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Sweet Sutton

Page 3

by J. D. Light

  "Will you explain what ya meant by your leopard freakin' out?" He asked quietly, giving me all of his attention.

  Smiling softly, because I was really hoping to persuade my sweet mate that I was worth a chance—and because he made my insides melt—I just barely resisted the urge to kiss his sweet looking mouth.

  "He didn't like you being distressed. Neither did I."

  "Oh!" Sutton said in surprise, before his face bloomed a bright red. "Uh. I wasn't…I was—"

  There it was again. His heart rate was accelerated, and his breathing starting to get choppy.

  Reaching up, and caressing his cheek with my thumb, I used the heel of my hand to gently tilt his head back, so I could look into his beautiful green eyes.

  "Talk to me, sweet Sutton. I'll do anything. Is it me? My leopard? Do we scare you? Do you not want to be my mate?"

  I whispered the last, my heart already breaking at the idea.

  "No!" Sutton grabbed my forearm with both hands, trying to hold it there. "I mean, yes!" Sighing, he closed his eyes. "I'm not scared, or against being your mate. I'm just a little mortified at some of my actions recently. And Foster is being a dick by bringing them up."

  Ignoring the glare I sent him, Foster focused in on Thompsyn and Bennett. "Which brings me back to you two."

  "Don't even start with me, fox," Bennett said in a bored tone. "The whole point to these flowers you make Sutton roll in, is to cloak the man. Don't try to blame us because it worked. Hell, my super mate can only smell him when they are within a few feet of each other. How were we supposed to know somebody was sitting in a dark house, looking out the window, at the exact time we were shifting in Ronny's back yard?"

  I felt my mate stiffen where I had repositioned our hands, so that I was holding both of his in both of mine between us. When I looked at the beautiful man, he was blushing hard, and his heart rate was back up there where I wasn't comfortable.

  "Shift in the woods like a normal person!"

  "Foster! Stop. They're right." Sutton cringed, pulling his hands out of mine. "If I wouldn't have been sittin' there in my house with all the lights off, watchin' Barron—uh—Barron's back yard, I would never have seen them in animal form, and thought they were 'bout to attack Barron, and went out there with my shotgun. And maybe you two should shift in the woods, like Barron does. Or at least, I think he does. He's always human when I see him."

  "Always? You've seen me come out of the woods?"

  "Uh." His voice went up at the end while he drew out the word. "A few times, yes."

  "A few times?" Foster scoffed, making my mate growl a warning beside me. "Try every single night since he saw you stroll butt naked out of the woods about two months ago. That's all I've heard about for that long too! His gorgeous, naked neighbor."

  "Oh my gawd," Sutton whined beside me. Again, covering his face and falling back against the cushions. "I hate you, Foster. Like, I really think I might hate you, right now. This is the most mortifying thing you have ever done to me!"

  Not liking how uncomfortable my mate was, I scooped him up, making him squeak as I deposited him right in my lap. So intent on how distressed my poor mate seemed through the whole thing, it took me a minute to process what Foster had just said.

  Sutton groaned, pressing his face to the side of my neck, as I started to laugh.

  "You did it to yourself. I'm kinda relieved he turned out to be your mate. At least now your ridiculous, creepy obsession makes a bit of sense."

  Bennett and Thompsyn were nodding at each other. Clearly understanding my mate's actions.

  "Don't be embarrassed, sweet Sutton. If I had been given the opportunity to watch you run around your back yard naked, I'd have done it in a heartbeat," I whispered into the side of his head, nuzzling my face against his sweet smelling skin.

  "You're not mad?" He asked in a quiet mumble against my neck.

  "Hell no," I growled. "You have permission to watch me run around naked any time you want."

  Sutton giggled against my neck, making me smile. "I feel so stupid. And creepy."

  "Would it make you feel better to know that I've been thinking about taking you up to my room and stripping you down so I can lick every inch of your naked body since I first saw you?"

  "Oh!" One curious, lust filled eye revealed itself, as he lifted his head slightly. "Holy shit."

  "In fact, I'm a little pissed at myself that I didn't get closer to you before today. You've been living right next door to me for how long? Three months? I've had my mate right under my nose this whole time, and couldn't smell him!"

  "I stalked Bennett," Thompsyn said proudly. He never would have even known I was there if I didn't save him from drowning."

  "Hey!" Bennett smacked Thompsyn's massive chest. "It was your fault I lost my form on my dive, and almost drowned in the first place. And actually, it was your fault I was even standing on that bridge!"

  "I still say jumping off a bridge for fun is fucking stupid," Thompsyn grumbled, glaring at nothing as he pouted.

  "Well, I'm glad I did. You probably never would have gotten close to me if you didn't almost kill me. You would still be stalking me, without my knowledge, a hundred years from now."

  "Clearly, you're over all that, though." Thompsyn's rumbled pout had me smiling. "Plus, nobody ever said anything about a hundred years. You're the one that keeps throwing that number out there. I just said wait until you were older. I'm a boring old man and you're so damn young!"

  I watched Sutton's face scrunch up in confusion as he rolled the couples words around in his head. "Wait. Thompsyn, you act like you're some eighty-year-old geriatric. You can't be more than four or five years older than Bennett.

  Oops! Forgot that part! I was really botching up the ease my mate into our world thing.

  "Actually," I said, grabbing my mate's hands again, hoping I wouldn't have to use that hold to restrain him when I finished my statement. "Thompsyn is like, two hundred fifty years older than Bennett. Give or take a decade."

  "Two hundred fifty-six, actually," the bear grumbled, cringing just a little.

  The beautiful Asian boy blinked several times, clearly trying to register the information now bouncing around in his brain.

  "So," he croaked before coughing a bit, and clearing his throat. "You guys are like…immortal?"

  "To hear my mom tell it, we could totally live forever and ever…if we don't do something stupid and get ourselves killed."

  "Right. That makes sense." Sutton swallowed hard while nodding.

  "It does?" Foster sounded skeptical, dropping his arms down by his sides while watching his close friend like he expected the man to explode at any moment.

  "No. Not even a little. But I don't have any reason to doubt it." He extricated his left hand from my grip, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers, before squeezing the bridge of his nose.

  Suddenly, his head popped up and he clutched my hand in a death grip. "Does that mean you are going to mate me and then dump me when I get old and ugly, and can't give you babies anymore, while you stay young and gorgeous?" Sutton gasped, throwing a hand over his mouth. "Are you going to go out and get yourself a newer, younger mate while I'm getting my diaper changed by complete strangers?"

  I nearly laughed at the funny way my mate processed information. Thankfully, I didn't, though. Clearly, the man was in true distress.

  "No, no, no, sweet Sutton. When we mate, your body will start regenerating itself, like mine. You'll be just as beautiful as you are right now, four hundred years from now."

  "Did I fall asleep reading a M/M shifter romance again?" he whispered.

  I couldn't help but laugh at that, and my mate groaned, blushing, as he let his head drop forward on his neck, clearly embarrassed.

  "I have to say, Sutt, you are taking this a lot better than I expected. That whole mate thing must be pretty powerful for you not to be freaking out right now."


  Reaching up slowly, I continued to star
e into Barron's beautiful, dark eyes…as I pinched the shit out of my own arm. "Ow! Son of a bitch!"

  Barron looked shocked, before gently grabbing my arm, and bringing his lips to the stinging skin. "What are you doing?"

  Shivering at the light brush of his plump mouth, I closed my eyes on a sigh. "Just checking."

  Chuckling, Barron pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Well, cut it out."

  "I need to go call my alpha and let him know the fox is still in town, and that a human has been exposed. I'll be right back, sweet Sutton."

  Was it pathetic that it made me melt every single time he called me that?

  After another quick peck, this time to my lips, he stood and walked to the kitchen we had passed through when we came inside.

  Stunned, lips still tingling, I watched the clench and release of his amazing ass as he walked away in those thin sweat pants.

  I glanced at my best friend who just rolled his eyes at me, like I wasn’t completely in the right for enjoying such a delicious sight, or for being shocked that the man of my dreams was treating me like the most important thing in the world.

  I'd never been cherished like I was all the things that kept a persons world rotating. I couldn't help it if it all felt just a bit surreal to me.

  I smiled and shrugged while Bennett and Thompsyn chuckled.

  "Will Foster be in trouble?" I asked when Barron came back from making his call. I might be a bit irritated at my best friend at the moment, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to get in trouble.

  He shot the fox a glare, but shook his head and smiled at down at me. "Nah. He's not a threat."

  Foster rolled his eyes, flopping back against the couch like he didn't have a care in the world.

  "No," Thompsyn was saying when the doorbell rang, smiling sweetly at his mate. "Actually, I'll be the one to have the babies someday." He raised his arm, moving his sleeve aside and parting his armpit hair. "See? I have the same mark you do."

  I giggled as Barron rose to go answer it, forcing myself not to watch him as he made his way to the door. Instead, staying focused on the couple. "I'm kinda excited to see you pregnant, Thompsyn. I can't imagine a big o' guy like you with a bun in the oven."

  Thompsyn laughed too, and I had to wonder what ever happened to the grumpy old bear that first came into my shop, who tended to growl more than talk.

  "That's what I said!" Bennett did look excited. His hazel eyes were sparkling with some kind of joyous emotion that somehow made me feel like maybe I wouldn't be seen as a freak when I did get knocked up.

  The alpha––who turned out to be a man I'd seen more than a few times at the diner in town, staring longingly at the order window––and his adorable man, whom I'd seen a few times through that same window, as he flew around the kitchen like a mad man, followed Barron through the door, and I smiled when my man reached up and ruffled the unruly hair of the boy that was exactly the same height as him.

  Bennett sprung from his perch on Thompsyn's lap to scoop Ridley up, who was definitely taller than him, and started bouncing him up and down like a little kid.

  "Cut it out, asshole." Pink blossomed all over the redhead's face and neck making him, surprisingly, more adorable.

  The Alpha rolled his eyes, reaching out to flick Bennett in the ear. "Put him down. How can you be so talented at your job and still manage to be an immature moron."

  When Thompsyn laughed, Bennett released the man whose toes had barely cleared the floor to begin with and turned indignantly to his mate. "You're supposed to defend my honor!"

  Laughing when the bear just shrugged, I turned to find my best friend had gotten to his feet, and was standing at attention by the couch, watching the entire interaction with surprise and confusion.

  I had never seen him looking so stiff. The alpha seemed to notice too, turning to Foster with a kind but clearly dominant expression on his face.

  "Hello again, Foster." Flynn moved forward, hand extended. "How is the investigation going?"

  Foster glanced down at the alpha's hand, hesitating a second before he took it. "Uh. Unfortunately, still booming right here in Purdy." With a quick shake, Foster dropped his hand back down to his side, still standing at attention. He turned to address everyone in the room. "We've been investigating a cult for a few months now. We've had eyes on them for over a decade, but within the last few months, they've become very active.

  "We believe your ex-second Abigail Dewalt became involved with them, recruiting members of this leap. We were unsure how far it went within your hierarchy, and usually I wouldn't be working on a portion of the case that was…uh. no offence, but…kinda unimportant, but when I came to see Sutton's new home, I smelled the leap and decided to look around.

  "I found clear indicators of cult activity. When I called it in, my superior connected the dots with your second…uh. Ex-second. I know it's been a few weeks since Abigail…uh––" glancing at me, Foster cringed. "––lost her position, but a few of the recruitment sacrifices are actually only a few days old."

  The alpha nodded. "Yes. There were others. They also…lost their positions."

  "Sacrifices?" Bennett suddenly looked more serious than he'd looked since I'd met him. Even though that was only about forty-five minutes before. "I think Thompsyn and I saw one of those. We actually came here to tell Ronny about it, but––" Smirking, the leopard looked over at me. "––we got distracted."

  All eyes turned my direction and I couldn't help but press a little into Barron's side as he sat as close as physically possible to me. Was I going to be in trouble? Sure, I had accidentally seen something I wasn't supposed to, but technically, it was kinda my fault too, for being a peering weirdo.

  When I met the alpha's gaze, he actually smiled at me, putting me at ease a bit.

  Standing, Barron grabbed my hand and gave a tug, pulling me easily to my feet. "This is Sutton...uh––"

  "Hilliard," I said on a smile, reaching out toward the alpha for a shake.

  "My mate," Barron added, sounding proud.

  My insides melted at his tone. Nobody had ever sounded so proud to know me. My brother had never shied away from telling people we were brothers. And maybe there was a note of pride in his voice when he said that. But Barron sounded like it was the biggest accomplishment of his very long life.

  Speaking of. I never asked how old he was. Not that it mattered. It just seemed like I should know the age of a man I was going to spend possible eternity with.

  Whoa! Am I just acceptin' this? And I'm just totally on board? Like, sign me up for all the eternity with a hot man that wants me to have his babies, ya'll! I've done thrown my basic reasonin' skills to the wind.

  "He's the town florist," Barron said, resting his hands on my shoulders while pressing a kiss to my temple. "Bennett says he does beautiful work."

  Well shit. How can a gay guy resist a gorgeous man who thinks he hung the moon and won't quit touching him reverently? I'm basically all wrapped up for 'im.

  "It's very nice to meet you, Sutton. I'm Flynn, the leap alpha and this is Ridley, my precious mate."

  Wow. These men really did think the world revolved around their mates. It was clear in all they said and did.

  "It's nice ta meet ya too, sir." My accent was thick, betraying my nerves. I didn't know what to do with myself after I released the alpha's hand and stepped back. I was relieved when Barron wrapped his arms around me from behind, allowing me to latch on to him so I didn't look so awkward.

  Ridley latched on to his man's arm from beside him, giving me a slight wave and a smile before resting his head on his mate's massive shoulder.

  I grinned back at him, somehow feeling more at ease because of his presence.

  "Bennett and Thompsyn, I think I'd like to see this recruitment site. Foster, if you wouldn't mind accompanying us, and maybe explaining?" At Foster's nod, he turned to his adorable mate. "Ridley––" Flynn pressed a kiss to his mate's bright red head, smiling when the man turned to smile up into the alpha's face
. "Normally, I'd let you sit this one out, because I know you don't like the violent aspect of our lives, but my leopard still doesn't want you out of my sight. I don't think I'd be of any good if you didn't come with me. We can blindfold you if you need."

  "Honestly, I don't think I can leave your side right now without having a panic attack anyway. So, lead on Alpha. Let's go look at some blood and shit."

  Bennett laughed, throwing an arm over the redhead's shoulders. Even though he had to go up on his tiptoes to do it. "That's the spirit, Rid."

  "Ronny," Flynn said, drawing Barron's attention and smirking at the man. "Feel free to sit this one out." He looked pointedly in my direction, and I couldn't help but blush at the implication in his eyes. "Congratulations, by the way."

  "Yes. It seems I already have plans, Alpha." He growled that down into my ear, making me shiver.

  I tried to ignore the alpha's knowing smile as he nodded at the man still holding me to his body from behind before walking out of the house, following Thompsyn, Bennett, Foster and Ridley.

  When we were all that was left in Barron's living room, I suddenly realized how quiet the house was. Not even a TV on, or the sound of the AC whirring. Just the slightly labored breathing of the man with his face currently buried against the skin of my neck, and my own, less than calm heartbeat.

  I gasped when sharp teeth nipped at the sensitive skin. Not from pain, but the way my dick twitched and oozed precum, probably wetting the front of my kaki slacks. Great. No way in hell that wouldn't show.

  "Wh…what now?" I asked, breathless. "Do we date? Mmm." My ear tingled where that too got a stinging nip. "I don't…I'm not…what am I tryna to say?"

  Barron chuckled, his chest vibrating against my back where I had all but melted against him. "Oh, sweet Sutton, we can most certainly date."

  "I don't wanna be a secret," I said seriously, pulling my head up, only to let it roll forward when he licked the knobs at the top of my spine and up my neck. "And I uh––"

  I bit my lip, suddenly nervous, even as my body was trying to bend physics and liquefy.


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