie had never met such men before, never suspected that they even existed, never imagined, even in her wildest fantasies, that she could be treated with such callous cruelty. Against them and their implacable will, she was as defenceless as a newborn baby. She was compelled to recognise and accept their power and the hopelessness of her plight, a wave of submissive excitement sweeping over her and her insides burning with an even hotter flame as she resigned herself to the fate she could not escape.

  There was not the slightest doubt in her mind that she would be aroused and taken again, whenever and however the men chose, and not the slightest doubt that she would be unable to prevent it happening. Therefore, she could only submit to their demands, pray that they were not too hard on her and hope for a chance to escape. She had a horrible feeling that it was a dreadfully slim, almost non-existent hope, but it was the only one she had. The alternative was not to be thought of, for Cassie recalled all too clearly Tom saying that once she was taken to their ranch, she would not be leaving.

  She had to get away, she simply had to, because she knew that if she didn't, they would make her submit again and again until she became a sort of sex slave. Sex slave, yes, that was the only description she could think of to describe it. Her eyes widened as she imagined it and to her embarrassment, she immediately felt a guilty and deeply shameful curiosity about how it might feel to be kept permanently as a naked prisoner. What would it be like to be forced to submit to Tom and Earl and their employer and however many other men there might be at the ranch?

  She tried to crush the thought, consign it to the very back of her mind, never to be thought of again. But the more she tried, the more it persisted. And the more she told herself that she would never, never submit, the more she wondered and the more aroused she became. The tremors that fluttered the flesh of her belly as her excitement increased acted as a spur to Tom as he knelt between her straddled thighs.

  Naturally assuming that he was going to have her again, Cassie was taken completely by surprise when he bent forward and pressed his mouth to her vagina, his lips nuzzling her engorged labia and his tongue licking at the excruciatingly sensitive tissues of her sex.

  The incredible sensations that burst over and through her hogtied body as he feasted on her most secret and intimate recesses were far too intense for her to even begin to resist, and before she could draw breath to scream, she was propelled into an instantaneous orgasm.

  Massive internal explosions shook her body as Cassie submitted helplessly and totally to Tom's lips and tongue; her determination to fight her captors and not give in blown to fragments in the tornado of her need. Stunned by the completeness and speed of her capitulation, she whimpered pitifully as her climax engulfed her, her brain reeling under the fury of her sexual passion. As his tongue lapped and sucked, she suddenly understood, to her horror and fear, that there was no defence against the unbearable torment that could be so easily imposed upon her. While she remained naked and bound by their ropes, there was only ever going to be one outcome of any feeble resistance she attempted to make. Her absolute and inevitable defeat.

  In that frozen instant, Cassie knew that she was going to become a sex slave, whether she wanted to or not. She saw a future of bondage and subjugation opening up before her, her belly responding with renewed floods of love juices as her numbed brain gave up the struggle to retain control of her rebellious body.

  Tom rose from between her legs, his lips and chin glistening with her tribute to his efforts. As he gave a chuckle of pure pleasure and stood looking down at her shocked face, she squeezed her eyes shut, terrified that he would see the awful longing she could not hide and recognise her submission to his ruthless dominance. He reached down with both hands and gave her nipples a squeeze and her eyes sprang open, staring wildly up at him as her belly kicked violently and she gasped to his casual touch, unable to disguise her involuntary response.

  "Yeah, Earl," he said calmly, "no doubt about it. She's a real hot one, right enough."

  "You going to have her again, now?" his partner asked, "I reckon I'm ready."

  "No, I think I'll leave her for a bit," Tom replied, "there's no hurry. It's not as if she's going anywhere, is it? She'll still be here when I'm good and ready. I'll go get the other horses and make camp over there," he said, pointing to a level patch of grass a short distance away. "You bring her on over when you've finished with her."

  Earl nodded and as Tom strolled away, turned his attention to Cassie. Unlike the first time he had taken her, this time Earl was in no hurry at all and took it slowly. Settling himself comfortably on the soft sand beside her, he ran his hands over every inch of her smooth, warm flesh, enjoying the feel of her body and savouring the knowledge that he could have her whenever he wanted.

  Completely at his mercy, Cassie trembled and gasped as every nerve ending became sensitised to his touch, her skin tingling as her arousal built to a fever pitch of excitement and liquid heat filled her belly. His fingers slid over her swollen breasts, toyed with the rigid buttons of her nipples and caressed the slippery folds of her labia, but always for only a few seconds. More than enough to keep her at the very brink of a climax, but denying her the release she needed and craved.

  Aroused and frustrated almost beyond bearing, Cassie would have begged him to finish the job and take her, but the leather belt wedged between her teeth would not allow her to. So, until he chose to end her anguish, she could only chew on her gag and take what pleasure she could from her enforced subjugation. How long she was made to endure the torment, she would never know, but to her it felt like an eternity. It was certainly more than long enough for her shame at the maddened responses of her body to fade, and to be replaced by the acceptance of his will and a growing desire to submit.

  She stopped fighting her bonds and her eyes grew soft as she allowed herself to sink into a warm, wet haze of sensual pleasure, her body aglow with heat as she surrendered to the seduction of sheer physical gratification. Spiralling rapidly down into a world with which she was ill-equipped to cope, Cassie didn't know that the journey was a one-way trip, or that the deliciously thrilling sense of submission she felt as Earl caressed her, was only a tiny foretaste of what lay in store for her.

  Blissfully ignorant of the fact that she had unwittingly taken the first step on a long, hard and frequently painful road that could only end in her total and permanent subjugation as a sex slave, Cassie greeted the entry of Earl's straining erection into her body with a wordless scream of ecstasy. As he thrust and lunged with the full power of his lean and muscular frame, she arched her back to meet him, aiding in her own ravaging and coming again and again as he brutally took her.

  He used her fully, sparing her nothing and by the time his spend jetted into her belly and he rolled from her, she was gasping from her exertions and her spasming body was coated in sweat and sand.

  "You need to cool off and clean up, honey," he told her and without another word, lifted her in his strong arms, walked into the sea until he was
waist deep, and then dropped her. Cassie went right under, water shooting up her nose and into her mouth as she sank, but then his hand gripped her jaw and he towed her coughing, spluttering body back to the shallows, laughing all the way. "There you go, honey," he said, grinning, "all nice and clean and ready for Tom. Nice bath, was it?"

  She glared up at him furiously to no effect, and his indifference to her anger and humiliation reminded her forcibly that she was not his equal, but his captive. He had wanted to clean the sand from her body and had simply chosen the quickest and most efficient way of doing it. Regardless of her views on the matter.

  Her anger died away and she gulped nervously, wondering whether her views and wishes would ever be taken into account and suspecting that they would not. If what she had been told was true, she would be in no position to express any sort of opinion and she gave a shiver of apprehension.

  "I'm going to untie your legs now," he told her, "then you're going to walk up the beach ahead of me, nice and slow. Don't try anything stupid, you wouldn't make it to the water. We rode you down once and we can do it again. Only then we wouldn't be as nice to you as we have been so far, and you really wouldn't like that because Tom and me can be pretty tough if you force us into it."

  Suiting his actions to his words, he rolled her over and released the rope holding her in the hogtie and untied her ankles, then stood back, watching her carefully. For a wonderful moment when he said he was going to untie her legs, Cassie thought she was going to be freed completely and her spirits soared. They sank to rock bottom again as she understood that any freedom was going to be of short duration and extremely limited.

  Despite his warning not to try anything, she did think about making a run for it as her ankles were released. She thought better of it when she tried to straighten her legs and found that her muscles were so stiff after her bondage that she doubted if she could walk, let alone run. In any case, she certainly couldn't outrun a horse, especially with her arms still securely bound behind her back.

  "Move it, honey," Earl ordered and Cassie struggled awkwardly to her feet and trudged unwillingly up the beach to where Tom waited. She didn't want to obey, but knew she had no choice and her sense of submission and helplessness increased as she walked up to where Tom stood and then stopped, waiting passively to be told what to do next.

  "Sit down and cross your ankles."

  Rope snaked around her limbs, was drawn taut and firmly knotted and Cassie's brief freedom was over as she became a helpless prisoner once more. And a prisoner she remained as Tom and Earl lit a fire, then cooked and ate a simple meal, but gave her nothing. Hungry and tired, she could only watch miserably as they ate, then began to prepare their beds and it was no comfort at all to her when Tom joked that he might feed her in the morning. Provided, he chuckled, that she was good to him when he took her.

  With their beds ready and the light beginning to fade from the sky, he then secured her for the night. Taking two pegs and a large hammer from his saddlebag, he drove one into the ground near her feet, the other behind her head and roped her ankles and neck to them. Flat on her back and unable to turn over or curl up, she was easy prey for his fingers and lips. Her nipples stiffened to aching rigidity as he aroused her before leaving her with a mocking, "Sleep well, baby, I'll see you in the morning," as she whimpered in misery and unsatisfied need. Need that grew steadily stronger as the night, her first in bondage, slowly passed and vivid images of the events of the day unreeled in her memory.

  Sleep was out of the question, for the discomfort of her bound wrists and ankles, the throbbing of her aching nipples and the churning of her stomach, all conspired with the mental pictures in her brain to make rest impossible. This couldn't be happening to her, it must be a nightmare or some kind of hallucination. She couldn't really be bound and gagged, staked out and naked... could she?

  Staring up at the star-filled blackness above her, she whimpered softly into her gag as she remembered the touch of hands and lips on her naked body and the feel of hardened flesh penetrating her. She thought of the devastating ecstasy of her enforced surrenders as she had been taken without mercy and she thought of the coming morning when she would again be used and tormented by her captors, the submissive heat which smouldered in her belly igniting into a slow-burning fire.

  Chapter 2

  When the sun rose on the second day of Cassie's captivity, it found her still awake, her naked body still tightly bound and filled with tingling anticipation. At various times during the long night, she had tested her bonds to check whether she could escape, finding on each occasion that the rope which bound her had not loosened and that every failure to free herself intensified her submissive excitement at her situation.

  As the sky above her brightened to a pale cloudless blue, she gazed across at the blanket-covered shapes of her captors, trembling gently with anticipation of the moment when they would wake and their fingers and lips would resume their ruthless assaults on her body. When they did, she knew that she would submit fully and deeply, if not entirely willingly, for her whole body burned and seethed with a heat she could not extinguish. She was thrillingly conscious that it would need only their touch to send her spinning into the climax that lurked just beneath the surface.

  She would be forced to surrender and as she imagined the frantic responses that could, and doubtless would, be extracted from her, Cassie shivered to the knowledge that her willing submission to their dominance was the only possible outcome of her captivity.

  It was only a matter of time and unless she was rescued or managed to escape, it was inevitable that she would become their sex slave. An obedient, fiercely responsive female toy, to be aroused and taken and used for their pleasure, her body their playground as they lived out whatever dreams and fantasies they cared to impose upon her.

  The prospect should have been a terrifying one for Cassie, but during the long night she had faced it and found, to her intense surprise, that her terror was diluted by a fascination she would never have believed herself capable of feeling. To have to obey and submit to complete strangers was surely unthinkable. But she had not only thought it, but found it to be appallingly exciting and as she waited helplessly for whatever the day would bring, she could not help but wonder whether it might not be her eventual fate.

  One of the sleeping figures stirred and sat up, then rose to his feet and moved towards her, seemingly unconcerned by his nakedness.

  "Still here, then?" Tom gave a broad grin, "I guess you must have enjoyed yesterday. I know I did."

  Cassie flushed and averted her eyes from his hard erection, then swallowed anxiously as he added, "I reckon I'm going to enjoy today, as well," as his eyes took in the taut globes of her breasts, each topped with a stone-hard nipple. He chuckled, "Well, I mustn't chat with you all day. Lots of work to be done, you know. But as I'm here, I reckon I might as well start the day right," and he knelt to untie the ropes that secured her ankles.

  Cassie's arousal burned like a blowtorch as he gripped one of her ankles in each hand and spread her wide. She gave a breathy squeal of immediate submission as his maleness slid smoothly into her, his entry made easy by her readiness and the slickly lubricated channel of her sex. He chuckled again at finding her so well prepared, "Must have been an interesting night," he commented, then began to take her with long, powerful thrusts.

  Hopelessly aroused before he even came to her, Cassie climaxed at once as she felt his shaft penetrate her and as she pulsed and her juices rained down over him, she moaned with pleasure and the delicious helplessness of her bondage. Tom grinned down at her, savouring the immediacy of her submission to him, then raised the tempo of his thrusts, building his desire and hers towards final release.

  He let go of her ankles to capture her breasts and as his fingers rolled her nipples, Cassie threw her legs around his waist in an attempt to draw him deeper into her pussy and trigger the second, far more powerful orgasm she could feel welling up within her.

  In response, T
om gave half a dozen fast lunges, each more powerful than the one before. As his throbbing shaft speared to the core of her seething belly, Cassie squealed her fervid surrender and her orgasm erupted to meet the powerful jets of his spend as they climaxed in unison.

  For long endless moments, captor and captive were united in passion, their bodies clamped together, but then, as Tom raised himself on his elbows and chuckled, "Pretty good baby, you've just earned yourself some breakfast," Cassie understood that the ecstasy they had just shared changed nothing, and that she was still his prisoner.

  He rose to his feet and ambled over to his bed, pulling on his clothes and shaking Earl awake before re-lighting the fire and starting to prepare food and coffee.

  Tethered by her neck to the peg hammered into the ground, Cassie lay still, her belly trembling in the aftermath of her submission and her nostrils twitching to the aroma of coffee, hoping that Tom would keep his promise and feed her, because she was absolutely ravenous. Ravenous... and totally dependent on his satisfaction with her for everything, even her food.

  In that sudden flash of insight, Cassie saw the reality of her position. Her blue eyes opened wide to a blistering jolt of raw excitement as she recognised the full extent of the men's power over her and understood that they would be content with nothing less than her complete and utter submission. They clearly intended her to be an obedient and responsive sex slave, no matter how difficult or humiliating it might be for her.


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