Our Season (Lifetime Love Series)

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Our Season (Lifetime Love Series) Page 8

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “I’ll just say hi and leave,” I said.

  “Please don't start something…it isn't as if…”

  “Yes, I know… but not for lack of trying on my part.”

  Emma immediately appeared nervous and the look in her brown eyes showed fear, uncertainty. She was normally pretty confident so I didn't get to see her unsure often.

  “Emma,” I said, and then said hi to Breigh. Emma introduced me to her date and I acted polite. I didn't like it though, and I’d be damned if I wasn't grinding my teeth. Glad I didn't break a tooth I was biting down so hard.

  “Well, I was actually meeting someone so I just wanted to say hi. Y'all enjoy your night.”

  I took a deep breath and turned away, lying my ass off so I didn't look any more like a fool than I did already.

  I walked off toward the restrooms rather than the front door to recompose myself. Plus I wasn't meeting anyone and didn't want to look like a complete ass, which I had made an art of.


  When I saw Cash every nerve on my body went on high alert. Goosebumps covered my arms and I wondered if they were visible to anyone other than myself. I saw the look of hurt and confusion in his green eyes, just like I had when I had seen Cash with other women in the past.

  This time though I could tell it really hurt him, and that hurt me, contrary to how I should be feeling.

  I watched as he walked toward the restrooms, and instead of looking the other way I excused myself to follow him. I knew I shouldn't but I wasn't going to listen to any reason that my brain was trying to transmit.

  I had hoped that Caleb wouldn't notice, but at this point I really didn't care. He was nice enough but the fact of the matter was when I saw Cash, no matter what he had done to me, I longed for his touch.

  That had to mean something, right? Even if I was a complete idiot for wanting it.

  Breigh shook her head at me as I stood up and walked toward the same direction, Wyatt began a conversation about work with Caleb. I wasn't sure if he was talking to keep him distracted or really didn't care. Either would have been plausible.

  Luckily the restrooms had a separate hall you had to walk a ways down. The ladies’ room was exceptional with a sitting area for women who were waiting on others. It appeared to be a place where women could hide out, probably in situations like this.

  Well done, thank you, Payton, whoever you are.

  I hadn't exactly thought of what I was going to say to Cash, or how to approach him, but that was put to the wayside at this point. Seeing him was the only thing that mattered right now. I felt I owed him an explanation.

  He had continued to text me without a single response from me. I read each and every one, and then saved them to a folder so one day I would be able to look at them and remind myself that just once I had a man who loved me but wasn't ready for commitment, the kind I was ready for.

  My thoughts were getting away from me, so I exited the restroom and stood outside of it for a few minutes lost in a trance, thinking. I knew what I was looking for, and didn’t want to admit it to myself.

  Not yet anyway.

  I felt strong arms wrap around me and then nudged me toward a door that was beside the exit. I knew immediately it was Cash from the smell of his musky clean cologne, and the way he was holding me.

  I looked down at his hands that were holding me. They were manicured, just like they had always been.

  Inside the large closet, the light was dim, barely bright enough to be considered an overhead light. Linens and supplies were lined up, organized each in its respective spots.

  I studied him, waiting for what our next move would be. Was he mad? What were his thoughts of seeing me with Caleb?

  He leaned me up against the door before kissing me madly.

  Cash always took my face in his hands before kissing me. At first it was to hold me in place, but now it seemed to cherish me, to look me in the eyes in a state of disbelief that I was kissing him. He was the only man who had ever done that to me, and it was unique enough that I craved it.

  His kisses were rough but soft at the same time and he was hungry for my taste.

  “I…Cash…I…” I muttered in between, catching my breath and his kisses.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered, and then kissed my neck, then back up to my cheek, and finally my lips again. He was peppering wet kisses everywhere.

  He was building me up, revving me up like an engine, as only he knew how. His very touch and the way he moved turned me on.

  After what seemed like an hour of kissing and taking each other in, hands flinging everywhere and movement toward each other’s body, showing the passion and want we had for each other, I pulled back.

  “I’ve got to get back out there before they come looking for me,” I said. I put my hand to my lips feeling how swollen they were. It was a pain I rather enjoyed.

  “Caleb?” Cash asked. “I thought we had settled that…”

  “What we had settled was that I needed time. I’m not going to go on Cash’s roller coaster again.”

  “Baby, there isn't a roller coaster. This ride is closed. Only for you, Emma.”

  I loved to hear him say my name… it rolled off his tongue like it was meant to be said only by him.

  “I didn’t like seeing you with another man, baby,” he said, almost in a begging voice.

  I didn’t respond. There wasn't anything I could say to put him at ease. I wanted to tell him I didn't want to be with another man.

  I straightened my blue dress the best I could and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “You might be sitting right beside him tonight, but I know you are thinking of me. And if you weren't before, you are now.” Cash winked and smiled his evil smile that made me want to strip down and do whatever he commanded.

  I smiled then rolled my eyes before leaving him to his own self.

  Now, that was a Cash comment.

  I knew the entire remainder of the night I would be thinking about why I didn't stay in that closet with Cash, and then why I went into that closet with Cash. Back and forth, to and fro, without resolution.

  He sure knew how to make a woman feel at odds with her thoughts and wants.

  But I would end up where I always did…he said he wanted me, but he had said that before.

  How many times could I be played a fool when it felt so good?

  Tangling with the devil had never felt so satisfying.


  I had only been in my apartment half an hour, enough time for a shower, when I checked my phone to see if I had any messages.

  Emma: Open your door.

  My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw Emma was here. She had never been to my place here in Hilltop.

  The message was sent just a few minutes ago so I hoped she was still here waiting for me, and hadn't talked herself out of being here.

  I swung open the door, with a pair of shorts on and the towel still around my shoulders.


  She was standing at the door, with a smile on her face bigger than Texas.

  “This is certainly a surprise,” I said with a devilish grin.

  “A good one I hope?” She questioned.

  “How did you know where I lived?” I asked.

  “I have my ways.” She moved her eyebrows up and down flirting with me, and damned if I wasn't eating it up. It had to have been Wyatt or Breigh, yet I doubted either of them would approve of her standing here in front of me tonight.

  Emma stepped in and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, placing a kiss on my lips just like the kisses we shared in the closet earlier tonight.

  Instead of questioning her, I held our kiss and lifted her up, pulling her into my apartment.

  When our kiss finally broke, I offered her a drink and she followed me to the kitchen.

  She smiled. “What I want is not a drink…”

  I swear I about popped out of my shorts hearing that from her lips.

  I observed her looking around
, checking out my place, not impressed in the slightest.

  “Not much decorating, huh?”

  “I don't really plan on doing much. I hope to find a house or something soon.”

  Wyatt had actually brought it up, saying I might like living in a home better and I agreed. I guess I had never really stayed in one place all the time but things had definitely changed. I wasn't going anywhere. He also continued on about the equity I could build.

  It was ironic, he was telling me about it when I had always been more the money person.

  “My old apartment in Houston was furnished so I really didn't have anything to bring. Plus I sold anything I did own, wanting to start fresh. Believe it or not, I even got rid of the Rover.”

  “Fresh is always good. I’m sorry to hear about the business…” She said sweetly.

  “Yeah, well. It is what it is. I figured Breigh filled you in.” I paused. “Anything I earned with my father, at least the big things, I got rid of. My place, my car, my boat.”

  I moved to the kitchen and pulled a beer from the fridge before placing my hands up on the counter.

  Emma pulled herself up on the bar counter and was sitting there watching me. The blue dress she still had on was hiked high on her thighs, the legs she clearly kept in shape on display. Her sexy black heels were dangling from her feet skillfully.

  I offered her a few things but she settled on some water, reminding me to thank Breigh for picking me up things at the store when she went last time.

  She grabbed me by the towel ends I had around my shoulders and pulled me toward her. We kissed again and she spread her legs so I could move into her more on the counter.

  “What brought you to my place tonight? Not that I mind.”

  “Two things actually. First, why didn’t you tell me you joined the academy? And second, that kiss in the closet at Payton’s Steakhouse. I couldn't stop thinking about it.”

  “Yeah, sorry about crashing your date tonight. I was just shocked, I guess.” I shyly looked away.

  “You are not sorry for crashing my date. You loved it.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. Not the least bit sorry. I figured you would have already heard from Breigh about the academy. She usually tells you everything…”

  “I would have loved to hear it from you. That’s really something to be proud of.”

  I put up an eyebrow in amusement. “You’re proud of me?”

  She smiled sensually.

  “Why don't you take me to your room, Mr. Galloway? Let’s finish what we started at Payton’s.” Emma paused. “Unless of course your date exhausted you.”

  I laughed, “We both know I wasn't meeting anyone, baby.”

  She smiled, pulling my forehead flush with hers.

  I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

  “I can’t seem to get you out of my head or heart, Cash,” she whispered softly, almost like she was in a confessional, as I carried her. A message I was meant to hear, but at the same time, I wasn’t.

  I had gotten worked up and was ready to take her, but now I wanted to slow it down and take my time. I didn’t want the night to pass. Slow-mo, please.

  As I lay her down on my bed, we kissed and I whispered to her, “I’m sorry I was an idiot and it took me so long to recognize I love you.” I made sure I looked into her eyes so she could see the emotion I was feeling.

  She pulled me down on top of her and we kissed like we were never letting each other go. Emma was the first person I could ever recall loving as much as I did, excited for tomorrow, scared for tomorrow, but yet ready for tomorrow.

  If my tomorrow was with Emma, I knew we would be okay.

  I woke up several times throughout the night, reaching for Emma and making sure she was still beside me. She was, and I squeezed her into me, not wanting to take for granted the warmth of her body next to me.

  I had become a complete sap, and I should hate it since it was so unfamiliar, but I realized there was a reason I was feeling the way I was.

  I snuck out of bed at 7:00 a.m., doing my push-ups and sit-ups in the living room and getting my body moving. I had always been a routine guy but my schedule had obviously taken a drastic adjustment.

  I decided to make Emma coffee and breakfast in bed before my shower. I didn't want to risk waking her up and her leaving for the day, escaping from me before I could see her, while I was in the shower.

  I wasn't sure how she was going to feel this morning, and I hoped she wasn’t filled with regret. I sure as hell wasn’t. I spent a night in heaven. Thank you, God.

  I had placed everything on a makeshift tray to deliver her scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee to her. My floor squeaked just as I met the bedroom door and she lifted her head slightly off the pillow with a smile.

  “Good morning, baby,” I said, holding her tray out.

  “You made me breakfast?” Emma grinned and pulled the sheet up over her bare chest, covering her breasts.

  I laid the tray down and sat at the bottom of the bed.

  “Yum, this looks delish. I could get used to this, you know?”

  “I could get used to this too.” I doubted we were referring to the same things.

  I touched her knee through the sheet and watched as she drank her coffee in little sips.

  “Did you already eat?”

  “Nah, just some exercises and coffee. I am about to jump into the shower, but I didn't want you sneaking off. I think we both go to work at about the same time.” I winked at her and grinned.

  “I do have to get to work, but I’ll wait till you get out.”



  “I didn’t know you already had a job here in town.”

  “Loan officer at Texas Republic Bank. It will work for me for now…”

  I leaned in and gave her another kiss before heading to the shower with a smile on my face.


  My heart was so full this morning, waking up in Cash’s bed. The breakfast in bed was a bonus. His sheets were the softest I had ever felt, and the down comforter was like sleeping on a cloud.

  I had fallen for him so fast, for other reasons, but when I lay in his bed last night and he whispered how he loved me and that he was an idiot, my heart about stopped beating. I thought I might have needed resuscitation.

  With one more sip of my coffee, and bite of my toast, I tip-toed to the shower and lightly pulled back the curtain. He had his eyes closed under the water, enjoying the heat.

  I got in as quietly as possible then wrapped my arms around his naked body.

  “You mind if I join you?” I asked, as water was beginning to drop down my body.

  “You do not ever have to ask me that, ever.” His grin said it all, sheepish but full of want.

  He turned so I could get under the water, in his spot, and then stepped back to admire me.

  “I love your hair wet.”

  “I hate it.” And I did, always had. I never spoke it out loud though.

  He grabbed his shampoo, and poured it into his hand before rubbing them together and then washing my hair. Although, I should be worried about the tangles that were going to wreak havoc on me, I was more in a trance from the smell of his shampoo and the touch of his hands.

  He was taking care of me, and he continued to throughout the shower. Cleansing me, peppering kisses all over me, not asking for anything in return and not moving past that intimate level.

  Tears filled my eyes from happiness and I disguised them with the shower water, not wanting him to see my weakness but failed, miserably.

  “I will not ever hurt you again, baby.”

  I didn’t know what hurt the most, his words, or the fear I had in my heart to the sound of his words.

  I didn’t want to leave the rest of the day, or ever.



  Sunday morning I had slowly gotten out of bed. I couldn't get enough sleep these days, and I figured it
was just that time of the year. I was busy with work, and spent more time on my laptop than not. I was seriously getting burned out, and knew some changes were going to have to be made.

  Today, I had no intention of getting dressed, but to lounge around the house and catch up on sleep.

  I couldn’t believe I had slept so late but damn did it feel good.

  I reached for my phone while going to start my coffee when my phone dinged.

  Mama: Running some errands and going to stop by around 11:00.

  Love you. xoxo

  I looked down at the time and realized Mom would be here any minute.

  As soon as my coffee pot buzzed, done brewing, I heard the knock at my door.

  I poured my cup and walked to the door to let my mom in.

  I was shocked when I was met with two faces. “Mom, and Dad. What are y'all doing? Everything okay?” I had on my ratty nightshirt that had seen better days.

  “We need to talk to you and since you haven’t been able to get by, we thought we would come to you.” Mom said with a bit of irritation.

  “I’m sorry about that…”

  Mom looked me up and down, realizing I had just awoken.

  I did the same to her and she was dressed in her normal style. An unbuttoned blouse with a

  crisp shirt underneath. She had worn perfectly ironed khaki pants for as long as I could remember. If she wasn’t in them, it was a shock. My father dressed in his golf shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

  I invited them in and asked them if they wanted some coffee. They didn’t. We took a seat at the kitchen table just like we had throughout my life to have these talks. This time it was my table instead of theirs.

  My mother got a cup of water for my father and her and then sat.

  “This isn't the best timing, but your father needs to discuss something with you.”

  “Okay…” I took a sip of my coffee.

  “You aren't looking too well, Emma. Are you getting enough sleep?” My mom said, pushing my hair away from my face just like she did when I was a young girl.


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