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Caught by the Bad Boys Series

Page 98

by Raathi Chota

  “This is its loudest, and it’s not stopping,” he said then brushed his palms against the keys. I looked past him and across the road to see the sign Route 28. Yet even further than that I saw a car in the distance. I scrunched up my nose as I walked past them.

  “Holy shit, dude,” Nick said as we all looked at Benny’s old car in the distance. Obviously, the beep got louder. I stared at the gray car and noticed the dust on the windows. I realized they told the truth when they said they dropped it at the junkyard. It had a few scratches and was rusty on the ends. Most of the parts had been stripped to salvage and sell. It’s like a few seconds before it was demolished for good…it was rescued. “What the fuck do we do now?” Nick demanded. “Do we just leave it?”

  “Yeah, I mean it still looks shitty.” Liam shrugged.

  “Really, Liam? That’s the thing you’re worried about?” Benny asked as we stood at the edge of the road. The car was a few yards away from us, yet I stared at it because I didn’t know why it was there.

  “Maybe one of James’s men drove it here, took the keys, and left it at Ethan’s beach house for us to find. Then once we were back in Illinois, he activated it for us to locate the car,” Liam said, and we stared at him.

  “Problem solved! Let’s go home,” Nick said then spun around.

  “Nick, we can’t ju—” I cut myself off when I bumped into him. I fixed my glasses then stepped aside to see why he stopped. My face suddenly drained of color as I saw Marcus against his car.

  “Dude, how did your old car get there?” he casually asked then approached us.

  “Why do you wanna know?” Liam asked before Benny answered.

  “It’s just weird, y’know. His car keys were at Ethan’s beach house, and now his old car is here,” Marcus stated then shoved his hands in his pockets. We remained quiet, and I looked back at the cottage. From the outside, it looked warm and cozy, but then there’s the inside. Empty, creepy, and a mystery behind each wall. It still surprised me that the guys hid two hundred and forty-eight parcels in there. I wonder if they knew about the sewer.

  “Open it,” Marcus’s strong voice spoke up as I turned to him.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Benny, open the car,” Marcus ordered.

  “Why do you want him to open his own car?” Liam asked, and I noticed that when Liam backed away, Marcus stepped forward.

  “Liam, stop. I’ll check it out. You guys stay here,” Benny said then walked off. It was quiet at first, then Marcus and Liam bickered again. I rolled my eyes as Nick let out a sigh.

  “Who’s the stalker now?” Liam demanded then jabbed his finger in Marcus’s face.

  “At least I have a valid reason to, Sanchez!” Marcus said then pushed Liam. That’s when the fight started. Nick and I tried to stop them, but with Liam’s height and Marcus’s muscular build, it was impossible. After a few minutes, we finally got them off each other. We were on the ground. I held Liam down while Nick was on his knees as he gripped Marcus. As we caught our breath, I saw Benny run toward us.

  “Behind the car!” he yelled then stopped by me.

  “What?” Nick asked as he got up. Liam and Marcus got up and looked at the car. I was still in the process, but Benny picked me up. Everything happened so fast as they ran behind Benny’s Toyota.

  “What’s goin—” I cut off with a loud bang, and I slapped my palms against my ears. The windows of the cottage shattered as the ground shook. Benny wrapped his arms around me and spoke, yet I couldn’t hear him. My ears rang, head pained, and I felt dizzy. I squinted my eyes and looked at the cottage. Broken glass surrounded the cottage, and I sniffed the air and smelled smoke. Nick stood up and looked through the window to look at Benny’s old car.

  “Holy shit, the car blew up,” he said, and I saw a bit of blood run down his forehead. He must’ve gotten behind the car last.

  “Told you it was a shitty car.”

  Chapter Nine


  We stood at the edge of the road and looked back and forth at the cottage and car, which was on fire. Liam stood next to me while Benny helped Nick clean the blood off his forehead. I turned to Marcus, who had his hands shoved in his pockets.

  “Why did you want Benny to open the car?” I asked. We couldn’t put it out; the only way we could was if we had a fire extinguisher. “Did you know that the car was going to blow up?” I turned to Marcus. “Did you want him to get hurt?!” I raised my voice and marched toward him. I stood right in front of Marcus. Thankfully he wasn’t so tall that I had to tilt my head up at him. “What’s your deal, huh, Marcus?” I snarled. “Why are you so interested in us all of a sudden? Why do you follow us?” Before he’d answer, I opened my mouth and continued. “All of us could’ve gotten hurt! Can’t you just stick to soccer and fucking my best friend? Leave us alone! Or I swear I’ll hu—”

  “You’ll what?” he demanded then stepped toward me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Benny step between us. He moved me behind him.

  “Marcus, what the hell are you even doing here?” Benny asked.

  “Saw the keys, wanted to know what’s up.” He shrugged.

  “What’s up?” I demanded then walked between them. “I’ll tell you what’s up! That car exploded, and you probably know why! So either you tell us or we tell Miranda what a creepy-ass stalker you are.”

  “Oh yeah, who she gonna believe? Her best ‘friend’ who became so secretive or her boyfriend who loves and just wants to protect her?” he exclaimed.

  “You don’t love her!” Liam spoke up. “Plus, we’re on Lana’s side. We’ll be her witnesses!”

  I stared at Marcus for a reaction, but he kept a straight face. He held a good posture as he tried to tower over Benny but failed since Benny was taller.

  “You know who’s my witness?” He pointed at the car. “The firefighters and probably the cops since the windows of the cottage were shattered.”

  We remained quiet because we knew well enough that they’d arrive soon and it’d be bad if my dad spotted me. I eyed Marcus then sighed as I said, “What do you want?”

  “Nothing. I just want to know what you’re up to.” Marcus laughed.

  “Liar, liar, pants on fire! You’re up to something, and we know you know about James being wanted,” Liam said, and I noticed Marcus’s jaw clenched.

  “I’m not up to anything. I’m just tired of this secrecy bullshit going on between everyone. Miranda will agree wit—”

  “You know what?” Nick cut him off as he pressed a tissue against his forehead. “We’re wasting time because when everyone shows up, we’ll all get into trouble. So, Marcus, you don’t say anything, and we don’t say anything. Deal?”

  I didn’t want to make a deal because I needed to know what Marcus was up to, and I noticed Liam and Benny did too. Although Nick was right, we’d all get into trouble.

  “Fine, but from now on you leave us the fuck alone,” Benny stated, and Marcus gave a curt nod. From there we went our separate ways. Marcus said he’d go back to school while I asked Benny to take me home. I had to study, and I saw the look on Liam’s face. He wanted to update his crime wall on Marcus Sanders. When I got home, I found Mom in the kitchen. I asked where Dad was, and she said he’d be late. Instead of going up into my room to study, I stayed in the kitchen and waited for Dad. Honestly, I was nervous. Someone could’ve reported the car. Plus, it happened opposite Ethan’s cottage where the windows were crushed.

  “I thought Levi and Keene were joining us for dinner?” Mom placed three plates on the table.

  “Oh err…Mrs. Gunner invited Keene,” I said. Ever since Noel passed away, Keene had been invited to dinner either by Mrs. Gunner or my mom. He barely spoke, but he appreciated it. He’d take anything not to be alone in his apartment for too long.

  “Roxanne is a lovely woman. I met her at the supermarket one Sunday morning, and she told me what a challenge it was to feed those boys.” Mom laughed. “But she enjoys the company. Levi surprisingly helps a lot
around the house if he’s not working that day.”

  “Well, at least Aunt Jade will be glad to hear that,” I said, and Mom nodded. She placed a dinner plate in the middle, and I leaned forward to see that we had meatloaf. While Mom dished meatloaf, I poured vanilla cola.

  “Mm,” Mom began then swallowed her food. “Speaking of the Radcliffs, Jade and Richard are coming for July fourth, so I was thinking of inviting everyone over, y’know for a barbecue, and invite Griffon, and of course Roxanne and her sons. Jade will be thankful because she let her son stay there. Also, Amber and Lucas Nielson with their sons, as well as Keene!”

  “That’s great, Mom.”

  “Yeah, and my friends at work, as well as Dad’s. Who else would you like me to invite?”

  “Dad will like it if the Baxters are there.”

  “Yes, he and Richard would want another discount. What about your girlfriends? Miranda and her mom? Melissa? Tiffany?”

  “I’ll ask Mom, plus July is far away, no rush, but I’ll ask. Can Carter come?” I asked because if his best friend Blake came, then he’d want to come too.

  “Sure! The more, the merrier. Just know that you and Levi have to do the dishes afterward,” she said then laughed.

  “Oh really? Then we’ll also invite Linda,” I said. Mom’s eyes widened for a second but slanted into hatred of our neighbor.

  “Never. That woman with her five wild children, thinking she’s all that! When you and Levi were kids, she’d call you two over all the time because she didn’t have children yet. Jade and I grew skeptical because you’d both come home full and wouldn’t eat our food.”

  I laughed as Mom talked about Linda’s misplaced cat and how she wanted to report it to Dad. Then she said that Levi shouldn’t have driven over her dog, which could lead to no cat at all. Mom stopped, and I noticed her gaze was drawn to me. I looked over my shoulder to see Dad enter the room in his uniform. He took off his jacket then set his keys on the counter.

  “Evening, you hungry?” Mom asked as I continued my food. “How was work?”

  “When am I not hungry, Angie?” Dad asked then sat between Mom and me. “Would’ve been home earlier but was called to a fire near Mr. Baxter’s cottage. Apparently, there was an empty car there with a bomb in it. Don’t know how it got activated but the windows of the cottage shattered. Can’t identify the vehicle because the VIN number was scratched off.”

  “Oh my, was anyone hurt?”

  “Nope, but we’re looking into it. Found some tire tracks and they lead back to the high school,” Dad said. I closed my eyes for a moment as I remembered Marcus parked on the gravel and he went back to school. “Do you know if Ethan or any of the guys would want to go back there?” Dad asked me. I shook my head because Ethan, Aidan, Carter, and Blake were banned from the cottage after they cleaned it out.

  “They haven’t been there after they’ve cleaned it out because it was put on sale,” I answered truthfully. Dad let out a sigh then ate meatloaf. Mom stared at Dad then at me for a while. I raised a brow then awkwardly returned to my food.

  “How are you doing, Lana? With…what happened at the beach house and Noel?”

  “I’m all right.” I shrugged then pushed up my glasses. I wasn’t okay; the way I placed my emphasis said so. I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t like to talk about that night at the beach house or Noel’s death. If I would, I’d suddenly burst into tears.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. Parker and his delinquent friends are gone from you and your friends’ lives,” Dad assured me as he placed a hand on my arm. I stared at my dad and noticed his gray hairs and stubble. At the start of Junior year, they were barely noticeable, but now, I realized how old he’d gotten. How everything that’s been going on had stressed him. How my life affected others too. I wanted to tell him about Parker, I really did, but I didn’t know what would happen after that.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said then looked at my parents. “I love you so much, and thank you for being the best parents ever.”

  “Wha—” Mom stuttered as she looked at my dad then me. “We love you too, Lana, you are the light and happiness of our lives.”

  I gave a tight smile then continued with my food. The rest of the dinner was spent in silence, but it was a comfortable yet deliberate silence. I looked at my dad again because I knew that he’d do anything for me if I ever told him everything. Then I looked at my mom, who’d support and be there for me.

  After dinner, I changed into my pajamas and studied. It was eleven p.m., and my butt ached in my chair as I tried to study for Physics. I had one of Spotify’s playlists of classical music on. I bobbed my head to the rhythm when I heard a knock. I glanced at my closed door, but there was no sign of Mom or Dad. Then I turned to the window and almost fell off my chair when I saw Keene in the tree. I abruptly stood up and walked toward the window. It was repaired, but I rarely opened it because I had a strange feeling that the window would break again. I slowly opened it and mentally awed that he asked to come in. Of course, I’d let him in since he freaking dangled from a tree.

  “You said I could come over anytime,” he said once he was in then closed the window.

  “I did say that.” I nodded and gestured for him to take a seat on my bed. I walked to my desk and sat down on the chair then turned to him. He already made himself comfortable by kicking off his shoes.

  “You can continue with what you’re doing,” he said then laid on my bed with his hands behind his head. I slowly nodded then returned to my studies. Yet I couldn’t focus. Keene didn’t do anything, and that’s what bothered me. I was happy that he felt comfortable, but he stared at my ceiling. “Mozart.”


  “You’re listening to Mostly Mozart’s orchestras,” he stated. “Clarinet.”

  “Err…yeah. It just came on.” I shrugged. “You listen to classical?”

  “Sometimes. I get tired of Levi’s RnB, Blake’s rock, or Axel’s Hip Hop,” he said then closed his eyes. I let out a chuckle then doodled in the back of my book as the music played. “How’s Aidan?”

  I glanced up to see that his eyes were still closed. Even though he couldn’t see me, I still raised a brow.

  “Aidan? He’s okay. I heard he got detention tomorrow.” I laughed. Keene smiled as I tilted my head at him. “Why’d you ask? You could’ve asked his cousins, but you asked me?”

  “Noel died on Aidan’s birthday,” Keene stated then frowned. “Aidan barely shows any type of emotion except happiness, so it was hard that night to see how he felt.”

  “Yeah, but he can get serious at times. Maybe he was just trying to be strong for Tiffany.” I thought back to the drugs when Aidan was so severe when he found out about the pills.

  “Yeah, people like him and Liam…I just wonder sometimes because they’re so happy. How can they be so happy when we’ve all been through shit? Then I think…maybe they’re faking it,” Keene said then sat up. “If that’s the case, then they’re like you, Lana. You’re good at faking it, but sometimes faking things isn’t healthy.” He stood up. He ruffled my hair then walked to my bathroom. As the door shut, I thought about Aidan and Liam. Aidan stressed about things such as the drugs, and he blamed himself that we had to go through it with James when Blake assured him that it wasn’t his fault. Then with me and the pills seemed to trigger him. With Liam was another story because his parents barely took note of him because they’re slumped with work, so he only had his grandma. So I guessed being with his friends made him happy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my room door opened. Dad peeked his head through and told me the alarm was on and that I shouldn’t go to bed too late. Once he was gone, I looked at the bathroom door to see Keene’s shadow underneath it. He came out seconds later and rubbed his eyes. Once he dropped his hands, I saw the exhaustion. The bags under his eyes from sleepless nights made his face pale.

  “Hey, err…I almost forgot to tell you that when I was cleaning out Noel’s room, I found a letter,” he said
as I stood up. “I don’t have it with me, but I remember going to a support group with him, and they had this activity where we had to write a letter to ourselves about anything, anything we’d like…Noel obviously spoke about his family and how much he loves Jennifer, then he went deeper into thought. He talked about James.” Keene looked at me. “He said how James has this big plan and it’s currently in motion. He planned it out cautiously and went as far as to write out ways that it could go wrong and its solution for them.”

  “H-How did Noel know all of this?”

  “He overheard a conversation with Ernst and Christo when they were in his parents’ house.”

  “Oh. What else did the letter say?”

  “That he won’t stop until he gets what he wants and that he likes to see people suffer,” Keene answered then bit his lip. I let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through my tangled hair. “He also said that they mentioned a ‘she’ a lot. Do you know who ‘she’ is?”

  “N-No I don’t.” I sighed then looked at the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keene walk to my laptop and put the volume down. I spun around to see him walk toward the window.

  “The err…the alarm is on. You can’t—you can’t go,” I mumbled. “But you can sleep here.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I’ll, err…I’ll make a bed on the ground.” He nodded then walked to my closet. I scowled, and he stopped.

  “You can sleep in my bed, Keene. I’ll be up studying, so don’t worry.” I shrugged then looked at his blue eyes. “You need the rest.”

  For the first time in days, I saw him smile. It wasn’t a full smile, but it was a smile that still made his eyes sparkle. He thanked me then took off his black hoodie. I sat in my chair and turned to see him in a white tank top.

  “There’s a game tomorrow night,” I suddenly blurted out because something might be good for Keene. “A baseball game and well…do you wanna come with me?”

  Keene was under the duvet as he sunk into my biggest pillow. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.


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