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Best Laid Plans

Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “It’s not you, it’s me. I’ll go talk to him.” Dakota tried to smile. “I believe our past is bothering him.”

  “Oh, shit,” Taylor whispered. “I completely forgot.” “Oh, thanks,” Dakota rolled his eyes and laughed putting his hand over Taylor’s mouth. “Stop it, I’m kidding.” Dakota looked over towards the trees and saw Grayson pacing. “I’ll be right back.” Dakota walked over to where Grayson was pacing, his back stiffened and he turned slowly. Dakota could feel the jealousy rolling off Grayson in waves. “Gray…”

  “I really don’t want to talk to you right now.” Grayson sighed. “I just can’t get that image out of my head now, you and Taylor making love—”

  “Taylor and I never made love Grayson.” Dakota stopped and stood in front of him.

  “But, he said that you—” Dakota shook his head. “No, we had sex; we never made love, big difference Grayson. Taylor loves you, when you two are together, that’s making love, not what he and I did.”

  Grayson smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I never loved Taylor, I am in love with Sam, and I make love to Sam.” Dakota hugged Grayson tightly. “Are we okay?” Grayson smiled and hugged Dakota tight. “Yes, we are okay.”

  “Good, now get back over to your man.” Grayson went back to the fire pit and sat in Grayson’s lap; he wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead. “I love you, Taylor.” He whispered.

  “I love you too,” Taylor smiled and caressed Grayson’s face. “I do have a request though.”


  “While we are visiting, no sex in your dad’s house okay?”

  “You’re so old fashioned.” Grayson giggled.

  Jagger raised his hand with Xander in his lap. “I heard and I agree.”

  “Great,” Xander rolled his eyes. Grayson sat in Taylor’s lap and Taylor’s arms were wrapped around his mate protectively as he kissed his neck softly running his nose up breathing in his scent. Goosebumps broke out all over Grayson’s body and his cock was hard as a rock in seconds. He smiled wiggling in Taylor’s lap feeling Taylor’s erection on his own ass. Grayson lay back further and ran his tongue seductively around Taylor’s ear lobe. “Can we at least touch?”

  “Oh, God yes.” Taylor’s hand slid up Grayson’s shirt feeling his soft skin. “When we go for a run okay?”

  Grayson felt his skin heating under Taylor’s hand; he swore his dick was leaking already. “I want to touch you now.”

  “Who’s up for a run?” Grayson looked around.

  ~~ Jagger ran after Xander down the beach, damn but he was fast, at the last second Xander turned and ran into the forest leaving a spray of sand and sea water on Jagger’s thick coat. The air was crisp and smelled of pine, and Jagger felt the cool air whipping through his fur. He caught sight of Xander ahead and took off to the left. Xander took a backwards glance and saw Jagger was no longer chasing him; he slowed down and took off to the right sneaking around a large rock, his nose working overtime. Jagger jumped him from behind and Xander let out a loud yelp of surprise, Jagger pushed him down on his back and lay on top of him licking his face and nuzzling his mate.

  Xander let a soft whine escape and nuzzled Jagger back, running his muzzle into his mate’s neck. Jagger got up and looked around, his senses picking up Taylor off in the distance with Grayson. Xander got up and nipped his heels, Jagger cocked his head and Xander gave him the ‘Let’s go’ nod. They trotted next to each other for a while before Xander led him into a small cave, Jagger looked around, it was an abandoned wolf den. It was dry and warm and smelled of pine needles. There were blankets in the corner and changes of clothing, Jagger watched as Xander shifted and pulled a blanket around him.

  “I know you don’t want to have sex, but we can still do other stuff right? I mean, I can handle the no sex part, but I want you to touch me.” Xander watched as his mate shifted. Jagger was beautiful, his cock laid semi hard on his thigh leaking precome and Xander’s nose caught the scent. His skin heated and he felt his mouth watering looking at Jagger’s perfect cut head. “Wow, you are more and more beautiful every time I see you naked.”

  Jagger smiled and got down on the floor of the den making his way over to Xander, they got under the blankets and Jagger pulled Xander into his arms. He felt his whole body shaking and kissed him softly. “We may not be able to have sex, but we can still touch.”

  “Oh, I ^h="0im s wanna touch.” Xander breathed. Xander pulled the blanket back taking another long look at his mate, he reached a hand out and curled it around Jagger’s now rock hard cock and stroked him slowly. Jagger let out a soft moan and Xander smiled knowing he was pleasing his mate. He leaned over and ran his tongue over the seam of his mate’s lips and Jagger opened up to him. Their tongues met tasting each other and Jagger’s hand gripped Xander’s hair pulling him onto his lap. Xander straddled him and their cocks pressed up against each other.

  “Move with me.” Jagger ran his hands down Xander’s back and cupped both ass cheeks pulling him upward, rutting their cocks together.

  They moved into each other and Jagger gripped Xander’s ass firmly pulling him in close and licking the pulse in his neck. He trailed his tongue up to his jaw and took his mouth. The kiss was slow and exploratory as their bodies moved together, hard pricks sliding over one another and Xander’s back went rigid. The feel of his mate’s naked body against him, flesh pressed together, Xander’s senses exploded and his cock followed seconds later.

  “Jagger…Oh God…” Xander came hard spurting cum all over Jagger’s stomach, his soft moans filled the small den and Jagger gripped Xander’s ass pulling him up over his cock.

  Xander pulled Jagger to his lips and dove inside tasting his mate, his tongue doing a slow sensual sweep of his mouth. “Fuck… Xander…” Jagger came with a loud moan and his hips bucked as his orgasm shot all over himself and Xander. They sat there kissing slowly as both of them came down from their orgasm. Jagger loved the feel of Xander’s soft skin and ran his hands up and down his bare back. They broke from the kiss and Jagger took Xander’s face in his hands running his thumb across his cheek. “You are mine.”

  “Yes I am.” Xander looked in his eyes, light blue pools looked back and Xander felt his cock hardening again. He grabbed a towel and cleaned them both up as best as possible. “I think we are going to have company if we don’t exit the den soon.” Xander smiled hearing howls in the distance.

  “Yes, I agree.” Jagger looked around the cave. “This looks like what Taylor and I had set up in Denali.”

  “Well kind of, if we needed peace and quiet this is where we came. I came here after that day, the day you showed up. I was hoping and praying that it was you I was reacting to.”

  Jagger held Xander to him. “I’m so glad it was you. God I had hoped that morning when I saw you, but then Wyatt was there and I could have sworn it was him.” Jagger chuckled softly.

  “God, how much would that suck?” Xander smiled getting ready for his shift. “We will make it work Jagger; you are my mate for life.” “You bet your sweet ass I am.” Jagger watched as Xander shifted back into a beautiful black wolf, the green eyes were smiling. He wanted Xander under him screaming his name in pleasure but he wanted it in a bed. Xander’s first time should be special and Jagger was going to make that happen. “Come on, let’s get back.”

  ~~ Grayson was playing a game of ‘not it’ even though he was ‘ ^h="0"0"it.’ Taylor had chased him and caught him more than once, not that he was trying hard to evade Taylor, he just wanted his mate close to him. Grayson smelled the air, a mixture of pine and sea water filled his nose along with his mate’s musky, woodsy smell. Grayson felt his body going haywire again thinking about Taylor. He looked around and knew Taylor was hiding somewhere and took off for the forest.

  He had picked up the scents of Xander and Jagger and had figured out they had gone to the wolf den on the north side of the beach. He made his way slowly making sure he could sense his mate nearby and laughed i
nwardly knowing Taylor was stalking him. He made it to the mouth of the den and smelled arousal, Xander had definitely been here with Jagger. The further he went in the more the scent grew stronger, he grabbed a blanket from the corner and made his way to the other side of the den shifting and laying back waiting for his mate.

  Taylor crept in the cave and was hit with the smell of semen full force, he cleared his head and sniffed the air. Ah, his mate was just ahead and his aroma was now much stronger than the rest of the den, in fact Grayson was downright hornier than hell and Taylor could smell precome on the air. He followed the scent and found Grayson naked, barely covered by a blanket, his smooth tan skin shone slightly by the light of the moon shining through a small opening in the top of the den. Taylor shifted and stood up as best he could and made his way over to his mate.

  “You are so beautiful Taylor.” Grayson whispered. He ran his hand down his mate’s torso feeling the soft skin below his palm. His heart was beating a mile a minute as Taylor got under the blanket with him. He closed his eyes as Taylor’s hand investigated his face; soft touches of his fingertip trailed his cheeks and nose before tracing his lips.

  “Damn it’s going to be hard not taking you.” Taylor leaned in and traced Grayson’s lips with his tongue.

  The kiss started out slow as Taylor’s tongue begged entrance, when given, he slowly searched his mates mouth loving every moan and whimper that escaped Grayson’s lips. Once Grayson got the hang of kissing Taylor almost lost his mind, slow long strokes of Grayson’s tongue had his cock leaking on his belly and longing to be touched.

  “Please touch me Taylor.” Grayson ran his tongue along Taylor’s jaw line making his way to his neck and kissing a path along his collar bone.

  Taylor lie on his side and wrapped his hand firmly around Grayson’s hard prick. There was a quick intake of breath from Grayson and then a soft moan as Taylor stroked his cock from root to tip running his thumb over Grayson’s slit and smearing precome. Taylor’s other hand found Grayson’s and put it on his leaking cock, wrapping Grayson’s fingers around himself and moving his hand up and down. Grayson’s hips were moving in time to Taylor’s strokes and the two of them crashed into each other kissing with abandon. The smell of arousal filled the cave and Taylor moved Grayson’s hand taking both their pricks together, he jacked them off.

  The feel of his mate’s hand, Grayson couldn’t get enough. Taylor’s tongue was searching his mouth, licking, biting, rubbing and diving in as his hand stroked the two of them. Grayson’s hips were bucking into his mates hand and he swore he saw stars as his balls filled and his spine snapped his cock spurting hot cum all over T ^h="0ht="1aylor and all the while his body was still convulsing until he shuddered, and then Taylor let loose with a hoarse cry and the smell of semen hit the air. Taylor collapsed on his mate and kissed his neck softly as his orgasm ebbed from him.

  “The way you make me feel Grayson,” Taylor caressed his face. “No one’s ever made me feel like that.”

  “I’m sorry I reacted like that, it’s just hard for me to see Dakota, knowing what happened with you two.”

  Taylor picked his head up with great difficulty and smiled at the pink stained face of his mate. “I never loved him, I love you.” They bundled under the blanket, Taylor’s arms wrapped around his mate protectively. Tomorrow was a new day and he’d spend it making sure Grayson knew he was the only one he’d ever love. ~~Chapter Thirteen~~

  Fire Island, Alaska was beautiful. The sun high in the sky, the wind blew across with a fine spray of salt water. The large Gazebo was set up right on the water, as the guests helped themselves to the large table of food. Riley arranged everything for the wedding, he’d argued with Sawyer and Troy, but Sam just sat back and let Riley have his way. Mateo smiled, Sam knew Riley was not one to back down. Surrender, was your best option. His eyes scanned all the guest and he laughed at Josh who was feeding Mark a crab leg. The Drake brothers were right at their mates sides, holding their hands and even kissing them. John Quinton had welcomed them into their family with open arms and Mateo supposed they weren’t used to that. Unconditional love was rare. God knows he knew that more than most people. The Northern pack from Vancouver had arrived along with some of the Denali pack. Preston Dalton, as always, was absent, as Wyatt was present. Keegan and his partner Devin were deep in conversation with Nicholas Stevens. Turned out Nicholas was going to become a cop and Kellan was a paramedic along with Jude and Scott of the Northern pack. Mateo felt a hand slip into his and looked over his shoulder to see his husband with a wide grin.

  “Hey, Handsome.”

  Riley looked at the guests. “It’s almost time.”

  “You did good.” Mateo pulled Riley into his chest.

  “I’ll say.”

  Mateo turned to see James walking up the path. “Well now, didn’t think you’d make it.”

  James grinned. “I was on the phone with a certain high ranking official.”

  “Anything happening?” Riley waggled his eyebrows.

  “Nope.” James sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. “Just talked about work.”

  “He cares about you, James.” Mateo grinned, tilting his head to the side. “As much as you care about him, I suspect.” “Well, he’s not making any kind of move.” James shrugged his shoulders. “I ^pect.”<’m not going to initiate anything, I did that once, it didn’t work out so well.”

  “How often does he call you?” Mateo asked.

  “Maybe once a week? Sometimes more.” James looked around at all the decorations. “Nice job, Riley.”

  “Maybe you’ll let me decorate for your wedding?” Riley smiled, slyly. “Don’t hold your breath on that one; I don’t see Derek as the marrying type. We’ve known each other for over six years and in all that time, he’s never once told me how he feels” James tried to smile.

  “Yeah? Well I’ve known him longer, James. Derek Jacobs is in love with you.” Mateo pulled Riley into him. “He’s just like me though, takes a building to fall on his head.”

  “I’ve got explosives!” Sam yelled from the gazebo.

  James chuckled. “Well, let’s get this party started.”

  ~~ Taylor watched as the couples made their way out to the gazebo. All four in tuxes, Taylor couldn’t wait for the day he married Grayson. The vows were sweet and written by the men themselves. They weren’t the traditional kind. That was hard being werewolves; your life span was much longer. Taylor chuckled at the thought and felt Grayson’s hand squeeze his. He looked into the eyes of the man he loved.

  “What?” Grayson arched a brow. “What is so funny?” Grayson whispered.

  “I’m just thinking. They are going to be married for a very long time.”

  “Yes they are. We live a lot longer than humans.”

  “Well, I look forward to the day you say I do, to me.” Taylor turned his attentions back to the ceremony.

  Grayson’s mouth fell open. “Did you…?”

  “Shhh, don’t answer me now.” Taylor chuckled. “Pay attention.”

  ~~ Xander watched his brother taking Troy’s hands in his and reciting his vows. He knew this day was special for Sawyer. For the longest time, Sawyer was convinced he’d never find his mate and then Troy Bishop walked into his life. Most of the werewolf packs were lucky to find their mate within it. He’d been lucky that Dakota was originally from the Denali Pack or he might not have ever found his mate. Xander squeezed Jagger’s hand and felt the reciprocal squeeze. They’d made love every chance they got since coming back from Arizona and life settled into place for them. Xander didn’t think he could be much happier than he was.

  “Psst…” Jagger nudged Xander’s rib.

  “What?” Xander whispered, tilting his head to listen to Jagger.

  “Marry me.” Jagger smiled, whispering into Xander’s ear.

  Xander’s head snapped to look at Jagger. o lookWhat?”

  “Shhh…” Jagger laughed softly. “Quiet.”

  “Oh, you…” Xander mumb
led incoherently. Loud shouts and whoops filled the air and Xander saw the wedding couples kissing. He whistled loudly and clapped his hands as his brother was crushed into the arms of Troy. Xander sat through the reception in a daze and hardly even noticed when the garter hit him in the face.

  “What the…?” Xander peeled it off of his nose.

  Troy laughed and pointed at his brother-in-law. “You’re next.”

  “What the hell? Seriously? Garters?” Xander shook his head.

  “I was not about to carry a bouquet of flowers.” Sawyer narrowed his eyes at Riley.

  “What?” Riley put his hands up in defense. “It was just anidea.” The reception finally wound down around two in the morning. The sun was still sitting in the same spot. Alaska in the summer was just beautiful, Xander was in awe at the shades of orange in the sky. He felt arms coming around him, and smiled at the scent of his mate wafting into his nostrils.

  “Hi, Sexy.” Xander leaned against Jagger’s strong chest. “Did you think about what I said?” Jagger kissed Xander’s ear lobe.

  “I did,” Xander turned to look into Jagger Drake’s sky-blue eyes. “Yes.”

  ~~ The entire wedding party headed to Denali the following morning. With the Denali and Queets pack combined, Alexander Romasko of the Northern Pack was being invited to join as well. Wayne looked around the comfortable cabin. The boys had been cleaning all morning, mostly to try to get rid of Preston’s scent before Wyatt arrived. Wayne sighed tiredly; he’d been working with Preston to hide his scent for weeks. Every time he’d pulled Wyatt’s shirt out of its plastic bag, all bets were off. Preston’s eyes would shift and arousal would seep out of his pores. It was going to take a lot more lessons, before Preston would be able to control his lust. Wayne walked to the window and looked out over the beautiful green that covered Denali. The temperatures were up and the snow had melted, giving the plants their much needed water.

  Wayne’s eyes found Conner straddling the four wheeler talking to Tucker. An unfamiliar feeling came over him looking at Conner. Want. It’d been years since his mate was killed, almost twenty as a matter of fact. He’d never been with anyone since. Unlike most werewolf packs, the Maccon pack was mated with women to carry on the line. He’d never gotten the chance to have a child with Juliet, and with no other mate available, he’d put the strongest wolf in the position of beta. Jagger. His only direct line had been Dakota, now the line spread to Sam, Troy and Sawyer as well as his own pack. He’d bitten Preston, Tucker and Wesley, as well as Jagger and Taylor. Now, looking at Conner, he suspected he’d be biting him too.


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