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Into the Dark

Page 11

by T A. McKay

  “Niamh, are you ok?” She just stares at me, and if I'm honest, she’s scaring me a little bit. She hasn't blinked since she started staring at me and I'm getting close to just running away.

  “You kissed me?” At least now she’s talking, it wasn't much but it was a step forward. I make sure my voice is gentle when I reply to her, trying to keep her from freaking out too much. She looks like a scared little kitten at the moment.

  “And you kissed me back.” It’s maybe not the safest idea to point this out to her, but I refuse to take all the blame for what just happened. We both wanted it, no matter how much she tries to convince herself it was all me.

  “Don’t you dare try and make out this was my fault, Mason. We both know this was you.” Ok, so much for the gentle approach. I swear this woman makes me want to grab her and shake her. My temper starts to rise and I'm tempted to kiss her again to shut her up.

  “You keep believing that, Princess. We both know you wanted that as much as I did, if not a little more.” She straightens her back and I see the fire appearing in her eyes. This is the Niamh I have gotten to know, not the sweet one that followed me in here.

  “Oh my god, you are such a dickhead. Why the hell did I follow you in here, seriously I must have lost my mind for a second there, you don't have feelings. You’re just a walking hard on aren't you?” I lean in close to her, and I hear her breath catching in her throat as I get within inches of her lips. No matter how much she tries to convince me she is unaffected, I know She wants me as much as I want her.

  “A hard on that you were only too happy to rub up against a few minutes ago. Let's not act all shy now, Niamh, I could feel how wet you are for me.” Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, maybe I pushed it just a little too far.

  “Fuck you, Mason.” My name leaves her mouth, and before I can react she grabs me, her knee connecting with my dick. Red, fiery pain explodes from my balls and I have a sudden urge to puke on the floor. Collapsing to my knees I hear a slight ringing in my ears, I’m pretty sure it’s my blood pressure causing it since suddenly, it’s off the fucking scale high. My forehead reaches the floor without any effort as I continue to hold my balls and will them not to explode into a bloody mess. She kneels down next to me, getting close to my ear so she doesn't have to talk too loud.

  “Have fun tonight with whatever tart you take home, hope you can still get it up ok.” I can hear the smile in her voice, but I just can’t do anything about it. My concentration is still on trying not to puke ... or cry.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The weekend has been like one big soap opera. After my run in with Niamh I didn't think it could get any worse. I had been very wrong. When she left me in the room, I had lay on the floor for about ten minutes just holding my balls, why she would do that to a guy I have no idea. Women really have no concept of how much pain a kick in the nuts can cause, move over childbirth, we have a new winner in the battle for the worst pain in the world. Returning to the function room to mingle, I had at least managed to look calm and put together. Little did everyone in the room know that my balls were throbbing continually ... and not in a good way. I’d spent a while talking to any woman who would entertain me while watching Niamh across the room from me with that idiot. I have no idea what she sees in him, why do women go after such clean cut boring men? I see it all the time at the clubs, they are after that rough guy, the one with the dirty mouth, but then we’re only good enough for one night. When it comes to picking the 'forever' guy, its always the nice guy that wins out. This doesn’t cause me any problems, I don't want forever, but I can see it getting frustrating for others.

  Caught up in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed Elle approaching Rocco. The bitch had come with one of the guys there, obviously someone rich and blind. I didn't even know she was back in the area, I must have missed the plague of locusts. I had seen her earlier in the evening and warned Rocco, he had done well staying away from her most of the night, and I had tried to run interference as much as I could. He didn't want Makenzie to know she was here in case she felt uncomfortable, so I had been there to make sure she didn't approach him. She was now standing talking to Rocco, between my sore balls and trying to not look at Niamh I had totally missed her approaching him. The first of me noticing what was happening was when I heard Makenzie shouting at someone. I turned towards the chaos that was drawing a crowd, Elle was holding her cheek and Makenzie was standing right in front of her face shouting. As much as I wanted to stand and watch Makenzie do what I have always wanted to do, and rip Elle’s face off, I couldn't see Rocco so I needed to ask Makenzie where he was. Rocco being on his own after an encounter with Elle is not a good thing, and I knew that if anyone could help him at that moment it would be Makenzie. Maybe she would be able to exorcise his demons once and for all. After dragging her away from the second punch she was about to land on Elle’s face, we left to find him. After looking around the hotel we realised he had left completely, and after driving around for a while we found him at his house. As much as I had wanted to go in there and make sure he was ok I knew that Makenzie was the only person who would be able to reach him.

  I got a call from Rocco about an hour ago telling me he was fine, actually his words were better than fine. Seems like he finally laid some of those demons to rest last night and reading between the lines, those demons were the only ones who got laid. Thankfully he is planning on seeing where this thing between him and Makenzie will go. I’m so happy for him, he really does deserve some happiness in his life and I think Makenzie is the woman to give him that, I can see a long future for them. Rocco doesn't give his heart out easily but when he does it’s forever, and he loves with everything he has.

  Sitting here now, I don't know what to do with myself. I’d come home alone last night because Niamh has my head so fucked up, I couldn’t have been with someone else if I had tried. I had sat for the most of the night nursing glass after glass of scotch until I passed out on the couch. I woke this morning with the headache from hell, my neck in pain and still no clue what to do about Niamh. She affects me more than anyone I have ever met, and not just in the getting my dick hard sort of way, she can get me angrier than anyone else. My time seems to be split between wanting to shake the living daylights out of her and wanting to pin her to a wall and tasting those amazing lips again. I know one thing for sure after last night, one time kissing her will not be enough, I need at least one more time to get her out of my system. Maybe that’s the problem, she’s turned into the one that got away, the one that said no so she is now the challenge I need to conquer. I need to get into her bed so I can put all these thoughts and feelings to rest, and to let her know what she’s been missing out on. I’m not sure how I will manage it since she seems to hate me, or at least I would have said that before I kissed her last night. That kiss was like something out of my wet dreams, and the way she responded, that wasn’t they way someone who wasn’t attracted to me would react. It was a kiss that could cause spontaneous combustion to everything around us, she may have come to her senses and regretted it but I know she felt it too. I play with my mobile phone that I’m holding, trying to convince myself that it’s a bad idea to text her. I had programmed her number into my phone a few weeks ago while at work, I know it’s not exactly the smartest thing to do, but I just couldn't help it. Knowing it was sitting in her file in the garage was driving me insane, I felt better knowing I had contact with her anytime I wanted it. That in it’self should have had warning bells going off in my head, but I chose to ignore what the action actually meant. I’ve managed to talk myself out of using it up until now, even when I have been drunk I haven't used it, but today I’m more tempted than I have ever been. The memories of the kiss, of the taste of her on my tongue chipping away at the resolve I have had until now. Opening the text window my fingers hover over the buttons. I know I shouldn't. All common sense tells me to just lock my phone and go do something with my day off. But no one can ever say I have ever had much common sense. />
  ‘Are you still wet today?’

  I press the send button and wonder if she will write back. She has no idea who it is, and really what woman in her right mind would ever respond to that sort of message.


  The buzz of my mobile phone has me groaning into my pillow. Habit must have had me putting it under my pillow on vibrate like every other night, but now I'm regretting that habit as it buzzes against my very fragile head again. I gently roll away from the buzzing hoping that my head won't explode. Oh god, how much did I have to drink last night? And why had I been so drunk? It has been years since I had really been out and gotten drunk, and I'm not sure why last night I had given in to temptation. A rush of memories invades my head and with them the face that I suddenly remember trying to forget. Mason. Things had been going so well last night until the kiss. When I had returned after our encounter, I had been so angry, and in my temper I had used alcohol to try block out the memory of his lips, the softness of them against mine and the taste of his amazing mouth. I groan again, the memories making my head hurt even worse.

  “Look who has finally woken up.” My eyes open in shock to the male voice that came from very close to my side, and I immediately regret the move as a wave of nausea hit’s me. I throw back the duvet barely registering the fact that I'm naked and I rush to the bathroom that sit’s between my room and Talia’s. I manage to kick the door shut behind me before the vomit hit’s my throat, making me drop to my knees over the toilet pan while I empty my stomach. After flushing the toilet, I sit with my back against the wall next to it, the coolness of the plain painted surface feeling amazing against my hot skin. I try to piece together the last twelve hours, trying to work out who exactly is in my bed. Whoever it is I know we had sex, not from any memory but from the feel of my body. It feels achy in areas that haven’t been used for a very long time. Shit, why can't I remember? I remember the kiss with Mason, then returning to the room where Callen was, after that it’s all a blur. Sitting here naked on the bathroom floor isn't helping me get my memory back, but I’m scared to return to my room. What if I brought Mason home, gave in to the feelings that have been driving me insane lately. What if it’s him and Talia sees him, oh my god she would hate me. I’m trying desperately to remember something when a gentle knock sounds against the door.

  “Niamh, are you ok?” Definitely not Mason, that’s Callen’s voice. Oh my god, what have I done? I can’t believe I had sex with Dr. Muir, the whole hospital is going to find out, and does he want more? A relationship? Oh god, what the fuck have I done? The thoughts are going through my head at a million miles and hour, and I must take too long inside my head panicking as he knocks again.


  “Oh...em...I’m fine, Callen. I’m just going to jump in the shower. I won’t be a minute.” Thank god my dressing gown in always on the back of the bathroom door, at least after a shower I won't need to go back to my room naked. I don't know what will happen when I finally have to leave the bathroom after my shower, but at least I’ve bought myself a few minutes.

  “I need to get home to get dressed for my shift, can you open the door so I can say goodbye?” I really don’t want to face him now, and I need to find an excuse to not open this door.

  “I’m sorry, I need to get in the shower, I ... eh was sick in my hair. You don’t want to see this.” I cringe as I say the words out loud, he must think I am such an idiot but at the moment that is the least of my worries. I hear him chuckling at me. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  “Yeah, you go get that shower. I will call you later. And Niamh? Thank you for last night, it was amazing.” I don't know what to say to him, he is so sweet but I don't know what happened last night.

  “Yes, it was great. I will speak to you later.” I quickly turn the shower on, removing the chance of any more conversation. Stepping into the hot water I try to make sense of what has just happened. I need coffee ... lots and lots of coffee.

  I’m tying my hair up when I hear my phone buzzing again. In all the chaos, I forgot about the text I’d gotten earlier. Walking over to my bed, I search below my pillow until I feel my phone and grab it. My notifications say I have four messages and I frown, I don’t normally get that many in a week never mind in less than an hour. I open the screen and the messages are from a number I don't recognise, all my contacts are programmed in my phone and this is just showing a number. I open the message box and read through the messages.

  ‘Are you still wet today?’

  What the hell? I have only read the first one and I'm tempted to delete the rest without even reading them, but then curiosity gets the better of me.

  ‘I can still taste you on my lips.’

  “I want to taste you all over, see if you are as tasty as your mouth.’

  ‘I will have you.’

  ‘Don’t pretend you didn't love every minute.’

  As I continue to read I can feel my body heat rising, it’s like he is whispering the words into my ear. There is only one person this could be, actually there are two, but I doubt that it is Callen, so that leaves Mason. I sit for a bit looking at the screen, then something suddenly occurs to me and I message him back.

  ‘How the hell did you get my mobile number?’

  I know it’s ignoring all the messages that he sent me, but I really want to know how he got it. I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and head towards the kitchen, I wasn’t lying about needing coffee. As I walk through the door, I see Talia sitting at the table looking at me with a very annoying smile on her face, I can just imagine the interrogation I’m about to get.

  “Good morning, Niamh. Did you sleep well?” The smile on her face gets bigger as I ignore her and move towards the kettle.

  “Oh, you’re not answering that one? Ok, how about you ask me how I slept?” The shit eating smile on her face makes me realise I neither want to ask or answer either of her questions.

  “You’re not going to ask? Well, that very impolite of you, but I will answer the question anyway. I didn't sleep very well last night.” She pouts very dramatically and I want to walk over and pull her lip off. I have no idea where this is going, but I have a feeling I'm not going to like it. The look on her face is too smug for my liking.

  “There was this constant noise all night, like a grunting and then there was screaming. Did you hear it?” I lean over until my head is leaning on the worktop and I let out a groan.

  “Please, Talia. I haven’t had a coffee yet. Last night was … well let's just say last night shouldn't have happened and I just want to forget it.” I hear her squealing behind me and I laugh in spite of myself, this girl really does get over excited about things. I have no idea what part of my apparent pain and regret is making her giddy.

  “Oh my god, Niamh. I can’t believe you actually got some action. I mean seriously, how long has it been?” I hear my phone beep from my pocket, and I use it as an excuse to not answer that question with the very depressing answer. I open the message and see it’s Mason again.

  ‘You gave me it.’

  I think back and I realise there is no way in hell I would have given him my number, there is no possible need for him to have it.


  I type back, closing the window but before I can lock my phone, he messages me back.

  ‘I’m not lying. You gave me all your contact details.’

  I frown at the message, but then it suddenly comes to me. I contacted his garage for a quote, they took all my details then.

  ‘Wow! Do you prefer creeper or stalker?’

  I can’t help but smile as I type my reply, and this must attract Talia’s attention.

  “Who is making you smile like that? And also little lady, I need to know exactly who you brought home last night, because I saw Dr. Callen leave this morning but it was the name Mason that you screamed last night. And while I'm asking...who is Mason?” I can feel the colour draining from my face and I have the urge to vomit again. She has to be wrong, the
re is no way I would have done there?


  It made me smile when she replied back. I mean seriously, I smiled at a fucking text like some lovesick teenage boy, but I really don’t care. She knew who it was that was texting her and still she wrote back, that made me impossibly happy. Ok, she didn't answer my questions but I will take anything she is willing to give me. I’m taking that as a good sign, at least she hasn't blocked me ... yet. Even on a text message she is a bitch, but for some reason her attitude does nothing but get me hard, and it’s harder than I have been about a woman in a long time. She just seems to have a connection straight to my libido, she doesn’t need to be nice or even civil to me but it works. I’m considering going and getting professional help for my raging hormones when she texts me back again.

  ‘Do I need to get a restraining order?’

  Completely hard. There is no point lying about it, she does something crazy to my body at the same time as she messes with my head. I wonder how far I’ll able to push her before she either hands me my balls or I get her where I want her, under me. I decide to mess with her a little, let her know what I want, let her know my intentions so there are no misunderstandings. I don’t care if I’ve slept with her friend, she is going to see that she isn't going to get away from me, even if it scares the ever-loving shit out of me that I’m actually chasing a woman.


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