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Page 4

by Bastian, Laura D.

  “Thank you, mistress,” Lily said, wishing she knew the woman’s name. “This smells incredible. It is so kind of you to offer us food.”

  The woman stared at Lily making her wonder if she’d said something wrong again.

  The woman gasped, then struggled to curtsy. “It is nothing. I mean, there was no trouble at all, Your Highness. Our family is honored to have you here.”

  “Your kindness will not go unnoticed,” Lily said.

  “Nor unpaid,” Eduardo added. He reached into a small coin purse that was tied to his waist and pulled out a coin. He handed it to the woman and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Thank you, Your Highness.” She bowed deeply then hurried to the fireplace and pulled something out from the coals.

  Lily looked closely at what the woman brought to the table and as the woman brushed off the ashes from it, Lily realized it was probably meant to be a bread of some kind.

  Eduardo nodded his thanks to the woman, took the bread from her and broke it into smaller chunks, then handed one of them to Lily before dipping his into the thick stew. He took a bite, then nodded to the woman. “You are a fine cook.”

  The woman’s face lit up with joy and Lily smiled at how just a small compliment had made the woman so happy. Of course, she couldn’t fault the woman. With the way the prince looked and behaved, so strong and powerful looking as well as the poise he carried himself with, she knew if he spoke kind words to her, she’d most likely feel the same joy.

  Lily turned her attention to the food in front of her, then realized she didn’t have a spoon. She looked at Eduardo and saw he didn’t either, but instead ate the larger chunks with a small knife and used the bread for the sauce.

  The woman of the house must have noticed her dilemma and handed the knife she had at her own waist to her.

  “Thank you,” Lily said.

  “Do you not have your own?” Eduardo asked.

  Lily shook her head. Was that something everyone was expected to have of their own? She’d once heard that forks weren’t used until later, but surely spoons had been invented. The ladle they were served the food in said as much.

  “We’ll be sure to get you one soon then.” He turned back to his food and Lily smiled her thanks to the woman for the knife before stabbing a chunk of meat out of the stew. When she placed it inside her mouth, Lily couldn’t help sighing in pleasure.

  “Madam,” Lily said after she swallowed. “This is incredible. If only my stews turned out this well, I’d have had a lot better food these past years.”

  Everyone in the room turned to look at her and Lily realized she’d misspoken. She doubted any real princess would have ever found the need to cook. As her face heated up, she tried to ignore the looks directed at her and instead dipped some of the bread into the stew and focused her attention on eating.


  Eduardo watched as Liliana ate her meal, pondering over her words to the woman. She’d praised the commoner for her meal more than once, and it surprised him that Liliana had condescended to speak so kindly to the woman and even indicate she wished she could cook.

  Liliana didn’t seem like the type of woman to do menial labor or prepare her own meals. Though he was unsure what kind of life she had lived in Durham, he knew as the daughter of a king, she would have other duties to attend to. She was refined and spoke well, proving she was educated. She carried herself with confidence and assurance in her own abilities. Nothing like the meek and timid daughters of the nobility he’d encountered in his duties as prince.

  She would make a fine queen. As long as he could be assured she would be his companion instead of antagonistic toward him. He considered her offer to allow Diego to ride in the carriage with her to make his injury less of a bother to the man. He knew of no women of nobility who would have offered something like that. Yet she seemed surprised he had been shocked at her suggestion.

  Eduardo doubted Diego would accept the offer. His injury was not severe. Once it had been wrapped and the man had some spirits in him, he’d feel less of the pain.

  The door to the cottage opened and Eduardo turned to see one of his men step inside. The man approached the table and informed him of the horses being fed and watered, and that the men had taken their meals as well.

  “How is Diego?” Liliana asked before Eduardo had a chance to.

  “He’s doing well, Your Highness,” Pedro answered, then looked at Eduardo.

  “Will he need anything?” Liliana asked just as Eduardo spoke.

  “Can he ride?”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” Pedro said. “The wound was long, but not deep. It has been cleaned and wrapped and Diego is fine.”

  Liliana turned to look at Eduardo, and he nodded to Pedro. “Good, we’ll leave shortly. Go see to the rest of the men and make sure they have all had food.” Eduardo looked back at Liliana. “It appears he won’t need your hospitality. You and Ana will not be bothered in the carriage.”

  “It wouldn’t be a bother,” Liliana said. Then she looked around the room. “Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about Ana. Where is she? Has she eaten?”

  “Of course,” Eduardo said. “Each family here has taken a turn in feeding the members of our party so no one is completely responsible for our meal.”

  “What an excellent idea,” Liliana said. “I hadn’t thought of that. Will they each be paid for their service?”

  Eduardo looked her over. Did she expect him to pay every one of their subjects for doing their duty to their prince and his wife? As he studied her face while she looked at him, he realized she did indeed expect them to be rewarded. It wouldn’t take much. A few small escudos to repay the cost of the meal, but with the way she had complimented the woman and promised her a blessing in return, he knew that even her gratitude toward the citizens of the village would be of more value than the small amount of money he’d give them.

  “I will repay them, of course, but I wondered if you’d be so kind as to speak a few words to the people here. It will be a perfect chance for them to meet you and all here are curious about you.”

  “What would I say to them?” Liliana asked. “I don’t know how to speak to a whole town.”

  “I’m sure you will know what to say,” Eduardo said. “Just look at how your praise has made our hostess so happy. Thank them for their assistance to us, and anything else you feel would be appropriate. After all, we are here to introduce you to your new subjects and allow them to get to know the woman who will one day be their queen.”

  Liliana’s eyes widened as if she was shocked at the words. But why would that be something that bothered her? She had been born and raised for this very thing.

  Eduardo reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “I have faith in you.”

  Liliana looked into his eyes, and a look of gratitude filled her own. She smiled at him, sending a wave of pleasure through him. She didn’t despise him. And though she may not love him, at least the two of them could work together and be united for their people. She wanted to do good, he was certain of it.


  Lily was happy to see the large building down the hill from where the carriage paused a moment on the road. The day had been longer than any she remembered recently. Even the voyage on the ship had been less tiresome than this carriage ride. She was happy they would be at the castle Enseñada soon. She couldn’t wait to get out of the horrid carriage and walk around a bit more to stretch her legs and back. Then she’d be able get out of the uncomfortable clothes and the confining long skirts and finally get into a soft bed.

  Ana, to the side of her, looked out the window as well. “It’s a large estate.”

  “The people who live there are cousins to Prince Eduardo?” Lily asked.

  “Yes,” Ana said. “The lord’s father was the son of our king’s father. They were brothers.”

  Lily turned back to look at Ana. This would be the man who would be next in line if anything happened to Eduardo, if she understood how the passing
on of authority went.

  “What is Prince Eduardo’s relationship like with the lord here?”

  “I do not know,” Ana said. “I don’t believe he’s ever been to the king’s castle as long as I’ve been employed there.”

  “Do you think we’ll be safe?” Lily asked.

  Ana met her eyes as if she was surprised at the question. “Of course we will be. They are family. Family means honor and loyalty.”

  “I hope so,” Lily said.

  “Are you concerned?” Ana asked. “Have you heard anything that would lead you to believe you wouldn’t be safe here? Has Prince Eduardo said anything?”

  Lily shook her head. “No. He’s spoken nothing of the people we will be visiting. I just wondered, because if Eduardo didn’t become king, then that would put this cousin as the next in line, wouldn’t it?”

  Ana looked out the window once more. “I suppose that would be true. But there would be nothing like that happening here. The dishonor that would come upon the royal family if something like that were to occur would be too much to bear. No one would respect and serve a king who gained control that way.”

  Lily nodded, happy to know Ana seemed to believe it. She just hoped it was true. Lily had read enough in history books and seen enough movies to know that the thought of power and ruling a country could lead someone to do almost anything.

  The movement of the carriage as the horses were urged forward again broke her thoughts and Lily allowed herself to look forward to the end of the day’s travels and the chance to get out. They hadn’t stopped for another meal, instead just ate a few things that had been brought with them.

  Diego had refused the offer to ride in the carriage, and Eduardo had stayed close to the carriage for the remainder of the journey. But even though Lily had looked out at him often, he had always been focused on the area around him, almost ignoring her completely.

  And while logically, she could believe he was being extra cautious of their surroundings, it still saddened her to think she held very little interest to him.

  He’d acted pleased at her comments to the people in the village as they bade their farewells. Then complimented her on her ability to impress them with her speech, but there was nothing in his words that indicated he felt any more than just pleased with her decorum and speaking abilities.


  Eduardo couldn’t stop watching Liliana through the window of the carriage as they traveled the remaining distance to the castle they’d be stopping at to spend the night. He should have kept his attention more focused on the surrounding area, to be sure there was no danger that would befall them. Of course, his men with him would be more alert now that they’d already run into difficulty earlier. Eduardo looked back toward the window and caught sight of Liliana’s face as she studied the path they were traveling as if she was searching for signs of the castle they’d seen from above through the trees that lined the roadway.

  Her skin was flawless, and spoke of youth and health. He wasn’t sure how old she was, but he knew she was no child fresh from her nursery and governess. She’d had experience out in the world even if she said she hadn’t been able to explore it. Yet at the same time, he thought her understanding of common things was a little off. It would be good to have time to speak with her. If they were lucky, he’d be able to have a private conversation with her tonight.

  Eduardo knew they hadn’t made as good of time as he’d hoped. He’d sent a runner ahead to let his cousin know of their delay. That would help make sure things ran smoothly at their arrival. They’d be expected to share a meal with the household and then Eduardo would spend a few hours going over the reports of his cousin António’s land and rents as the official representative from the king.

  Tomorrow, he’d hold court and listen to any concerns of any of the citizens of his cousin’s that could not be solved at the local level, though he doubted he’d have much to deal with. António was a wise and just lord who rarely had any difficulty with his renters. He’d learned that from his father, Eduardo’s Uncle Marcus.

  Marcus would have made a much better king than Eduardo’s own father. Eduardo had learned more from watching his uncle than from being present when King Gerardo held court. Eduardo would do his best to become the kind of king his country needed. And with Liliana at his side, he hoped the two of them could help heal what his father had damaged.

  Liliana turned her head and looked at him, sending a sense of pleasure through him when she smiled. She didn’t find him distasteful, but instead seemed happy that he was looking at her. Hopefully while they traveled throughout the kingdom, introducing her to the people they would one day rule, there would be time for him to convince her that theirs could be a marriage based more than just on political standing.

  They just had to get past these next few weeks of traveling.

  As they arrived at António’s front courtyard, Eduardo smiled again to see the excitement in Liliana’s eyes as the carriage came to a halt. He dismounted from the horse and allowed a groom to take the reins, leaving Eduardo free to open the door for Liliana. As me met her eyes, he bowed low, but kept his eyes on hers, unable to stop the longing to know more of her. Liliana’s pink lips turned up in a smile, then parted as she spoke.

  “Thank you, Eduardo.”

  His eyes widened in surprise, and Liliana covered her mouth with her hand. He was surprised she’d used his name, but it pleased him. If she felt comfortable enough to be so familiar in public, there could be hope for them.

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness,” Liliana whispered as she placed her hand in his and stepped down from the carriage. “I suppose I should be more proper in public.”

  Eduardo nodded once, then leaned closer to her ear. “Perhaps it would be best for the journey to keep it formal, but I must confess, I enjoyed hearing my name upon your lips like that.”

  Liliana turned quickly, almost making their lips touch and they stayed frozen in time for endless moments. Then, too soon, she pulled back enough to meet his eyes more clearly. A lovely blush colored her cheeks and Eduardo wished he could touch her fair skin. She mesmerized him in every way imaginable. Before he could reach for her hand and say something that might make her understand what she meant to him, Eduardo heard his name called out from behind him.

  “I am pleased to see you have arrived safely, dear cousin.” António smiled widely and closed the distance between them quickly, then wrapped him in a hug.

  “We are glad to have made it here, in spite of the danger we encountered on our way.”

  “Danger?” António asked. “What happened?” He turned to look at Liliana and then back to Eduardo. “Were either of you injured?”

  Liliana shook her head. “No, not us,” she said. “One of our men.”

  Eduardo studied Liliana, pleased to hear her claim of our men rather than just his. She felt a part of Aragonia already.

  António looked around and when he caught sight of Diego, who was being helped from his horse, António moved toward the injured man. He looked back at Eduardo. “Tell me what happened.”

  As Eduardo moved toward his cousin to explain the group they’d encountered, he was surprised to feel Liliana’s hand on his arm as she walked with him. He placed his hand on her hand where it rested and allowed her to keep close to him. He had never thought of having a wife that would be as involved in everything as Liliana seemed to be. But would she expect to be included in all discussions? Some things would not be meant for her ears. He didn’t want to go into detail about what would be required to resolve the issue with bandits who roamed the area with her present.

  “We were set upon by a small group of six. I don’t understand why they thought it would be wise to attack a royal party with the obvious seal on our carriage. It seemed as if they were more after some coin for eating than in harming us personally. They were dispatched quickly. Once they realized we wouldn’t go down easily, they ran off into the woods. Hard to find them once they scattered though. There will be need
to cleanse the forest.”

  António nodded and Eduardo felt Liliana’s gaze on him, but he chose to ignore it as he studied his cousin instead.

  “That will be something we can talk more on after dinner tonight. I’m sure you are looking forward to a warm meal and your lovely wife will be in need of some rest I’m sure.”

  Eduardo nodded, then realizing he hadn’t made the introductions, looked at Liliana. “António, please allow me to introduce my wife, Princess Liliana of Aragonia.”

  “A pleasure, Your Highness,” António said. “If you will come with me, I’ll have someone show you to your room where you can freshen up before dinner.”


  Lily felt the dismissal as she was led to her room with Ana at her side. The other servants brought up the trunk that held her belongings and Ana was put to work getting Lily ready. Tonight they would have a small family dinner, then tomorrow the day would be spent meeting the cottagers who would be expected to come pay their respects to the new princess and to hear what Eduardo would have to say as the official ambassador of the king.

  She felt foolish wearing such fine clothes in the carriage, but the dress she was put into for holding court with the cottagers and then dinner outdid the other dress by leaps and bounds. Keeping up appearances must have always meant a lot to royalty. Ana worked quickly and twisted Lily’s hair up into an intricate braid with some pearls and gemstones weaved throughout. When the girl was done, Lily moved over to a mirror that was made from polished metal. There was no glass on the surface, just a smooth piece of metal about the size of a piece of paper from her own time, but it worked well enough to give Lily the overall assurance she looked good.

  “Anything else you’ll need of me, Your Highness?”

  “No. Thank you, Ana. I don’t know what I’d do without your help. Go ahead and take care of yourself now.”


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