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Best Laid Plans

Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Wayne stepped out and smelled the air. Clean fheight= and crisp. “Are you boys about done?” Tucker turned his head, looking around the front of the cabin, and surrounding area. “I think so, I was going to hang the little pine tree fresheners all over the place.” Tucker chuckled. “But, it smells pretty piney already.”

  Wayne arched a brow. “Go shower, Tucker.” Wayne eyed Conner, still straddling the four wheeler. “Conner? Can I speak with you a moment?” The feeling came over him again as Conner rose from the vehicle, and started walking his way. Conner had a face you’d never forget, framed by beautiful golden hair. His eyes were arresting, medium brown with amber flecks bursting from around the iris. He wasn’t tall, maybe five foot ten at the most, and he wasn’t bulging with muscles, but there was just something about him…

  “Wayne?” Conner shifted nervously from foot to foot, in front of his Alpha. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Wayne shook his head clear and motioned Conner over to the picnic table. “You’ve been with us for over a year now—”

  “Yes, and I feel honored that you let me stay, especially after what I did.” Wayne sighed and turned to face Conner, that angelic face looking at him. He sensed fear from Conner. “I’m not going to ask you to leave, Conner.” Wayne smiled as the muscles in Conner’s shoulders relaxed. “You didn’t ask for this life, Carson changed you as punishment. What I want to know is, if you want me to complete it.”

  Conner’s brows furrowed. “I don’t understand, aren’t I a full-fledged werewolf?”

  “Yes, but as part of my pack, I’d like you to carry the Maccon line. I’d have to bite you, Conner. I won’t lie, it will be painful.” Conner looked at his hands. “I would be honored to be part of this pack.” Conner looked up into Wayne’s face. The first time he’d seen him, naked as the day he was born, one man came to mind. Bradley Cooper. That’s who Wayne looked like to him. The rest of the boys had agreed with him, the one night they were all sitting around by the bonfire. He’d known he was gay from the moment he understood what gay was. He’d also been punished severely by not only his parents, but eventually his boss. Carson Drake. Carson had turned him, as punishment for liking men. He’d known he had a crush on Wayne for months, but he’d done what was asked and kept his mouth shut.

  “You find me attractive?” Wayne arched a brow. “Oh, God.” Conner groaned, covering his face. “I thought I had mastered hiding my thoughts. I’m so sorry, if it makes you uncomfortable, I will leave.”

  Wayne took Conner’s face in his hands. The reaction was immediate, his eyes shifted, and he blinked trying to clear them. Wayne backed off the picnic table, as his hands changed into claws. The aroma from Conner was overwhelming, and Wayne backed up more. It occurred to him that he’d never so much as touched Conner, until just now. “Oh God…”

  Conner stood up in a panic. “I’m so sorry!” The sound of an approaching vehicle breached the moment, Wayne turned to see Troy’s truck, piled high with werewolves. Wayne turned his attentions back to Conner. “We’ll finish this later, go inside.”

  Sawyer exited the truck and smelled the air. Arousal was permeating from Wayne in huge rolling waves. Sawyer smirked, and walked over to Wayne with a knowing grin. “Morning, Wayne.”

  “Sawyer.” Wayne nodded.

  “Where is everyone?” Sawyer glanced around the area.

  “The boys are inside making lunch. We figured it was going to be a long day.” “Uh, huh.” Sawyer tilted his head, and smiled devilishly. “Where’s Conner?” Sawyer bit his lip from laughing out loud. Wayne’s body tensed up, and arousal seeped from him again.

  “Inside with the rest of the boys.” “Conner is no boy, Wayne. You and I both know that.” Sawyer took Wayne by the hand, leading him away from the rest of the men. “What’s going on?”

  Wayne shook his head. “I don’t know, I touched him and, well, I had a reaction. “A reaction Wayne? Or an erection?” Sawyer asked, looking towards the front of the cabin. Conner could be seen inside, through the large floor to ceiling window. Conner O’Rourke was almost twenty six, sweet as could be and almost effeminate. He was very dainty, which was one of the reasons Sawyer had taken pity on him during the fight. “You’re attracted to him.”

  Wayne ran his hands over his face. “I’ve only been with one woman my entire life. When she died, that was it for me. I’d resigned myself to being alone until I died, which is going to be a long time from now.” Wayne sighed loudly.

  “Is it because he’s a man?” Sawyer raised his brows. “I didn’t think you had any issues with gays, your whole damn pack is gay.” Sawyer laughed.

  Wayne smacked Sawyer’s arm. “No I don’t have any issues with that! I’m just…” Wayne groaned in frustration. “I’ve never had those kinds of feelings for a man.”

  “Well ya do now.”

  “Ya don’t say?” Wayne drawled.

  “Ha! So youadmitit!”

  Wayne chuckled, looking at Sawyer. “Why do I even try having a serious conversation with you?”

  “Because,” Sawyer winked, playfully. “I’m never boring.”

  “He’s not, I can attest to that.” Troy said, as he walked by caressing Sawyer’s ass, giving it a quick squeeze.

  “Oh baby! Purrrrr.” Sawyer growled playfully. “Woof!” Troy winked.

  Wayne sighed in defeat. “Oh Christ…” He grumbled. Wyatt exited the truck and sniffed the air. His skin rippled and his eyes shifted right where he stood. The smell was coming from somewhere nearby. He followed the scent into the house, it stopped on Tucker. Wyatt sniffed Tucker’s clothing. “You smell like my mate.”

  Tucker closed his eyes, cursing himself. He’d been the one to drop Preston off, and he hadn’t had a chance to shower. “I’m not your mate, Wyatt.”

  “Oh, I know that.” Wyatt put his hands on his hips. “But you were with him.” “Wyatt,” Tucker squatted, looking into deep green pools. Damn, Preston was going to have his hands full. “What makes you think you have a mate?”

  Wyatt sighed in frustration. “You all think I don’t know anything, don’t you? I’m gay.”

  Troy busted out laughing, and Sawyer slapped him upside the head. “Shush!”

  John crouched in front of his son. “Wyatt, how do you know you’re gay?” “Because my mate is a man. I don’t think girls are pretty, and they smell funny.” Wyatt wrinkled his nose. “Tucker smells like my mate, and I get a funny feeling inside and my—”

  “Well! Okay then!” John put his hand over Wyatt’s mouth. “Let’s go talk about this alright?” Kellan chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why does that not surprise me?” He leaned against the wall, as John took Wyatt outside. “The kid has a mate; I’m still waiting for mine.”

  Nicholas sighed, putting his arm around Kellan’s shoulder. “I know, I’m contemplating moving, since my mate isn’t wandering Vancouver.”

  “Oh, is that so?” Nicholas turned to see his Alpha, Alexander, looking at him with a raised brow. “No offense, Alex, but I’m not meeting my mate there. Maybe he’s in another state?”

  Alexander strolled in the room, baring his neck to Wayne and Archer. “Thank you, for inviting me. I had planned on moving to Washington with the pack, but I think they were planning on leaving without me.” Alexander laughed, softly.

  Wayne shook Alexander’s hand. “It’s good to finally put a face to the voice. Thank you, for lending us your men. I will never forget it.”

  “I could not have stopped them even if I wanted to.” Alexander scowled at his pack. “They are very stubborn.”

  Kellan laughed, taking his Alpha’s hand. “I wonder where we got that from?”

  Alexander smiled, palming Kellan’s face. “You are like my son’s. I am very proud of all of you.”

  “Shucks, Dad.” Scott snickered. “Thanks.”

  Archer chuckled softly. “It seems we have the same kind of pack, you will all fit in quite nicely.”

  Sawyer leaned against Troy with a wicked smile.
“You mean the sarcastic kind?” “I must admit, having a doctor with the knowledge of werewolf anatomy is a plus in the pack.” Wayne put his arm around Alexander’s shoulders. “Thank you, for coming.”

  “My pack has been on its own for quite a long time. It is good to be around our own kind. It will be an honor, to join you.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Archer looked around the room. “We are one.” The three Alphas clasped hands, closing their eyes. Dakota felt his muscles tense, then his eyes shifted. He heard a gasp from across the room. Nick, Scott, Jude and Kellan’s eyes were c fr eyes.losed. Their fist’s balled up tight.

  “Oh, wow.” Scott’s eyes opened. “That is sofreaky.” Kellan took a deep breath. “My skin is on fire!” “It will pass.” Wayne smiled at his new pack members. “I must teach you how to control the power.”

  Kellan tilted his head, looking at Grayson. “Oh, Really?”

  Grayson smiled and winked. “Just testing.” The power flowed through Wayne into Archer and Alexander. Both men were sweating profusely. Although Archer had already gone through the binding of packs, it would be the same each and every time they added a new Alpha. Archer took a deep breath, and released their hands.

  “It is done.” Wayne stepped back, smiling. Alexander shook his hands out. “That is a very strange feeling to say the least. I can hear someone talking.” Alexander’s eyes searched the room and settled on Jagger. “Why yes, I am Russian.”

  Jagger nodded. “Yep, it works.”

  The three Alphas holed up in the corner, discussing plans. Kellan, Scott, Jude and Nick, followed the rest of the men outside. Kellan sat on the picnic bench, crossing his legs at the ankles.

  “So, Washington? This could be fun.”

  Nick moved to sit on the bench by Jude. “I think it’s long overdue. I’ve wanted to do more with my life. This gives us a new start.”

  “And maybe a chance to find our mates.” Kellan sighed, shaking his head. “I just want that feeling, you know? I want to find love.” “Believe me.” Sawyer wrapped his arms around Troy. “I know how you guys feel, for the longest time I thought I’d never meet my mate. Yet here he is, I couldn’t be any happier.”

  “Well hell,” Scott eyed Troy. “Look at the mate the fates sent you. I can imagine how happy you are.”

  Troy winked at Scott. “Why, thank you.” Tucker sat down next to Conner. “I think something’s going on with Wayne.”

  Sawyer nodded. “I think so too.” Sawyer bit his lip, from spilling his guts to Conner.

  “He wants to make me part of the pack.” Conner raised his eyes to the all the men surrounding him. “He said it would hurt.” “It will,” Wesley put his arm around Conner. “But in the end, you’ll be a full-blooded member of the pack, Conner. Lord knows you should be, you’ve done a lot around here.”

  “Hell yeah you have.” Tucker clapped Conner on his back. “You’re one hell of a good cook.”

  Conner smiled and blushed. “Well, as long as I know you guys want to keep me around.”

  “Yes we do,” Tucker mussed Conner’s hair. “And you’re so cute! I just want to pinch your cheekers!”

  Conner narrowed his eyes at Tucker. “You know I’m older than you, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Tucker chuckled, f Tucker. hip-bumping Conner down the bench.

  “Boys!” Wayne’s voiced echoed through the valley.

  “Coming!” Tucker elbowed Conner. “I don’t think he means you.” Conner looked in Wayne’s direction; he got a nod and a smile from his alpha. Conner sat back and sighed, he screwed things up royally.

  “No you didn’t.” Sawyer sat down next to him.

  “You heard that?” Conner looked up, shocked.

  “Yeah, I did.” Sawyer looked towards the house. “Wayne is dealing with some issues right now. Don’t take it personally, okay?” “But he heard me, what I was thinking.” Conner sighed. “I was thinking about how I’ve always liked him. He took me in when I had nowhere else to go, gave me a job in the park. I owe him a lot.”

  “He wouldn’t do any of those things if he didn’t care about you, Conner.” Sawyer turned at the sound of an approaching vehicle, his lips curved up in a knowing smile. “Oh, hell. It’s Josh, Mark, Mateo and Riley.”

  Josh parked the truck and jumped out of the cab, a shit eating grin on his face. “Well now, if it isn’t my favorite wolf pack.”

  Wayne came out of the house and stopped, hands on his hips. “Montgomery.” “I heard you’re one hell of a badass, Hoss.” Josh winked. His eyes went wide as Wayne shifted. “Jesus Christ!” Josh shouted. Wayne was the size of a horse. More wolves exited the house. Josh could place at least six of them. Sam was up front with Dakota. “Well now, guess I’ll have to wait to have that talk with you, Wayne.”

  Wayne huffed and padded over to Conner, nuzzling his hand. “Well, well now.” Mark smiled as Wayne grabbed Conner’s pant leg, pulling him off the bench. Most of the wolves took off into the forest, Grayson, Taylor, Jagger and Xander stayed behind. Mark seated himself next to Sawyer, who was grinning. “Spit it out, Bishop.”

  Sawyer grinned even broader. “I like that, Bishop. I am Sawyer Bishop.” Sawyer giggled.

  “Yeah, yeah, tell me the story.” Mark sat back on the bench. “I know there is one.” “Oh, there is.” Grayson sat down the bench, pulling Taylor down with him. “That’s the beauty of hearing thoughts. When you are flustered, it’s harder to keep your mind on one thing. Wayne’s slipping.”

  Wayne?” Josh raised a brow. “But there aren’t any women here… oh…oh!” Josh’s eyes widened. “No shit?”

  Xander clapped Josh on the back. “No shit.” “It’s Conner.” Jagger crossed his arms over his chest. “Wayne’s been a bit different the last few times I’ve seen him. The last few times we’ve talked, he’s been distracted, it’s usually when he’s looking at Conner.”

  “Love knows no bounds.” Riley sighed, leaning into Mateo.

  “No, it doesn’t.” Taylor kissed Grayson’s forehead.

  “So about that question?” Grayson smiled at Taylor seductively. “I meant it.” Taylor took Grayson’s hands in his own.


  ~~ Taylor closed his eyes, as Grayson’s tongue slid down his torso. They’d been back from Denali for about a week and Taylor had wanted Grayson to make love to him. Not that he minded being a top, it was his preferred position in the past, but he wanted Grayson inside him. He knew Grayson was nervous about having sex, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to please, Taylor knew different. One, Grayson made his pulse race with every flick of his tongue, and two, the way Grayson did everything screamed professionalism. He didn’t think Graysoncouldhave bad sex. His back arched, as Grayson’s tongue delved into his slit, a finger teased his aching hole. Taylor spread his legs out wider, inviting his mate to get closer. The finger breached the ring of muscles in his tunnel, and Taylor moaned low and throaty. Another finger slid in beside it and a nice slow rub started, Taylor leaned his head back, gripping the comforter. The fingers slid back and forth with ease, rubbing over his sweet spot over and over again, and the suction on his dick increased. He was going to cum, and fast.

  “Grayson…please…” Taylor groaned.

  Grayson grinned, slicking his cock with lube. “Damn, I love your face when you’re hot and bothered. You are so damn sexy.”

  “I want you inside me, please.” Taylor pulled Grayson down to his lips. Seconds later, a heat enveloped him and he cried out.

  “Are you okay?” Grayson threaded his fingers in Taylor’s hair, trying to relax him.

  “Big, so damn big, wasn’t ready.” Taylor tried to relax his body around the intrusion.

  “I’m sorry.” Grayson whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you.” “Just…give me a sec.” Taylor bit his bottom lip, trying not to whine. Jesus but Grayson’s cock felt ten times bigger than normal. He took deep breaths, feeling his body finally relax. “Go slow, okay?”

  Grayson nodded, sliding in inch by inc
h. The hot, wet velvet sliding over his cock had him moaning Taylor’s name as he slid into perfection. Taylor’s muscles spasm around him, causing him to stop with a quick breath. “Oh, God, I can’t cum yet.”

  Taylor put Grayson’s hand on his very excited prick and moved it up and down. “Jack me off, babe.” Grayson’s cock slid into him further, and Taylor grabbed Grayson’s biceps, his fingers gripping. “Oh shit, you feel so good.”

  “I do? I’m not hurting you?” Grayson searched his mates face for any sign of pain.

  “Oh no, baby. You feel wonderful. Fill me; fill me all the way up.” Taylor palmed Grayson’s face. “You are so beautiful.” Grayson leaned down to kiss his mate; he sunk in deeper, groaning, as Taylor’s tongue flicked his lip and slid across his top lip, nipping at it. “You taste sweet.”

  Taylor wrapped his legs around Grayson’s waist, pulling him in flush with his ass. His chest felt full and he loved every minute of it. Grayson got into a slow rhythm, undulating his hips, and slamming into him on fith h every other in-stroke. Taylor’s teeth elongated and claws sprung from his fingers. The smell of arousal in the room coming to a peak.

  “Gray…” Taylor breathed.

  “I love you, love you so much.” Grayson couldn’t stop now, Taylor’s tight tunnel gripping him, milking him for all he was worth. He found himself slamming into his mate repeatedly, loving the sounds of smacking flesh, Taylor’s moans and mewls; he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. His first time was exactly what he thought it would be, utterly fantastic. They were moving together now, Taylor’s hands moved to his hips, and the fingers dug in. Grayson moved faster, the bed hitting the wall as his hips slammed into Taylor. His claws slid from his fingers and his eyes shifted, he felt his orgasm rising and he gripped Taylor’s hair, diving into his mouth. “Oh God...” Grayson choked, a sob escaped him as his orgasm rushed forward, making him cry out. He collapsed on Taylor, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of his shoulder. A loud cry reverberated through the room, as Taylor succumbed to his own orgasm. His body shook underneath Grayson. They lay there, quietly for some time, both breathing hard.


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