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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 57

by Tricia Daniels

  “Oh, please.” Hannah says with ridicule as she turns to address Olivia. “Even if you did ditch that extra… what? 40lbs? How long do you think you could keep him happy? I’m thinking a few months tops, before he gets bored and starts looking for a woman that’s much more interesting.”

  Rachel starts towards her but Olivia grabs her. “Just let it go, Rach. She’s right.”

  “To hell with that, she’s NOT right. Ethan is in love with you, always has been. He’s only here with her tonight because you’re too freaking stubborn to admit you feel the same way.”

  Hannah laughs. “That’s hilarious! Ethan in love with her?”

  Rachel lurches forward but Olivia holds tighter. “You better walk back to your table right now, or they’re going to have to take you out of here in an ambulance.”

  “Rachel, honey? Is everything okay in there?” Scott stands with his foot on the edge of the door, holding it open just enough so he can hear her answer.

  “Not really, Scott.”

  “Well, sweetheart… everybody out here by the pool tables can hear you.”

  Rachel takes a deep breath and Olivia finally lets go of her arm. “OK, we’re coming out now.” Her tone becomes calmer. Hannah gleams as they walk past her. “Off you go ladies, back to the trailer park.”

  They’re almost at the door when Olivia looks back at her wishing she had something to say. As usual, dealing with Hannah has left her feeling insecure and self-conscious, stripped bare to a painful level of vulnerability.

  Hannah has to get one last jab in. “Honestly, honey, at least your friend has trapped some poor sucker already. If you’re not going to lose some weight then at least stop buying your clothes at the second hand store. Or is that where you’re looking for men to date now?”

  Rachel turns, fully prepared to put an end to it, but Scott grabs her from one side and Olivia pushes her from the other, until she’s all the way out the door. Storming through the restaurant, she heads straight towards Ethan. Scott turns to Olivia. “Are you ok?”

  She nods her head. She’s really not but she needs him to deal with Rachel.

  “Ok good, because I think O’Connell is in danger. I better catch up to her.”

  “Go!” Olivia says encouraging him to intervene.

  Scott takes off at a quick jog and Olivia looks up to see Cindy standing a few feet away with a few shots of tequila. Walking over, she picks them up, one in each hand and downs them. “Please add those to Mr. O’Connell’s bill tonight, Cindy.” Emptying both glasses, she puts them rim down on the tray.

  Cindy crinkles her noise and sighs as she turns to go back to the bar to refill her order. “Ok, but I have to tell you I’m starting to miss my old job. It was nice and quiet and boring. I have never seen this much drama in my life until I started here.”

  Olivia feels bad now. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, it’s ok. They can wait a few minutes for new ones. Are you ok?”

  Olivia continues to walk with Cindy back to the bar and lets out a big sigh.

  “That bad huh? Did you two break up?” She glances over at the table where her boss is sitting with another woman.

  Olivia laughs once. Apparently everybody considered them a couple anyways. She wasn’t even doing a good job of fooling herself. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “So what’s all the excitement tonight?”

  Olivia cringes as she says it. “Revenge dates. Old Crush versus Office Whore death match. In the same restaurant.”

  “Oh No! Are you kidding me? That chick comes in on a regular basis to see if he’s here. If he’s not here, she orders a water and then leaves.“

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “EW! She works with him?” Cindy suddenly realizes that’s what Olivia said. “What is he thinking taking her on a date?”

  Olivia jumps as Noah’s voice approaches from behind. “Olivia? Is everything ok?”

  “Noah. Yes, I’m sorry I was on my way back to the table but then I got side tracked by these two tequilas… and,” Realizing that she’s rambling, she stops herself and then looks up to find him chuckling at her.

  “It’s ok. Parker’s wife came through there like a bat out of hell, grabbed O’Connell by the ear and was dragging him out of the booth by the time Parker got to her. He had to pick her up and throw her over his shoulder to take her outside to cool off. It was the funniest damn thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what happened so when you didn’t come back right away I was concerned.”

  “Oh my God, Noah! That bitch cornered us in the bathroom and if you knew the things she said, you would understand why Rachel was so angry.”

  “I could hear some of it when I was serving drinks over at the pool tables. It wasn’t very nice at all.” Cindy adds. Noah glances over at Cindy and smiles, making her blush. Olivia narrows her eyes at the reaction.

  “I’m sorry, have you two met? Noah this is Cindy, Cindy this is my friend Noah Thompson.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” He extends his hand and gives her an appreciative look.

  Cindy dries her hands on her apron, takes his hand in hers, and holds it. “Likewise.”

  She blushes again and looks between Noah and Olivia. “So you two are just friends?”

  Noah chuckles and his eyes sparkle a little. “Yes, Olivia and I are completely head over heels in friendship with each other. Have been for years.”

  Cindy glances over at Olivia who nods her head in agreement. “He’s only here with me tonight on a date, to drive your boss nuts. They hate each other.”

  “Hate’s a strong word, Olivia.” Noah doesn’t want to give Cindy the wrong idea.

  Olivia puts her hands on her hips and scowls at him.

  Noah laughs. “OK, you’re right. I hate him. But do you know what I do like? Dessert! And I ordered us some.” He grins like a young child. “After you, my beautiful friend.”

  Olivia chuckles and rolls her eyes as she starts to walk towards the table. Noah hesitates for a minute and then turns back towards Cindy with a very charming smile. “So tonight, I’m a little busy torturing your boss in hopes that his head will explode in a jealous rage, but maybe another night you and I could have dessert together?”

  Cindy blushes again and smiles. “Sure, that would be nice.”

  He grins from ear to ear. “Awesome, I know where to find you when I’m done, but for now I have to get back to my evil plan.” He rubs his hands together like an cartoon villain and when he turns around to walk away, Olivia is standing, looking unimpressed with her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised. “I can let you out of this gig right now if you want.”

  “Ah! Well that’s very kind of you, but as much as I’d like to spend time with the lovely Cindy tonight, I’m not quite finished fucking with O’Connell.” He glances at Cindy over his shoulder and winks, leaving her smiling.

  As they return to the table, their waitress arrives with their dessert. A warm brownie right out of the oven, smelling absolutely sinful. There is a dollop of vanilla ice cream slowly melting on top. Placing it in front Olivia, she hands her two spoons. Noah wiggles his way over beside her and puts his arm around her. Taking one of the spoons out of her hand, he scoops up a small piece of brownie and directs it towards her mouth. He stares at her lips, waiting for her to open them so he can feed her, and smirking at her hesitation. “Come on, baby.”

  She rolls her eyes and opens her mouth, letting him gently place the spoon on her tongue. Closing her lips around it, she moans when he slowly slides the spoon out of her mouth leaving the chocolate treasure behind. She licks the chocolate off her lips in a very seductive way. Running the pad of his finger across her lip, Noah collects the chocolate that she missed and then holds his finger to her closed lips.

  Olivia talks really low. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather eat more of your brownie first because if I lick your finger… you’re going to get punched.”

  Noah shrugs. “Bring it on.”

  Olivia parts he
r lips, opening just enough for him to push his finger in so she can lick the rest of the chocolate off it with her tongue.

  Rachel’s mouth is hanging open as she watches. “What?” Scott isn’t sure he wants to know.

  “Oh, this is not a good thing. Ethan is barely keeping his shit together over there and Noah just turned the heat up a notch.”

  When Olivia looks over at Ethan, he’s staring right at them and he’s livid. She can feel the anger vibrating off his body from across the room. Hannah is trying desperately to re-gain his attention but it’s a lost cause. She flashes a look at Rachel who makes a face at her. More than a few minutes pass and Ethan has not broken his stare nor has he acknowledged Hannah even once.

  In utter frustration, she moves to the edge of the bench and picks up her purse. “Well, thank you for dinner, Ethan. But I need to go now.” Standing, she moves around the table and leaves. “Don’t bother seeing me out.” She says in a snarky voice. “And don’t bother calling me again.”

  Noah and Olivia both watch as Hannah stomps to the front of the restaurant and leaves.

  “I can’t believe she just left.” Olivia whispers, looking over at Rachel who is grinning from ear to ear.

  “I can’t believe he hasn’t seemed to notice she’s gone.” Noah chuckles, then his face takes on a very serious look. “I think things just got very REAL for Mr. O’Connell. Are you ready?”

  “For what?” She’s curious about his change of expression

  “He’s on his way over here.”

  Chapter 31

  Olivia tenses and turns slightly in her seat, focusing on Noah and resisting the urge to look over her shoulder as Ethan walks over to their table and stops. She knows that he’s there. She can feel his energy. It’s been that way since the first day they met. Noah acknowledges him with a nod. “Ethan.”

  The DJ starts up a song and Noah wipes his mouth with a napkin and tosses it on the table. Grabbing Olivia’s hand, he slides out of the booth taking her with him. “Excuse us, my date has promised me a dance.” Bumping him purposely as he passes, Ethan clenches his fist readying himself for a fight. Brushing past him lightly, as Noah drags her by her hand, Olivia looks Ethan straight in the eye and whispers. “Don’t.”

  “What are you doing with this guy?” He asks angrily, his eyes dark and intense. Clenching his jaw tightly, the nerve at his temple starts to jump with an angry tick and his Irish temper boils very close to the surface.

  Noah keeps moving, still holding her hand, as he pulls her behind him and directing her towards the dance floor. Turning, she looks at Ethan who is standing motionless in the same spot, fists still clenched. Finding a spot on the floor, Noah spins her around until she’s facing him, and wraps his arms around, starting to move with the rhythm of the music. At first, there’s an appropriate amount of space between them, but as they turn and move with the music, Noah smoothly reels her in closer and closer until their bodies are touching.

  Olivia can’t help but watch for Ethan, her eyes darting across the room. She finally sees him taking a seat at the bar between Rachel and Scott. Anxious feelings wind tight inside her when the bartender hands him a shot glass and a bottle of Scotch. Apparently, Johnnie Walker Black is the mind numbing booze of choice for Ethan O’Connell.

  When the music slows, she relaxes a little in Noah’s arms now that she knows where Ethan is. Noah is a good dancer, not quite as good as Ethan. Her body certainly doesn’t react with the same molten heat as when she’s close to Ireland. Noah’s hands move from her hips to her back pulling her closer so that his cheek is against hers. “You smell very nice.” He whispers.

  “Thank you, it’s Ethan’s favorite…” Stopping her thoughts, she groans. “Why did I say that? He drives me nuts that man.”

  “Olivia, please forgive me for saying so, and I can’t believe that I am going to say this… but it seems to me that you love the guy.”

  Shocked, Olivia pulls back so she can see his face. “WHAT?”

  Smoothing her hair behind her ear, he moves his lips to press against her forehead. “Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely despise the bastard, but he’s changed something in you. You glow when you look at him. Even tonight, I can tell when you’re thinking about him, I can see it in your eyes. Question is… why are you fighting it?”

  “I guess I just don’t understand what a man like him would see in a girl like me.” She shrugs. “Then Hannah said that a girl like me would never be able to make him happy in the end… and I know she’s probably right. So why put myself through that only to have him break my heart.”

  “Sweetheart, if that happened, and I’m not saying that it would… it couldn’t possibly be as painful as what you two are putting each other through right now.”

  She’s a little shocked. “It almost sounds like you’re trying to sell me on him.”

  “No! Don’t get me wrong, I still think you should kick him to the curb and date me instead.”

  Olivia leans back and raises her eyebrows. “You’re not going to try and convince me that we should give it a try after you just asked out another girl during our date?”

  Noah tilts his head to the side, and then a charming grin starts to curl at the sides of his mouth. “That’s a NO then?”

  Olivia laughs and shakes her head. “That’s a HELL NO!”

  Spinning her around so that she’s facing the bar, he continues to sway with her from behind. “Look at him. He’s absolutely miserable. THAT… is a man in love. Why wouldn’t he be? You are the most amazing, brilliant and beautiful woman. The kind of woman EVERY man fantasizes about.”

  Olivia blushes. “You have been very nice to me tonight.”

  “It’s easy to be nice to you, Olivia. Really, it is.” He smiles as he continues to sway her with the music then gently spins her back around so they are dancing chest to chest.

  “Noah… Ethan is getting really angry.” She warns him, watching over his shoulder as Ethan downs another shot and then bangs the shot glass down so hard it breaks. Rachel and Scott exchange tense looks.

  Olivia frowns. “I’m sorry Noah, but I think we should leave before he loses it.”

  “I can handle Ethan.” He assures her. When he starts to lower his mouth to hers, she faintly hears Rachel scream out Scott’s name. As Noah brushes the smallest of kisses across her lips, she feels him being abruptly ripped away. Opening her eyes, she sees Ethan standing nose to nose with Noah, engaging him in a standoff in the middle of the dance floor. His hands are twisted in the material of Noah’s shirt holding him. Noah grins at him, which only stokes his fire.

  “Something wrong, O’Connell?” His ghost of a grin taunting Ethan into something that closely resembles rage.

  “I’ve told you before to stay away from her Thompson.”

  “Ok guys, let’s just calm down.” Scott tries to diffuse the situation but he fears he’s a few warriors short for this battle. Where the fuck are Brant and McCabe? “Ethan, you need to walk away.”

  Olivia is starting to get a little freaked out. When has Ethan warned Noah to stay away from her? “Ethan!” She tries to get his attention, knowing that he’s a few Scotches past being rational.

  “I hope veterinarians have good dental plans, because I’m going to knock out all of your teeth.” Ethan growls as he pushes against Noah’s chest. Scott grabs him by the shoulder and tries to pull him away but he shakes him off and takes another step towards Noah. Instead of backing up Noah holds his ground making Ethan bump hard against his chest. The restaurant security team has joined them but when they see that it’s the boss causing all the ruckus they hold back and wait.

  Watching the aggressive pushing and shoving take place between these two uber alpha males is threatening to coax poor Olivia right into another anxiety attack. Rachel has made it to her side and rubbing her back gently she tries to soothe her while they watch helplessly. “Scott, just put an end to this!” She snarls.

  “I’m trying to, honey.” Scott’s voice is strained
as he physically tries to pry them apart. Looking over at the burly security detail, he scowls. “A little help here, fellas?”

  Olivia holds her palms to her forehead and tries to take in long slow breaths. Struggling to hold back the tears that are forming in her eyes she takes a step forward, pressing herself against Ethan’s side. “Ethan.” She says calmly. When he doesn’t respond she tries again a little louder. “ETHAN!”

  Glancing over at her, nostrils flaring, he establishes eye contact. He lets go of Noah’s shirt when he sees the tears in her eyes. The fear on her face, makes him feel much more concerned for her, than anger for Noah. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course she’s okay, O’Connell. She’s with me.” Noah just can’t let it go.

  Ethan tenses again.

  “Stop it, Noah!” Olivia warns. “Ethan, please. I’m not okay. You two are freaking me out. And… you made me a promise.”

  Ethan stares at her, recognizing the signs of her anxiety. He did promise her. “You’re fucking lucky, Thompson.” He growls as he takes a step back. Scott quickly steps in between them and then ushers Ethan back into the bar. He has barely sat down, when Noah walks past and grins at him, taunting him again. He’s on his feet in a flash and heading after him. This time Scott is prepared and steps in front of him, putting both hands on his chest stopping him in his tracks. “Sit down, buddy.”

  Ethan looks over his shoulder and tries to push past him. Scott stands firm. “Ethan, I’m not kidding. Sit down! You started this and it back fired on you, so you’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  Cursing, he lets out a ragged breath and returns to his stool at the bar.

  “Where the fuck is Brant and McCabe?” Feeling a little desperate, Scott pulls out his cell phone and checks again.

  Olivia is one big ball of anxiety now and Noah senses it in her body. Massaging her shoulders gently only seems to make it worse. “Are you ok?” He’s concerned now, finally realizing that this whole thing is having a more serious affect on her than he thought it would.


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