Book Read Free

Caught by the Bad Boys Series

Page 99

by Raathi Chota

  “Sure. I haven’t been to a school game before,” he mumbled. “It’ll be fun to spend a Friday night at a high school game rather than getting drunk at one of Jaden’s parties.”

  I laughed then turned off the music because I wouldn’t get any studying done, neither would Keene fall asleep. I saw him turn the other way so that his back faced me. I took that as a sign and got back to work.

  “Lana…guess what? Guess what?” he asked, and I heard the sleepiness in his voice as he dragged his words. None of us turned to each other, and as I wrote, I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Yes, Keene?”

  “Just wanna say thanks and that I love you.” He mumbled the last part as I smiled.

  “Love you too, Keene.”


  The next day went by in a breeze, and I noticed throughout the school day everyone was excited about the baseball game. We’d verse Park Town High, and I was excited too because Quinton wouldn’t be there, nor the twins. I was near the field with Miranda, Tiffany, Melissa, Aidan, and Carter. We sat on the bleachers when I spotted Liam and Benny near the school building. They called me, and I immediately stood up and walked toward them.

  “What?” I asked. Marcus appeared around the corner with his arms folded. He looked pissed.

  “Last night when I got home, a cop was there,” he stated. “He identified my tire tracks and followed me from school.”

  “Ha! That’s what you get for being all up in our beef!” Liam pointed at Marcus, who glared in return.

  “D-Did you tell them anything?” Benny asked.

  “They told me that the call for the fire was sent in anonymously, so I just told them that I stopped and called,” Marcus answered then pushed Liam’s hand away since he laughed.

  “What else did they say?”

  “Nothing, they just thanked me for calling.” Marcus shrugged then looked at me. “Now you guys tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “I think you already know what’s going on, Marcus,” I snapped. “So you tell me: Did you know that the car was going to blow up?”

  We stared at each other for a while. I tried to look scary and pissed at the same time while he held an expressionless look. People passed us to get to the field, and once a group of girls passed, he spoke.


  “He’s lying!” Liam exclaimed then approached Marcus, but Benny stood between them. “You might look innocent, Marcus Sanders, but you’re not! You’re a douche who surprisingly manages to pull off the blue hair, but you know stuff! We just have to drag it out of you!”

  “Dude, calm down.” Marcus looked at Liam. “Thanks for the compliment on the hair, but I know nothing…I’m just a snoopy person.”

  “Ha! So you admit it!” Liam said as I rolled my eyes. They went back and forth while Benny tried to stop them. People passed, and they’d be quiet, but as soon as those people were gone, they argued each other’s heads off. My phone vibrated, and I took it out to see Keene’s message. I smiled then glanced up at the three boys.

  “Our deal’s a deal, Marcus. None of us say anything…all right?” Benny snapped.

  “Whatever,” Marcus mumbled then jammed his hands in his front pockets. With that, Marcus walked off to join the others. Once he was gone, Liam neared us.

  “I was thinking…” he mumbled. “Why would James destroy evidence…our evidence?”

  “Yeah, I was also thinking that last night. I mean he either brings back evidence or just destroys it,” Benny added.

  “I-I don’t know. I don’t know what’s his game.” I shook my head. “Keene’s waiting for me, so I’ll see you guys on the field?”

  “Yeah.” Benny laughed then eyed me up and down. “You look good in my jacket.”

  I felt my cheeks heat up as he kissed my forehead then walked off with Liam. I saw Keene with his hands shoved in his pockets as he kicked a pebble.

  “Keene!” I called out as I approached him. He glanced up and gave me a warm smile. I stood in front and took in his appearance. He wore a gray shirt, black ripped jeans, and high tops. “I didn’t think you’d come,” I said then hugged him.

  “Well, I said I’ve never been to a baseball game before,” he said then looked at the school building behind me.

  “It’s great. Where’s Levi and Blake?”

  “They’re not into baseball, so they went to Jaden’s,” he answered. “Not being a snitch or anything but…you do know they’re not living up to that ‘five cigarettes a week resolution’…at all?”

  “Yeah, I know, with Jaden around it’s hard since he’s a big influence.” I shrugged. “Plus, with everything that’s been going on, even I crave one at times.”

  Keene nodded in agreement then turned to me. “Nice jacket.”

  “Oh.” I laughed. “Thanks, it’s Benny’s…which reminds me. I won’t be sitting with you for a while. I have to help Carter at the merchandise table.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re on for that Valedictorian thing?”

  “Yeah, that, and as president of the debate team, I should do it since I haven’t been such a good president in a while,” I mumbled.

  “Oh, so you’re not sitting with me?” he asked.

  “I will go during the game, but halftime I’ll go again. You can sit with Aidan and Miranda,” I said, and he nodded. Thankfully the merchandise table was next to the bleachers where my friends sat, so it was more comfortable. Carter wore a hoodie with the school colors, black and blue, with a graphic design of the school mascot.

  “Hey guys, Keene’s here.”

  “Hey, papa bear,” Aidan said then gestured Keene to sit with him and Tiffany. I smiled to see Keene and Aidan immediately chitchat as soon as he sat down. I turned to Miranda, who smiled down at Melissa, who held a paper.

  “What is that?”

  “I got accepted into that school in Italy!” Melissa squealed.

  “Wow, we’re all gonna be scattered,” Miranda exclaimed. “Melissa’s going to Italy, Marcus is going to the UK, Tiffany’s going to Canada, Blake’s going to Minnesota, Ethan’s going to Australia, La—”

  “Whoa. He’s going to Australia,” I stated then spun around to look at Ethan. He was on the field as he spoke to Coach.

  “Yeah, he’s rich. Don’t know what he’s gonna do there.” Melissa shrugged. My friends continued to talk about their colleges, yet I distanced myself and sold merchandise. I glanced up to see Benny across the field as he threw some balls with Nick and Tyler. I bit the inside of my cheek because he looked attractive. When he jumped, I noticed his chain rose, and I immediately touched my ring. A smile appeared on my lips as I looked at him. He caught my eye and instantly waved.

  “Aren’t you two adorable,” Carter stated as he stood next to me. Benny winked at me, and I was going to walk to him, but Nick tapped him on the shoulder. As I folded a few of the shirts, I felt Carter’s eyes on me. When I turned to look at him, he acted as if he counted the money. “I noticed you went quiet when Melissa was talking about college. Don’t worry, Lana, I haven’t even gotten a letter from the—”

  “Yeah, but you got an interview, Carter, and like you said…they liked you,” I said then looked at him. “How can anyone not like you?”

  He smiled then licked his lips. “But if you stay here, you’ll at least have Miranda, Aidan, Liam, Keene, Levi, and Axel.”

  I nodded then looked down. I felt his arm around my shoulder as he leaned his head against my temple. I finally turned to him and let him hug me.

  The game began, and that’s when we sat down. I sat next to Keene, and he offered me his candy. As we watched the game, we’d share snacks, and occasionally I’d turn to him. I noticed he enjoyed it because Aidan and Liam spoke to him as well as the girls.


  It was Saturday, and Ethan invited all of us for a movie night since Jefferson High won. Afterward, he dragged us to the pool, but I didn’t want to swim. I sat on the deck chair and studied while Miranda, Marcus, Ethan, Melissa, and Nick were in the
hot tub. I felt sorry for Tiffany because she was the only girl in the pool yet she wanted to be with Aidan. The music blared, and all in all, everyone had fun. Except for me, who tried to study for the most important exam of my life. I guess to hear that everyone’s got their life sorted out triggered me. I tried my best to study, but Benny came over, wet from the pool, and said I should join everyone. I kind of snapped and told him to leave me, and I think he got the message since he sent me worried glances. Then Melissa came and spoke about how I missed the opportunity to see our guy friends’ bare chests.

  “Hey, Willson.”

  “What do you want, Jaden?” I asked as I skimmed through my textbook.

  “You should take a break,” he said, and I saw him put a cigarette and a joint on my book. I stared at the two for a while and considered taking the stress away. I cleared my throat then tossed them at him.

  “No thanks, I’m good,” I said then was about to push up my glasses but realized I wore contacts.

  “You sure? You look a bi—”

  “I am fine!” I snapped then sat up. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I looked at Jaden. He looked around then clenched his jaw. I huffed then gathered my things.

  “Lana, where you going?” Ethan asked once I picked up my things then creased out my skirt.

  “Somewhere. Anywhere but here.” I muttered the last part then walked around the pool. “I need to study.”

  “Just put the books down and join us,” Melissa said.

  “No!” I spun around and looked at everyone. “How can you all just be having fun at a time like this? We’re studying for finals! I know that you shouldn’t be worrying because you all got accepted into great schools away from here, but I don’t want to stay here. I don’t want to be here!

  “You’re all acting as if Levi didn’t get stabbed or we didn’t get tied up or that Noel didn’t die! Have the past seven months affected you in any way?”

  My breaths became hard as I looked at them. The music being off filled the tension, but it didn’t change the remorseful looks on their faces. Then I looked at Keene, who had his feet in the water while he stared at me.

  “Everyone is coping in their own way, Lana,” Miranda stated.

  “Oh, that’s bullshit…that’s utter fucking bullshit!” I exclaimed then looked at Blake. “Come on, Blake…I need a ride.”

  He quickly nodded then got out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

  “I can take you,” Benny chimed in.

  “Or even I’ll take you, but why him?” Levi asked as he sipped his beer.

  “Cause I wanna drive his motorcycle,” I stated then walked into the house. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blake smirk at Benny and Levi. He grabbed his clothes then followed me into the house. “Please, Gunner, don’t flatter yourself. Where we’re going, you’d want to come back.”

  “The hell? Are we going to the fucking library?”

  “Nope.” I smiled then told him to get dressed in the other room since I saw Benny approach.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?” Benny asked as he outstretched his hand, but I folded my arms since he dried himself with the towel.

  “Just, I need to study. I can’t do this. I can’t be happy all the time and act as if our lives aren’t fucked up,” I bluntly stated.

  “Babe, come on, you’ll ace that exam,” he said then kissed my lips. “I know you will.”

  “Benny, it’s one of the most important subjects of my life,” I said. “I just wanna make sure.”

  “Okay, well, where are you going?” he asked, and I whispered in his ear. “Okay, well, call me if you need anything…food or cuddles, I’ll be there,” Benny said. I couldn’t restrain myself from his cuteness, so I locked my arms around his neck and gave him a long kiss.

  “Ugh, hurry up, or I’m not giving you my keys,” Blake exclaimed. I pulled away, and Benny smiled as I said goodbye. Blake and I walked out of the house, down the parking area to his motorcycle. Since I brought a little backpack with me, I asked Blake to keep it. I swung my leg over and got onto the bike then put on a helmet. I was going to start the bike but noticed Blake hadn’t gotten on yet. I looked over my shoulder and saw his stare.

  “Are you gonna get on or what?”

  “Sorry, I just love seeing you get onto my motorcycle,” he said then got on behind me. I turned the ignition then placed my hands on the handles. “It’s just so sexy.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Especially since you’re wearing that adorable skirt of yours.”

  “Y’know I can just ask Levi to take me.” I grinned. “Or Carter. I’m sure he’d love to study with me.”

  I heard a grunt behind me as I smirked. Blake kicked the side stand in and off we went, out of Ethan’s neighborhood and into downtown. After a twenty-minute drive, we arrived at the place. Blake looked around the tall buildings, then at me. “Where are we?”

  “At Uncle Griff’s apartment,” I said then pointed at the top floor. “That one’s his.”

  “Why are we here? What if he’s busy? What if he’s jerking off or watching porn?” Blake asked as I scrunched up my nose.

  “What the hell? He’s not…” I trailed off then glanced up. “He’s not watching porn, and I asked you to come with me because I know you don’t like him.”

  “Oh…well, you’re smart.”

  “Yeah. Do you err…do you have a cigarette?”

  “You want one?” He raised a brow as he searched his pockets.

  “I need one.”

  “Yeah, we all do, baby girl,” he said then lit two cigarettes. Once he inhaled, he handed me one. I put the familiar thing between my lips, and it’s as if the world was lifted off my shoulders once I inhaled. “What was that back there?”

  “Sorry, it’s just…almost everyone is leaving, and I’m gonna be here when…I wanted to leave the most.”

  “I get it, but y’know what I just realized? That the both of us got accepted into the University of Illinois yet neither of us wanna go there,” he said. I removed the cigarette from my lips and took a second to think. Then I remembered Mrs. Gunner spoke to Blake about it, yet he wanted to go to Minnesota.

  “Wow…I didn’t even notice.”

  “Yeah, but I can stay if you want. We can still go.”

  “No, no, no,” I said then stood in front of him. “Thank you, but you go where you need to go, Blake. If your heart is set on Minnesota, then go there…I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” he said then eyed me up and down. “Y’know we haven’t done this in a while.”

  “What?” I asked then watched as his arms wrapped around my waist. My face went blank with the cigarette barely on but noticed that he also had his between his lips. I smiled as he leaned forward so that our cigarettes crushed against each other. His chest rose, and I took that as a signal to inhale. Once he removed his cigarette, I did too and exhaled the tobacco in each other’s faces. When the smoke was gone, I noticed his arms were still around me. He leaned in, and I watched his thin lips, I almost leaned in too, but I snapped out of my senses.

  “No,” I stated then pulled away. My back faced Blake as I dropped the cigarette and crushed it with my shoe. “Blake, I have a boyfriend.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I like him…a lot.”

  “Sure, you do.”

  I rolled my eyes at Blake then folded my arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I just think that Levi’s right. That you’re dating him out of sympathy for what he di—”

  “No.” I shook my head then looked down. “I really, really like Benny. He cares about me, he’s a good cook, he lets me sleep over at his house after school because he knows I’m not comfortable in my own home. He’s there for me, we go on cute dates, he watches Harry Potter with me, he teaches me basketball even though I suck at it, he makes me smi—” I cut myself off because I went on and on. I glanced up at Blake to see that he was smoking another cigarette. I sighed then looked down at my feet again. “Look, Levi doesn’t care abo
ut my relationship with Benny. They will forever hate each other. Besides, Levi has Katherine Taylor to worry about. Was she at Jaden’s party last night?”

  “We went to get her.” Blake chuckled.

  “Oh,” I mumbled. “Do you…do you think he likes her?”

  “Well, in the past she fucked Levi a few times then came to me, but I was pissed, so she went to Carter. He was busy with Yale, so she went to Keene, and he questioned why she does those things, so she got annoyed, then went to Jaden, got stoned, then went back to Levi.”

  “Is that a yes or no?”

  “Lana, that all happened in one weekend. Then she redid the cycle, and she persuaded us. I don’t think he likes her…he’s not blind. Girls like Katherine, Kelly, and Britney have their ways.”

  “I know,” I mumbled then took my bag from the seat. “Thanks for letting me drive, and I’ll see you Monday.”

  I waved and backed away. I noticed that Blake only drove off once I was inside the building. I took the elevator up, not realizing how late it was. As I walked down the hall to his apartment, I thought how bad it was to come uninvited. I lightly knocked on his door then waited a while. The light reflected under the door as I looked up. The door opened, and I took in his appearance. His eyes squinted as he eyed me up and down, and I noticed a phone pressed against his ear.

  “Yeah, err…I’ll call you tomorrow…it’s Lana…no, I won’t. Okay, bye.”

  Once he hung up, he stepped aside and let me in. I glanced around to see food and drinks on the coffee table while a movie played.

  “Hey, I thought you’d be at Ethan’s…celebrating. They played good last night.”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t up for it, plus we went out last night and had pizza already,” I said then dropped my bag. “Is it okay if I study here? No one wants to study except me, and I don’t wanna go home so…”

  “Sure, I’m glad you’re taking Physics seriously, Lana. Well, you have to because you want to be a physicist.”


  “But…” Uncle Griff trailed off as he raised a brow.


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