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Truth [The Angel Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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by Maggie Walsh

  The Angel Pack 3


  When Sebastian Angel moves to Napa to be with his mate Storm Winthrope, he never expects to find his third mate so soon. But their blue-haired fae mate, Noah, is being held captive by an evil master. When Sebastian searches a nearby vineyard for Noah, he senses great evil all around. The more Sebastian visits the vineyard the more he changes. He starts to see things that aren’t real.

  An experience from Storm’s past makes him want things he doesn’t think he should want as leader of his pride. In lying to Sebastian and denying his true desires, he may push Sebastian away for good.

  Noah is afraid of being with his mates because of the things he experienced at the hands of his master, but he wants to trust his mates with his heart and body.

  Can these three learn to trust each other and give each what the others need? Or are they doomed from the start?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-Shifter

  Length: 58,312 words


  The Angel Pack 3

  Maggie Walsh



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Maggie Walsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-559-2

  First E-book Publication: November 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my children who’s ever present love and support is my guiding light. Without you I am nothing.

  To my big brother Rich who passed away during the final stages of this book. You fought the good fight against an unseen enemy, unfortunately the cancer won. I will be forever grateful that I had the chance to go see you in your final days. Your support means the world to me. I will never forget our long talk. The honesty we shared as we each ripped off a bandage and let the pain run out. You were the only one there for me twenty five years ago during the darkest moment of my life. You were the only one who knew in our family. I never shared it with any of our siblings. You saved me then and you helped me to open my eyes to a few things now. You were not only my brother, but you were one of my best friends. I love you big brother, you will forever be in my heart.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author


  The Angel Pack 3


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  “In today’s local news, the bodies of two Napa Valley local teens were discovered early this morning near the High School. The bodies were found drained of all their blood. This makes sixteen bodies found in this condition. The FBI who were called in last week by State Police to help in the investigation have asked that all residents of the area please remain calm. They have suggested that everyone not go out alone, especially at night, and to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Officials are saying that these murders seem to be the work of a satanic cult. If anyone has any information concerning these murders, please call the FBI at...”

  Storm clicked off the television and sighed heavily. Two more. Sixteen, not counting my pride members. Satanic cult? Of course the humans came to that conclusion. They didn’t know about us and what really goes bump in the night. If they knew they had a rogue vampire problem in their town they would really freak out. Fucking vamps. I thought it was rare for any paranormal to go rogue? Where the hell are all these damn vamps coming from? And why are they swarming my town like locust? Sixteen humans, twelve pride members. What the hell am I gonna do?

  Storm looked out his office window as he tried to come up with some answers. His office door opened and he turned to see who had come in. It was his second-in-command and best friend Seth. He and Seth had known each other for almost a hundred and fifty years. They met in high school when Seth’s family moved to the area and joined his family’s pride, the Winthrope Pride. One of his father’s, Joshua Winthrope was the pride leader at the time, and his father before him and so on going back eight hundred years. The Winthropes were here in what was now called Napa Valley California way before the humans arrived. They were a pride of cat shifters of different breeds. Storm for example was a rare white tiger. His father Joshua was a tiger, his other father, Leland Collins, was an ocelot, and his mother, Lila Thames, was a lynx. He had two fathers because in the cat shifter world, cat shifters got two mates. Everyone in the paranormal world had at least one mate who was made by fate, just for them. Their soul mate, literally their other half. It was said that fate took the soul and split it into two pieces and cast those pieces out into th
e world. It was up to those pieces to find each other again. If they did find their missing piece then great love would be their reward. If a paranormal was lucky enough to find their soul mate, they cherished them above all else. Nothing and no one came before their mate. But cat shifters had two mates. Fate ripped the soul into three pieces and cast them out. If a cat shifter was truly blessed, they would find both their mates. Cat shifters went into heat once they met their mate. They would go into heat for three days after meeting their mate and the only thing to help the heat was sex. Lots and lots of sex. Then the cat shifter would go into heat with every full moon after that, for three days. The heat started the day before the full moon and got worse as the full moon came, then for another day after. Again, the only thing that could help the heat was sex. Lots and lots of sex. That’s why a cat shifter had two mates. They needed so much sex at that time that it was hard for one mate to relieve the heat.

  Seth, a tiger shifter, walked into Storm’s office with a solemn look on his face. “There have been more bodies found, Storm.”

  “I know, I just watched the news. Two human teenagers. Drained again,” Storm replied as he sat behind his desk.

  “That’s not all, Storm. Trey and Will found four of our pride members out by the vineyard this morning when they went to patrol.”

  “Shit! Who was it, Seth?” Storm asked with his jaw clenched.

  “Beth, Michael, Ashton, and Mav,” Seth said as he looked at the floor.

  “Son of a bitch! Has pain in the ass been called in yet?” Storm asked.

  Seth smirked at his leader, “Yeah, I woke him up at five this morning. He bitched and grumbled of course, but he came down to his lab where we put the remains. He’s looking at them now.”

  “Good. As much of a pain in the ass he is, he is definitely the best,” Storm said with pride.

  “Yes, I know your little brother is tops, Storm. He’ll come up with something to take care of the rogues,” Seth said as he sat in a chair opposite the desk.

  “I hope so, and soon. One on one these fuckers are a pain in the ass. But this, there’s at least a hundred or more of these fuckers. How the hell are we supposed to stop them? And where the hell are they all coming from?” Storm questioned as he leaned back in his seat and ran his hands through his long white hair.

  Seth watched his leader’s movements. Damn, Storm was a fine specimen of man. He would love to run his fingers through his leader’s beautiful white hair. And all those muscles, rowr. Storm Winthrope was definitely the hottest man Seth had ever seen. All six foot four, two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle of him. He was perfection. Long beautiful white hair that went past his ass, deep violet eyes that saw right into your soul, strong jaw, sleek nose, high cheekbones, and full kissable lips. So yummy, but Seth would never make a move on Storm. Storm was his leader, his best friend. They shared too much life together to fuck it up with an intimate relationship. And most importantly, Storm wasn’t one of his mates. “What about the vamps? Could we maybe call the King vamp, or someone there who could maybe help us?”

  Storm dropped his hands and sat up staring at his friend in shock. “Call the king of the vamps and say what? Hi, I’m a cat shifter with a rogue problem, send out the dogs. That’ll go over real well.”

  “Yeah, especially if you call the wolves dogs.” Seth chuckled.

  “Yeah that would get us somewhere…not,” Storm said sarcastically.

  “I heard that there are some wolf shifters who are friends with the vamps. They actually work together,” Seth said.

  “Yeah, I heard that, too. It seems the paranormal council is happy that more of our community is coming together. But I don’t know. I’ve never met a vamp I could trust and I only ever met one wolf. He was okay, I guess.” Storm sighed again.

  “What about the council? Can’t we call them for assistance?” Seth asked

  The door banged open, and in walked a little guy of about five foot five, about a hundred and twenty pounds with short spiked red and golden hair, with golden eyes that sparkled. “They were dead already, asshole. Did you really have to call me at five in the morning?” the small man said as he walked over to the sideboard and poured himself some coffee.

  “Well good morning to you, too, little brother. Please come into my office whenever you want, make yourself at home, have some coffee, could I get you a scone with that?” Storm asked sarcastically with a smirk on his face as he watched his little brother.

  “You know I hate scones,” Storm’s brother said as he stirred cream into his coffee.

  “I was being sarcastic, Aaron.” Storm rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, I know,” Aaron said as he turned around and sipped his coffee. “Mmmm, that’s what I needed.”

  “I think you need more than coffee, you little brat,” Seth murmured to himself.

  Aaron sat down on the sofa across the room. “I heard that, you ass. If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted,” Aaron said, then took a sip of his coffee.

  “Fuck you, shrimp,” Seth snarled.

  “So what is it that your pea-sized brain thinks I need?”

  “A personality maybe. Or how about some manners? Maybe some humble pie? Maybe you just need to get laid,” Seth said and turned his back on Aaron.

  “Says the big bad virgin tiger.” Aaron smirked.

  Seth jumped out of his chair and headed over to Aaron. Storm jumped up and ran around his desk and grabbed Seth’s arm, holding him back. “Seth, stop, you can’t kill him.”

  “Why the fuck not? I know he’s your brother and all, Storm, but his mouth is going to get him killed one of these days. Why not today, by me?” Seth hissed out as he stared at Aaron with anger in his eyes.

  “Now who needs to get laid?” Aaron smirked at him and then sipped his coffee.

  “Listen you little shit, if you weren’t Storm’s brother I’d pummel you,” Seth bit out.

  “Yeah, and we’re all so thrilled with me being Storm’s brother...Not,” Aaron said sarcastically.

  “Enough you two. We have bigger problems than when it was the last time either of you got laid,” Storm said looking at both of them sternly.

  “I got laid two days ago. I know virgin boy can’t say the same.” Aaron winked at Seth.

  “Just because I don’t sleep with everyone that gives me any attention doesn’t mean I’m a virgin, you dick,” Seth bit out as he walked back over to his chair.

  “No the fact that you’ve never fucked anyone makes you a virgin. I knew you didn’t pay attention in health class,” Aaron said as he stood up and went back to the sideboard for more coffee.

  “At least I’m not a weak, pathetic, bottom boy, who’ll get fucked by anything that breathes on me,” Seth sneered at him.

  “Ouch, you hurt my feelings, you big bad pussy,” Aaron said in a child voice with his bottom lip sticking out. “Not.”

  “Enough, both of you. This isn’t getting us anywhere. Aaron, what can you tell me about our four departed pride members?”

  “Spoilsport. You suck the fun out of everything. Fine. It was the same as always, their throats were ripped out by the vamps and they were drained of all their blood. There’s nothing left for me to try to study. The vamps never leave any trace of their blood behind. I have tried to get some of the saliva that was left behind but it wasn’t much. I’m working on it in my lab. But now I need to get my ass to the hospital to do rounds, so it will have to wait till I get back.”

  Just then the phone rang. “Stay right there, you pain in the ass. I have a few questions for you,” Storm said to Aaron as he answered the phone. “Hello. Yes Ann…okay…a wolf? Okay...put him through.” Storm gave Seth and Aaron a confused look. Aaron leaned against Storm’s desk. “A wolf shifter?” he mouthed to Storm. Storm nodded.

  “Yes, this is Leader Storm Winthrope. How can I help you, Alpha Angel?” Both Aaron and Seth’s eyebrows went up.

  “Leader Winthrope, thank you for taking my call. I know you’re a busy man, as am
I. So I’ll get right to the point. My pack doctor has informed me that you have a shifter doctor in your pride who also went to human medical school and that he might be able to help us,” Micah said.

  Storm raised his brows and looked at Aaron. Aaron looked back at him in question. “If I did have a human trained medical doctor who is also a shifter, and I’m not saying that I do, what could you possibly need him for, if I might ask?”

  “I understand keeping information close to the chest, Leader Winthrope. As Alpha of the Angel pack there are things I wish to not be public knowledge as well. In this situation though, it is of the utmost importance and urgency that if you do have this doctor in your pride, that maybe we can work out a deal.”

  “And what deal would that be, Alpha Angel?” Storm motioned for Seth to get on the computer and check out the Alpha on the council’s website.

  “There is a member of my pack who is very sick. He has cancer, and there is nothing that my pack doctor can do for him,” Micah started to explain.

  “Cancer? A wolf with cancer? I didn’t think any shifter could catch human diseases?” Storm asked in shock. Aaron sat up straighter, staring at his brother.

  “He’s not exactly a wolf. He’s a human,” Micah explained.

  “A human? You have a human in your pack?” Storm asked in surprise.

  Micah sighed heavily through the phone. “One of my inner pack members, my enforcer, has found his mate. He is human and he has cancer. It doesn’t look good for him. My pack doc doesn’t know anything about treating humans, and the human doctor can’t do anything for him. Taylor is very important to me as well. He is my mate’s best friend. As well as being mate to my cousin Gabriel. Taylor has become a very important member of my pack, my family, and I will do anything to try to save him.”


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