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Last King of Osten Ard 02 - Empire of Grass

Page 97

by Tad Williams

  Vaqana—Binabik’s wolf companion

  Witiko’ya—a ferocious wolf-like predator of the far north


  Abaingeat—important trading town in Hernystir, at the coast of the Barraillean River

  Abbey of St. Cuthbert—home of Cuff the Scaler in Naglimund

  Aelfwent—a great river in Aldheorte Forest; called T’si Suhyasei in Sithi

  Aldheorte—also known as Oldheart; a large forest to the north and east of Erkynland

  Anitullean Road—major Nabban thoroughfare

  Ansis Pellipé—a large city, the capital of Perdruin

  Antigine Hill—one of the five hills of Nabban, site of the Domos Benidriyan

  Anvijanya—a Sithi settlement

  Arbris Sacra—a market town in Nabban

  Ardivalis—Benidrivine family lands in northern Nabban

  Asu’a—Sithi name of the Hayholt, their most important city before mortals conquered it

  Avenue of the Fallen—a street in Nakkiga which runs behind many of the great houses whose estates front on Great Garden Passage

  Bellidan—a good-sized town in Nabban

  Bishop’s Reflection Room—a historic room in the Hayholt

  Bitter Moon Castle—Norn fortress on top of Dragon’s Reach Pass

  Blood Reaches—training grounds for Sacrifices in Nakkiga

  Blue Cavern—home of silk-spinning spiders, place of Norn rope production

  Blue Knight’s Pantry—a corridor in the Hayholt

  Blue Mud Lake—a body of water south of the mountains of Yiqanuc

  Blue Spirit Peak—mountain near Nakkiga

  Breakstaff Square—a place with a gallows in Erchester

  Bridvattin—a lake in Rimmersgard

  Carn Inbarh—a castle in Hernystir; home of Earl Murdo, Eolair’s ally

  Chamber of the Well—the heart of Nakkiga; location of The Well and The Breathing Harp

  Chaplain’s Walking Hall—a room in the Hayholt

  Chasu Metessa—a castle in Nabban; Pasevalles’ early childhood home

  Chasu Orientis—a castle belonging to Earl Drusis at the Nabban-Thrithings border

  Chasu Rutilli—a Nabbanai castle-town

  Circoille—a huge forest in the northwest of Hernystir

  Cloud’s Rest—Gardenborn name for Vestivegg Mountains

  City of Refuge—another name for Da’ai Chikiza

  Cold, Slow Halls—a place of torture in Nakkiga

  Commeian Hills—hills in Nabban on the border to the Thrithings

  Commeis Valley—a valley in Nabban

  Cuihmne Valley—a valley east of Nad Mullach in Hernystir

  Da’ai Chikiza—ruined Sithi city in Aldheorte Forest; called “Tree of the Singing Wind”, one of the nine Gardenborn cities

  Dawnstone Chamber—former home of Da’ai Chikiza’s Master Witness

  Dellis Latia—a seaport east of the horn of Nabban

  Dekusao—a river near Misty Vale, called Narrowdark in Westerling

  Dimmerskog—a forest north of Rimmergard

  Din’s Passage—a corridor in the Hayholt

  Domos Bendriyan—the Benidrivine family palace in Nabban; built by the first Benidrivis some two hundred years ago

  Dunath Tower—a guard tower along the Inniscrich near the Hernystir/Rimmersgard border

  Drina—an Earldom in Nabban

  Eadne—a large lake as well as an earldom in Nabban

  Elvritshalla—the ducal seat in Rimmersgard

  Enki e-Shao’saye—one of the nine Gardenborn cities, located at the southern fringe of Aldheorte Forest

  Erchester—capital of Erkynland and seat of the High Throne

  Erkynland—kingdom in central Osten Ard

  Estrenine Hill—one of Nabban’s hills, location of Viscount Matreu’s house

  Fellmere Castle—an Erkynlandish stronghold west of Laestfinger River

  Field of Banners—an open area just outside the gates of Nakkiga

  Fields of the Nameless—the graveyard for the disgraced of Nakkiga

  Fingerlest—Thrithing name for Laestfinger River

  Firannos Bay—a bay south of Nabban; location of many islands

  Flowering Hills—a region in Aldheorte Forest; home of Himano

  Forbidden Hills—Sithi stronghold, home of Khendraja’aro

  Frostmarch, the—a region in northern Hernystir/southern Rimmersgard

  Fortress Deeping—a hidden fortress of the Northeastern Host of Nakkiga, where large Cave-borers are bred

  Fortress Dark Lantern—a hidden fortress of the Northeastern Host

  Gadrinsett—Erkynlandish city at the border to the High Thrithings

  Gate of Cranes—a bridge in Da’ai Chikiza; other bridges there include Tortoises, Roosters, Wolves, Ravens, and Stags

  Gatherers’ Way—the great avenue which leads into Da’ai Chikiza from the north

  Garwynswold—a town in eastern Erkynland

  Gleniwent—an Erkynlandish river connecting the Kynslagh to the sea

  Go-jao’e—Little Boats; name for small Sithi settlements

  Grafton—a barony in Erkynland

  Granary Tower—a tower in the Hayholt once used to house John Josua’s chambers and study

  Gratuvask—Rimmersgard river which runs past Elvritshalla

  Gray Southwood—a forest southeast of Urmsheim range

  Grenefod—a port city in Erkynland

  Grianspog—a mountain range in the west of Hernystir

  Haestall—barony in Erkynland

  Hall of the Dominiate—a building in Nabban erected during the First Imperium

  Hall of Memory—a collapsed chamber in Da’ai Chikiza

  Harcha—an island in the Bay of Firannos

  Harvest District—a section of Nakkiga

  Hayholt, the—seat of the High Throne of Osten Ard, located above Erchester

  Heartwood—translation of the Norn name for Aldheorte Forest

  Hernysadharc—the capital of Hernystir

  Hernystir—a kingdom in the west of Osten Ard

  Hewenshire—a district in Erkynland, seat of Pasevalles’ barony; once home to Josua’s friend Deornoth

  Hikehikayo—one of the nine Gardenborn cities, located in the far north-west; called Cloud Castle

  Himilfells—a mountain range east of Nakkiga

  Himnhalla—heavenly home of the Rimmersgarder gods

  Hjeldin’s Tower—a sealed tower of ominous repute in the Hayholt

  H’ran Go-jao—the most easterly of the Go-jao’e (Little Boats)

  Hudstad—Rimmersgard market town

  Icicle Gallery—a place on Mintahoq

  Inniscrich—a valley and river in northern Hernystir, site of the first battle in the Storm King’s War

  Jao é-Tinukai’i—a hidden Sithi dwelling in Aldheorte, now abandoned

  Jhiná-T’seneí—one of the nine Gardenborn cities, lost under the sea

  Kementari—one of the nine Gardenborn cities, now lost

  Khand—a lost and fabled land; also known as Khandia

  Knokkespan, the—mythological bridge over the mythological River Roaring that is to be crossed by the dead

  Kwanitupul—the biggest city in the Wran

  Kynslagh—a lake in central Erkynland

  Kynswood—a small forest adjacent to the Hayholt

  Lake Rumiya—a lake on Nakkiga-mountain

  Lake Suno’ku—a lake inside Nakkiga discovered after the Storm King’s War, which enabled survival when the top of the mountain collapsed

  Lakelands, the—an area of Nabban with many lakes and ponds

  Laestfinger River—a river on Erkynland’s eastern border

  Laestmouth—Erkynlandish port c
ity just north of Nabban border

  Latria—a town in Nabban

  Leaworth—an Erkynlandish barony near the Ymstrecca River

  Leymund—“meadow fort”; an Erkynlandish fort

  Li Campino—a tavern in Perdruin

  Lost Garden—Venyha Do’sae, the fabled place from whose destruction the Keida’ya fled

  Mahistrevine Hill—hill on which Sancellan Mahistrevis stands

  Mahistrevine Road—road leading to the Sancellan Mahistrevis

  Main Row—major thoroughfare in the city of Erchester

  Market Square—a marketplace in Erchester

  Maze Palace, the—Queen Utuk’ku’s labyrinthine home, called Omeiyo Hamakh

  Mejuq’s Cave—a place on Mintahoq mountain, sacred to the trolls

  Meremund—Erkynlandish town on the rivers Greenwade and Gleniwent; birthplace of Queen Miriamele

  Mezutu’a—the Silverhome; abandoned Sithi and Dwarrow city beneath the Grianspog Mountains; one of the nine Gardenborn cities

  Mintahoq—a mountain of the Trollfells; Binabik’s home

  Nabban—duchy in the southern part of Osten Ard; former seat of empire

  Nad Glehs—home of Countess Rhona in Hernystir

  Nad Mullach—Count Eolair’s home in eastern Hernystir

  Naglimund—a fortress in northern Erkynland; place of battles during the Storm King’s War, now a stronghold of the Highward

  Nakkiga—Gardenborn city beneath Stormspike Mountain, meaning “Mask of Tears”; home of the Hikeda’ya

  Nakkiga-That-Was—city outside Nakkiga mountain; one of the nine Gardenborn cities, now abandoned

  Nartha—a river that runs along the base of the Wealdhelm

  Nascadu—a desert land in the south

  Nearulagh—site of the famous battle where Prester John defeated Benidrivis, the last Imperator of Nabban

  Nearulagh Gate—main entrance to the Hayholt

  New Gadrinsett—dwelling founded during the Storm King’s War by refugees, near Sesu’adra Niskie-town—district of the City of Nabban near the old docks

  Nornfells—the northern mountains, home to the Hikeda’ya; also called Nornlands

  North Coast Road—Nabbanai road connecting the Commeis Valley to Erkynland

  Northithe—county in Erkynland

  Onestris—a valley in Nabban

  Orangery Garden—a garden that contains an orange orchard, located in the Sancellan Mahistrevis

  Osten Ard—mortal kingdom (Rimmerspakk for “Eastern Land”)

  Perdruin—an island in the Bay of Emettin

  Piga Fonto—a mountain village in Perdruin

  Place of Sharing Out—a public place in Da’ai Chikiza, beside the river

  Place of Silence—the archive chamber of Da’ai Chikiza

  Place of Sky-Watching—a ruined domed building in Da’ai Chikiza

  Place of Voices—a public chamber in Da’ai Chikiza

  Poines—Sir Astrian’s birthplace

  Porta Antiga—the old harbor of Nabban

  Porta Nova—the newer harbor of Nabban

  Rasina—a town in Nabban

  Redenturine Hill—one of Nabban’s hills, with two peaks called Mahistrevine Hill and Sancelline Hill

  Red Pig Lagoon—Jesa’s home village in the Wran

  Refarslod–“The Foxes’ Road”; a road in Rimmersgard

  Repra Vessina—a Nabbanai town west of Kwanitupul

  Rimmersgard—duchy in the north of Osten Ard

  Royal Way—ancient road running south from Nakkiga

  St. Cusimo’s—a church on Almond Tree Hill in Perdruin

  St. Cuthbert –a church in Naglimund

  St. Granis’s—a cathedral in the City of Nabban

  St. Sutrin’s—the cathedral in Erchester

  St. Tankred’s—the cathedral in Meremund

  St. Tunato’s Tower—part of the Sancellan Aedonitis

  Sancellan Aedonitis—the palace where the Lector lives, chief seat of the Aedonite Church

  Sacelline Hill—the hill on which Sancellan Aedonitis stands

  Sancellan Mahistrevis—the ducal palace of Nabban

  Shisae’ron—a valley in the southwestern part of Aldheorte Forest; birthplace of Tanahaya

  Sea Definite and Internal—a mangled retelling by the Hidden of “the Ocean Indefinite and Eternal”, which was crossed by Keida’ya and Tinukeda’ya on their way to Osten Ard

  Silent One—a standing stone in the Spirit Hills of the Thrithings

  Sina Gavi—a town in the south of Nabban; home of the lector’s winter palace

  Small Pleasance—a garden in the Hayholt

  Spirit Hills—hills surrounding Blood Lake, sacred to the Thrithings clans

  Stile, The—ancient abandoned road between Da’ai Chikiza and Naglimund

  Sta Mirore—mountain that dominates the island nation of Perdruin

  Suthmark—a fortified town near the southern Erkynlandish border

  Stormspike—the mountain also known as Nakkiga or Sturmrspeik

  Taig, the—a wooden castle; home to Hernystir’s ruling family

  Tebi Pit—a magical device

  Thrithings—plain of grassland in the southeast of Osten Ard, divided into High Thrithings, Meadow Thrithings, and Lake Thrithings

  Trevinta—a county in Nabban

  T’seya Go-jao—one of the “Little Boats”, at the western edge of Aldheorte near the Forbidden Hills

  Tumeta’i—northern Sithi city, buried under ice east of Yiqanuc; one of the nine Gardenborn cities

  Tzo—the great city in Venyha Do’sae

  Urmsheim—a fabled mountain in the far north

  Uttersall—barony in northern Erkynland

  Varn, the—marshy land north of Kwanitupul

  Vea Petranis—an east/west thoroughfare through Nabban

  Vea Orentem—an old south/north rode along the edge of the Thrithings

  Vellia’s Gardens—Gardens in the Sancellan Mahistrevis, built for Vellia Hermis

  Venyha Do’sae—original home of Zida’ya, Hikeda’ya, and Tinukeda’ya; called “The Garden”

  Vhinansu—a Sithi city, long deserted

  Vindirthorp—a town in the east of Rimmersgard

  Vissa—a Nabbanai earldom

  Warinsten—an island off the coast of Erkynland

  Way of the Fountains—a thoroughfare in Nabban

  Wealdhelm—a range of hills in Erkynland

  Wentmouth—a port town at the mouth of the Gleniwent River

  Westworth—an Erkynlandish locale

  White Snail Castle—a Hikeda’ya castle on the shoulder of Nakkiga Mountain

  Wran, the—marshland in southern Osten Ard

  Yasirá—the sacred Sithi meeting place

  Yiqanuc—home of the Qanuc people; also known as the Trollfells

  Ymstrecca—a river in eastern Erkynland, called Umstreja in Thrithings-tongue; also a battlefield


  Aedontide—holy time in Decander, celebrating birth of Usires Aedon

  Age of Gold—name for Nabbanai era of Anitulles’ Second Imperium

  Astaline Sisters—members of the Astaline order, a pious lay group who sponsored settlements for women

  Book of the Aedon—Aedonite holy book

  Book of Prophets—another Aedonite holy book

  Cave Icicle—Hikeda’ya name for a white fungus that grows in Nakkiga’s depths

  Cloudberry Wine—a drink made from fermented berries and a few drops of kei-mi, a rare delicacy in Nakkiga

  Cold Root—Makho’s witchwood sword, now in Nezeru’s possession

  Cudomani—an apple brandy made in Nabban

  Dance of Sacrifice—Hikeda’ya term for combat

nbsp; Dawnstone—Master Witness in Da’ai Chikiza, lost during a flood

  Day of Weighing Out—Aedonite day of final justice and end of the mortal world

  Dead Fingers—a fungus considered a delicacy in Nakkiga

  Dika’s Jar—a Wranna fable

  Dolshire Farmer’s Son, The—a war song from the days of the Holly King in Erkynland

  Dragonbone Chair—throne of the High King of Osten Ard, unused by King Simon and Queen Miriamele

  Drukhi’s Day—Hikeda’ya holiday commemorating Queen Utuk’ku’s dead son, celebrated during Stone-Listener’s Moon

  Eadne Cloud—a Nabbanai ship during the Storm King’s War

  Edict of Gemmia—Imperator Anitulles’ proclamation of Nabban as an Aedonite state

  Erkynguard—sentries of the Hayholt

  Exile’s Letter—infamous denunciation written by Xaniko sey-Hamakha

  Five Fingers of the Queen’s Hand, The—a book of wisdom and instructions, widely read and revered by the Hikeda’ya

  Founding Year—year one in the Aedonite calculation of time; the year Nabban was founded.

  Gardenborn—all who came from Venyha Do’sae

  Garden Endures, The—a greeting that Hikeda’ya give one another

  Garden-Root—the witchwood brought from Venyha Do’sae

  Genathi’s Gift—a fatalistic Hikeda’ya expression, referring to the philosopher Genathi who considered his blindness a gift

  Grass Blade—a move in Hikeda’ya combat technique

  Great Lodge—Wranna name for the Sancellan Mahistrevis

  Great Year—a Gardenborn time span, approximately 60 human years

  Hall of Spears—test in Hikeda’ya Sacrifice training

  Hermit Ibis cypher—cypher devised by Hikeda’ya philosopher Yedade

  High King’s Ward—protection of the High Throne over the countries of Osten Ard

  Hikeda’yasao—the language of Nakkiga

  Hylissa—the ship that brings Queen Miriamele to Nabban, named after her late mother

  Hymns of the Precentor—songs of prayer in the Book of Aedon

  Hyssop—a plant which is used as an antiseptic and cough reliever

  Imperium, the—era of the Nabbanai empire

  Keida’ya—the Sithi and Hikeda’ya

  Kei-mi—precious powdered witchwood sap

  Kei-vishaa—substance used by Gardenborn to make enemies drowsy and weak

  Kuriosora blackwood—a tree that grows in forests around Nakkiga, used by the Hikeda’ya for arrows


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