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Truth [The Angel Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 2

by Maggie Walsh

  “Wow, I understand. That sucks balls doesn’t it? So you have also found your mate? And both you and your enforcer have male mates?” Storm’s eyes shone with excitement.

  Micah was quiet for a moment. “Yes, I have been blessed with finding my mate and he is a male, along with Gabriel’s mate, Taylor. Is that a problem, Leader Winthrope?”

  “Hell no. You wolves are the ones hung up on what sex a mate is, not us. Cat shifters don’t care what sex our mate is. I myself prefer males, and hope that fate smiles down on me and lets me find both my mates and that they are both men,” Storm explained cheerfully.

  “I have heard that about cat shifters, but I needed to be sure that our sexuality wasn’t a problem for you. My whole inner pack are gay Timberwolves who have either been kicked out of their birth packs for it, or have escaped their birth packs because of it,” Micah explained.

  “Wow, a whole pack of gay Timberwolves. That sounds nice actually. So what do you know about rogue vamps?” Storm asked.

  “Not too much myself actually, but I do know someone who is an expert on it. Why do you ask?” Micah questioned.

  “You see, Alpha Angel…”

  “Please call me Micah.”

  “Okay, Micah. Call me, Storm…We have been having a problem out here with rogue vamps. Just this morning we found four of my pride members dead, drained of their blood, along with two humans.”

  “Holy shit, Storm. I am so sorry for your loss. What can I do to help you?” Micah offered.

  Storm was shocked. “Just like that?”

  “We are all part of the same world, us paranormals. We should be sticking together not fighting amongst ourselves. How many rogues are we talking about?” Micah asked.

  “A lot. It started off about six months ago with a few. Their numbers keep growing. At this point we have sixteen dead humans and sixteen of my pride who have all been drained of their blood. The humans don’t know about us of course, or the rogues, so they’re guessing it’s a satanic cult. The human officials are taking this very seriously of course, and they’re getting a little too close for my liking. If you know what I mean?”

  “My gods, thirty two. In six months? Have you tried calling the council?” Micah asked with concern.

  “Believe it or not, we were just discussing that when you called,” Storm said.

  “I may have a solution to both our problems. I can call Dante Calabrese for assistance,” Micah explained.

  Storm’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “Dante Calabrese? As in Prince Dante Calabrese?” Seth and Aaron both froze in surprise, staring at their leader.

  “That’s the one,” Micah said.

  “You know the prince? And how do we know that he’ll even help us?” Storm questioned.

  “Dante is one of my two best friends. He is also my business partner. He adores my mate and Taylor and will do anything to help them. He would help me with anything I asked of him. But most importantly he would help you just because. He’s a good man. He’s been having a problem with rogues himself lately. Nothing of your magnitude of course, but he’ll know what to do.”

  “So what do you propose, Micah?” Storm asked.

  “You send your doc out here to take a look at Taylor, see if there is anything he can do for him. I’ll give Dante a call and ask him to send some of his men out to you to help with the rogues,” Micah explained.

  “So if I send my Doc out to you.” Aaron jumped up, shaking his head no. “You’ll have the Prince have his people come out here and help me? That we can do, Micah,” Storm said and smiled sweetly at Aaron. Aaron threw his hands up in the air in frustration and plopped down into a chair.

  “Let me call Dante now and let him know what’s going on out by you. I’m positive he’ll send his men as soon as he can. I’ll even send one of my men out there to make sure Dante’s men get there safe and then he can travel back with your Doc. Maybe keep him calm on the flight,” Micah offered.

  “So you know we don’t like to fly huh?” Storm snickered.

  “Yeah, met a cat shifter once on a flight, it wasn’t pretty. He said you all hate flying. I did everything I could to help keep him calm for that flight. Poor guy. I thought he was gonna have a heart attack.” Micah laughed. Storm did, too. “I’ll give Dante a call now and then call you right back and we’ll come up with a plan. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds too good to be true,” Storm answered in shock.

  “I believe we all should work together in our world,” Micah said.

  “I agree, Micah. I’ll wait for your call and we’ll go from there.”

  They hung up and Aaron started yelling. “Oh hell no, Storm! You are not throwing me to the wolves. Literally. Forget it, asshole. I won’t go.”

  “You will go if I say so, Aaron. We need help out here with these fucking rogues, and it seems fate just dumped the answer to our problem right in my lap. Alpha Angel is best friends with Prince Dante Calabrese. Do you know who the Prince is? Huh? He’s next in line to be fucking king of all the vampires, that’s who. He has power that you and I couldn’t even imagine. If they’re willing to help us and save our pride members as well as the humans, then your ass is on a plane to...Where the hell is the Angel pack, Seth?”

  Seth looked up from the laptop he’d been working on and smirked at Aaron. “Pennsylvania.”

  “P-Penn-Pennsylvania! You’re out of your fucking mind! I am not going to fucking Pennsylvania. It’s full of snow there. No way, I’m not doing it. Find another way,” Aaron said and turned to leave. But Storm’s words stopped him.

  “It’s summer, Aaron. There is no snow yet. And, your leader is ordering you to go, Aaron. If you refuse my order you know what the consequences are,” Storm said calmly as he watched Aaron’s back as his shoulders slumped in defeat. Aaron took a deep breath then slowly turned to face Storm.

  “Come on, Storm, Pennsylvania? It’s cold there. And I really don’t want to fly. Maybe I can drive,” Aaron pleaded.

  Storm shook his head no. “Sorry, baby bro, they need you out there now and I need help with the vamps now. Driving takes too long. From what Micah said, this human, Taylor, is at the end of his life here, and he is very important to the Alpha. I wouldn’t put it past this guy to come out here and kidnap your ass. He seems like a good guy. An honest guy, but one of his own needs help desperately. And if this guy really is best friends with the Prince, the last thing we need is a war between us and them. I need their help as much as they need mine, Aaron, so you’re just gonna have to suck it up. Think of it this way, at least it’s an interesting case right?”

  Aaron’s shoulders dropped in defeat again. “Fine,” he whispered out and then narrowed his eyes at Storm “But know this, when I get back I’m so paying you back for this, butt head. When you least expect it…Wham!” He turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Storm laughed at his little brother then turned to Seth. “So what can you tell me about Alpha Micah Angel and the Angel pack? What’s his connection to the Prince?”

  “They are best friends and business partners. They own ‘ParaSafe’ together,” Seth started to explain.

  “Shit. That’s the biggest personal security company in the states. Their bodyguards guard some of the biggest names in the world. Celebrities, politicians, and billionaires. What the fuck did we just jump into bed with?”

  “It sounds like they would actually make good allies for us Storm,” Seth said.

  “You’re probably right. That company has been around for what? Two hundred years. Damn. It seems fate may have really smiled down upon us,” Storm said with a smile.

  * * * *

  Storm sat out back on the patio drinking a cup of iced tea looking up at the stars, while he waited for his guests to arrive. They should be here soon. Micah called and let him know that they landed and were on their way. He couldn’t wait to get the Prince’s vamps here to help with the rogue problem. There had been twenty more of his pride members and eleven
humans found dead and drained since he first spoke with Micah three days ago. The rogues were escalating and the humans were panicking. They were leaving the area in droves, which left less of the humans for the rogues to hunt and more of their focus on his pride. He needed to protect his people at all costs, but where could he send them until this was taken care of?

  “Leader Storm, your guests have arrived. Hazel has escorted them into your office,” Ann, one of Storm’s maid’s, said as she approached him.

  “Thank you, Ann. Could you please let Seth know they’re here and have him get Aaron here as well? You know the little pain in the ass will try to make a run for it.” Seth sighed as he stood up.

  Ann giggled. “Yes, Leader Storm.” She turned and walked away. Storm headed for his office door that led out here to the patio. It was quicker than walking in the way he had come out and then walking through the house. Plus he was anxious to get this show on the road. He opened his office door and heard the most beautiful voice he ever heard.

  “Not really, she doesn’t have a tongue,” Storm heard the beautiful voice say. He was impressed, no one but pride members new Hazel was missing her tongue.

  “What?” the other man said in surprise.

  “Very good. Hazel is usually better at hiding that. How did you know?” Storm asked as he walked into the office from the outside door and walked further into the room and stopped by the desk.

  The man who had his back to the room, who was looking at his books on the shelves, turned and Storm almost swallowed his tongue. The man was absolutely stunning.

  He stood at about the same height as Storm at six foot four and he had at least twenty pounds on Storm’s two hundred and thirty pounds. But those pounds were all finely toned muscle. His hair was jet black with pure white streaks that went to his waist, and he had violet eyes, just like Storm, but lighter. He had a strong jaw and high cheek bones and beautiful full pouty lips that would look incredible wrapped around his growing cock. The man just stood there looking Storm over as well, studying him. One of the men cleared his throat, breaking the spell.

  “Welcome to the Winthrope Pride. I am Storm Winthrope, leader of this pride. And you all must be my new best friends. Alpha Angel said he was sending some of his men, but he didn’t tell me you would be so…” Beauty raised an eyebrow at him. “Big,” Storm finished with a smirk. His eyes were drinking in every line, every curve of the beauty before him. Beauty was looking at him with the same interest. His eyes full of longing and lust.

  Beauty thought he was doing a great job of staying calm and cool under Storm’s gaze, but Storm could practically taste the desire coming off him. He wanted to grab the wolf and bend him over his desk and drive his cock deep inside until the man screamed out his name. Storm’s cock was getting so hard that he thought it was going to rip out of his pants and wave at the men. He could see the want in Beauty’s eyes and then his nostrils flared as he could smell Beauty’s lust. He took a deep breath of the intoxicating scent and his world rocked. The beautiful wolf standing in front of him was his mate. He smiled as he realized that Fate had blessed him with this gorgeous creature.

  “I am Sebastian Angel, enforcer to Alpha Micah Angel. These gentlemen” Sebastian motioned to his companions,“are friends of the Angel pack, and have come here to help you with your problem, as promised by my Alpha, in exchange for your Doctor’s help.”

  “Another Angel?” Storm questioned. Was his beautiful mate also Micah’s mate? Or were they brothers? Storm wanted to know if he had found both his mate’s. “Tell me, Sebastian Angel, are you related to the Alpha or are you his mate?”

  “Neither, it is our custom that the inner pack takes on the same surname as their Alpha. However, as long as I have been with Micah, I may as well be his…” Sebastian started to explained but Storm cut him off.

  “Lover?” He asked with a raised brow.

  “Brother,” Sebastian finished. They stared at each other for a moment before Sebastian continued. “This is Nicco, Sky, Andrew, and Alex. They are here in good faith of Prince Dante Calebrese.” Each man nodded his head in turn at Bass’s introductions.

  Storm looked the men over. “Welcome, guys. Any help you could give us would be really great.”

  “We were told you were having trouble with rogue vampires. How many are we talking about?” the man named Nicco asked.

  Storm walked behind his desk, then sat down and sighed. “About six months ago we spotted our first rogue vamp. Since then the numbers just kept growing. As of last week, there has to be a few hundred roaming these hills.”

  “Hundreds?!” Nicco yelled in disbelief. “That’s impossible. It is extremely rare for a vampire to go rogue.”

  “Are you calling me a liar, vamp?” Storm growled as he stood to face Nicco.

  “No, definitely not. It’s just those numbers are unheard of in one place. Across the country maybe, but in one town? I don’t understand,” Nicco answered, his eyes full of confusion.

  “I don’t know what to tell ya. All I do know is that these fuckers are growing in number and in balls. They started out running or hiding from us. Now they come right up to my lands trying to attack anyone they see. Over the past two months, they have killed thirty-six of my pride members, and have killed nearly that many human’s from the area.” Storm moved back around the desk and sat on the front of it. “We’ve been scrambling to try to protect the humans, but we can’t be everywhere.”

  “Shit,” the man named Sky said in shock. “Nicco, we need to inform the prince of this.”

  “I know. He’s not going to be very happy either. I’m just glad I won’t be in the same room as him when I tell him,” Nicco shivered.

  Storm looked at Nicco in question, with his brows raised. “Is the Prince that bad? I heard he was vicious.”

  “Prince Calebrese can be your best friend or your worst nightmare come to life, depending on the circumstances. I definitely wouldn’t want to be the one on his bad side, let me tell you,” Sky answered.

  “If I can interrupt here for a minute?” Sebastian asked. Storm turned his attention to his mate and immediately his eyes filled with lust again. “I don’t want to seem like an ass here, because this situation is very important, but it is getting close to sun up. You guys need shelter and I need to catch a plane back home.”

  Storm jumped up. “What? You’re leaving?” He directed his question to his mate. He couldn’t leave. They just found each other.

  “These guys are the experts on the rogues. I just came as liaison to introduce you all and thank you for letting your Doctor come to help us, and to escort Dr. Collins back to the Angel pack. I need to return with the doctor as soon as possible. Gabriel’s mate is dying and we need your doctor’s expertise.”

  “Surely your pack has a doctor that can help the she wolf?” Storm asked, knowing full well that the sick pack member was a human man.

  “Yes we do have a pack, Doctor, but Gabriel’s mate is human, and he’s dying of cancer,” Sebastian said. “I was under the impression from my Alpha that this was all taken care of already. My friends would stay and help you with your rogue problem and I would leave with the doctor. Have you changed your mind, or are you going against the agreement you made with my Alpha?” Bass questioned angrily.

  Storm couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His mate wanted to leave him. Was he rejecting him? Didn’t he know what would happen to Storm if he left? Storm was pissed. “No, I have never gone back on a deal in my life.” Storm walked around his desk and picked up the phone. Why would his mate reject him? They just met, they didn’t even know each other. But he did say he made a promise to return with Aaron. Maybe that’s all it was. Don’t jump to conclusions, just wait till you get your mate alone. “Seth, can you please come in here and escort our guests to their rooms? And have you heard from pain in the ass yet? He was supposed to be here by now…Yes...okay.” Storm hung up the phone and looked at his mate. They stared at each other for a moment and then the door opened and
Seth walked in. Seth stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted the vamps. “Gentlemen, this is my second, Seth Moon. He will show you to your rooms. Seth...Seth?” Storm looked at him curiously.

  “Mine!” Seth came out of his trance and ran over to the vamp named Sky. He grabbed onto him, sinking his teeth into the vampire’s neck. Sky caught him and then his eyes rolled to the back of his head. “Mine,” Sky whispered.

  “Oh shit,” the one named Alex said in shock. “Does this mean they’re mates?”

  Storm started to laugh, big and loud, and all eyes went to him. Seth licked his bite closed and cuddled against Sky’s broad chest. “I guess you found your mate, buddy. Congratulations,” Storm said and his eyes shifted to Sebastian. His mate just looked back at him with an expression that was unreadable. His face was stone still and devoid of all emotion. “Seth, why don’t you show our guests to their rooms and go get to know your mate.”

  Seth took Sky’s hand and started to lead him out of the room. Nicco and the others just stood there looking after them. “I guess if we’re gonna find our rooms before we turn into bacon we should follow them,” Nicco said, then walked over to Bass and shook his hand, giving him a pat on the back with the other. “Safe journey home, brother. Let us know when you arrive.” Brother? That was odd. What is it with this bunch? Storm thought. Sebastian shook Nicco’s hand in return. “You take care of each other and come home soon. We’ll go to the club for drinks when you get back.” Oh no you won’t mate. You’re mine, Storm thought. He was getting angrier with the way these vamps spoke to his mate.

  “I love the club. I can’t wait to get back now, there’s a pretty little bartender there I can’t wait to sink into,” Alex said, shaking his mate’s hand.

  “Dale’s probably too much for you to handle, Al. He’s high maintenance.” Sebastian laughed. And what an incredible sound that was. It melted Storm’s heart and went right to his dick. He was full on hard again in seconds. “But I’ll put in a good word for you next time I see him.”


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