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Into the Dark

Page 20

by T A. McKay

  “Rocco, I love you. It’s as simple as that. I love everything about you, you’re more man than I ever dreamt I could meet, and the fact you love me is astounding. You can’t see the man you are, but I will spend the rest of my life showing you. Yes, yes, yes...I will marry you.” And there it is. The words I feel like I have waited my entire life to hear. I can’t believe I have known this woman for less than a year, and here she is, making my life complete. I take the ring from the box and slip it on her finger. It’s a simple design, a simple princess cut diamond on a platinum band, Makenzie doesn’t need anything too fancy, the beauty will come from the woman wearing it. She is openly crying now and looking at her ring, she looks in awe of it.

  “It is so beautiful, Rocco. I have never seen anything as beautiful.” Her voice is soft as she speaks. Little does she know it pales in comparison to her beauty. Wow, yeah I have officially turned into a girl. I’m about to kiss Makenzie when I’m tackled to the ground by a huge body. I hit the floor on my side and look up to see the grinning face of my big brother, Noah.

  “Shit man, that hurt.” It hadn’t, but I can’t let him away with saying nothing, he would think something is wrong.

  “Shut your face. I can’t believe it, little butt face is getting married.” I can hear the laughter from around us. I can’t believe he just used his childhood nickname for me in front of everyone.

  “Butt face. I totally forgot you used to call him that.” Mason is getting far too much satisfaction from this. I will need to think of someway of getting back at him. Noah stands and offers me his hand, pulling me to my feet. He slaps me on the back when I’m on my feet.

  “Seriously though, Rocco. Congrats, she really is amazing.” This is the first time that Noah has met Makenzie but they have chatted on the phone a lot. I just wish he lived closer so he could get to know her better, but it will be good to have him here for a few weeks. Mason walks over and shakes my hand.

  “Damn, when did we get so old? Marriages and babies.” I laugh realising he is right. There was a time that we would have sworn we would never be old enough to be in this situation, but here we are and I think he would agree never happier.

  “Well, we just need to switch places now. You need the proposal and I need to get Makenzie pregnant.” Thinking again about Makenzie big and round with my child makes me hard, and standing here with the guys is not the time for it to happen.

  “Get the dirty smile of your face man. Wait until you get home before you have those thoughts.” I don't know if its because Mason has these thoughts himself be he always seems to know when I'm having dirty thoughts, and he’s always happy to call me out on them.

  “Sorry, but I can’t get the thought of Makenzie carrying my child out of my head.” He turns and looks over to where Makenzie is showing Niamh her ring. Niamh turns and gives Mason a shy smile.

  “Yeah, Rocco. I’m totally with you, there is nothing sexier than the woman you love carrying your baby. And to your other comment, I will marry that woman, and soon.” He has a look of determination on his face and I know he has something on his mind, what I don't know is if it’s good or bad.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  I’ve had an amazing day out with Makenzie. She called a few days ago and begged me to go shopping with her, I agreed as I really need to get some maternity dresses. I don't have any normal dresses that fit me anymore and the weather is getting better so jeans are just far too hot for my ever expanding pregnant body. I can’t believe I’m just about half way through my pregnancy already. It feels like yesterday I was looking at that little pink line on the test and so much has changed since then. The last few months with Mason have been amazing. I’m now living with him, even though I had been living with him for a few weeks before I realised it, the sneaky shit had moved all my stuff without me knowing. The most important thing is that we are happy. We still have our moments when I want to bash his head in with a pan, but I’m pretty sure that’s normal, especially with all these hormones. I’ve been told I must be having a boy because I can’t keep my hands off him, I just want him all the time, but I know it’s not being pregnant, it’s just because I think he is the sexiest man alive.

  “Will you hurry up?” Makenzie has been trying to get me to pick up my pace for the last few streets, she needs to realise that I don't walk anywhere fast anymore.

  “What is the hurry? Why can’t we just go for lunch like you promised, we have been shopping for daaaaaays.” I sound like a whiney child, but I don't care. I hate shopping at the best of times, but shopping with Makenzie, well there is just no way I can keep up.

  “Oh hush, do you or do you not love the dress your wearing.” I look down and smile when I see my new dress again. It really is beautiful. We had managed to find it in the first shop we went in, it was like Makenzie had been there before and found it. She walked straight to the rack that was holding it and picked it up. It’s a knee length white cotton dress, it has little flowers cut out along the hem and I think it looks very girly. It sits perfectly over my ever-expanding waist, making the skirt flow out. I love it and Mackenzie insisted I wore it out of the shop, but secretly I’m happy since it is a lot cooler than what I was wearing. We stop in front of a set of stone steps and Makenzie looks really excited, which scares me ... a lot. She takes all the bags from my hand and hands them to someone behind me.

  “Rocco?” Ok, now I'm really confused. Where the hell did he come from, and why is he here? I have no idea what is going on, but I don't have much time to think before Makenzie is leading me up the stone steps.

  “Makenzie, please tell me what’s going on. Where are we going?” She doesn’t miss a step when she answers me.

  “All will be revealed, Niamh. You know what, you worry too much.” I worry too much? I think I have a right to worry when we walk through the doors of a strange building. She leads me through a hall until we are standing in front of a set of closed double doors. Rocco appears by my side and takes my hand, placing it in the crook of his elbow. He looks down at me and gives me a huge smile, the smile that makes me realise why Makenzie fell for him.

  “Are you ready?” My heart is racing in my chest with nerves. I've never felt like this before, the knowledge that something is about to happen but not knowing what it is.

  “Ready for what?” He leans down and kisses my cheek as the doors in front of us open.

  “For this.”


  When the doors open, I see her standing at the end of the aisle. She looks beautiful standing there with Rocco in her new white dress and a look of shock on her face. Makenzie had told me she had found the perfect wedding dress for Niamh and she was right, it was simple and let her beauty shine. I knew when I planned this I would need help from all my friends and they all pulled through for me. The hardest part was getting her here dressed, but I was told by Makenzie to leave it to her and she hasn’t let me down. The room looks spectacular, the seats have lilac covers one them with lilac wildflowers tied to them, the vases have white roses filling them in abundance and the aisle has white rose petal covering it. I see Makenzie walk over and pass Niamh a single white rose, but Niamh never loses the look of shock on her face and she never looks away from me. You and Me by Lifehouse starts to play and I wait at the end of the aisle for her, wait to make her mine forever. I can see tears in her eyes as she makes her way slowly towards me, and I feel nothing but calmness settle through me as I wait for the next part of my life to start. She comes to a stop in front of me and I use my thumb to wipe the tears from her cheeks. Rocco kisses her cheek softly before he gives me her hands, this is my moment and I need to make the most of it. I get down on one knee and I hear a gasp from her as I kneel here, surrounded by rose petals. I pull the ring from my pocket and hold it out in front of me, there was no way I’m going to marry her without her saying yes, without putting that ring on her finger.

  “Baby, I love you. I didn’t think I would ever say those words to anyone ever again, bu
t then there you were. One pissed off bundle of hatred, but god I couldn’t stop thinking about you. We didn’t have the most conventional start, or middle but fuck baby if I won’t give you your happily ever after.” I place my free hand on her expanding stomach, the one holding the product of our love.

  “I love this, I love you and I promise to spend every single day showing you how much I love you, how much I want you and this baby in my life. Niamh, baby, I love you more than I will ever be able to explain. Will you marry me, today, now?” Niamh bursts out laughing, it’s not really the response I was going for. She pulls my hand until I’m standing in front of her, and she puts her hands on my cheeks, pulling me down until our lips are nearly touching.

  “You really don't do anything the proper way do you, Mason? I think that why I love you so much, you’re unique, and almost in all good ways. I don't think I will ever have a boring day if I spend the rest of my life with you, I haven’t had one so far. I think I loved you before I even liked you, and this love story might not be a fairy tale, but it’s ours and I wouldn’t change it for all the money in the world. I love you so yes, I will marry you today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives. I would marry you every day if you asked me.“ I take her lips in a passionate kiss, wanting to let her know that she has just made me the happiest man in the world. I hear a cough from behind us and I remember that we aren’t alone, that we are here to get married and I refuse to wait another second. I slip the ring on her finger, it’s a purple diamond solitaire with a platinum band, the wedding ring I have matches it perfectly with diamonds inserted into it. I wanted it to look perfect when I got them both on her finger today. I take her hand and lead her towards the minister, I feel my heart start to beat faster as I realise it’s finally going to happen, she is finally going to be mine.

  “Come on baby, I have waited all my life for this moment, and I refuse to spend another minute not married to you.”


  I’m married. I can’t believe, I woke up not even engaged and I’m going to go to bed tonight as a married woman. I smile when I look down at the rings on my finger, they really are perfect, purple is my favourite colour so it was the right choice. Everything about the day has been perfect, the song I walked down the aisle to, and the room that we are having our meal in. The tables are covered in light lilac tablecloths and in the centre is a bowl with silver glass beads and fairy lights, there are white chiffon banners hung in drapes across the ceiling with more fairy lights hanging from them. The whole place looks like a dream, and I love it. The meal that we had been served had been all my favourites. Twice baked cheese soufflé for starter, followed by spaghetti carbonara and for dessert it was iced hazelnut parfait. I ate every single bit of it and now I feel stuffed, thank god I’m pregnant and already have a big belly.

  Everyone that came to celebrate with us is now mingling and chatting. Everyone is relaxed and I’m enjoying sitting here at the bar just watching. I can see Rocco and Makenzie talking to Ben on the other side of the dance floor, and Talia is sitting at one of the tables talking to Evan. I make a mental note to talk to her later and tell her to stay very far away from him. I keep scanning the room, trying to find Mason but I can’t see him and I wonder where he is. I hear Halo by Beyoncé start to play and I sigh to myself, I love this song. I feel strong arms working their way around my waist.

  “Dance with me beautiful.” I feel his lips meet my neck for a moment before he walks past me, taking my hand as he makes his way to the dance floor. He wraps me in his arms and we start to sway together, totally in sync with each other.

  “I love you Mrs McIntyre.” I smile as he uses my new name, I’m now Mrs McIntyre.

  “I love you to Mr McIntyre. Very, very much. Thank you for today, it’s been better than perfect, and not where I saw my day going.” He buries his nose in my neck and takes a deep breath that I can feel in my core. I just can’t get enough of this man, and when he does things like that, it make him even harder to resist. His lips connect with my neck and I feel the groan I make coming from deep in my chest.

  “Mason, you need to stop. I want you too much already, please don't make it worse.” My voice is barely above a whisper, but I know he hears me when I feel his lips break into a smile.

  “My wife wants me?” He has that cocky look on his face, he knows fine I want him, there has never been a time when I haven’t wanted him. I nod my head, not able to form words as his hands stroke over my hips and down to my arse. He leans in, whispering into my ear with his voice low and husky.

  “I can’t wait to make love to my wife for the first time. I want my lips to touch every single inch of her body, to touch all the places that make her moan before sliding deep inside her, and feeling her clench around me as she comes.” I feel sorry for the baby as my stomach muscles tighten with anticipation of how Mason is going to make me feel, my body knows well the magic he creates.

  “How early can we leave?” I don't know the plans he has for after the meal, are we going somewhere else to meet friends, going home or something else, but I know I need to be with him soon, to feel his naked body on mine.

  “Once I’ve had my first dance with my wife, then we can leave. I really don't think I will ever get tired of calling you that. My wife.” I laugh at his words, I’m sure all newly married couples believe that but we will just wait and see. He moves a hand up to my face, cupping my jaw as he strokes his thumb across my lip, causing shivers to run through my body.

  “I don't think I will ever be able to tell you how much I love you. There will never be the right words, but I love you, with every part of me that I can give you. I can’t wait to hold this baby in my arms, to see the perfectness that our love produced. My life is more perfect than I ever imagined it could be, and for that baby I say thank you. Thank you for loving me, Niamh.” I can’t help the tears that build in my eyes, threatening to fall. I love this man with my whole self, I don't think I ever had a hope of not loving him. From the moment I first saw him he consumed me and now standing here in his arms, now his wife, there is nothing about our journey I would change. I can’t say anything to him, if I do I won’t be able to hold back the tears that are fighting to break free, so I lean forward and tell him everything I want to say with a kiss. His lips are strong against mine but he lets me take the lead, lets me choose the pace and pressure and it’s for reasons like this I love him so much, he knows the moments that I need to be in control and he never thinks twice about handing the power over to me. My hands move up and work through his hair, pulling him closer and he comes for a moment before pulling back.

  “Baby, if we do this any more I’m gonna either come in my boxers or take you on the dance floor. Neither option sounds fun at this moment, so let's go.” He takes my hand and leads me from the dance floor shouting over to our group of friends that we are leaving.

  After lots of hugs and kisses we are finally in the car but we aren’t heading towards our house.

  “Mason, I thought we were going home?” He turns his head towards me and I don't miss the devilish smile on his lips.

  “I never once said we going home. You think I’m going to make my new wife go to her own bed on her wedding night? Not gonna happen, I have booked us a room in a rather nice hotel.” He turns back to the road and focuses on the road ahead, and for not the first time today I am left speechless by the thoughtfulness of this man, my husband. My husband. With that thought, I settle back into the car seat with a huge smile. I pity women who aren’t me.


  I close the door gently and move in behind Niamh. It has been so hard keeping my hands off her today, but now I don't need to. I slip my hands around her waist, pulling her back into me, letting her feel my excitement. The feel of her arse against my rock hard dick is almost enough to finish the job, I don't understand why she still has this effect on me, but I don't care. She is now mine forever and I’m about to show her how much I love her. I feather gentle kisses down her neck and I feel her body melt b
ack into mine, there is no better feeling in the world than Niamh giving herself over to me completely, trusting me to give her everything she needs. My lips continue down over her shoulder and I take the strap of her dress with me, pulling it down over her shoulder so it hangs loose against her arm. I use my hand to pull the other strap from her shoulder and I step back, letting the dress flutter to the ground, leaving her standing in just a pair of panties. I didn’t think it was possible, but my dick gets harder as I look down over her shoulder, taking in her perfect breasts. I take them in my hands, they are heavier now she is pregnant, and a lot more sensitive. It drives me insane, I could spend all day paying attention to just them and I would be happy, but tonight is for Niamh, not me and I want to make her feel amazing, make her feel truly loved. I gently grip her nipples between my thumb and finger, pulling gently while I suck her ear.

  “Take your panties off and lie on the bed for me beautiful, keep your legs open and let me see how wet you are for me.” She gasps as I pull her nipples a little harder, but she does as I ask and I watch as she seductively sways her hips on the way to the large bed. Her fingers slide into the side of her underwear and I fist my erection through my trousers, trying to get control over myself. I close my eyes as she climbs onto the bed and crawls over it, if I watch her I know I’ll come. Watching her perfect little pussy all open and dripping would be far too much to take. I hear the bed squeak as she lies down. I chance opening my eyes and there she is, lying on the bed looking like a fucking angel with her hair fanned out around her like a halo, but the way her legs are open, showing me everything she has to offer is anything but angelic. I remove my suit Jacket and throw it over the back of the nearest chair, I need to get naked before I go any further, I need to relieve some of the pressure that is pushing against my dick. I slowly undo the buttons on my shirt and watch as Niamh’s eyes devour my body as it comes into view. I slip my shirt off and throw it to join my jacket, I slowly work my hands down my chest, over my abs and down to my belt. I smile when I see Niamh lick her lips, she really doesn’t know how sexy she is, and it comes so naturally to her. I undo my belt and open the zipper on my trousers, taking both my trousers and boxers, I pull them down slowly. I hear a moan from Niamh and the sound vibrates straight through my balls. I rid myself of my shoes, socks and the rest of my clothes before closing the distance between us. I kneel on the bed, mimicking her movements from just minutes ago and crawl up the bed towards her. I let me nose drop to her centre, taking a deep breath and letting the smell of her arousal fill my senses, I’m unable to stop myself as my tongue flicks out and grabs a taste of her. Her hips buck towards me as my tongue moves over her clit and I want to feel it again, flattening my tongue out, I run it up the length of her, finishing at her clit and paying extra attention there. Her thighs start to tremble and her hands grip the back of my hair, she is close and I need to taste her as she comes for me. I increase the pressure on her clit, sucking it lightly while I slip two fingers into her, she is so fucking tight I have problems slipping in and I feel my balls tighten more. Her grip on my hair tightens as her thighs tighten around my head. Fuck she is going to kill me, and I'm going die with a smile. I suck and push a third finger inside her and that’s what pushes her over the edge. I watch her as she shatters around my fingers, on my face. Her back arches up of the bed and a scream comes from her that shows how good that was for her. Her pussy walls are still pulsing as I pull my fingers out and move up her body, positioning my dick at her opening. I lean forward and seal our lips together, her tongue comes out licking my lips, getting her taste from them and I moan as I slide into her body, and there in this moment I know I’m home. The one thing I have never had in all my life, and it’s there wrapped up in this one little fiery brunette. I take her lips again as I move in and out of her, trying to join our bodies together but never getting as close as I want, as close as I need. I feel the tingling working from my spine to my balls and I know I’m going to come, I know there is no way to stop it. I need to fill her, to mark her as mine. As I come inside her I pull her close, leaning my forehead against her and whisper against her lips the words I will never get tired of saying. The words I will never be able to say enough even if we spend a lifetime together.


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