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Slaves of the Circle T

Page 3

by Charles Graham

  Her insides swirled with furious heat as she faced the choice of either giving in to them or trying to resist and escape, but there was really no option and she knew it. How could she resist when she was tied up and her own body betrayed her? Cassie took a deep breath, then made the biggest mistake of her life. She allowed her body to overrule her brain and decided to pretend to be a slave, in the hope that the men would relax and give her the chance to escape. She could not know it, but it was an error that was to cost her dearly; far more dearly than she could ever imagine.

  Almost as if they had been waiting for her to make her mind up, Tom and Earl finished their food and brought some over to her, releasing the rope to her neck and pulling the leather gag from her mouth, then helping her to sit up. She worked the stiffness from her jaws, keeping her eyes averted from their faces, but couldn't suppress a shiver of undeniable excitement as Tom offered her food and she had to eat from his fingers.

  Mistaking her reaction for fear, Tom chuckled, "Relax, girl, we aren't going to hurt you. Come on, drink this coffee." She obeyed, draining the mug. When she had finished, he took the mug away and stayed with her as Earl went to where the horses were tethered and brought one over and Cassie gulped as he dropped a bunch of short ropes at her feet.

  "On your knees, legs apart," Earl ordered brusquely, "we've got a long way to ride today."

  She looked at him, then at the ropes and whispered, "Do you have to tie me up again? I won't try to run away. I give you my word."

  "I'm damn sure you won't, girl," he retorted. "Not once all that's on you. Now, do as you're told."

  Cassie stole a brief glance at Tom, but one look at his face told her that she was wasting her time hoping for any help in that direction, because he just grinned and pointed one finger to the ground.

  Knowing it was useless, she tried again, "Please?" she murmured humbly, "you can trust me, really you can. I'll be good, but I don't... don't want to be tied up again."

  "Tough," Earl snapped harshly, "now, shut up, or we'll gag you." Cassie trembled as Tom added, "He means it, honey. So unless you'd rather be tied behind my horse and made to run, you'd best keep real quiet." Cassie knew he was not joking and sank to her knees, her eyes round with fear as she was forced to obey.

  Rope was looped around each ankle, knotted firmly and she sat back on her heels as it was passed twice around the very tops of her thighs to hold her legs doubled under her.

  Unable to rise from her knees, she winced as her elbows were squeezed together behind her back and lashed together, but dared not protest in case she was gagged. More rope encircled her waist, binding her arms tightly to the small of her back and she moaned in anguish as Earl stood back to inspect his handiwork, his eyes on her jutting breasts.

  "Nice, partner, very nice," Tom said approvingly, "but how come you haven't put a crupper on her?"

  Earl grinned evilly and nodded, then picked up a short length of rope, "Great idea, pal. We don't want her getting bored, now do we?"

  Cassie had no idea what a crupper was, but soon found out as he knotted the rope to the one around her waist, passed it through between her legs and tugged firmly. She gave a shrill squeal and jerked her legs together as the rope embedded itself between the spread lips of her sex, but she was too late, her desperate reaction only forcing the crupper deeper into her belly and her eyes bulged as she felt her body invaded.

  "No," she begged, "no, please. Take it out, take it out, please. Don't do this to me," but the men only laughed as Earl tugged the rope a second time and knotted it securely in place.

  Whimpering in horror, Cassie wrenched at her bonds, then froze in disbelief as the crupper worked its way further into her belly, her eyes filling with shock as she realised that movement on her part, any movement, would have the same result. Earl reached down casually to roll her nipples and as shattering arousal shot through her breasts, Cassie screamed and writhed to his touch, then screamed again as the crupper slid through her labia, sending a massive jolt of submissive heat scorching directly into her belly.

  "Give me a hand, Tom," Earl said as he took his fingers from her breasts. But the damage was already done and as the two men lifted her and placed her on the saddle of the horse, Cassie shuddered at the feel of their hands on her naked flesh. Her sex oozed onto the leather beneath her as a rope was passed under the belly of the animal and knotted around her knees to prevent her falling off.

  The men grinned up at her, "Comfortable, baby?" Earl sneered cruelly and as she flushed in shame, sent his hand to her pussy, caressing the pinkly engorged folds of her rope-bisected labia. Cassie climaxed instantly, her neck arching as she screamed her frantic submission and her belly convulsing to release a stream of silvery love juices to trickle down over the rope buried in her sex. As she came, her eyes widened with shock and humiliation at his arrogant pillaging of her helplessness.

  "Randy bitch," he told her cheerfully, "I hardly touched you. Still, that's probably just as well, where you're going," he said, pulling his hand from her body.

  As they led her horse over to where theirs waited, then swung up into their saddles and rode off with her horse's reins gripped in Earl's hand, Cassie swallowed nervously, feeling rapidly growing doubts about the wisdom of the decision she had made.

  It was one thing to pretend to be a slave, but quite another to genuinely be a slave and she was suddenly and frighteningly unsure which she really was. Her bondage, her helplessness and the devastating power of her climaxes were all too real, as was the unwanted stimulation that was transmitted into her flooded belly at every step of the horse she rode. And the chances of her deceiving her captors and escaping, somehow seemed a lot less likely and far harder to achieve than when she had first conceived the idea.

  Her horse broke into a trot and as she jolted up and down on the hard leather of the saddle, she was unable to cushion the impact as a rider who had the use of her limbs could have done. She gasped and forgot all of her other worries as the awful crupper rope slid gently back and forth between the lips of her tender sex, arousing her unmercifully.

  She tried desperately to clench her gaping thighs to raise her bottom from the saddle, but her stringent bondage gave her no leverage and as the incessant stimulation broke down her flimsy defences, she trembled and whimpered as flaring, unstoppable heat rampaged through her belly.

  Sweat beaded her forehead as a first mini-climax shook her body to bring her some small relief, but as the journey continued, the cycle of arousal began all over again. A second mini-climax burst over her, then some little time later, a third, and then, incredibly, a fourth. Each one built on the one before until the saddle beneath her bottom grew dark and stained with the juices that trickled from her sex and the sweat of her abject submissions rolled down her heaving breasts and shuddering flanks.

  Unable to endure her sexual torment a moment longer, Cassie screamed a plea for mercy, but her captors were in a hurry and stopped just long enough for Earl to ride back to her side.

  "Thank you, oh, thank you. I just can't take any more," she gasped, then squealed a frantic, "No, No," as he leaned across and forced the leather belt between her protesting jaws, gagging her into terrified silence.

  "So you reckon you can't take any more, do you, honey?" he said calmly, then his voice hardened, "you're wrong. You can take just as much as we decide to give you, because you don't have any choice," and he laughed spitefully. He spun his horse around and rode back to his partner, his mocking laughter ringing in Cassie's ears and she gave a muffled scream of dreadful anguish and despair as they rode on and her horse followed.

  The callous cruelty of her gagging and their complete disregard of her torment, quenched the last glowing embers of her hopes and as they flickered and died, Cassie knew, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there was to be no escape for her and that she was doomed to become a true sex slave.

  And it was in that knowledge, with her naked body helplessly bound and the spasms of her near-continuous orgasms raging unc
hecked through her quaking belly, that she surrendered instantly and unconditionally to her captors. Earl and Tom took it in turns to drop back to her side and enjoy themselves at her expense, their hands roaming freely over her defenceless breasts and nipples, fondling her wetly-glistening labia and probing into the warm, slippery depths of her pulsating sex to force innumerable panting, straining submissions from her wildly responsive body. She screamed and begged for mercy but they had no intention of giving any and her juices gushed and flowed in silvery rivers down her flexing thighs.

  Driven far beyond any normal limits, Cassie plumbed the seemingly infinite depths of subjugation and found, as Earl had told her, that she could endure, because she had to.

  That simple fact etched itself indelibly in her brain and as she accepted its stark truth, her whole attitude towards her captors and her bondage and her submission, underwent a dramatic and irrevocable transformation.

  For the third, or perhaps fourth time, Tom circled his horse back towards her, intent on extracting yet another surrender from her feverishly responsive body. This time however as he turned to ride alongside her, Cassie found that far from feeling the despair and horror which had accompanied his previous onslaughts on her body, she was thrillingly aroused at the prospect of her submission to him.

  Submission that would be given almost willingly, because she now understood the huge change in her own brain and body brought about by her captivity. She recognised that the urgent throbbing of her nipples and the delicious heat that surged and swirled so excitingly within her, was not merely the effect of the crupper between her legs, or even the result of her previous climaxes. It was slave-heat and Cassie welcomed its presence, for it confirmed what she already knew, that in her own mind she was already a slave.

  She stiffened her spine and hollowed her back to present her out-thrust breasts still more prominently. Sucking in her stomach, she spread her thighs to the full extent of her bonds, offering herself as completely as she could to one of the men whose ropes held her captive and who would, she fervently hoped, use her as she wanted. Something that she not just wanted but desperately longed for... to be used as a fully submissive and willing slave.

  To a man such as Tom, the silent message of her actions could not be misunderstood. He knew at once that Cassie had succumbed to her bondage and to the submissive passion he and Earl had imposed upon her. Smiling with triumph and pleasurable anticipation he noted that although she lowered her eyes submissively when his gaze swept across her gagged face, she kept her spine erect and made no attempt to hide her body from him.

  It was by no means the first time he had seen and enjoyed such a reaction from a woman, because his employer, Mr Travis, was a very wealthy, powerful and well-connected man who valued his privacy almost to the point of obsession and held exceptionally strong views about people who trespassed on his land. He made no secret of his opinions and none of the small number of widely scattered local farmers would take the risk of defying him. Anyone who crossed the boundary fences onto his property risked forcible ejection, rigorous prosecution and heavy fines, frequently with confiscation of their vehicles as an additional deterrent. Anyone that is except young pretty, female strangers travelling alone. For these, he had a completely different form of punishment. He enslaved them!

  In seven years there had been four, two backpackers, one geologist on a year's sabbatical and a woman who had said that she was searching for her real purpose in life. Like the others, she had found chains on her limbs instead and had discovered that her only purpose in life was to serve Mr Travis and his men as a sex slave, until Mr Travis deemed that she had completed the sentence he felt to be appropriate and sold her on to a new owner in the Far East. She had been the fourth woman to be enslaved for trespass, but as Tom gazed at the tightly bound body of the clearly submissive blonde to his right, he knew he was looking at the fifth.

  Unaware of the fate to which she was already condemned, Cassie shuddered as he reached across and placed the palm of his hand on her stomach, feeling the searing heat radiating from her and the helpless trembling of her flesh to the turmoil which lay beneath.

  "I guess you're ready to be a slave," he said casually and Cassie's head jerked around to face him, her eyes wide with need and fright as she stared at him. "Well, aren't you?" he demanded and as her belly kicked massively against his hand, snapped, "come on, girl, I don't like being kept waiting."

  With a soft gasp, Cassie nodded, then her head went down as her admission sent a tremendous wave of unbearable arousal storming through her body. From the corner of her eye she saw a flicker of rapid movement, followed a split second later by a crack like a pistol shot and an explosion of blistering heat across her doubled left thigh.

  "I am a Master and I don't like being kept waiting by a slave and I don't like having to repeat my questions to a slave." Tom's hard, icily cold voice cut though Cassie's muffled scream of pain and she gazed in horror at the thin riding crop in his left hand as he raised it and sent it hissing down across her naked flank. A second vivid red stripe branded her skin with furiously stinging heat and as Cassie screamed in anguish, he warned her, "Do not try my patience again, slave," then sent his right hand to her vagina, his fingers driving deep into her sex.

  The terrific thrill of her submission, followed immediately by the shock of unexpected pain, the harshness of his voice as he used the word 'slave' to describe her, the feel of his fingers plunging into her body; all of these whirled around and around in Cassie's reeling brain as her belly convulsed in a stupendous orgasm. Pain and pleasure, fear and ecstasy mingled inextricably in a boiling, bubbling whirlpool of absolute sexual subjugation as she screamed and shuddered and pulsed as she came, and came for the first time as a truly subjugated slave to the cruel and ruthless domination of a coldly determined Master.

  She was not permitted to hold back or retain the smallest degree of self-control and as she quailed before the awesome fury and depth of her own unleashed passions, her bulging eyes met those of Tom and she shrieked in terrible despair, recognising in his pitiless gaze, the infinite power of a true Master and the eternity of limitless subjugation, bondage and sexual slavery into which he had plunged her. Or rather, and she trembled in appalled realisation, into which she had plunged herself.

  Attracted by the distinctive sound of leather meeting flesh and Cassie's screams, Earl joined his partner and as he saw the angry red stripes that glowed on her smooth skin, he chuckled cruelly and gestured towards the marks, "I see we have ourselves a new slave, then. Gave you a bit of trouble, did she?"

  Tom smiled and shook his head, "Not really. She was a bit slow, so I just gave her a taste of what she can expect if she doesn't do what she's told, when she's told."

  Earl nodded seriously, "Good thinking. It's never too early to start training a new slave." Cassie shivered, knowing that she was at the mercy of two Masters, each as ruthless as the other was. He rode around to her right side and she watched in growing alarm as he unhooked his crop from the saddle and flexed it in his strong hands.

  "I reckon you know that you're a slave now, don't you, baby?" he asked her and she nodded quickly, afraid that any hesitation on her part would bring immediate retribution.

  "Very good, slave," his sardonic smile mocked her, but Cassie was in no position to object, "so you know that you'd better obey me, right?"

  She nodded a second time, her eyes fixed on the crop dangling from his fingers, a ripple of apprehension running up her naked spine as his mirthless smile grew wider. He placed the tip of the crop under her chin and levered gently upwards, "Head up, slave. Mustn't hide from your Masters, you know. A slave like you might be punished for it."

  She straightened her back, displaying her body exactly as she had to Tom. Earl nodded in satisfaction, "Excellent, slave, you're doing really well. Keep it up and you might not get cropped at all." Cassie didn't believe him for one single second, he was being far too nice to her and she knew that he was enjoying himself too much not
to crop her. "Now, don't move and don't make a sound, slave," he ordered. "Show me how obedient you can be."

  The crop moved slowly down her slender throat to the valley between her taut breasts, then climbed the rounded slopes of each in turn, the cool leather first drawing circles around her erect nipples, then flicking gently at the stiff buds.

  At the first flick, Cassie gave a half-stifled gasp, managing to hold herself still as her nipple quivered, but as the crop toyed with her and her arousal built steadily, she couldn't hold back the tremors of excitement that rippled through her breasts and belly. Without thinking, she turned towards Earl, her blue eyes wide and pleading. Instantly, the crop blazed a line of stinging fire across her thigh and as she squealed, Earl snapped, "Eyes front, slave. I didn't give you permission to move."

  Shocked and in pain, Cassie hesitated, unwilling to believe he could be so hard-hearted, but she had fatally under-estimated his iron will. The crop whistled through the air, rising and falling three more times and she screamed wildly at the furious agony that erupted through her thigh and right buttock as she paid the penalty of her momentary disobedience.


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