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Razing Kayne

Page 8

by Julieanne Reeves


  The blaring alarm startled Kayne into wakefulness. He fought to keep Tasha's image in his mind, knowing there was something he needed to remember, but it had already faded. She'd been a sweet quiet baby. She'd slept through the night almost from the beginning. It was foolish to hold out any hope that she lived, but if she did, he prayed she was safe and happy. Loved.

  Kayne laid there thinking of all the excuses he could use to call in sick today and go back to sleep. People shouldn't have to work on a Saturday. They should have fun.

  Fun. Jessica.

  He was supposed to be babysitting. Realizing where he was going made four hours of sleep more than tolerable.

  After a quick shower, Kayne threw on jeans and started to grab the top T-shirt in his drawer, but after a moment’s debate, went hunting for one he hoped Jessica would find funny and not offensive.

  When Kayne reached the house, he pulled around to the garage door and called Jessica. “Hey, short-stuff, I'm here, will you open the garage?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  “Is there somewhere else you want me to park? I figured since I’ll be cleaning the Tahoe out after letting the kids eat dinner in it last night, you wouldn't want the truck sitting outside during the party.”

  “Oh, right, sorry. My brain’s not functioning yet. Give me a minute; I'm on the other side of the house.”

  “You mean that security system won't let you open the garage door remotely?”

  “It does, I just don't know how to make it happen.”

  Jessica had shown Kayne around the mansion last night. The place was incredible. Though they only occupied a small wing of rooms the house/event center was expansive, with sixteen-bedrooms and nearly as many bathrooms. There was an indoor pool, a ballroom, a theater, and the largest play room he'd ever seen, filled with, what he guessed, was every toy FAO Schwartz had ever made. And the state of the art electro-biometric security system was a tech's wet-dream. The thing monitored occupants by detecting not just their heat signature, but also by identifying the pattern of a specific heartbeat.

  By the time Kayne climbed out of his truck, Jessica was standing at the door in a long fluffy robe and fuzzy slippers, her Tasmanian Devil pajama pants peeking out between. Her head was covered in hot rollers held in place by bright pink clips. She held Gracie—still in her own footie pajamas—against her chest. The little cherub looked to be sound asleep. Kayne had to fight not to smile. They definitely weren't dating, or he would have never seen that look this early in the game.

  Jessica started laughing when he got close. “Perfect. 'God created cops so firemen would have someone to look up to.’ You declaring war?” She pointed at his T-shirt.

  “Maybe. I have one about dispatchers but—”

  “No, this one is good.” She smiled as she petted his chest. Tracing the design. Damn she needed to quit doing that. He felt himself grow hard, as if she were stroking his cock instead.

  “So do you get good reception with those in?” Kayne pointed to the hot-curlers. Anything to get his mind off lustful thoughts of Jessica.

  She blushed. “I was hoping you wouldn't notice them.”

  “Short stuff, if I didn't notice something like that, I'd have to turn in my badge. And I had to dig through an awful lot of Crackerjacks boxes to find it.”

  Her voice became defensive. “Well, I didn't have a choice. I have to dress up for these things.”

  Note to self: Jessica is not a morning person. “So what do you wear to something like this?”

  “Something dressy with heels.”

  Kayne ducked his head, making sure Gracie was really asleep. “Pantyhose and little heels, or stockings and sexy heels?” His voice turned gruff. God, if Gracie wasn't in her arms...


  “So I can accurately imagine helping you undress later.” Damn! Apparently his verbal governors weren't working this morning.

  Jessica sucked in a quick breath then started chewing on her bottom lip, as the shock slowly changed to something else. There was a gleam in Jessica's eyes when she motioned him forward with the crook of her finger, as if she were about to share a secret. “Think red, stretch lace, strapless corset, matching thong.” Her voice sounded rough, like she'd been screaming his name all night long. “Silk stockings held up by dainty, satin, garter ribbons and matching fuck-me,” —she whispered the word as if she weren’t used to saying such things, making it sound far more dirty than it should have— “red heels.”

  Stunned, he didn't protest when she handed Gracie over to him. Kayne's hand snaked out and snagged Jessica’s arm when she started to turn away. “What exactly are you wearing over that?” he growled. The red in his vision wasn't over what she'd described, but an angry haze at the thought of any other man getting even a glimpse.

  Jessica batted her eyes innocently. “As little as possible, of course. This is your fantasy after all.”

  The little devil had the nerve to laugh as she walked away. Oh, she was going to pay for that, he thought grimly. When he finally got her into bed, she was going to pay.

  So today we're back to fucking her? He wished that voice would just shut the hell up.


  Jess could feel Kayne's eyes on her as she walked away. God, had she really done that? She'd spent enough time around officers to know she'd just waved a red flag in front of a bull. A man like Kayne wasn't going to back away from a taunt like that, so why had she taunted him? Hadn't she learned the hard way that she'd be nothing but a disappointment?

  She had nothing to offer Kayne, and, while he might be kind to her children, he would want at least one of his own, were he to decide to start another family. Not as a replacement for the ones he lost, but a man like that would want a child with his blood coursing through its veins. Something she could never give him.

  She knew all of this, yet as she dressed, she put on sheer silk stockings and some barely there panties. She pulled out the black suit with the pencil skirt that, while still professional, was a little too short, and paired it with a lacy, red camisole that played peek-a-boo under her suit jacket. Then, in a moment of utter insanity, she unearthed the box hidden in the back of her closet, pulled off the lid, and stared at the beautiful red satin heels. She looked longingly at the sexy red dress she'd bought them to go with. She'd planned to wear it to dinner for her anniversary. But it had never happened. Jarred had left her, then died, within hours. She'd packed away the dress and shoes and spent her anniversary planning a funeral.

  Reluctantly, she put the shoes away. One day she'd wear them, but it would be with that dress. One day she'd matter enough to someone that she'd have reason to wear it. Until then, the shoes would stay in a box, and the beautiful dress would stay in the bag, and her hopes and dreams would stay hidden away so they couldn't be trampled by another man with his own agenda.

  Jess dressed and finished her hair and makeup. Following the heavenly aroma of bacon, she entered the kitchen to see Kayne had breakfast ready He looked her over from head to toe. Was it possible to look relieved and disappointed at the same time?

  “Bacon and eggs with toast okay? Or would you like me to fix you something else?”

  “Toast and eggs are fine.” She'd avoid the bacon, though she loved it. She was a full size larger than when Jarred was alive, and he'd constantly been after her to lose weight.

  “Nice shoes.” Kayne set a plate in front of her that was loaded with eggs, buttered toast, and three slices of bacon.

  “Thanks.” She blushed. They were practical black, not sexy red, and yet he managed to make it sound dirty.

  He was the devil. It was the only explanation as to why he tempted her on every level. With his black hair and charcoal gray eyes, his lean, muscular body, and his rugged good looks, he most certainly looked the part.

  The only thing he was missing was the—


  “Excuse me?” God, had she said something out loud?

  “Juice. Do you want or
ange or apple?”

  Juice, right. She was the only one lost in the whole devil in the Garden of Eden fantasy. “Just coffee, but I'll get it. You sit and eat.” She jumped to her feet, needing a little distance. She figured her face had to be as red as those satin heels she'd put back in the box. What was wrong with her? Getting involved with someone like Kayne Dobrescu would be a horrible mistake. And she'd made more than enough of those for one lifetime.


  Kayne's morning consisted of a thorough cleaning of the Tahoe, a run-in with the belligerent hose-monkey, and a trip to the park to feed the ducks and play on the playground. Five hours later, he and the kids walked in the door, and he still hadn't been able to get the image of Jessica out of his mind. She was a solid foot shorter than his six-foot-three, with a sexy hourglass figure, breasts that would fill his large hands, a tiny waist, and hips made for holding while he made love to her. Fucked her. Love was not a word he was willing to associate with a woman ever again.

  After sending the kids upstairs to clean up and change, Kayne made his way into the kitchen. Jessica had changed into a T-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. Her hair, still a riot of curls down her back, made him think of sinking his hands into it and holding on as he claimed her body. He felt his body stirring at the thought. She stood talking to a young woman. Her assistant?

  Oblivious to Kayne's baser musings, Jessica introduced him to her assistant. While she was talking, she pulled her hair up and secured it with a clip, making him want to weep. It was criminal to hide such beauty.

  Once her assistant walked away, Jessica turned to him. “Any problems?”

  Before he could stop himself, Kayne reached out and opened the clip, releasing her hair. It spilled down her back. “Other than a run-in with Cody? Nothing.”

  She gave him an annoyed look, took the clip from him, and began the process of piling it back up on her head. “What happened?”

  Kayne released a heavy sigh. It was a shame to hide all that glorious hair. “Nothing important. Wanted to know where you were and why I had the kids, then stomped off.”

  “He can be kinda immature sometimes, but he was Jarred's best friend, and he only wants what's best for me and the kids.”

  Kayne highly doubted that.

  “He was there when I really needed him after Jarred died. He was the one who discovered the winch had been faulty. He helped me find a lawyer and sue the company for the death compensation. I don't think I would have done that on my own, but he really pushed for it. Because Jarred ignored protocol, they were threatening to deny survivor's benefits. Cody took care of everything I needed.”

  Kayne's anger flared white-hot. Exactly how much had Cody been there for her? “Were you two...?” Did you fuck him? As if it was any of his business who she'd slept with in the past. Or in the future.

  Kayne watched as her creamy complexion rouged in embarrassment. She looked everywhere but him. “No. I've only ever...just Jarred.”

  No answer had ever pleased or disgusted him more. Pleased to know she hadn't been with the little weasel, or anyone for that matter, and disgusted that he was still thinking about having meaningless sex with her. And that's exactly what it would be, because they had no future. He was only here to uncover the truth about Gracie's identity. Once he had his answer, once his heart finally accepted what his brain knew—that Gracie was not his baby girl—he'd have no reason to stick around.

  You're so full of shit. You can't go five minutes without thinking of that sexy little sprite standing in front of you.

  “Fuck off,” he muttered under his breath. That voice was truly beginning to piss him off.

  Jessica cocked her head questioningly. “What was that?”

  “Just admiring your shirt.” Shoving his darker thoughts away, he managed a smile. “So it's a battle of the T-shirts, is it?” He appreciated the way she filled out her You-Might-Be-A-Dispatcher-If: T-shirt. He loved those doll baby, or baby doll, or whatever the hell those shirts were called that emphasized a woman's figure instead of cloaking it in a big baggy sack.

  “Be sure to read the last one.”

  “You might be a dispatcher if: You tell grown men where to go and what to do when they get there.” Kayne leaned in, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I'd let you tell me where and how.” He enjoyed watching the blush that crept up her neck and face.

  “You have a one-track mind.” Jessica laughed nervously and turned her attention toward some papers on the counter. “Behave, or I won't show you your surprise.”

  She smelled incredible, tempting Kayne to bury his nose in her hair. If she used hairspray, he couldn't tell. The curls looked soft and silky with the scent of almonds and vanilla. He wondered what it would feel like curtaining them as she leaned over and kissed him Wait, what?

  Her statement finally registered. “My surprise?”


  Jess waved the game information printout between them. “Do you know what this is?”

  Kayne captured her wrist and held the paper still, his grasp firm but gentle. He eyed the paper curiously. “Info on tonight's hockey game?”

  “Coyotes vs. Redwings. Interested?” Jess had to force herself to stand still instead of jumping up and down with excitement.

  “Seriously? How did you get tickets? The game sold out moments after the Coyotes made it into post season.”

  “I have my sources.” A previous client had the resources to get them, and he'd owed her a favor for averting a disaster during his daughter's wedding the previous year. The scheduled venue had sustained water damage a mere forty-eight hours before the wedding. Jess had been able to accommodate them, and her client had been eternally grateful, even sending her referrals from time to time.

  Jess fought not to grin. “So, think you can find someone to go with you?”

  “, I made a promise to the kids.” He edged back, crossing his arms over his chest, his face drawn up in a scowl. “Maybe Joe or Del or somebody would like them.”

  “They are once in a lifetime tickets, Kayne.” Was he seriously going to pass on playoff tickets? She could hardly believe it. Jarred would have been on the phone and halfway out the door.


  She took pity on him. “Kayne, there's five of them. I was just teasing. I confirmed Gracie can sit on my lap.”

  Kayne stepped closer, his face inches from hers. “Don't play head games with me, Jessica!”

  God, he sounded as furious as he looked. Her pulse spiked, and she reflexively tried edging back, only to find herself up against the counter.

  “Oksana played head-games, and it drove me batshit crazy.”

  Her hand trembled as she brushed the hair out of her face. “I'm not her.”

  Kayne took a half-step back as if realizing he was scaring her. “I'd never hurt you, Jessica,” He softened his voice. “Never.”

  She nodded but didn't relax until he turned and leaned against the counter at her side.

  “So we're really going to the game? All of us?”

  “Yeah, all of us.”

  He cocked his head studying her. “Do you like hockey?”

  Jess nodded. “I've watched enough games, but I've never been to one.”

  “Did their father ever take them?”

  Jess hesitated. How much should she tell him? “No. He...didn't spend much time with the kids.” Or me. But she'd never admit to anyone what a disappointment she'd been to her husband.


  Kayne carried Gracie as they made their way into the Westgate Plaza's city-center. Though crowded, the place was a veritable ghost town compared to what it would be in a few hours. Jessica had a firm grip on Ash and Isabelle's hands, keeping them close, so he wasn't surprised when Maddy fell in beside him and hesitantly reached for his. He looked down to see the hope and doubt in her pretty green eyes. “Is this okay?” they silently asked.

  Kayne squeezed her hand in reassurance, and her little face lit up with delight. His chest tightened in response. Kayn
e knew to the outside world they looked like a happy family, and that scared the shit out of him. He took a deep breath, trying to fight off the panic. He wasn't going to stick around long enough for anyone to get attached.

  Gracie kissed his cheek, pulling him out of his dark thoughts. “What was that for?”

  “No be sad, a'kay?” she said.

  “I wasn't sad, just thinking.”

  She looked doubtful and kissed him again. The more time he spent with her, the more she reminded him of Natalia. God, he needed to know who she was before he got involved any deeper. Which meant he needed to find some alone time with Jessica. A dangerous proposition in and of itself. His body refused to accept the message that she was off limits. Somehow Kayne had to get the idea of fucking her out of his mind. He couldn't let it happen. Both of them would be hurt when he walked away. And walk away he would.

  Eventually they chose a place for dinner, then headed toward the arena at the far end of Westgate.

  “Where are we sitting?” Kayne hadn't thought to ask earlier, just thrilled with the idea of going to a playoff game with Jessica and the kids.

  Jessica shrugged and stepped up to the will call window. “Somewhere on the lower level. I was told they were really good seats.”

  The attendant took Jessica's identification. “Ma'am, if you and your party will step over there, someone will be right with you.” He picked up his radio and asked for a club representative.

  That piqued Kayne’s curiosity. “Is there a problem?”

  “No, sir. I'm sorry for the delay. If you'll please just step over there out of the way, someone will be right with you.”

  A moment later, a man in a suit walked up to them. “Ms. Hallstatt, I apologize for the delay. I’m David Williams, the Concierge Manager. I understand our GM is an acquaintance of yours. He's asked me to personally ensure that you and your party are taken care of tonight. If you'll follow me, I'll escort you in.”

  Kayne looked to Jessica, who shrugged. She seemed as surprised as he was over the VIP treatment.


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