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Into the Dark

Page 19

by T A. McKay

  “Fuck woman, if you clench one more time I’m gonna come.” She does that little giggle that drives me crazy and leans against my chest. I can feel her breasts between us and it isn’t helping at all. I lift my head and find her smiling at me. Damn, she is so fucking beautiful.

  “Mason. I’ve come, now it's your turn. Make me remember how good you feel.” Her lips brush over mine and I can feel the touch of her tongue. This woman is going to test every single ounce of control I have. I push my hips up and I can feel her tight against my pelvis as I fill every single inch of her. I catch her gasp with my mouth and I relax back feeling my dick slip out of her slowly. Just as I’m about to slip from her I thrust my hips up again, filling her and making my orgasm inch ever closer. My lips don't leave hers as I continue to move in and out of her, getting deep but trying to be gentle. No matter what the doctor says there is a part of me that is very aware she is pregnant and going through something with her body. I’m obviously not going hard enough for Niamh as she starts dropping her pelvis onto me when I’m thrusting up. I keep my lips joined with her, wanting to swallow all the passionate noises she’s making. This woman is going to kill me, and in all the best ways. I can feel her tighten and this in turn makes my balls tighten, feeling the burn starting to build. Oh god, she feels so fucking good. I drop my fingers to her clit, I only have a few thrusts left and I need her to orgasm before me, to get pleasure before I fill her. Her moaning gets louder as I work her clit between my fingers, and I take my thumb, pushing it hard against it. Her whole body tightens as she comes around my dick, she is so fucking tight. I thrust up into her a few more times before I feel the pressure build and reach the point of no turning back. With one final thrust I feel the release, the pleasure that has just exploded from me as lights flicker behind my closed eyelids and a groan loud enough to vibrate the windows. We both sit there, forehead to forehead as we let our breathing return to normal. I place a gentle kiss to Niamh’s mouth before speaking.

  “See baby, nothing between us will ever be boring. Life altering and earth shattering? Yes. Boring? Never.” She giggles as she kisses me again.

  “Ok, I concede. Never boring. But my arse is getting cold now, can we get out of this bath?” I bite her nose, I can’t help it, she’s just so cute.

  “Move your arse woman. Get in that bed and I will show you a great way to heat up.” I smack her ass as she rises from me and steps out of the bath. She laughs as she runs through to the bedroom. Ha, like that will stop me catching her. I can see this being a very late night.

  Chapter Twenty

  Today was the day of Rocco’s swimming race, and as we expected, he kicked arse. He won a gold for his individual race and his team won overall silver. To see him now, you would never believe it’s the same guy as earlier. He was calm and collected as he swam, but now he is sweating a little too much and he can’t stand still. We’re at Rocco’s house waiting for his brother Noah to arrive, but I know for a fact that’s not what has him nervous. Tonight is the night, Rocco is going to get down on one knee and propose to Makenzie. I don't think it’s the fact he is proposing that has him nervous, it’s that he wants everything perfect, and Rocco hates it when things don't go to plan. The girls are at my house, Makenzie had offered to go over and pick up Niamh, who had to work at the hospital today. I’m not happy with her going back to work, but we had argued long and hard over it. The only reason that I’m not as upset about it is that she has been put on restricted duty, which she hates. I smile when I think back to all the bitching she’s been doing about it the last few weeks, she really does hate it when she is told what to do. This is why I’m let the moving in together thing happen gradually, I’m hoping she won’t notice until all her stuff is at my house. My thoughts are interrupted as Rocco does another nervous lap of his living room.

  “Rocco, seriously. If you don't calm down you are going to have a heart attack, and I refuse to tell Makenzie that you can’t marry her because you’re dead.” I laugh at my comment, but I’m the only one. Obviously humour if going to be lost on him tonight.

  “What if the restaurant doesn’t remember the flowers? It needs to be red roses, if it’s isn’t it won’t work and then I won’t be able to ask her, and what if they don't play the song that I need them to, everything planned will go to waste.” I walk over and stop his movements by placing my hands on his shoulders.

  “Breathe, Rocco. Just breathe. Everything will be perfect, and if it’s not Makenzie won’t care.” I know I’m right, I don't think I have ever seen a woman more in love with her guy, the way she looks at him lets everyone know she is his forever, with or without a ring. He looks as though he is about to shit himself and I’m saved from the meltdown when there is a knock on the door. Rocco walks over to answer it, and I hear him greeting Noah. They both walk back into the living room and I walk towards Noah.

  “Noah, how the fuck are you? It’s been far too long.” I throw my arms around him in a very typical man hug, slapping his back before stepping back.

  “I’m good, man. It’s great to be here for a while, just relax with my little brother.” Noah reaches over and messes Rocco’s hair up while laughing.

  “Fuck off, Noah. God, do you know how long it took me to do this earlier?” Rocco disappears into his bedroom again while muttering under his breath.

  “I have so missed messing with him. I feel so far away most of the time.” I get what he’s saying, even though he is only a drive away, it’s a fucking long drive.

  “But just think what you have, you have a rock star job and a fiancé that’s pretty damn hot.” he gets a sad look on his face but it disappears as quickly as it appeared.

  “Yeah, you’re right, I’m just tired and miss Rocco. Yo little brother, get your arse out here so we can eat. I’m hungry.” Rocco walks out of his room throwing a pissed off look at Noah.

  “Well, we could have been halfway there already if the some idiot hadn’t messed with my hair. You always ruin everything dontcha?” God I have missed watching these guys. Nobody bitches like these two when they get together. I laugh at the bickering that is still going on behind me as I make my way to the door. Yeah tonight is going to be interesting.

  I lift Niamh’s hand to my mouth and kiss the back of it. She smiles as I do it and I want nothing more than to take her to the bathroom and eat every single inch of her. She looks stunning tonight, the red dress she has on clings to her perfect body and if you know to look, you can see the start of her baby bump showing and that alone makes me hard. There’s something about the woman you love carrying your baby. I smile when I think about the fact that I can openly think that I love her, when up until a few months ago those thoughts would have had me running for the door. Now all I can think about is actually telling her how I feel, that I want her to be mine forever, but it will wait, I don't want her to feel I only want to be with her because of the baby. I smile when I think of the nursery that we have started decorating at home, yes it’s early but we want to take our time, make sure it’s perfect for when the little one arrives. It’s also giving Niamh something to focus on while she’s at work, and I quote ‘sitting on her arse being no help to anyone’. She has been looking through magazines and making lists of everything we need, I didn’t realise babies needed so many things. She was worried to begin with that everything was costing too much, but I soon put those worries to rest, I don't think she realises how much I make doing what I do. I’m far from a millionaire, but let's just say I don't really have to save for anything I want. Someone using my in the conversation brings my attention back to the group, I look away from Niamh and realise that everyone is looking at me.

  “What?” I have no idea what has happened, but they are going to have to clue me in if they want a response. Rocco laughs before talking.

  “Noah wants to stay for a bit longer, he has some annual leave coming up so he wants to stick around. I said you had a spare room and he might be able to stay with you while he is here.”

No.” The words are out before I even think about them and Rocco gets a confused look on his face. Shit. I didn’t mean to be so blunt, but he can’t have the spare room, it isn’t a spare room anymore.

  “No? I know you and Niamh have just moved in together, but he won’t cramp your style, it’s just somewhere to sleep.”

  “Rocco, he said no. It’s cool, I will just stay in a hotel or something.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Rocco looks pissed at me and I honestly don't know what to say. We aren’t telling anyone about the baby yet, we hit the twelve-week mark a few weeks ago but we have just been keeping it to ourselves. Niamh laughs next to me and I poke her in the ribs, she loves this, me lost for words for once. Everyone is still looking at me, waiting on an answer that I don't know how to give. I look at Niamh and she gives me a subtle nod of her head. Yes? I can finally tell my best friend that I am going to be a dad?

  “Are you sure?” I whisper to her needing to double check before I tell. She leans forwards and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “Yes, tell your friends.” I smile at her before returning her kiss but adding more pressure to this one, deepening it so she can feel the love I have for her.

  “Mason, would you tell us what the fuck is going on? There is either something we’re all missing or you are just being a dick, so which is it?” I turn back to Rocco and smile.

  “Oh god, what aren’t you telling us?” Rocco always knew me better than anyone, he could sense everything that was about to happen and in this moment he knew something was coming, something big.

  “I don't have a spare room anymore.” I can’t help but drag this out, make them work for it.

  “You didn’t move, Mason. So unless you have destroyed the room, it must still be there.” Oh god, I’m going to love the look on Rocco’s face, I know he thinks I’m just trying to get Noah not to stay with us, probably thinking I just want to have Niamh all to myself. He is partly right.

  “Sorry, no spare room. That’s the baby's room so no one can stay there until it arrives.” Silence. You could hear a pin drop around the table. Three sets of eyes stare at Niamh and me. Makenzie is the first to speak.

  “Baby? As in you’re pregnant?” Niamh just nods her head. I think she is worried about the reaction, she shouldn’t have worried when a scream like I have never heard before comes from Makenzie.

  “Oh my god, you’re going to have a baby. Oh, how far on are you? Do you know what you’re having? Oh my god, we need to go shopping. There are such cute baby things we can buy. I’m going to be an auntie, please say I will be its auntie?” The words stream out of her mouth at a hundred miles an hour as she pushes her chair back and runs around the table to engulf Niamh in a rib crushing hug. Rocco is still sitting with his mouth open just looking at me.

  “Are you going to say anything, Rocco? You’re kinda scaring me.” He blinks and looks at me more closely.

  “You’re not kidding are you? You’re really going to be a dad?” I nod and his lips turn up into a smile. A small movement but one that means everything to me. I’m going to need him to get me through this, there is no way in hell I can manage without his backup.

  “Holy shit, Mason. You’re gonna be a dad!” It’s his turn to get up from his seat, and I stand to meet his as he grabs me into a hug.

  “I’m so happy for you mate. I didn’t think you would ever get here, after ... everything. I thought you were never going to find your happiness, your other half.” He hugs harder as he says the words quietly into my ear.

  “Thank you. I fought it, I really did, but there was no way to get away from her. I’m sorry for taking the limelight tonight, we were trying to keep it quiet until after you propose.” I feel bad that this won’t be his night, and just his night.

  “Oh, shut up. I wouldn’t want to share this night with anyone else other than you, you know you’re my brother. Maybe not by blood but you’re my family Mason.” He pulls me away and holds me at arms length smiling.

  “I love you, Rocco. I really do. You’re the brother I never had.” I’m pushed from behind and I hear Makenzie’s voice.

  “When you two have finished making love, can I hug the daddy to be?” She has a huge smile on her face as she hugs me.

  “I need to be able to breath, Makenzie.” She laughs and squeezes me harder.

  “I’m so happy for you, Mason. You are going to be the best dad ever, I know it.” I don't hold the same faith as she does about my parenting abilities, but I know with Niamh by my side then our kid has a fighting chance.

  We are finishing up our deserts, and according to Rocco we are just waiting on ‘Marry Me’ by Train to play so he can get down on one knee and ask the woman he loves to marry him. You can see the sweat start to appear as he sits nervously next to Makenzie waiting. I snigger to myself, the poor guy is going to have a stroke or something if he doesn’t calm down. I reach over and take Niamh’s hand under the table. It feels amazing not to have any secrets anymore, to know that I can touch her anytime I want and everyone knows that she’s mine. I place my other hand on her little baby belly as I turn towards her, taking her lips in a sweet kiss. A small hum comes from her and I know its time. It's time to tell her how I feel, give the final part of me that I was holding back, its time to give her my heart.

  “I love you, Niamh. With everything I am, I’m truly and madly in love with you.” With a tiny gasp she stares at me, tears filling her eyes as she clutches my hand tighter.

  “I love you, Mason.” My heart swells in my chest knowing that this woman loves me. I have spent so long running away from love, thinking if I let anyone in they would destroy me. Little did I know that I needed that one special person, my other half to complete me. I lean in and place my forehead against hers, I don't think I have ever been happier than I am in this moment.


  I pull at the collar of my shirt again. I swear if they don't start the song soon I’m going to have to go and change my clothes. I can feel sweat running down my back and collecting at my belt. Shit. I didn't realise I would feel so nervous. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I just keep having these visions in my head of her laughing in my face. I look over to the woman who broke through every wall I tried to build up. Makenzie. The reason that I’m here today, the reason that I’m able to love and know I deserve to be loved. When I think of all the times I pushed her away and she came back, she should have given up but she didn't, she fought for me, for us and for that I will love her forever.

  My heart speeds up as I hear the opening bars of Marry Me by Train. It’s one of Mackenzie's favourite bands and I know she loves this song. I see her smile as she hears the song, she really is the most beautiful woman in the world and I don't deserve her, but I don't care, I refuse to give her up. I pull the ring box out of my trouser pocket and hold it in my hand under the table. I can’t hear anything around me, my entire focus is on the song and Makenzie. I move my chair back from the table, giving myself enough room for what is about to happen, I need this to be perfect. The chorus of the song starts and I know this is it, my life is about to change forever and I couldn’t be happier. I move forward off my seat, kneeling on one knee and it takes Makenzie a few moments to realise what happening. She turns in her chair with wide eyes and her hand over her mouth. In this moment, I know that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her, as her husband and the father of her children. I think of Mason's news, the fact he’s going to be a dad. I didn’t see that coming, not from him, but I couldn't be happier. I know he didn't have the best upbringing, it's why he spent most of his time over at my house, he was practically my parent’s third son, but I know he will be an amazing dad. When I found out about Niamh, and got over the shock all I could think about was Makenzie, about how she will look when I put a baby in her stomach. The thought seriously turns me on. I take her left hand and pull it towards me and hold it to my chest.

  “Makenzie, when I met you I was just a hollow shell of a man. I was just barely surviving day
to day, feeling nothing and not letting anyone get close. That morning in the park when I saw you something happened, you sparked a tiny little bit of life back into me. Your eyes were something I couldn't forget, you looked sad but you were a fighter, I could tell that from just one look. I know that sounds weird, but I honestly could. The day I walked out of the changing room and saw you sitting behind that desk I swear the world starting spinning again for me, it was like I was given another chance and it was you. I know I ran from you a lot, but you never gave up on me, never. You showed me that I deserved to be loved, that I deserved for you to love me. I love you, baby, and I will spend the rest of my life running towards you, not away. I want to make you my wife and the mother of my children. I just want you ... forever. Makenzie Pierce, I love you. Will you marry me?” I watch as the first tear rolls down her cheek and she moves her hand away from her mouth. I wait, as patiently as I can for her answer, but as the moments stretch out I start to worry I have made a mistake. Maybe I feel differently that her? She wipes the tears from her cheeks before she slips from her chair and kneels in front of me.


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