Book Read Free

Tidal Love

Page 14

by KM Lowe

  “I don’t know, Gavin. What if he doesn’t want to be a permanent thing? What if I’ve just been another notch on his bedpost? He’s got everything going for him. What do I have to bring to a relationship?”

  “First of all, I don’t know that guy, but he doesn’t seem like the type to use you and leave you from everything you’ve been telling me. Secondly, you’re the most amazing woman I know. You might not be a business person or a millionaire, but you’re a bright, hard-working woman, and any man will be lucky to have you. That bastard you got away from is just a prick and you need to stop letting him control your life. I hope I never have to see him again because I will kill him with my bare hands.”

  I cringe. I know he would cause damage to Martin, and as much as I don’t care about him, I do care about my brother, and a criminal record would hurt his career.

  “He isn’t worth it, Gavin. I got away. I’m free. I’ve been happy here. I’ve found a little piece of myself. I just wish I could erase these negative thoughts forever. It’s like it doesn’t matter how much positivity I show, there is always a bucket of negative energy just waiting to land on my shoulders.”

  “In time, I think you will learn that good things are meant to happen to you. You’ll realise that you deserve every drop of happiness and love that comes your way. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. You went on this vacation, embraced the change, and grabbed every opportunity you could. You sound like you’ve found a lot of yourself in Bulgaria.”

  “I have, and that’s what scares me. I don’t think I’ll ever feel like this back home, and I should be comfortable where I call home.”

  “Just enjoy the rest of your holiday. Think about yourself, your future, and what you want to happen next. Only you can make these decisions. Speak to Giovani. You never know, you might be going through the exact same turmoil, just afraid to broach the subject with one another.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I always am right, sis. Now, what are you doing?”

  “I’m on the beach with my book. Gio had some work to do today, and I wanted to get some sun, sea, and sand. I thought the tranquil setting would be good for me.”

  “Spoken like a true sun worshipper.”

  “You know me too well. How’s everyone back home?”

  “All good here. I break up for two weeks’ holiday next week. Looking forward to some R&R.”

  “Good. You work too hard.”

  “You sound like Mum.”

  “That’s not a bad compliment. Mum gives out good advice.”

  “I beg to differ on that one. Anyway, remember what I said. I’ll call you in a couple of days, but call me if you need me to be your sounding board.”

  “Thanks, Gav. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hang up the call because my tear-filled eyes spill over. I was glad I kept it together while I was talking to Gavin, because I couldn’t deal with his overprotective arse flying out here. I know he wasn’t joking.

  Could I really give up my life back home? Could I really live out here and travel with Giovani? Could I go home and forget all about Gio and what we’ve achieved over the last couple of weeks?

  So many questions and time is of the essence.

  That call has just made me more confused, because I have a lot of questions I need to work through in my head before I bombard Giovani with them. I need to be sure of my decisions, because once I voice them, there is no going back.

  Chapter 22


  I take the last forkful of my omelette I ordered for lunch and sigh with contentment. I found a small café in the middle of Old Nessebar. It reminds me of a French café I once visited in Paris when I was eighteen. I’m glad I was lured in with the blue and white checked tablecloths and china cups I saw people sitting with outside. I came inside because I think I’ve had a bit too much sun today. My head is bursting, but I’m not sure if it’s the sun or my constant over-thinking things. I’ve tried to avoid Giovani as much as possible the last two days, but I can’t avoid him forever. He’s only going to burst into my room to find out what on Earth is going on. I’ve sent him texts to tell him I’m okay and I’m just exploring, but I know it was pitiful. It was a poor attempt to get him off my back.

  I’m doing what I do best – hiding. I’m hiding from my problems instead of facing them head on. I’m afraid of everything, but I think disappointment is my biggest fear of all. I don’t want to believe that Gio will just walk away from us next week, but the reality of it happening is high, and I wouldn’t blame him one bit.

  “Can I get you anything else, Miss?” the waitress asks as she lifts my plate.

  “No, I’m stuffed. Thank you. Can I have the bill, please?”

  The waitress nods in a friendly manner and walks away quickly. She hasn’t had a minute since I arrived here today. She must be hot and bothered, but she has never once showed it. She returns with my bill inside a leather pouch and puts it down beside me. I leave my money with a tip and make my way out. The moment I exit the café, the heat hits me. I didn’t think it was that cool inside, but it clearly was when I feel this stifling heat.

  I’ve been out since eight this morning. I did a bit of shopping, had breakfast and lunch out, and now I’m going to make my way back to the hotel to spend some time in the cold pool. I know I won’t be able to hide out there, but maybe Gio has given up looking for me.

  The moment I enter the hotel, I see Gio and Lucca at the desk, having a heated conversation with a middle-aged gentleman. I smile weakly and attempt to carry on walking, but within moments, I feel Gio’s hand on my back, guiding me out back and into a room labelled office. He bangs the door closed and I jump as he walks up behind me and rests his hands on my hips. I can feel the warmth from his hands, but a shiver runs through me. I’m not sure if it’s fear or anticipation of what’s about to happen.

  This conversation was inevitable when he caught up to me.

  “I’m not sure whether to hold you tight or yell at you for leaving me hanging the last couple of days.” He kisses my neck. “So, are you going to tell me what’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

  “Nothing,” I breathe out as he kisses up my neck to my ear. “I just needed some space to get my head on straight.”

  “And would you care to enlighten me to allow me to get my head on straight?”

  I turn in his arms, because the more he touches or kisses me, the more my brain isn’t engaging in what I’m meant to say.

  “I was just going to head to the pool to cool off.”

  “Come to my house. We can use the pool there, and you can start talking.”

  “You looked kind of busy out there.” I point over his shoulder.

  “It’s taken care of already. It was just a pissed of guest that caused a little ruckus for Jerald when he was cleaning the gardens. Besides, I’ve had plenty of time to work the last couple of days you’ve been avoiding me.”

  “I haven’t…”

  Gio holds his finger over my lips and halts my words. “Don’t insult me by saying you weren’t avoiding me. I think we both know you were, but now I’d like to know why so I can fix it.”

  “Are your parents not at your house?”

  He shakes his head. “They’re at Bourgas for the day, shopping. Their taxi won’t be picking them up until five.” Gio looks down at his watch. “We have a good five hours before they arrive home.”

  I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay. Lead the way.”

  I’m not sure what will come of today, but it’s clear that I’m hurting Giovani and myself more by avoiding certain topics. I need to pull up my big girl panties and stop acting like a child.

  Chapter 23


  Holding Harleigh’s hand as we navigate through the street to get to my house is a feeling that I’ve missed so damn much. I know she’s pulled away the last couple of days and it has killed me. I’ve been impossible to live and work w
ith. I’ve snapped at everyone, including my parents and Lucca. Everyone is keeping their distance from me and I hate it. I hate every thought and emotion I’ve felt over the last couple of days. And now, I’m about to find out what was the cause of it.

  We walk into my garden and up into the house. Harleigh kicks off her sandals and I can see the relief in her face.

  “Have you been walking a lot?”

  She nods. “I went shopping earlier and had some lunch in a little café. The heat is killing my poor feet.”

  She walks across the cold tiles behind me and I open the patio doors. Harleigh walks over to the pool and sits down on the edge, letting her feet dangle in the cold water. I kick off my shoes, pull my t-shirt over my head, and dive into the pool. I’m hoping by doing this, it lets Harleigh see that I’m no threat and she can say whatever she has to say.

  “You are such a Neanderthal.” She giggles and wipes the splash of water off her face.

  My body instantly jolts alive, not at the cold water, but at the sound of her laughing.

  “So, walking and eating out is how you’ve managed to avoid me. Has it been worth getting sore feet for?” I swim over to her, grab her foot in the palms of my hands, and massage them firmly. The sound of her moaning at my touch is the biggest turn on I’ve ever had.

  “That feels so good.”

  “Good. Now, if you want me to continue this, you need to start talking. I’m not psychic. I can’t read your mind, beautiful. I can only make this right if you tell me what’s going on. What made you avoid me?”

  I take in a deep breath.

  “I got scared. I thought that maybe a goodbye would be easier if we didn’t see much of each other for the remainder of my holiday.”

  I nod. “And has it? Has it made anything easier? I just had to touch you in my office and you were like putty in my hands. I know you feel this connection, Harleigh. Why run away from it?”

  She shrugs and tears roll down her cheek. I let go of her foot and pull her into the water with me. She gasps as the cold water consumes her. I hate to see her in any pain, especially if it’s down to me.

  She wraps her arms around me and buries her face into my neck. Her legs wrap around my waist and I just hold her until she’s ready to continue.

  “I don’t want us to end, Gio.” She sniffles and pulls back enough for me to feel her warm breath on my face.

  “Good. Because neither do I. In fact, I’m ready, if you want me to, to give everything up and move back to Scotland, if it means we could make a go of it. I’ll do anything, Harleigh. I want this. I want you. We can work it out, but you need to talk to me.”

  “I don’t want you to give anything up. I’m just not sure how we can make this work as a long-distance relationship. We’ve been miserable apart, and it’s only been two days.”

  “Come and live here with me. Spend the rest of the season with me and see what you think. If you don’t like it, we can re-evaluate then.”

  “Are you asking me that because you want me to be here, or are you asking me that because you think it’s what I want to hear?”

  Giovani pushes me back against the pool wall and runs his hands through my hair, capturing my cheeks between his hands.

  “I’m asking you this because this, what we thought was maybe a holiday fling, has turned into something serious. I don’t think I can live without you in my life, Harleigh. I’ve made everyone’s life a living hell the last couple of days. I’m surprised I have a family or staff left. Tell me what you want.”

  “I need to go home next week, Gio. I have my house to sort out and my work to consult. But I think I might like to have a shot at this whole relationship thing. I’m not sure how good I’ll be at it, but if you’ll have me, I’d like to come back out as soon as possible. Gosh, what am I saying?” She shakes her head and smiles. Her eyes are twinkling, her smile reaches her eyes, and her skin is glowing. She’s always beautiful, but at this moment, she looks like a sweet angel.

  My angel.

  “I hope what you’re saying is that you’re ready to live a life with me.”

  “I am. I really am.”

  “Scared?” I ask her.

  She shrugs. “I think I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t, but most of me is excited and thrilled about this fresh start. I’ll never be scared of you, Giovani.”

  “Good. You’ve made me the happiest man alive. I’ve been going out of my mind with worry the last couple of days. I wanted to use the hotel’s key card and burst into your room last night, but Lucca told me to get a grip or he’d take all the keys away from me.”

  We both laugh at that. The sound of laughter is like music to my ears.

  “I’m pretty sure you’d have got away with breaking and entering since you’re the owner and all.”

  “Yeah. My actions sounded a lot better when my head was a scrambled mess. Now, with you in my arms, I can see how wrong and unethical that would have been.”

  “Good. I’m sorry I ran. I will try to stop hiding my feelings and talk to you more. Hiding solves nothing. I know that. Sometimes I just get stuck in my head.”

  “And we’ll both work at this relationship every single day. I have my flaws as well. I snore and leave the toilet seat up.”

  Harleigh laughs. “I’m sure I can live with that if you can live with me and my baggage.”

  “What baggage? The way I see it is, that baggage you’re talking about has shaped you into this wonderful woman I’m holding in my arms.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Now, I don’t want to push my luck, because I don’t deserve you, but that foot massage was amazing. That foot isn’t even sore now.”

  “You want the other one done?” I ask cheekily. “What’s in it for me?”

  “Me coming to live with you isn’t enough?”

  “When you put it like that…” I pull back from her and lift her foot up into my hands. I’ll massage every part of her body before this day ends.

  I know we’ll have a lot of ups and downs along the way, especially as we settle into a routine. But the difference here is, we both want this. Anything is possible if you both want something so badly.

  Chapter 24

  One Week Later


  I’ve been dreading this day for the last two weeks. Today is the day that I’ve got to fly home to Scotland, break the news to my family that I’m uprooting my life to live spontaneously, and hand in my notice to my work. I’ve got so many people to let down and that breaks my heart, but the thought of never seeing Giovani again sends me to a place I’d rather not be. Thinking about the life we could have together feels right. The only thing that feels wrong is flying home to Scotland, living a life full of fear and uncertainty, and never returning to Bulgaria. Nope, for once in my life, I’m doing something for me.

  I sit down on my suitcase, because Gio is just going to take it to his house for me. It seems pointless taking it home to come back with so much more. At least I can fly back with some important things I’d like here with me. The rest can go into storage until I’m ready to settle down somewhere permanently.

  “All ready?” Gio leans in the door frame and folds his arms over his muscular chest.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I stand up and walk over to Gio, lean my head against his chest, and he runs his hands up and down my arms. “I’ve got my hand luggage ready for the plane. I’m all good. Did your parents get off okay?”

  Margo and Alex were supposed to go home last week, but they extended their trip so they could see the new bar being refurbished. Instead, they flew out at eight o’clock this morning.

  “Lucca took them to the airport on time. He said they got off okay. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall during that trip to Bourgas. I’m pretty sure Lucca would have thrown them through the airport doors and left.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, me too. They’ve been getting on a little better lately.”

  “Hmm, until the next time.”

  “Or maybe your
dad can see that Lucca is making something of his life here.”

  “Maybe. Anyway, is someone picking you up in Glasgow when you land?”

  I nod. “My mum, dad, and brother are picking me up. I bet Gavin has told them everything I’ve said and done since I arrived here. I’ll be put through a Spanish inquisition.”

  Gio tightens his arms around me and backs us out of the room. Usually, he’s backing us into a room, ripping my clothes off, and worshipping every part of me. It’s a stark contrast, and I’d much rather the latter option, but we need to leave in about twenty minutes if I’m going to be on time.

  “They’ve missed you, beautiful. And, if you want to Skype me in on the chat you have about coming back out here, I don’t mind. I’d like to put their mind at ease that I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “They’ll be eager to meet you. I don’t know why I’m nervous. I’m an adult. I know my family will be happy for me once they’ve got the interrogation out of the way. It’s just…” I sigh.

  “It’s just that you don’t like the unknown.”

  I look carefully at Giovani. In such a short space of time, he has got me worked out.

  “You’ve probably hit the bullseye with that remark.”

  “Come on. My brother wants to see you before you head off. I did tell him it wasn’t like he wasn’t going to see you again, but you know what he’s like.”

  “I’m glad, because I want to say goodbye to him. Well, not goodbye, just a see you later. I’ve become extremely fond of you both in such a short space of time.”

  “Good, because it looks like you’re stuck with us both now.”

  “That’s no hardship, honey.” I lean up on my toes and seal my lips with Gio’s. It’s soft and passionate, nothing that would suggest we need to get moving soon if I’m going to make my flight on time.


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