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Page 5

by Bastian, Laura D.

  Ana looked at her with surprise. “I’ll come for you when it’s time, Your Highness.” Ana then curtsied and left the room closing the door softly behind her.

  Lily adjusted the neckline of the dress, feeling awkward at how much different the clothes of the time were than what she was used to, but she realized she was no longer as bothered by the long skirts. She’d been in the past for almost a month and realized she didn’t really miss her own time much.

  There was no family she longed to see, not with her mother being so self-absorbed and completely uninterested in being a mother.

  In fact, Lily felt more as if she were with family now with Ana and even Eduardo, who rarely spoke to her, than she had ever felt with her own mother.

  The truth of that saddened her. Was she okay with the idea of being married to a man that didn’t love her because she didn’t really know what love was?

  Would she come to despise him over time? Could she live a life without actual love by pretending she found fulfillment by helping him rule his kingdom? Or would he even want her help?

  The fact that he had sent her away to get dressed and primped up made it obvious she would only be useful as decoration and he wouldn’t take her help as a true partner in ruling.

  In all the books she’d ever read, she had just loved the way the hero and heroine would fall in love and not worry at all about more than just how romantic it all was, but her experience here in the life that Dr. Lachele had indicated she’d be able to lead as the heroine of her own romance was nothing like what she’d ever read.

  There was no love at first sight like some books, no immediate assurance that he was the right one for her. She thought perhaps there was enough interest for both of them that given time, they could come to love each other. But would she have that much time? She wasn’t sure when Dr. Lachele would return to get her if she wanted to go back home. Right now, if Lachele arrived, she’d bid Eduardo farewell and return to her own life, and stop wishing for the kind of love found in novels. They weren’t real as much as she wished they could be.

  She’d have to realize things were different in real life. Even if she had gone into the past to meet the man that should have been her one true love.

  “Lachele?” Lily said softly into the empty room around her. “Why did you bring me here? Why Eduardo? Was this a mistake? Did I take the place of the actual princess that should have married him, and the one you intended for me was somewhere else in the forest I arrived in?”

  Yet even as she said the words, she knew that wasn’t the case. Her first glimpse of Eduardo only a few days ago was still fresh enough in her memory that she was sure there had been something there between them. She would just have to do her best to help him see what could be.

  Of course, trying to entice a man to fall in love with her while they traveled around his country the day after their wedding didn’t seem to lend a lot of hope to her cause. But that spark she’d felt that first moment was enough to make her willing to give it a go.

  The door to the room opened and Lily turned to see who had entered. Eduardo stood there frozen in momentary surprise at seeing her.

  “I’m sorry, Liliana. I thought this was my room.”

  Lily pointed at the corner of the room where the trunks had been deposited. “I believe your things have been placed in here as well. Perhaps we are to share the room?”

  Eduardo’s gaze returned to her at the words and for a moment she saw a spark of something in them, then he quickly hid whatever emotion he had felt and he cleared his throat.

  “I’ll speak with António. There must be another room I could take.”

  “I don’t mind,” Lily said, surprising herself at the bluntness. “I mean, it’s a large room, with plenty of space. I don’t think we’d get in each other’s way too much.”

  “I could never ask that of you.”

  “No,” Lily sighed. “I suppose you can’t.” The last was spoken so quietly she wasn’t sure if Eduardo heard her, but she felt so much disappointment that he still didn’t want her. Not that she wanted to share the bed exactly. She just wanted to know that he would someday come to feel something for her.

  “Your Highnesses,” a servant from outside the still open door said. “May I escort you down to dinner?”

  “I will need a moment longer,” Eduardo said. “Take Princess Liliana with you. I’ll join shortly.”

  Lily stood from where she’d been sitting on a small stool near the window. Eduardo would need some privacy and the least she could do was allow him to have it. The servant stepped away from the door and further into the hallway, allowing Lily room to leave Eduardo to his preparations for the meal. She wasn’t sure she was ready to go in alone to dinner with Eduardo’s cousin António. But there was nothing she could do about it now. Not unless she wanted to walk extra slow in hopes Eduardo would catch up.


  Eduardo stepped into the dining hall and his eyes were immediately drawn to his wife. Liliana sat at the right of his cousin, António at the long table. António’s wife Maria, and five-year-old son were also seated at the table. Liliana and Maria were in conversation and seemed to be getting along well.

  He was fortunate Liliana was skilled in matters of etiquette, though she acted a little oddly at times. Probably due to the different upbringing in her own culture. She was both bolder and more timid than other women he’d known. And every now and again, she’d do something that made him wonder what she was thinking.

  Of course, now that he was in the same room with her again, it was almost impossible to think of anything else besides her. She filled up his mind completely, and Eduardo almost missed the greetings from his cousin’s wife.

  “Good evening, Maria,” Eduardo replied. “I’m happy to see you and your dear son are returned safely from the village.”

  “I am mamá’s protector, Cousin Eduardo,” the little boy said.

  “And a fine one you are.” Antonio smiled his praise at young Marcus before looking up at his wife and sharing a look.

  “That is what a son is to do,” Marcus said seriously as he looked at his mother. “Isn’t that right, papá.”

  “Exactly, my son. You are always to protect your mamá.”

  Marcus’s face lit up with pride. “Do you have a son to protect you?” He looked at Liliana expectantly.

  “No,” Liliana said. “Though I hope to be blessed with one as fine and honorable as yourself, Marcus.”

  “Oh.” Marcus looked at Liliana, then at Eduardo and back to Liliana. “I hope you have a son soon. Then I could teach him how to be a son. I know all about it. My papa is a good teacher.”

  Liliana smiled sweetly at the boy as his parents chuckled. “I would be pleased to have you teach my son. Thank you, Marcus.”

  “You are welcome. Bring him soon,” he said seriously, then turned to his mother. “Can we eat now? Everyone is here.”

  Maria chuckled and patted his hand then looked at Antonio. Antonio looked at Eduardo for permission to begin and Eduardo nodded, feeling honored that even in his own house, his cousin would look to his prince for approval.

  The meal was a comfortable, quiet family affair, but Eduardo couldn’t help wishing it could be even smaller. He wanted time alone with his wife. To talk with her and get to know more about her. Did she really want a son? Of course she would, that was the reason they were married. To produce an heir that could continue the line of the royal house. But was there any chance he might have the same kind of relationship with Liliana as his cousin Antonio shared with Maria?

  When they’d eaten their fill and the last of the courses were cleared from the table, Marcus yawned openly then with a look from his mother, quickly closed his mouth.

  “Mamá,” Marcus said. “May I be excused from the table?”

  Maria looked at Antonio then to her son. “I would be grateful if you’d escort myself and Princess Liliana to our rooms.”

  Marcus’s little chest puffed up with importance at this
request and Eduardo smiled. He’d never felt the same kind of pleasure in the company of his own parents, but he longed to have that kind of relationship with a son of his own someday.

  Eduardo met Liliana’s eyes and she smiled then looked back at Marcus with a look of maternal longing. She looked back at Eduardo, and his heart slammed against his rib cage at the expression he caught.

  In that moment, he knew there would be hope for them. He wasn’t naive enough to think a marriage would be easy, but he figured there was a chance they could make it work.

  As Liliana left the dining hall with Maria and Marcus, Eduardo wanted to leave as well, but knew he had to take care of business with his cousin.

  There needed to be something done to take care of the threat of bandits roaming the wilderness and waylaying travelers. He’d been lucky there had only been a few of them, and Eduardo’s group was well trained and armed. And though young Marcus would do anything to protect his mother, there would be no hope for things in the future if Eduardo didn’t find a way to make his country safer.

  But how could he make the people of Aragonia honor and respect the life of each citizen when his own father ruled with an iron hand and the people didn’t care for the royal family?

  Minutes led to hours of conversation with his cousin as they discussed the different issues Antonio faced in his lands. They talked over different ways to make sure the roads were safe, but unless they had hundreds of strong and able-bodied men to act as soldiers to monitor the lands, there would be little they could do.

  Tomorrow, after he’d met with the renters and the nearby villagers, Eduardo would have to leave and visit another of the noble families. He would keep his attention more on the surroundings as they traveled to be sure they were not caught off guard. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to his wife.

  “I’ve kept you long enough,” Antonio said. “I’m sure you’d like to retire to your room. I know I am looking forward to my own bed.”

  Eduardo looked up from the drink he’d been nursing. His eyes were heavy and his mind full, but he was reluctant to go to the room he was to share with Liliana. With any luck, she’d already gone to sleep and he could just slip into the room unnoticed. He wasn’t sure he could take a rejection from her tonight, so it would be easier if she wasn’t even aware he was in the room. If the small couch was large enough, he’d occupy it. He’d slept sitting up more than once. It shouldn’t be a problem.

  When he entered the room, he was disappointed to see that the travel trunk that had been brought in blocked a good portion of the chair and it would make too much noise for him to move it.

  With the candle he held, he could see the bed Liliana slept in was completely undisturbed on the one side. She was sound asleep under the covers on the right side of the bed, making him smile because he always gravitated to the left side when he slept. At least that wouldn’t be an issue.

  Eduardo sat on the trunk and removed his boots and socks, then loosened the vest and jacket he wore, but kept the rest of the clothes on and stood once again in order to study the bed.

  He could lay on his side, on top of the blankets and use the long travel cloak Liliana had worn as a covering for the night. That way, he wouldn’t disturb Liliana and it would help him be less tempted to snuggle in close to her.

  Though that temptation was strong, it wasn’t right yet. He wanted to know his wife as a person before they made the marriage official through other means.


  Lily slept well and dreamed of wonderful things, yet when she woke, she couldn’t remember the fleeting memories of the dream. She wasn’t even sure what it might have been other than she had felt Eduardo close to her. As close emotionally as he’d been physically, yet when she woke up, she knew she was alone in the room.

  Her heart felt saddened, and she rolled toward the empty side of the bed. Then she noticed the pillow looked like it had been disturbed. She sat up a little and propped herself up on her elbow then reached out and touched the place where Eduardo should have been.

  Warmth. She was certain of it. Eduardo had been there not long ago. But where was he now? She sat up straight and looked around the room. Her cloak was on the couch instead of the chair she’d left it on. And Eduardo’s trunk was open. He’d shared the room with her instead of insisting on a different one. That had to be progress.

  Perhaps someday, the two of them could have time to speak alone and she could find out if he even wanted to be married to her. If he didn’t, she would ask Lachele to take her home. That would free him up to find the kind of woman he would want. And she was sure Lachele could come up with some way to make her disappearance seem normal. Maybe tonight she could request a chance to speak with him.

  Lily pulled the covers off her and stepped out of the bed and onto the cold floor. She was glad her nightgown was long and covered her legs against the chill of the stone room. The fireplace helped keep things from feeling too frigid, but standing on stone didn’t help bring warmth to her body. She moved quickly to the rug and began looking through her trunk for the clothes she would wear for the day.

  A soft knock on the door was followed quickly by it being opened just enough for Ana to peek in. “May I come in, Your Highness?”

  “Of course,” Lily said. “Good morning, Ana. It’s good to see you. Thank you for your help last night. And I’m sure you were the one who stoked the fire.”

  “Oh no, Your Highness,” Ana said. “I saw Prince Eduardo in the hallway. He told me you were still sleeping but that he’d prepared the fire for you. I didn’t want to disturb you so I apologize I wasn’t here earlier to do it for you both.”

  Lily smiled but managed to keep from blushing at Ana’s mistaken impression of sleeping in the same room as her husband.

  “Ana,” Lily said. “You don’t need to apologize for your thoughtfulness. And now you are here to help me even though that means you had to wake early in order to do so. I don’t think I could ever thank you enough for all your kindness to me. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.”

  “It is what I was raised for,” Ana said, sounding surprised Lily had even thanked her in the first place.

  “You are a wonderful person,” Lily said, taking Ana’s hand in hers and squeezing it gently.

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Ana said, then ducked a quick curtsy and turned around to get the rest of the items needed for Lily’s wardrobe out and ready for the day.

  Lily allowed Ana to help her get dressed, then once everything was finalized, Lily stepped outside her room to see a young serving girl waiting against the wall directly across from the doorway.

  “If Your Highness will allow me, I’ll lead you to the breakfast room.”

  “Is it different from the dining room?” Lily asked, wondering if it was just called breakfast room in the morning or if there really was a different location she’d be eating in.

  “Pardon, Your Highness?”

  “Nothing,” Lily said. “Thank you for taking me down to breakfast.”

  The girl just nodded and Lily followed her down the hallway and smiled to herself as she saw that they were indeed entering the dining hall from the night before. Inside, the same members of the family from the night before were there as well as two young girls, even smaller than young Marcus. It was obvious they were Maria and Antonio’s daughters. As they ate breakfast, one of the little girls sat on her father’s lap while the other little girl that had to be the middle child sat on a chair next to Maria who helped her butter a piece of toast.

  The sight of a happy family made her heart sing and she longed for the same kind of familial bliss that was before her. She didn’t see Eduardo and wondered where he might be.

  “Good morning, Your Highness,” Maria said. “I hope you slept well.”

  “Thank you, Maria. I did. What a wonderful bed. I believe it was even more comfortable than my own from home.”

  Maria smiled then at a request from her daughter, turned her attention back t
o the child, allowing Lily time to look at the food sitting on the counter to the side of the table along the wall.

  Breakfast here was a much grander affair than anything she’d ever had as a child or even teen and young adult. She usually ended up having cold cereal or just some toast and jam, but this was something else entirely. She filled a small plate with a few items then when she turned to return to the table, she saw Eduardo enter the room.

  He froze as he met her eyes, then moved forward after a moment and met her at the table in time to pull her chair out for her.

  “Good morning, Liliana.”

  “Good morning, Eduardo.” She placed her plate on the table, then allowed him to help her sit. “Thank you.” She looked up at him and after he pushed her chair in the last little bit, his hand touched her shoulder briefly before he stepped away toward the bar where the breakfast items were displayed.

  That single touch was enough to send pleasurable ripples down the side of her body and she couldn’t help glancing over her shoulder and watching him prepare his plate. When he turned around, she smiled at him then looked at the chair to the side of her, hoping he would take the hint and sit next to her.

  His eyes studied hers for a moment before he stepped toward the table and moved directly toward her and the chair she’d indicated.

  When he sat down, they had another brief moment in each other’s gaze before the sound of one of the little girls broke the spell she’d felt herself under. When Lily looked around the table, she realized Antonio was smiling at Eduardo as if he was in on a little secret.

  If only the secret they had was worth something. Right now, there was nothing at all going on. Lily shook her head briefly at the absurdity of it. She wasn’t one to take relationships lightly. In fact, she would be considered a prude by most people’s standards in her own time, but she was married to the man. Even if it all started out with the unbelievable magical transport into another time.

  A marriage between a man and a woman was an incredibly sacred and special thing, and she hadn’t agreed to the marriage lightly. She’d had time to think about it all during her journey to Aragonia on the ship. And if she hadn’t been willing to commit to it completely, she wouldn’t have agreed.


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