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Sweet Sutton

Page 4

by J. D. Light

  Spinning me slowly, probably knowing I needed to move at a pace that my wobbly legs could keep up with, Barron pressed me into the wall I didn't even know was there. When had we moved? We were suddenly near the bottom of the stairs. Had he been moving us this whole time?

  "What is it, sweet Sutton? I would do anything to make you happy? Just ask."

  "I just don't want to seem too pushy, or like I'm moving too fast," I whispered, staring into his deep chocolate eyes. "I just don't think I'm the type of person who is okay with dating more than one person at a time. And I don't think I can date someone who does either."

  Growling softly, Barron moved his face closer to mine, pinning me with his eyes. "You will not date anyone but me. Do you understand, Sutton? You are mine." He waited for me to nod before adding, "and I will only date you. We are mates. There will be no other."


  What else was there to say? Life had taught me that everything had a down side. There was always a catch. But with this man practically pressing me into the wall with his gorgeous body, mouth inches from mine, telling me that he wanted me…forever and ever, it was really hard to see a down side.

  Of course, my brain wasn't exactly running at maximum output at the moment. There was too much going on with my body for my thinking to be on anything, but the mouth that was close enough to stick my tongue out and taste, or the solid chest that was pressing against mine, or the thick shoulders my fingers were digging into, or the hard, sizable ridge pressing against my balls and leaking erection, or the grip of strong fingers on my ass cheeks as he held me up.

  Wait! When had that happened? I was wrapped around the man like a horny pretzel and I didn't even remember locking my ankles in place behind his back.

  Good to know my body could go on full autopilot if need be.

  "Am I moving too fast for you, sweet Sutton?" Barron brushed his lips against mine slowly, sending tingles straight to my balls when they caught and pulled slightly.

  I licked my lips, knowing I needed to answer him, but my tongue brushed against the corner of his parted mouth, making us both moan.

  "Sutton, you have to answer me. If I'm moving too fast, I need to know before I can't make myself stop."

  Closing my eyes for a second to focus, I cleared my throat. When I opened them again, it was to come face to face with eyes so dark a brown, they were almost black with need.

  "I'm sure, under normal circumstances, it'd be way too fast and I'd probably never be able to look ya in the eyes again. But nothin' about this day has been normal, and I really don't give a flyin' fuck."

  Apparently, that was all he needed to hear. Growling, he nipped at my bottom lip, making me gasp. As soon as my mouth granted him access, he dipped his tongue inside, brushing mine and then dragging the tip forward along the roof of my mouth.

  I groaned so hard, it felt almost ripped from my throat.

  We were moving again. I could only guess that it was upstairs, because every step made my dick grind against his. Whatever was happening, it felt amazing and I hope I didn’t need to be participating any more than I already was, because I couldn't concentrate on anything more than the taste of his mouth and the feel of him against me.

  After the rush to the bedroom, it was actually surprising how gently Barron laid me down on the bed. The cool sheets felt amazing against the overly heated skin of my back, where my shirt was riding up due to Barron's hands constantly running along my body.

  "Did you ever think about this, Sutton?" Barron's voice was deep and harsh as he pulled back to slide off the bed and stand at the end of it. He reached up and pinched one of his perfect disc shaped nipples, before running his fingers down his chest and over the obvious ridge in his sweats.

  My mouth was dry and all I could do was click as I tried to swallow and nod.

  "Did you touch yourself? Did you sit there in the dark with your hand on your dick as you watched me walk around naked?"

  Feeling a bit embarrassed, I bit my lip, but nodded anyway.

  "Show me, sweet Sutton. How did you touch yourself?" He was still running his palm roughly over his cotton covered erection, making the fabric move and gape slightly, teasing me with the hope of seeing his dick.

  I know I should have had even a bit of shame, but everything about the sight before me, told me I needed hands on me. Even if they were my own.

  Sitting up slightly, I ripped my favorite button up shirt open, not caring that buttons went flying. I awkwardly slid my arms from the thing, forgetting how tight the forearms could be when you rolled the sleeves up, and struggling a little too long with the thing, before finally getting it off, and crankily tossing it to the floor.

  My shoes and socks were the next to go, and even though nothing about what I was doing could even kinda be considered sexy, Barron watched me the whole time, squeezing and stroking his dick through his sweats.

  When I finally laid back down, already reaching for my fly, Barron groaned, looking over my body with a lust I'd never seen before in my life.

  "Sweet Sutton, you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen." Dropping his hands too his side, he fisted them tightly, his jaw clinching and unclenching. "I don't think I'm going to last much longer, baby."

  I looked back down at his crotch again, noticing the rather large and growing wet spot on his gray sweats. My stomach quivered, and I groaned, as I involuntarily humped the air. The idea that just looking at my half naked body while he slowly rubbed his dick had made him leak precum to that extreme, had me seconds from coming.

  "Fuck!" Barron growled, snagging his waistband and shoving his pants down his legs. When he straightened again, I got my first eyeful of his gorgeous, naked and hard cock.

  It was magnificent. Red and swollen and veiny, it looked painful. But it also looked like it belonged to me.

  Sitting up quickly, I latched on to it, startled by the sound that came out of Barron's throat.

  Grabbing my wrist, Barron breathed hard, pinching the base of his dick and clearly struggling not to come yet.

  "Shit!" I met his eyes, knowing I probably looked crazy staring up at him in absolute shock. "That might be the hottest thing I've ever seen."

  He smiled, but it was a bit strained. "That accent of yours. Damn, baby. Everything about you is like a fantasy come to life."

  Easing me back on the bed, Barron motioned to my crotch. "Now show me."

  Running my hands down my body, I made my way to my pants. I knew it had to be obvious now that I was struggling not to come myself, but letting him see was somehow hotter. I unbuttoned my pants, and then groaned at the feel of the vibration of the zipper teeth, as I lowered it, stopping for a moment to push up into my hand.

  "Fuck," Barron whispered, bending forward to brace his hands on the bed by my feet.

  He looked wrecked as he watched me inadvertently drive myself crazy while trying to finish getting undressed.

  When I finally released my dick, we both groaned. The air felt amazing against my super heated skin, and Barron looked like he was in some serious pain, as he let his head drop forward between his arms, taking deep breaths.

  I lifted my hips and pushed my pants down to my knees before kicking them off. I didn't wait to latch on to my dick once they were clear of my feet. I couldn't wait anymore. I stroked twice, throwing my head back and moaning so hard it hurt my throat.

  Needing more leverage––and honestly, better access––I spread my legs, placing both my feet on the bed. Barron's head was still hanging forward on his shoulders, and his eyes were closed, making me think I'd been right on the money with him looking like he was in pain.

  Even though I really wanted to see how he reacted when he saw what I was doing, I couldn't stop myself from reaching my free hand between my legs and sliding a finger under my balls, over my taint and down over my hole.

  A deep growl coming from the direction of my lover, made me tremble as I ran my finger over the puckered skin around my hole again and again, before using the
tip to tug on the rim a couple of times.

  I felt the bed shift slightly and then there were hands brushing mine away and a tongue on my balls.

  A tingle erupted down my spine, and I screamed, just as Barron's mouth encircled my cock. One draw on my dick and I was coming, hard down his throat. He whimpered, the fingers of both his hands digging into my hips as he held me down and continued to drink from me.

  I knew I should make an attempt to get up and help him with what I'd already seen was a screaming, angry erection, but I couldn't. Every inch of me was a melted mess on the bed.

  When his mouth finally released me, he rested his head against my hip, breathing hard, and I felt a little guilty and worried that I'd maybe hurt him in some way by losing control, but when his head lulled to the side, I could see the happy smile on his lips.

  "Do ya want me to…uh…help you?"

  Kissing my hip, Barron's brown eyes rolled up to meet mine. They were such a beautiful dark brown. Almost dark enough to swallow up the pupil. "No need, sweet Sutton." He rubbed his nose along the crease between my leg and balls, making me shiver. "I got off when you did."

  "Really?" I asked, shocked. But weren't his hands on my hips? Like they still were? "How?"

  He chuckled, showing off his pretty, straight––but for one tooth not quite in the front, but noticeable–– teeth and the slight crinkles around his eyes. "I should probably be embarrassed, but from what I understand, it's pretty normal to come untouched when you get so worked up and taste your mate. Also, I think I'm way to content right now to be embarrassed."

  "That's amazin'." Biting my lip, I studied this big beautiful man who'd just given me the best orgasm of my life and gotten off just from my taste. How could I possibly be the mate and possible father of the children of this man?

  It was surreal, but not in the way it should be. I should be disbelieving about him being a shifter, living forever, or even me possibly getting pregnant someday. But instead, I was completely blown away by the fact that the man I'd been lusting over for months now, wanted me back!

  "Good thing you're easily impressed, I guess." He smiled, standing, and my eyes couldn't be stopped from running all the way down his body.

  Another wave of amazement ran over me as I took him in. Mine!

  "I'm going to go clean this up," he said, pointing to the cum on his chest and stomach. "Why don't you climb under the blankets and I'll be right back to join you."

  "You want me ta stay?"

  Barron frowned, his head tipping to the side. "Of course. Do you not want to?"

  In answer, I scramble to the top of the bed, grabbing the edge of the blanket and climbing under. As I pulled it up to my chin, smiling, Barron chuckled and headed toward the bathroom.

  Of course, I watched. The guy has a seriously sexy ass!


  I took another deep breath and smiled into soft black hair. Sutton. I almost couldn't believe I'd really found him. Or that he'd been right under my nose.

  Well, he'd been close by. It'd actually taken him being right under my nose for me to know.

  Burying my face even further into my sweet, sweet mate's hair, I simultaneously pressed my already hard cock against his ass.

  The surprised gasp was my first clue, the second was my mate squealing and jumping out of bed, getting his feet tangled in the blankets in the process before falling out on the floor.

  "Sutton!" Whipping the blankets off, I quickly hopped from the bed, scooping my naked mate off of the floor. Checking him for bruises, I sat him on his feet in front of me. "Are you okay?"

  "You're not a dream!"

  "Noooo." I struggled to keep my eyes on his beautiful face while he was standing there naked, but I somehow managed. "I thought we established that last night. Wasn't that what the pinching was all about?"

  "I know. I know. But, we kissed! And did other things. Other really amazin' things. And I'm gonna have the babies of the man I've been lustin' over for months! Nothin' like this ever happens to me."

  The more excited he got, the thicker and hotter his accent got. With him standing there, smelling like that, looking like that and talking like that, I had to reach down and squeeze my dick.

  A gasp from Sutton had my head coming back up—when had I even dropped it––to watch his almond shaped green eyes dilate with lust as he tracked what I was doing.

  "Damn it, Sutton. Every. Single. Thing. About you makes me hot. You have to stop looking at me like that."

  "You're the one touchin' yourself in front of me. How am I supposed to look away from my fantasy on legs with his hand wrapped around his dick? How does that even make sense?"

  Sutton's dick was just as hard, and pointing up at his belly button like an arrow. His hands were clinched at his sides into tight fists.

  "If you're really mine, I can touch you again, right?" My mate's almost whispered voice had deepened, his accent strong, and he took a stutter step forward.

  "Yes!" I barked, biting my lip when his eyes snapped to mine, probably wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

  Smiling slowly, Sutton took another step, then another until he was standing directly in front of me. And then he went down to his knees, and I almost spontaneously orgasmed just from the view of him kneeling on the floor in front of me.

  "I've been wantin' to get this in my mouth since the first time I saw you walk out of those woods, dick swingin' with every step," he whispered in awe, making me feel like a treasure for the first time in a really long time.

  Since my mother was still alive.

  Thankfully, thoughts of my mother were pushed aside, because my mate swallowed me whole. His tight, warm mouth and then throat worked around me until his stretched tight lips and nose pressed against my pubes.

  He hummed, his eyes rolling back in his head like he was in ecstasy, and my balls rolled in their sack. He pulled off, and then slid right back on. Pausing and repeating. The tingle in my spine intensified and I shot.

  He pulled back quickly, taking my dick and pointing it down at his chest as I continued to spurt.

  Still stroking me, Sutton ran a hand through my spunk on his chest, over a nipple and down to grip his dick. And then my beautiful mate made the most erotic sound in the back of his throat as two quick strokes later, he was coming on the floor between my feet, still gripping my dick.

  The whole show was beautiful and amazing, and I stood, stunned as my mate whimpered and let his head fall against my thigh as my dick gave a jerk at the sight he'd made.

  I was still too stunned to move as Sutton rolled his head, still resting on my thigh, up so that his beautiful green eyes met mine. "I may have conditioned your hard wood floors. Don't slip in it when ya walk."

  I blinked at my perfect mate a few moments before even a bit of his statement registered, and then I was laughing and reaching down to scoop my sweet Sutton into my arms. "With you around, I have a feeling my floors are going to be in great condition. How am I ever supposed to function normally when all I want to do is keep you in bed?"

  "Is that normal for mates?"

  "I've always heard it was, but I'd never comprehended the scope until last night when I held you for the first time."

  Smiling softly, Sutton reached up and traced my lower lip with his finger. "I want ta kiss ya so much, right now. But mornin' breath."

  Not giving a shit about morning breath, I leaned in and captured his lips, easily slipping inside, and tasting every inch of his still delicious mouth.

  After pulling apart when we both needed to breathe, I let my forehead rest against his, smiling like a crazy person from absolute happiness.

  My mate was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  "I have ta go into the shop today," Sutton said, running his fingers through the hair on the back of my head.

  I groaned, nuzzling my whiskers against the skin of Sutton's neck. "I do too. I have six cars coming in for oil changes, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to be the one to change Ridley's alternator
. Flynn has been relegated to office duty since Ridley comes to work with him in the mornings. Too many times I've had to abandon everything and run out of there before I saw more than I bargained for."

  Giggling, Sutton let his head fall back so I could attack his collarbones with my whiskered chin. "Gawd, you have ta stop. You'd think I'd be cummed out, but this mate thing is like a whole new level of horny."

  "I know, I know. We'll never make it to work if I don't stop. I will." But I wasn't sure I could. The feel of his skin was mesmerizing. It was this compulsion to rub all over him and mark him with my scent, and abrade his skin.

  "Mmmm. I might also need to borrow a shirt."

  Growling, I nipped at the skin of his neck. I couldn't wait to see my mate in one of my shirts.

  "Oh fuck! I don't understand how I could possibly get any harder! If this keeps up, my poor dick is just gonna pop off."

  Sitting my beautiful burden down on the ground next to my closet, I opened the door, motioning for him to have a look inside. "Take your pick."

  While he peeked around the door, I admired the lines of his bare back and ass, smiling when I noticed the whisker burn on his shoulders and neck.

  When he moved his head back around the door, he had a smirk on his face. "You really just own mostly white t-shirts and jeans."

  My stomach dropped and I had a moment of vertigo as snarky words from non-relationships past came flooding back to me.

  "Hey. Hey, hey, hey," Sutton said, rushing toward me, grabbing my face in his perfect hands. "It's okay. I wasn't making fun of you, I swear. It's cute. I like that you have predictable attire. And I know perfectly well, there is nobody who can fill out a plain white tee quite like you, Barron Franks."

  I hadn't noticed he'd steered us to the bed until he was pushing me to sit down on its edge. "I have other clothes," I said, meeting his concerned eyes. "If you look a little further in the closet, I have some black t-shirts and even some old school shirts. I just keep the white t-shirts in the front because I don't…go…many places. Besides work."

  Pressing his lips to mine, Sutton whispered in to my mouth, "I think I'm just gonna borrow one of your work shirts. Is that okay? It'd be pointless to try to wear anythin' else, because I'm just goin' next door anyway. And like I said, I find your work attire sexy as fuck."


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