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Razing Kayne

Page 19

by Julieanne Reeves

  Fuck! He shouldn't have to justify himself. It's a learning curve, Dobrescu, roll with it.

  “I didn't have anyone here, Jess. Maybe it was a nosy reporter. We've been too lucky so far. Did you get a plate, see the driver?”

  “No.” She refused to make eye contact, looking everywhere but at him.

  It was time they dealt with this head-on. He pulled Jess into a deep alcove off the back hallway and pressed her against the wall. “I've kept my distance, because every time I get close to you, I get hard.” He pressed the proof of that against her belly. “I knew you weren't ready, so I've been forced to dream about you and take a hell of a lot of really cold showers.”

  She looked at him. “I thought I'd done something wrong.”

  “Oh, baby, no. No. I don't want to rush this, Jess.” He might not have wanted this marriage, but he was here, and he was determined to make the best of it, and hoped to hell they could make it work somehow. For everyone’s sake.

  Kayne reached out, his intent a gentle caress. He hated seeing the hurt in her eyes. His knuckles brushed her cheek, and her eyes fluttered shut, her lips slightly parting.

  “So responsive,” he murmured.

  His will to take this relationship slow was slipping away by the second. She tilted her face to his, seeking his mouth. His fingers tangled in her silky tresses, cradling her head as he leaned into her. Her lips were soft and warm against his, and her lushly curved body felt incredible cushioned against his hard planes and angles. Her delicate fingers kneaded his chest like a content kitten. He groaned in response. His calloused hands caressed her ribs, his thumbs brushing the underside of her breasts. She shuddered in response.

  When her arms slid up to entwine around his neck, he growled in approval and was rewarded with the feel of her fingers gently stroking the base of his neck. His good intentions were now all but a fleeting memory. He stroked his hands up her thighs, pushing her skirt up until he palmed her ass, petting, lifting, holding tight as he rocked his steely arousal against her belly. With little urging, she willingly wrapped her legs around his hips, her heat cradling his as he pressed her against the wall. He felt her smile against his lips.

  “What are you smiling about?” Kayne grazed open-mouthed kisses across her jaw, trailing slowly down her neck and back up to the hollow behind her ear, where he nuzzled and inhaled her scent. Soft, delicate. Heady. God, he needed to fuck her. “You find my state of agony funny?” He rocked his hips, creating a delicious friction.

  Jess's giggle strangled into a moan as Kayne thumbed a pebbled nipple.

  “I need to touch you,” he whispered. He pulled away to search her face. Her expression was answer enough. Thank you, Jesus, she wanted that too.

  His eyes never left hers as he made quick work of her blouse and then the front clasp of her bra. “You are so incredibly beautiful,” he murmured as he palmed one breast. “I have to taste you.” He stroked the distended peak with his tongue. Suckled her nipple.

  She clung to him. Arched her back giving him better access. Whimpered when he latched onto her other nipple and gave a hard draw, before letting it pop out of his mouth.

  “What was that you found so funny?” Kayne kissed his way back to her other breast, greedily sucking, lightly nipping, gently tugging. Rolling. Softly blowing.

  “ so...cliché.” Jess panted. “Against...the wall…and...spread ’em...Officer... Dobrescu?”

  Her nipple slipped from his lips as he gave an involuntary chuckle. He leaned in and flicked the tip of his tongue across that sexy dimple, just like he'd been dying to do since the day he'd met her, and was thrilled when she hissed in a surprised breath.

  “I love that dimple,” he murmured and did it again. He nuzzled her neck, his breath raising goosebumps across her body as he fought for control of his own. His fingers caressed the cleft of her ass, working their way deeper between her thighs. Searching and finding her dripping wet. His cock throbbed with each pulsing beat of his heart as she slowly ground herself against him. He had to have her. He could tell she was close to the edge and wondered what it would take to push her over.

  “Just wait and see how good I am at cavity searches.” Kayne dipped one long finger beneath the edge of her panties, easing them aside. He stroked through her slick wet folds. Brushed across her clit once, twice, and again, before he pushed into her tight, hot, honey-coated core.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  He fed her a second finger, sinking deep.

  Jess shuddered as he withdrew and pressed in again. His rigid cock rubbed against her clit as he pumped his fingers in and out and back in one more time.

  Her whole body tensed, her back bowing. Her inner muscles clamped tight, and she released a soul deep moan as she came. Jesus Christ! His balls tightened painfully. It took every ounce of self-control he had left not to come with her.

  She was so goddamned beautiful. How could she have ever thought she would disappoint him?

  Kayne rested his forehead against the wall, trying to gain some semblance of control. “I need to be inside you, baby. Right now.” Right. Now.

  He felt Jess nod in response.

  “I need to hear you say the words, baby. Tell me if this is what you want.” And mean it! As badly as he wanted her, he needed to know this was truly consensual.


  “I want this,” she whispered. And she did. She wanted to be claimed by him. To be marked. She wanted all those hot erotic clichés she'd only ever read about.

  Jess reached down and fumbled with the snap and zipper of Kayne’s jeans, not waiting for him to make a move, afraid he'd change his mind. She heard and felt the rending of her silk panties, felt the tug as he ripped them away—that turned her on more than she wanted to admit—then he was there, throbbing against her. Long and too thick for her to close her fingers around. She squeezed, gave an experimental stroke, and he growled, “I can't wait, baby. I'm sorry. I'm not going to last.”

  Slowly, inch by glorious inch, he rocked into her, stretching her right to the very edge of pain. It seemed almost appropriate because she felt like a virgin in his arms. Regardless that they were vertical, she still felt like she was making love for the first time.

  “God, baby, you're so tight.” He panted, sweat rolling down his back. With one last thrust of his hips, he seated himself to the hilt, and they both moaned.


  Kayne held perfectly still, the tip of his cock pulsing against the entrance to her womb, trying to give her time to adjust to his size. Knowing by her own admission that she hadn't had sex since well before her first husband had died. “Am I hurting you?” he rasped and prayed to God she wouldn't ask him to stop. But then those honey-coated muscles contracted, milking his shaft, and her sweet lips parted as she relaxed, bringing him a little deeper into her. He was lost.

  With a feral growl, Kayne's mouth slammed down on Jess's and plundered. He withdrew almost to the tip before plunging back into her velvety sheath again and again. God, he knew he was out of control, knew he needed to rein himself in so he didn't hurt her, but he couldn't escape the lusty haze that cocooned them. Couldn't ignore the way Jess's heels dug into his ass, her nails clawing his back and shoulders as she sought purchase. Lifting as he withdrew, then impaling herself on each of his upward strokes.

  Jesus Christ! She was as out of control as he was, which turned him on all the more, if that was even possible.

  Again and again she met his thrust and drag, accepted his body’s demands, sought her own in return. And when he reached the precipice, when he was sure he couldn't hold on a second longer, he felt her fall. Kayne threw back his head and roared her name as he dove over the edge, letting the waves drag them under.

  And in that earth shattering moment, he knew he'd never be the same again.


  Thursday morning found a sleep-deprived Kayne responding to a fully engulfed vehicle fire.

  After he'd fucked Jess against the wall—and there was no o
ther word to use but fucked—he'd gathered her tightly in his arms and carried her to bed. He'd spent the rest of the night making it up to her. Waking time and again, his cock throbbing painfully as if he hadn't just been buried balls-deep inside her a short while before.

  Sometimes their lovemaking was slow and gentle, other times it consumed them, but every time it had been totally uninhibited. He'd never felt that free in his life. And this morning, as he stood under a hot shower trying to force himself into consciousness, he was still hard. At least, until she shyly accepted his offer and stepped into the shower with him, proceeding to make him very late for work.

  Every moment of missed sleep had been worth it, knowing Jess had finally gained some confidence in her sexuality. Yeah, right that's why you fucked her like a sex deprived frat-boy all night long. Purely altruistic on his part. Liar. Yes he was, and figured he'd just have to work twice as hard at pleasing her tonight as penance.

  Now, here he was rolling up on a freshly extinguished car fire. Of course, one of the firemen on-scene had to be the belligerent hose-monkey. That managed to wipe the Cheshire Cat grin right off Kayne’s face and erase any lingering arousal.

  When Kayne tried to talk to him, Cody walked right past as if Kayne weren't even there. Fine. If the asshole didn't want to talk business, Kayne would address what he really wanted to discuss. “I hear Tiffany has to miss the Daddy-Daughter camp-out tomorrow night because Buck can't take her and you won’t.”

  That got a reaction. Cody turned on Kayne, his voice full of menace. “She’s none of your goddamned business.” .

  Kayne ignored Cody’s anger and pushed forward. “Maddy really wants her to go with us.”

  “Jess is letting you take Maddy somewhere alone?” He laughed like he thought that was the craziest thing he’d ever heard.

  “I'm taking all three of my girls, actually. I'd take Tiffany too, if you'd let me.”

  “Not a chance in Hellsgate!” Cody shot.

  Kayne rolled his eyes at Cody's flippant response. Hellsgate being the name of the wilderness area just east of Payson in which they'd be camping.

  “Look, Cody, I'd really like us to call a truce. There's no reason we can't get along for the sake of the kids’ friendship, if nothing else. Tiffany mentioned you have the time off. Why don't you two come with us?” And where the hell did that idea just come from?

  “You want me to go out into the woods camping with you?” Cody shook his head. Laughed.

  Kayne couldn't help but chuckle at Cody's unspoken insinuation. “There will be witnesses, Cody.”

  Cody spread his arms wide, palms up. His expression one of sarcastic disbelief. “Why?”

  Kayne looked at the toe of his boots, rubbed the back of his neck. “Damned if I know.” Probably sleep deprivation and warm fuzzy hormones from spending half the night inside his wife. Shaking off that thought, Kayne came up with an answer he could voice. “Because you've turned your back on everyone who loves you. I know what it's like to feel like you've lost the one thing that mattered.”

  Cody’s face turned an angry red. “You don't know anything about me, or what I have or haven't lost.”

  “I know you're angry, and you’re hurt. Look, if you don't want anything to do with your daughter, while it’s tragic, that's your choice. But don't hurt her in an attempt to spite me. Let her come have fun with her best friend.”

  “You might want to worry more about your pending death investigation than how I choose to interact with Tiffany.”

  “What death—” Kayne stopped mid-sentence and took a good look at the car. Joe Sutton stood next to it, striking a Vanna White pose. What Kayne had initially mistaken as no more than a mangled driver's seat was in fact, a charred body. Unbelievable. Joe had the nerve to laugh outright.

  Kayne pulled out his notebook and flipped to a blank page. “Any idea of the cause?”

  Joe scratched his jaw thoughtfully then looked at Kayne. “Fuel and a heat source,” he said deadpan.

  Kayne looked heavenward. “God, what did I do to deserve this shit?”

  Joe’s expression turned serious. He glanced at Cody then back to Kayne. “One of these days, you're going to be glad I'm around.”

  The prophetic nature of the statement sent a chill down Kayne’s spine. “No offense, Joe, but I hope to God I never need you for anything other than a friend.”

  “Amen, to that.” Joe slapped him on the back. “Take care, and watch your back.” He glanced at Cody again.


  “Kayne, this is a really bad idea. What were you thinking?” Jess spoke softly as he loaded camping gear into the back of his extended cab truck Friday afternoon. She'd helped him get everything ready the previous night so that when he came home this afternoon he could change and leave the moment Maddy arrived home from school.

  Her argument wasn't about the camping trip, but the invitation he'd extended to Cody. The belligerent hose-monkey—as Kayne liked to call him—had stepped out to retrieve gear from his own truck so they could ride together. She wasn't sure which was more surprising—that Kayne had extended the invitation, or that Cody had accepted. Either way it spelled trouble with a capital T.

  “Maddy was upset because Tiffany was upset. I honestly didn't think he'd accept, but I'm not going to tell him he can't come now. That would break Tiffany's little heart.”

  Man, even Tiffany had Kayne wrapped around her little finger almost as tightly as Gracie did. He might be all hard planes and rough angles on the outside, but he had a nice gooey soft center. Which Jess had discovered for herself Wednesday night. She’d never imagined sex could be that hot. She'd truly thought that it was simply relegated to the land of fiction, but Kayne had blown that theory, and her mind in the process. Multiple times.

  “Baby, you keep rubbing my belly like that, and the genie is gonna want to come out of the lamp and play.” Kayne’s gravelly voice had her looking down at her hand as it traced the raised lettering written low across his T-shirt.

  Feeling a little wicked, Jess reached up and ran a hand down his chest, intentionally grazing a flat male nipple hidden behind his shirt, before continuing down to his belt buckle.

  He grabbed her hand when she tried to stroke him again, then leaned in and whispered against her ear, “I like that you touch me.”

  He had to know by now that the feel of his hot breath whispering across her neck made her nipples pucker. Sure enough—the rat was eying them appreciatively. Even through her bra and sundress their arousal was visible.

  “I love the way you respond to me.” He molded a palm over her breast and gently kneaded. He thumbed her nipple even as he suckled her neck right over her pulse point.

  Jessica angled her head, offering her neck up in surrender. He growled in response. He threaded one hand through her hair, cupping the back of her head, and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her roughly against him as he spun them both around. Suddenly, her back was up against cold hard steel.

  That skillful mouth of his worked its way down her shoulder and across her collar bone. The hand in her hair entrapped her to his will, while his free hand roamed her body, caressing, kneading, plucking first one, then the other nipple, until they were hard and achy. But it wasn't until he took her left nipple into his mouth that she realized he'd undone the first few buttons of her sun dress and the front clasp of her bra.

  And then his knee was pushing between hers, his hand cupping her ass, pulling her sensitive flesh tight against the hard ridge of thigh muscles. He captured her moan with a hot hungry kiss. Rocked his cock against her hip. Before she knew it, he was backing her into the empty utility room and kicking the door closed.

  “I can't wait until tomorrow night.” His voice was raw. Desperate.

  God, that was so hot.

  She loved the fact that he lost control and had to have her right that second. Shove her skirt up, rip her panties off, free himself and fuck her against the wall. Right. Now. Hot! Knowing that he couldn’t get inside o
f her fast enough nearly brought tears to her eyes. She felt wanted for the first time in her life.

  Knowing she would sleep alone tonight, combined with the thrill of sneaking off to some dimly lit closet had her so turned on she didn't even hesitate to kick off her sandals, hike up her skirt, and strip her panties, letting them fall around her ankles. She felt Kayne fumbling with his belt buckle and zipper, and all the while, he continued to kiss her. Thrusting his tongue behind her teeth, tangling with hers, sucking, imitating the way his cock would fill her core.

  “Right. Now,” he groaned. He cupped her ass, lifted her, and pressed her against the heavy wooden door.

  Jess wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. “Please.” She wasn’t above begging at this point. She desperately wanted to feel him lose control.

  He paused and dipped a finger into her wetness. She shuddered in response. Oh God, she was so ready she nearly came when his finger slid through her wet folds and brushed against her clit. Her sex clenched, seeking the feel of hot velvety steel.

  With a lusty groan of approval, Kayne replaced his hand with his thick shaft and guided himself into her, rocking his hips, pressing deeper and deeper with each move, until he’d entered her to the hilt. “Always so tight, baby.” He sucked in oxygen as if he were running a marathon. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling his lips to hers. She kissed him hard, before pulling away. “Move. Now.”

  He flashed her a startled grin. “So demanding.”

  Jess captured his bottom lip, sinking her teeth in until he hissed. She licked the sting away. Jess met his smoldering gaze. “Now.”

  “Like this?” He rocked slowly against her. Staying deep. Teasing.

  “Please.” She buried her face in his neck, fighting tears. She didn’t know how to deal with the emotions she was feeling. It felt like so much more than sex when he was like this.

  “Or like this?” He flexed his hips, pulling most of the way out before plunging back in balls deep.


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