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Last King of Osten Ard 02 - Empire of Grass

Page 96

by Tad Williams

  Hurvalt—former thane of the Crane Clan; Fremur’s father

  Hurza—a bandit

  Hyara—Vorzheva’s sister; Unver’s aunt

  Kulva—Fremur’s late sister; Unver’s love

  Kunret White-Beard, Thane—leader of the Vulture Clan

  Night Eater—a mythical creature/demon

  Odobreg, Thane—leader of the Badger Clan

  Ogda Forkbeard, Thane—leader of the Pheasant Clan

  Rudur Redbeard, Thane—leader of Black Bear Clan; March-thane of the Meadow Thrithings; self-proclaimed “thane of thanes”

  Ruzhvang—a shaman of the Snake Clan

  Sky-Piercer—the totem spirit of the Crane clan

  Tasdar of the Iron Arm—a Thrithings tutelary spirit; a metal-working deity worshipped by all the grassland clans, also called Tasdar the Anvil Smasher

  Unver—“Nobody”, new Thane of the Stallion Clan; son of Prince Josua and Lady Vorzheva; Tzoja’s twin brother, called Deornoth by his parents

  Volfrag—Rudur Redbeard’s chief shaman

  Vorzheva—Unver’s mother; Prince Josua’s wife; daughter of Fikolmij; sister of Hyara

  Vybord—a man of the Badger Clan

  Wymunt, Thane—leader of the Bustard Clan


  Abbess of Latria—the leader of a religious order; Lady Thelía’s friend

  Albian House—one of the fifty noble families

  Alurea, Countess—wife of Count Rillian

  Anitulles the Great—a historic Imperator

  Ardrivis—the last Imperator, defeated at Nearulagh by King John

  Argenian—a historic Imperator

  Aspitis Preves, Earl—an ally of King Elias during the Storm King’s War

  Asta of Turonis—historic noblewoman who founded the Astaline order two hundred years ago

  Astrian, Sir—a member of the Erkyguard and former drinking companion of Prince Morgan, now part of Duke Osric’s host

  Auxis, Escritor—an envoy of the Sancellan Aedonitis to the High Throne

  Benedrivine House—the ruling family in Nabban for the last two hundred years; emblem is the Kingfisher

  Benidrivis—first Duke of Nabban under King John Presbyter; father of Camaris, great grandfather of Duke Saluceris

  Benidrivis the Great—founder of the Third Nabbani Imperium, ancestor of Camaris, Saluceris, Drusis, and many others

  Benigaris, Duke—former ruler of Nabban; uncle of Saluceris, killed in the Storm King’s War

  Blasis—son of Duchess Canthia and Duke Saluceris

  Brindalles—Pasevalles’ father, killed during the Storm King’s War

  Caias Hermis—Earl of Vissa

  Camaris-sá-Vinitta, Sir—King John’s greatest knight, also known as “Camaris Benidrivis”; disappeared at the end of the Storm King’s War

  Canthia, Duchess—wife of Duke Saluceris; mother of Blasis and Serasina

  Clavean House—one of the fifty noble families

  Crexis the Goat—a historic Imperator

  Dallo Ingadaris, Count—Queen Miriamele’s cousin and opponent to Duke Saluceris; ally of the Duke’s brother Drusis

  Dinivan, Father—former Scrollbearer and secretary to Lector Ranessin; killed in the Sancellan Aedonitis during the Storm King’s War

  Doellene House—one of the fifty noble families

  Dominiate—ruling council of Nabban, consisting primarily of the fifty noble families

  Drusis, Earl—Earl of Trevinta and Eadne; Duke Saluceris’ brother and rival

  Endrais, St.—an Aedonite martyr

  Envalles, Marquis—counselor to and uncle of Duke Saluceris

  Elysia—mother of Usires Aedon; called “Mother of God”

  Fifty Families—Nabbanai noble houses

  Fino, Father—Lector Vidian’s servant

  Flavis—a Patris of the Larexean House

  Fluiren, Sir—a storied knight of the disgraced Sulian House

  Granis, St.—an Aedonite saint

  Hermian—one of the fifty noble families

  Idexes Claves, Count—Lord Chancellor of Nabban

  Ingadarine House—one of the fifty noble families; in opposition to the current Duke. Emblem is the Albatross

  Kingfisher Guard—the Duke of Nabban’s private guard

  Larexean House—one of the fifty noble families

  Matreu, Viscount—son of the ruler of Spenit Island

  Metessan House—one of the fifty noble families; Lord Pasevalles is a member. Emblem is the Blue Crane

  Mindia, Lady—one of Duchess Canthia’s ladies-in-waiting

  Nessalanta, Duchess—former duchess of Nabban; Saluceris’ grandmother; died near the end of the Storm King’s War

  Nulles, Father—royal chaplain of the Hayholt

  Oliveris, Sir—a knight; former drinking companion of Prince Morgan, now member of Duke Osric’s host

  Oppidanis—court astrologer

  Pasevalles, Lord—Lord Chancellor to the High Throne

  Pelippa, St.—Aedonite saint, called “Pelippa of the Island”

  Pryrates—priest, alchemist, and wizard; King Elias’ counselor, presumed dead during the fall of Green Angel Tower at the end of the Storm King’s War

  Rhiappa, St.—Aedonite saint, called “Rhiap” in Erkynland

  Rillian Albias, Count—the Solicitor General of Nabban; head of Albian House

  Sallin Ingadaris—Count Dallo’s son

  Saluceris, Duke—ruler of Nabban

  Serasina—infant daughter of Duchess Canthia and Duke Saluceris

  Sessian, Baron—Lady Mindia’s uncle

  Stormbirds—supporters of Dallo Ingardaris; the Albatross is their sign

  Thelía, Lady—a versed herbalist and also Lord Tiamak’s wife; called “Tia-Lia” by Princess Lillia

  Sulian House—one of the fifty noble families

  Syllaris the Younger—a church official and Usirean Brother

  Tiyagaris—a historic Imperator

  Tiyanis Sulis—a nobleman and ally of the Ingadarines

  Tunath, St.—Aedonite saint, also called Tunato the Pilgrim

  Turia Ingadaris, Lady—Count Dallo’s niece; bride of Earl Drusis

  Usires Aedon—Aedonite Son of God; also called “the Ransomer” and “the Redeemer”

  Varellan, Duke—Duke Saluceris’ deceased father; younger brother of Benigaris who became ruler after the Storm King’s War

  Vellia Hermis—wife of Imperator Argenian

  Velthir, St.—a holy prophet from the southern islands; a prominent figure in the Aedonite Book of Prophets

  Vidian II, Lector—Head of the Aedonite Church

  Xaxina—semi-mythic widow of an Imperator, fought to protect Nabban

  Yuvis—called “the tailor’s son”


  Amando, Baron—father of Lady Faiera

  Bardo—former sexton of St. Cusimo’s church on Almond Tree Hill in Perdruin

  Costante—son of Count Streáwe of Perdruin; Yissola’s half-brother

  Endri—a soldier and friend of Sir Porto’s; killed in the Nornfells in the Storm King’s War

  Faiera, Lady—Scrollbearer; disappeared

  Felisso—captain of Erkynlandish ship Hylissa

  Froye, Count—Ambassador of the High Throne to Nabban

  Grandi—an old woman in Perdruin

  Honora, St.—an Aedonite saint

  Porto, Sir—a hero of the Battles of Nakkiga; one of Prince Morgan’s former drinking companions, now member of Duke Osric’s host

  Sindigato Perdruine—a trade organization, also called the Perdruinese Syndicate

  Streáwe, Count—former ruler of Perdruin, deceased

  Yistrin, St.—an Aedonite saint

Yissola, Countess—ruler of Perdruin; daughter of Count Streáwe


  He Who Always Steps on Sand—a god

  Hoto—Jesa’s older brother

  Jaraweg—Jesa’s late great-uncle

  Jesa—nurse to Duke Saluceris’ infant daughter Serasina; named “Green Honeybird” by her elders

  Green Honeybird—mythical Wranna spirit; Jesa’s namesake

  Laliba—a cloth seller in Nabban

  Old Gorahok—a blind denizen of Red Pig Lagoon

  She Who Birthed Mankind—a goddess

  She Who Waits to Take All Back—a death goddess

  They Who Watch and Shape—gods

  Tiamak, Lord—Scrollbearer; scholar and close friend of King Simon and Queen Miriamele; called “Uncle Timo” by Princess Lillia


  Aditu no’e-Sa’onserei—daughter of Likimeya; Jiriki’s sister

  Amerasu y-Senditu no’e-Sa’onserei—mother of Ineluki and Hakatri; called “First Grandmother,” also known as “Amerasu Ship-Born”, killed during the Storm King’s War

  Ayaminu—mistress of Anvijanya

  Dunao the Rider—a supporter of Khendraja’aro

  Gayali—apprentice to Himano, from the “Southern Woods”

  Hakatri—historic figure; Amerasu’s son who vanished into the West, his bones were recently retrieved by Makho’s Talon

  Himano of the Flowering Hills—a scholar; Tanahaya’s teacher; sometimes called “Master” or “Lord”

  Ineluki—Amerasu’s son; called the “Storm King”, deceased

  Jenjiyana of the Nightingales—historic figure; mother of Nenais’u

  Jiriki i-Sa’onserei—son of Likimeya; brother of Aditu

  Jonzao–“the Pure”, a faction with a strictly traditional lifestyle

  Khendraja’aro—Likimeya’s half-brother; uncle of Jiriki and Aditu; self-styled “Protector” of House of Year-Dancing

  Kira’athu—a healer who cured Tanahaya

  Kiushapo—friend and ally of Jiriki and Aditu

  Likimeya y-Briseyu no’e-Sa’onserei—the Sa’onsera; mother of Jiriki and Aditu

  Liko the Starling—a Sitha of Anvijanya

  Mezumiiru—Sithi moon goddess

  Nenais’u—historic figure; wife of Drukhi; daughter of Jenjiyana

  S’aonsera the Preserver—historic figure; wife of Hamakho Wormslayer; founding-mother of House of Year-Dancing

  Sa’onsera, the—title of the female leader of House of Year Dancing

  Sa’onserei—Clan of Jiriki and Aditu; also called House of Year-Dancing

  Senditu—mother of Amerasu

  Shima’onari—father of Jiriki and Aditu; killed during the Storm King’s War

  Spark—Jiriki and Aditu’s pet name for Tanahaya

  Tanahaya of Shisae’ron—a Sithi scholar; envoy to the Hayholt

  Vindaomeyo the Fletcher—historic arrow-maker of Tumet’ai

  Vinyedu—leader of the Pure; sister of Zinjadu

  Yeja’aro of the Forbidden Hills—Khendraja’aro’s nephew

  Zinjadu—lore-mistress of Kementari; sister of Vinyedu; killed during the Storm King’s War


  Akhenabi, Lord—High Magister of the Order of Song, also called “Lord of Song”

  Anchoress—title of Queen Utuk’ku’s female body-slaves

  Denabi sey-Xoka—a sword-master; Jarnulf’s former master and teacher

  Drukhi—historic figure; son of Queen Utuk’ku and Ekimeniso; killed by mortals

  Enkinu—High Anchoress of Nakkiga; mistress of Queen Utuk’ku’s body-slaves

  Enduya—Viyeki’s clan, a middling noble family

  Ensume—Sacrifice general of the Northeastern host

  Genathi—a blind Celebrant born after the flight from the Garden

  Gyrfalcons—a Sacrifice legion

  Hamakha—clan of Queen Utuk’ku

  Hamakho Wormslayer—historic figure; founder of Queen Utuk’ku’s Clan Hamakha; a famous warrior

  Hammer-wielders—siege-soldiers who use hammers to knock down walls

  Ibi-Khai—member of the Order of Echos and a Sacrifice in Makho’s Talon; killed by Diggers

  Iyora Clan—Norn clan which included the war hero Suno’ku and Queen Utuk’ku’s husband Ekimeniso Blackstaff

  Jhindejo—a Sacrifice Scout from Fortress Dark Lantern

  Jijibo—a close descendant of Queen Utuk’ku, called “the Dreamer”

  Juni’ata, Commander—officer in command of Fortress Dark Lantern

  Kemme—a Sacrifice in Makho’s Talon

  Khimabu, Lady—Lord Viyeki’s wife

  Kikiti, General—General of the host accompanying Viyeki’s builders to Naglimund

  Legion Zosho—military legion named after the gyrfalcons of Lake Rumiya

  Lord of Dreaming—nickname for Lord Jijibo of Nakkiga

  Makho—wounded Hand Chieftain

  Nezeru Seyt-Enduya—Daughter of Lord Viyeki and his mistress Tzoja; member of the Queen’s Talon led by Makho

  Nijin—Hikeda’ya chronicler, source of Tanahaya’s parchment

  Night Moths—a Sacrifice legion

  Nerudade—a Hikeda’ya philosopher credited with the creation or discovery of Unbeing; father of Yedade

  Nonao—Lord Viyeki’s secretary

  Northeastern Host—a little-known Sacrifice army, apparently deployed in mortal lands

  Ommu the Whisperer—Singer; member of the Red Hand; resurrected by Queen Utuk’ku

  Pratiki—Prince-Templar, member of the Hamakha Clan; relative of Queen Utuk’ku

  Queen’s Teeth—Queen Utuk’ku’s personal guard

  Rinde—a scout from the War-Shrikes Legion

  Saomeji—member of the Order of Song, Makho’s Talon

  Sey-Jok’kochi—a Sacrifice legion, part of the Northeastern host, known as “War-Shrikes”

  Shun’y’asu of Blue Spirit Peak—a poet

  Sogeyu—Host Singer of the Order of Song

  Suno’ku—a famous general, killed in the aftermath of the Storm King’s War

  Utuk’ku Seyt-Hamakha—Norn Queen; Mistress of Nakkiga; oldest being in Osten Ard

  Va’ani—Sacrifice Scout from Fortress Dark Lantern

  Viyeki seyt-Enduya, Lord—High Magister of the Order of Builders, father of Nezeru

  White Foxes—mortal name for Norns

  Xaniko sey-Hamakha—writer of the Exile’s Letter; member of the Queen’s clan

  Xohabi—Author of The Five Fingers Of The Queen’s Hand, a venerated text

  Yaarike sey-Kijana, Lord—former High Magister of the Order of Builders, deceased

  Ya-Jalamu—a granddaughter of Marshal Muyare

  Yansu Clan—noble family; Vordis was born their slave

  Yedade—Hikeda’ya philosopher

  Yemon—Viyeki’s former secretary, executed as a traitor

  Zinuzo—a war poet


  Carry-men—a very tall type of the Tinukeda’ya, used to haul

  Chikri—seemingly self-aware dwellers in Aldheorte Forest, somewhat resembling squirrels

  Dasa—a member of the Hidden

  Delver—a mortal name for the Tinukeda’ya who shape stone

  Dwarrows—also called Dvernings, a type of Tinukeda’ya who are skilled at shaping stone

  Gan Doha—a Niskie, relative of Gan Itai

  Gan Itai—the Niskie who died saving Queen Miriamele many years ago

  Gan Lagi—a Niskie; Gan Doha’s oldest living relative

  Geloë—a wise woman, called “Valada Geloë”; killed at Sesuad’ra during the Storm King’s War

  Giants—large, shaggy, manlike creatures

  Goh Gam Gar�
�a speaking giant who helped Makho’s Talon catch a dragon

  Grey—a Chikri

  Hidden, the—a faction of Tinukeda’ya, hiding from their masters in Nakkiga

  Hunën—Rimmerspakk name for giants

  Naya Nos—a member of the Hidden

  Niskies—a type of Tinukeda’ya who serve aboard ships

  ReeRee—a young Chikri in Aldheorte Forest; Morgan’s companion

  Ruyan Vé—fabled patriarch of the Tinukeda’ya; called “The Navigator”

  Sea Watchers’ Guild—another name for the Niskies

  Stripe—a Chikri; ReeRee’s mother

  Tey Seiso—Niskie of Yissola’s ship Li Fosena

  Uvasika—mistress of the Hidden, also known as “the Silent Lady”

  Zin-Seyvu—leader of a Tinukeda’ya group traveling through Aldehorte Forest


  Adversary, the—the Aedonite devil

  Creator, the—another name for the Aedonite god

  Fortis the Recluse—a 6th-century bishop on Warinsten Island; writer of an infamous book

  Hyrka—a migrant people from east of Aldheorte Forest

  Lightless Ones—dwellers in the depths of Nakkiga; of unknown origin

  Madi—a Hyrka guide to Brother Etan

  Parlippa—Madi’s daughter, also known as Parlip

  Plekto—Madi’s son, also known as Plek

  Sagra—a Kwanitupul neighbor of young Derra and Deornoth

  Senigo of Khand—a famous ancient philosopher


  Cave-borers—large digging creatures also known as stone-chafers, rock- chafers, or earthwicks

  Connach—Aelin’s horse

  Ebur—a large beast of Khand

  Falku—Snenneq’s ram

  Fraxi—a bulldog, full name “Ferax”

  Ghants—chitinous Wran-dwelling creatures

  Gildreng—Ruzhvang’s donkey

  Ooki—Sisqi’s ram

  Orn—Sir Jurgen’s horse, a large gray courser

  Kilpa—manlike marine creatures

  Qallipuk—“River Man”; a water monster

  Salt—Jarnulf’s horse

  Sefstred—a Thrithings horse from Fikolmij’s herd

  Uro’eni—Sithi name for the ogre of Misty Vale


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